List of World Aquatics member federations explained

This is a list of national federations that are members of World Aquatics, the international swimming federations. As at November 30, 2017, there are 209 countries/members (one national federation is allowed per sport nation).[1]

Continental Associations

Members are grouped by continent, and there are 5 continental associations of which they can choose to be a member:[2]

Africa (52)

Africa Aquatics

Americas (45)

PanAm Aquatics

Asia (45)

Asia Aquatics

Europe (52)

European Aquatics

Oceania (16)

Oceania AquaticsNote: The number following each continental name is the number of FINA members which fall into the given geographical area. It is not necessarily the number of members in the continental association.

List of FINA National Federations

This list is based on FINA Directory,[3] with founding and affiliated dates coming from FINA's 2009 membership report.[4]

Code Country Continent Founded Affiliated
AFG Asia 2008
AGU Americas 2017
ALB Europe 1931 1991
ALG Africa 1962 1963
AND Europe 1986 1986
ANG Africa 1976 1980
ANT Americas 1986 1986
ARG Americas 1921 1924
ARM Europe 1993 1993
ARU Americas 1969 1985
ASA Oceania 2003 2004
AUS Oceania 1909 1909
AUT Europe 1899 1909
AZE Europe 1992 1993
BAH Americas 1952
BAN Asia 1974
BAR Americas 1947 1951
BDI Africa 1994 2000
BEL Europe 1902 1908
BEN Africa 2000 2001
BER Americas 1974 1974
BIH Europe 1946/1992 1993
BIZ Americas
BHU Asia 2017
BLR Europe 1959 1992
BOL Americas 1935 1936
BOT Africa 2006
BRA Americas 1977 1978
BRN Asia 1974 1979
BRU Asia 1984
BUL Europe 1931 1933
BUR Africa 2000 2001
CAF Africa 2009 2009
CAM Asia 1994 1996
CAN Americas 1909 1910
CAY Americas 1987
CGO Africa 1970 1976
CHA Africa 2004
CHI Americas 1920 1926
CHN Asia 1957[5] 1979
CIV Africa 1960 1961
CMR Africa 1984
COD Africa 2008
COK Oceania 1998
COL Americas 1939 1940
COM Africa 1998
CPV Africa 2009
CRC Americas 1963
CRO Europe 1991 1992
CUB Americas 1920 1928
CUR Americas 1928
CYP Europe 1972 1973
CZE Europe 1919/1993 1919/1993
DEN Europe 1907 1908
DJI Africa 2009
DMA Americas 1992
DOM Americas 1974 1974
ECU Americas 1982 1982
EGY Africa 1910 1924
ERI Africa 2009
ESA Americas 1950 1950
ESP Europe 1920 1920
EST Europe 1910 1991
ETH Africa 1980 1985
FAR Europe 1981
FIJ Oceania 1963 1964
FIN Europe 1906 1908
FRA Europe 1920[6] 1908
FSM Oceania 1997 1998
GAB Africa
GAM Africa 2009
GBR Europe 1909 1908
GBS Africa 2004
GEO Europe 1991 1992
GEQ Africa 2000 2000
GER Europe 1886 1908
GHA Africa 2004
GIB Europe 1946 1966
GRE Europe 1927 1921
GRN Americas 1992 1992
GUA Americas 1949
GUI Africa
GUM Oceania 1965 1966
GUY Americas 1973 1993
HAI Americas 2014
HKG Asia 1951 1951
HON Americas 1974
HUN Europe 1907 1908
INA Asia 1951 1952
IND Asia 1936
IRI Asia 1946 1947
IRL Europe 1893 1927
IRQ Asia 1956 1957
ISL Europe 1951 1951
ISR Europe 1951 1952
ISV Virgin Islands[7] Americas 1973
ITA Europe 1899 1909
IVB Americas 2008
JAM Americas 1936
JOR Asia 1976 1984
JPN Asia 1920
KAZ Asia 1992 1991
KEN Africa 1953 1954
KGZ Asia 1994 1995
KOR Asia 1946 1948
KOS Europe 2015[8]
KSA Asia 1974 1976
KUW Asia 1964 1968
LAO Asia 1995 2000
LAT Europe 1905/1988 1932/1991
LBA Africa 1963
LBN Asia 1961 1961
LBR Africa 1999 2001
LCA Americas 1988 1989
LES Africa 2001
LIE Europe 1981 1982
LTU Europe 1924/1990 1992
LUX Europe 1924 1924
MAA Americas 2010 2014
MAC Asia 1956 1988
MAD Africa 1964 1992
MAR Africa 1956 1957
MAS Asia 1955 1955
MAW Africa 2000 2000
MDA Europe 1989 1992
MDV Asia 1983 1984
MEX Americas 1959 1960
MGL Asia 1996
MHL Oceania 1987
MKD Europe 1947 1993
MLI Africa 1968/1975
MLT Europe 1925 1928
MNE Europe 2006
MON Europe 1976 1977
MOZ Africa 1980
MRI Africa 1975 1976
MTN Africa 2000 2001
MYA Asia 1948 1952/1994
NAM Africa 1963 1989
NCA Americas 1961 1962
NED Europe 1888 1909
NEP Asia 1984
NGR Africa 1958 1958
NIG Africa 1964
NMA Oceania 1974 1986
NOR Europe 1910[9] 1912
NZL Oceania 1890 1910
OMA Asia 1975 1981
PAK Asia 1948 1948
PAN Americas 1950
PAR Americas 1954
PER Americas 1926 1928
PHI Asia 1927 1928
PLE Asia 1993 1999
PLW Oceania 1996
PNG Oceania 1997
POL Europe 1922 1923
POR Europe 1930 1930
PRK Asia 1946 1964
PUR Americas 1957 1958
QAT Asia 1992 1993
ROU Europe 1930 1923
RSA Africa 1908 1994
RUS Europe 1991 1992
RWA Africa 2000 2000
SAM Oceania 1998 1998
SEN Africa 1962 1962
SEY Africa 1985 1987
SKN Americas 2009
SLE Africa 1990
SLO Europe 1922 1992
SMR Europe 1980 1981
SOL Oceania 2009 1998
SOM Africa 1993 2005
SGP Asia 1939 1993
SRB Europe 1921 1923
SRI Asia 1975 1975
SUD Africa 1961
SUI Europe 1918 1920
SUR Americas 1953 1972
SVK Europe 1990 1993
SWE Europe 1904 1908
SWZ Africa 1979 1980
SYR Asia 1948 1952
TAN Africa 2006 2006
TCN Americas 1996 2001
TGA Oceania 2010
THA Asia 1958 1959
TJK Asia 1996 1996
TKM Asia 1995
TLS Asia
TOG Africa 1984
TPE Asia 1973 1978
TTO Americas 1949 1951
TUN Africa 1957
TUR Europe 1928
UAE Asia 1974 1981
UGA Africa 1995
UKR Europe 1990 1992
URU Americas 1918 1920
USA Americas 1909 1909
UZB Asia 1974 1981
VAN Oceania 2009
VEN Americas 1950 1955
VIE Asia 1963 1952/1983
VIN Americas 1998
YEM Asia 2003
ZAM Africa 1963
ZIM Africa 1915 1980

Note: Netherlands Antilles (AHO) was a member prior to its sports-nation status dissolution in 2011–12; Curaçao and Sint Maarten originated out of that. Tahiti (TAH) was also a member from 1992 onwards, but as of 2016 is no longer listed as a member on FINA's website.

As of 2019, Kiribati, Nauru, South Sudan, São Tomé and Príncipe and Tuvalu are not FINA members.

Anguilla, Curaçao, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Macau, Northern Mariana Islands, Sint Maarten, and Turks and Caicos Islands are not IOC members.

Notes and References

  1. FINA Press Release 2010-02: FINA Bureau Meeting in Bangkok (THA) - Main decisions
  2. Web site: Continental Organisations . 2024-07-13 . World Aquatics . en.
  3. FINA National Federations list
  4. ActionFINA: From Montreal 2005 to Rome 2009 (Volume 5). Published by FINA in 2009.
  5. Aquatics pages
  6. The French Swimming Federation (Fédération Française de Natation, FFN), was created on November 20, 1920; and declared official on December 9, 1920 according to the Statuts et Règlements de la FFN page (trans: Rules and Regulations) of the FFN. This is after its affiliation date with FINA, which most likely means that an initial body/group was a member in 1908 on FINA's founding and that group later changed into/became FFN, upon its official recognition by the Government of France.
  7. Note on ISV: The United States Virgin Islands are referred to as simply "Virgin Islands" and not some variant with a "US" reference in them. This is most likely because for a time the USVIs were the only Virgin Islands that were a member of either the International Olympic Committee or FINA. When the British Virgin Islands became a FINA member (2008), they were given a separate country code (IVB); however, the U.S. Virgin Islands country label was not changed--it has remained "Virgin Islands".
  8. News: FINA granted full membership to Kosovo. in News. InSerbia Network Foundation. 20 February 2015.
  9.,438 Norwegian Swimming Federation