List of bishops of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America explained

This list consists of the bishops in The Episcopal Church, an independent province of the Anglican Communion. This shows the historical succession of the episcopate within this church.

Key to chart

The number references the sequence of consecration. Two capital letters before their number identify bishops consecrated for missionary work outside of the United States. "Diocese" refers to the diocese for which the individual was ordained. Note, this does not mean it was the only diocese that bishop presided over. For example, the Diocese of Delaware was under the supervision of the Diocese of Pennsylvania under William White. "PB" refers to whether the bishop became a Presiding Bishop in TEC and, if so, which number in the sequence.

Under consecrators, one finds numbers or letters referencing previous bishops on the list. If a series of letters is under "Consecrators", then the consecrators were bishops or archbishops from outside of the ECUSA:

Chart of bishop succession

The Roman numeral before the diocese name represents where in the sequence that bishop falls; e.g., the fourth bishop of Pennsylvania is written "IV Pennsylvania". Where a diocese is in bold type it indicates that the bishop is a current bishop of that diocese.


1Samuel SeaburyKIL PET SKI1784I Connecticut, I Rhode IslandPB2
2William WhiteMOO MAR MOS HIN1787I PennsylvaniaPB1 & PB4
3Samuel ProvoostMOO MAR MOS HIN1787I New YorkPB3
4James MadisonMOO POR THO1790I Virginia
5Thomas John Clagett3 1 2 41792I Maryland
6Robert Smith2 3 4 51795I South Carolina
7Edward Bass2 3 51797I Massachusetts, II Rhode Island[1]
8Abraham Jarvis2 3 71797II Connecticut
9Benjamin Moore2 5 81801II New York
10Samuel Parker2 5 8 91804II Massachusetts
11John Henry Hobart2 3 81811III New York
12Alexander Viets Griswold2 3 81811Eastern Diocese (simultaneously III Massachusetts, III Rhode Island and I New Hampshire).[2] [3] PB5
13Theodore Dehon2 8 111812II South Carolina
14Richard Channing Moore2 11 12 131814II Virginia
15James Kemp2 11 141814Maryland (Suffragan), II Maryland
16John Croes2 11 151815I New Jersey
17Nathaniel Bowen2 11 15 161818III South Carolina
18Philander Chase2 11 15 161819I Ohio, I Illinois (Chicago)[4] PB6
19Thomas Church Brownell2 11 121819III ConnecticutPB7
20John Stark Ravenscroft2 12 15 16 17 191823I North Carolina
21Henry U. Onderdonk2 11 151827II Pennsylvania[5]
22William Meade2 11 121829III Virginia
23William Murray Stone2 14 211830III Maryland
24Benjamin T. Onderdonk2 19 211830IV New York
25Levi Silliman Ives2 21 241831II North Carolina
26John Henry Hopkins2 12 171832I VermontPB8
27Benjamin B. Smith2 19 211832I KentuckyPB9
28Charles Pettit McIlvaine2 12 221832II Ohio
29George Washington Doane2 24 251832II New Jersey[6]
30James Hervey Otey2 21 241834I Tennessee, Arkansas (Provisional), Missionary, Mississippi and Indian Territory
31Jackson Kemper2 14 1818351st missionary bishop to Northwest, I Indiana (Indianapolis), Missionary, Missouri; Kansas, I Wisconsin (Milwaukee)
32Samuel A. McCoskry21 29 311836I Michigan
33Leonidas Polk22 27 281838Missionary to Southwest; I Arkansas, I Louisiana
34William H. DeLancey12 21 241839I Western New York
35Christopher Edwards Gadsden12 29 321840IV South Carolina
36William Rollinson Whittingham12 14 241840IV Maryland
37Stephen Elliott22 25 351841I Georgia[7] CSA-PB
38Alfred Lee12 14 181841I DelawarePB10
39John Johns12 22 251842IV Virginia
40Manton Eastburn12 19 241842IV Massachusetts
41John Prentiss Kewley Henshaw19 24 261843IV Rhode Island
42Carlton Chase18 19 241844II New Hampshire
43Nicholas H. Cobbs18 22 281844I Alabama
44Cicero Stephens Hawks18 31 321844I Missouri
45William Jones Boone (father)18 29 3018441st overseas missionary bishop, I Shanghai[8]
46George W. Freeman18 31 331844Texas (Provisional), II Arkansas
47Horatio Southgate18 36 371844Missionary to the Syriac Orthodox Church (Mardin, Turkey)[9]
48Alonzo Potter18 19 291845III Pennsylvania[10]
49George Burgess18 19 401847I Maine
50George Upfold27 28 311849II Indiana (Indianapolis)
51William Mercer Green (grandfather)30 33 431850I Mississippi[11]
52John Payne22 38 391851Missionary, Cape Palmas (I Liberia)
53Francis Huger Rutledge35 37 431851I Florida
54John Williams19 26 341851IV Connecticut, Mexico (Provisional)PB11
55Henry John Whitehouse19 38 401851II Illinois (Chicago)
56Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright19 29 311852
57Thomas F. Davis19 26 271853V South Carolina
58Thomas Atkinson19 28 291853III North Carolina
59William Ingraham Kip31 38 451853Missionary, California; I California
60Thomas Fielding Scott37 43 571854Missionary, Oregon and Washington territories; I Oregon
61Henry W. Lee26 32 341854I Iowa, Kansas (Provisional)
62Horatio Potter19 26 291854New York (Provisional), VI New York
63Thomas M. Clark19 26 291854V Rhode IslandPB12
64Samuel Bowman31 34 381858Pennsylvania (Suffragan)
65Alexander Gregg26 27 301859I Texas
66William Henry Odenheimer22 32 361859III New Jersey, I Northern New Jersey (Newark)
67Gregory T. Bedell22 28 391859III Ohio
68Henry Benjamin Whipple31 34 431859I Minnesota
69Henry C. Lay22 28 331859III Arkansas, I Easton
70Joseph C. Talbot31 27 441860Missionary, Northwest; III Indiana (Indianapolis)
71William Bacon Stevens26 38 481862IV Pennsylvania
72Richard Hooker Wilmer22 37 391862II Alabama[12]
73Thomas Hubbard Vail31 55 611864I Kansas
74Arthur Cleveland Coxe26 49 581865II Western New York
75Charles Todd Quintard26 49 581865II Tennessee
76Robert Harper Clarkson26 31 321865Missionary, Nebraska, Dakota Territory; I Nebraska
77George M. Randall26 27 401865Missionary, Colorado and adjacent
78John Barrett Kerfoot26 28 361866I Pittsburgh
79Channing Moore Williams26 38 391866Missionary, II Shanghai and Japan
80Joseph Pere Bell Wilmer26 51 721866II Louisiana
81George David Cummins26 27 611866Kentucky (Assistant)REC-PB1
82William Edmond Armitage31 32 611866II Wisconsin (Milwaukee)
83Henry A. Neely26 54 621867II Maine
84Daniel S. Tuttle26 62 661867Missionary, I Montana, I Boise (Idaho), and I Utah, III MissouriPB13
85John F. Young26 52 651867II Florida
86John W. Beckwith51 58 721868II Georgia
87Francis McNeece Whittle39 38 671868V Virginia
88William Henry Augustus Bissell32 54 621868II Vermont
89Charles Franklin Robertson27 32 391868II Missouri
90Benjamin Wistar Morris38 66 731868Missionary, Oregon and Washington territories; II Oregon
91Abram Newkirk Littlejohn62 39 661869I Long Island
92William Croswell Doane62 66 831869I Albany
93Frederic Dan Huntington27 40 621869I Central New York[13]
94Ozi William Whitaker28 38 401869Missionary, Nevada and Arizona; V Pennsylvania
95Henry Niles Pierce51 55 721870IV Arkansas
96William Woodruff Niles27 54 831870III New Hampshire
97William Pinkney27 39 581870V Maryland
98William Bell White Howe27 36 571871VI South Carolina
99Mark Antony De Wolfe Howe27 28 381871I Central Pennsylvania (now Bethlehem)
100William Hobart Hare27 38 541873Missionary, Niobrara, Dakota; I South Dakota


101John Gottlieb Auer27 38 521873Missionary, Cape Palmas (II Liberia)
102Benjamin Henry Paddock27 38 541873V Massachusetts[14]
103Theodore B. Lyman36 58 691873IV North Carolina
104John Franklin Spalding32 67 701873Missionary, Colorado; I Colorado
105Edward R. Welles (grandfather)27 54 581874III Wisconsin/Milwaukee
106Robert W. B. Elliott65 72 751874Missionary, I Western Texas
MH1James Theodore Holly27 38 621874I Haiti
107John Henry Ducachet Wingfield39 58 691874Missionary, I Northern California
108Alexander Charles Garrett76 84 1001874Missionary, Northern Texas; I DallasPB14
109William Forbes Adams51 80 861875Missionary, Arizona and New Mexico; II Easton
110Thomas Underwood Dudley27 39 711875II Kentucky
111John Scarborough62 71 781875IV New Jersey[15]
112George D. Gillespie32 70 881875I Western Michigan
113Thomas Augustus Jaggar27 38 621875I Southern Ohio
114William Edward McLaren32 67 681875III Chicago
115John Henry Hobart Brown62 88 921875I Fond du Lac
116William Stevens Perry71 74 781876II Iowa
117Charles Clifton Penick58 87 971877Missionary, Cape Palmas (III Liberia)[16]
118Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky27 62 671877Missionary, III Shanghai
119Alexander Burgess27 54 631878I Quincy
120George William Peterkin67 78 871878I West Virginia
121George Franklin Seymour62 66 691878I Springfield
MM1H. Chauncey Riley38 67 711879Missionary, Mexico
122Samuel Smith Harris72 70 761879II Michigan
123Thomas A. Starkey63 73 911880II Northern New Jersey/Newark
124John Nicholas Galleher51 71 891880III Louisiana
125George Kelly Dunlop68 89 1021880Missionary, Arizona and New Mexico
126Leigh Raymond Brewer93 84 881880Missionary, Montana; II Montana
127John A. Paddock27 38 621880Missionary, Washington state (Olympia)
128Cortlandt Whitehead71 67 991882II Pittsburgh
129Hugh Miller Thompson51 72 1221883II Mississippi
130David Buel Knickerbacker74 89 1031883IV Indiana (Indianapolis)
131Henry C. Potter27 54 631883VII New York
132Alfred Magill Randolph38 98 1101883Virginia (Coadjutor), I Southern Virginia
133William D. Walker63 74 761883III Western New York, I North Dakota
134Alfred A. Watson51 83 981884I East Carolina
135William Jones Boone (son)79 MOU SCO1884Missionary, IV Shanghai
136Nelson Somerville Rulison38 99 1141884II Central Pennsylvania (now Bethlehem)
137William Paret38 71 991885VI Maryland
138George Worthington74 100 1141885II Nebraska
139Samuel David Ferguson38 71 911885Missionary, Cape Palmas (IV Liberia)
140Edwin Gardner Weed75 98 1061886III Florida
141Mahlon Norris Gilbert38 67 681886Minnesota (Coadjutor)
142Elisha Smith Thomas68 73 841887II Kansas
143Ethelbert Talbot68 73 841887Missionary, I Wyoming, II Boise (Idaho), III Central Pennsylvania/Bethlehem (name changed 1909)PB15
144James S. Johnston72 110 1221888Missionary, II Western Texas/West Texas
145Abiel Leonard73 75 841888Missionary, Utah and Nevada; II Utah, Western Colorado (administered)
146Leighton Coleman99 94 1091888II Delaware
147Miles Kendrick84 110 1301889Missionary, Arizona and New Mexico
148Boyd Vincent104 110 1171889II Southern Ohio
149Cyrus F. Knight114 116 1191889IV Milwaukee
150Charles Chapman Grafton114 119 1211889II Fond du Lac
151William Andrew Leonard54 68 921889IV Ohio
152Thomas Frederick Davies (father)54 68 841889III Michigan[17]
153Anson Rogers Graves84 100 1191890I The Platte (renamed Laramie, Kearney)
154William Ford Nichols54 75 831890II California[18]
155Edward Robert Atwill84 114 1211890I Kansas City (West Missouri)
156Henry Melville Jackson72 98 1201891Alabama (Assistant)
157Davis Sessums75 84 1081891IV Louisiana
158Phillips Brooks54 63 681891VI Massachusetts
159Isaac Lea Nicholson114 94 1091891V Milwaukee
160Cleland Kinloch Nelson75 98 1031892III Georgia, I Atlanta
161Charles R. Hale116 121 1331892Springfield (Coadjutor)
162George Herbert Kinsolving72 75 941892II Texas[19]
163Lemuel H. Wells54 83 901892I Spokane
164William Crane Gray75 110 1401892Missionary, Southern Florida[20] [21]
165Francis Key Brooke84 95 1041892Missionary, Oklahoma and Indian Territory
166William Morris Barker90 104 1141893I Western Colorado
Missionary, Washington state (Olympia)
167John McKim91 103 1101893Missionary, I North Tokyo (North Kwanto)
168Frederick R. Graves91 103 1101893Missionary, V Shanghai, Northern California (interim)
169Ellison Capers103 134 1401893VII South Carolina[22]
170Thomas F. Gailor75 110 1161893III Tennessee
171William Lawrence54 63 831893VII Massachusetts[23]
172Joseph Blount Cheshire103 134 1691893V North Carolina
173Arthur Crawshay Alliston Hall83 96 1461894III Vermont
174John B. Newton87 110 1201894Virginia (Coadjutor)
175John H. White84 114 1281895V Indiana (Indianapolis), I Michigan City (Northern Indiana)
176Frank Rosebrook Millspaugh68 84 1041895III Kansas
177Peter Trimble Rowe92 94 1231895I Alaska
178Lewis W. Burton110 120 1321896I Lexington
179Joseph H. Johnson152 138 1431896I Los Angeles
180Henry Y. Satterlee74 93 1101896I Washington
181G. Mott Williams84 75 1141897I Marquette (Northern Michigan), Europe (Suffragan in charge)
182James Dow Morrison92 93 1111897I Duluth
183Chauncey B. Brewster91 92 941897V Connecticut[24]
184Robert Atkinson Gibson87 117 1201897VI Virginia
185William N. McVickar92 94 1131898VI Rhode Island
186William Montgomery Brown114 121 1281898V Arkansas
187Junius Horner172 134 1691898Missionary, Asheville; I Western North Carolina
MB1Lucien Lee Kinsolving110 92 11118991st Missionary Bishop to Brazil (Southern Brazil)
188William Hall Moreland154 145 1471899II Northern California
189Samuel Cook Edsall114 121 1331899II North Dakota, II Minnesota
190Theodore N. Morrison114 121 1331899III Iowa
191James Bowen Funsten84 94 1171899III Boise/Idaho
192Joseph Marshall Francis114 121 1521899VI Indiana/Indianapolis
193Arthur L. Williams138 104 1531899III Nebraska
194William Loyall Gravatt87 117 1201899II West Virginia[25]
195Sidney Catlin Partridge167 118 1681900Missionary, I Kyoto; II West Missouri
196Robert Codman96 92 931900III Maine
197Charles P. Anderson114 112 1211900IV ChicagoPB17
198Robert Woodward Barnwell129 140 1441900III Alabama
199Reginald Heber Weller150 114 1591900III Fond du Lac
200Frederick W. Taylor121 150 1591901II Quincy


201Cameron Mann84 143 1551901III North Dakota, Missionary, Southern Florida; I South Florida[26]
202Charles Brent92 131 1711901Missionary, Philippines; IV Western New York
203Frederick W. Keator114 100 1591902Missionary, I Olympia
204Frederick Burgess131 92 1111902II Long Island
205James Addison Ingle168 167 1951902Missionary, I Hankou
206Alexander Hamilton Vinton152 93 1731902I Western Massachusetts
207Charles Sanford Olmstead84 144 1451902II Colorado
208Alexander Mackay-Smith92 111 1281902VI Pennsylvania
209James H. Van Buren120 171 1731902I Puerto Rico
210Henry Bond Restarick154 113 1471902Missionary, Honolulu (Hawaii)
211Charles Tyler Olmstead93 96 1311902II Central New York
212Charles Minnigerode Beckwith110 108 1571902IV Alabama
213Sheldon Munson Griswold92 121 1331903Missionary Salina (Western Kansas); V Chicago
214Theodore DuBose Bratton110 140 1441903III Mississippi
215Edwin S. Lines84 92 1111903III Newark
216M. Edward Fawcett84 121 1501904III Quincy
217David H. Greer131 92 941904VIII New York
218Richard H. Nelson92 94 1331904II Albany
219Edward William Osborne121 131 1501904II Springfield
220Robert Strange (bishop)169 132 1721904II East Carolina
221Logan H. Roots168 167 1711904Missionary, II Hankou
222Franklin S. Spalding84 94 1111904III Utah
223Henry D. Aves108 144 1571904Missionary, Mexico
224Albion W. Knight84 140 1571904I Cuba, New Jersey (Coadjutor)
225Charles E. Woodcock84 121 1381905III Kentucky
226James Henry Darlington94 121 1281905IV Harrisburg (now Central Pennsylvania)
227Frederick Foote Johnson84 94 1131905II South Dakota, IV Missouri
228Charles D. Williams84 113 1481906IV Michigan
229Edward M. Parker96 171 1731906IV New Hampshire
230John N. McCormick84 112 1601906II Western Michigan
231William Walter Webb159 150 1751906VI Milwaukee
232Charles Scadding84 121 1281906III Oregon
233Beverley D. Tucker132 120 1721906II Southern Virginia[27]
234William A. Guerry84 140 1701907VIII South Carolina
235Robert L. Paddock84 131 1801907Missionary, I Eastern Oregon
236Edward J. Knight111 143 2081907II Western Colorado
237Henry Douglas Robinson84 150 1891908Missionary, Nevada
238Frederick F. Reese160 140 1701908IV Georgia
239Frederick Joseph Kinsman84 94 961908III Delaware
240Alfred Harding84 109 1111909II Washington
241Nathaniel S. Thomas84 94 1111909II Wyoming
242Benjamin Brewster84 154 1831909IV Maine, III Western Colorado
243John Gardner Murray137 109 1321909VII MarylandPB16
244Arthur Selden Lloyd84 120 1321909Virginia (Coadjutor), New York (Suffragan)
245George A. Beecher84 108 1531910II Kearney (The Platte)
246Edward A. Temple84 108 1441910Missionary, North Texas (Northwest Texas)
247James De Wolf Perry84 126 1711911VII Rhode IslandPB18
248Julius W. Atwood171 173 1831911Missionary, Arizona
249Theodore Payne Thurston84 126 1651911Missionary, Oklahoma and Indian Territory; I Eastern Oklahoma
250Louis Childs Sanford154 179 1881911I San Joaquin
251Charles Sumner Burch217 92 1111911IX New York
252Rogers Israel128 143 1481911I Erie (Northwestern Pennsylvania)
253James Ridout Winchester84 140 1621911VI Arkansas[28]
254Thomas Frederick Davies Jr. (son)84 171 1831911II Western Massachusetts
255Philip M. Rhinelander84 128 1711911VII Pennsylvania
256Thomas J. Garland84 111 1281911VIII Pennsylvania
257William Edward Toll84 151 1751911Chicago (Suffragan)
258Henry St. George Tucker167 FYF LEA1912Missionary, II Kyoto; VIII Virginia PB19
259Daniel Trumbull Huntington168 221 CAS MOL1912Missionary, I Anqing
260George Biller Jr.84 126 1651912III South Dakota
261Harry S. Longley84 190 1931912IV Iowa
262Frank A. McElwain84 189 1931912III Minnesota
263William Farrar Weeks173 218 2291913Vermont (Coadjutor)
264Theodore I. Reese148 151 1711913III Southern Ohio
265Samuel G. Babcock171 196 2021913Massachusetts (Suffragan)
266Charles B. Colmore84 140 1701913II Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic (bishop in charge)
267John Poyntz Tyler84 120 1321914IV North Dakota
268Frank du Moulin151 128 1481914Ohio (Coadjutor)
269Frederick Bingham Howden84 143 1481914Missionary, New Mexico and Southwest Texas
270William T. Capers84 140 1441914III West Texas
271William Cabell Brown84 132 1841914VII Virginia
272William F. Faber84 126 1511914III Montana
273George Coolidge Hunting84 154 1791914Missionary, Nevada
274Paul Jones84 154 1791914IV Utah
275Thomas C. Darst84 172 1871915III East Carolina
276Walter Taylor Sumner197 151 1751915IV Oregon
277Hiram Richard Hulse217 151 1631915II Cuba
278Paul Matthews148 151 1921915V New Jersey
279Herman Page (father)84 163 1711915II Spokane, IV Idaho, V Michigan, IV Northern Michigan (Provisional)
280George Y. Bliss173 196 2291915Vermont (Coadjutor)
281Charles Fiske84 199 2111915III Central New York
282Wilson R. Stearly215 128 1431915IV Newark
283Edward Campion Acheson183 171 2151915VI Connecticut
284James Wise84 162 1771916IV Kansas
285Hugh L. Burleson84 171 1891916IV South Dakota
286Irving P. Johnson84 189 1931917III Colorado
287Frank H. Touret84 270 2721917IV Western Colorado, V Idaho
288Granville Hudson Sherwood84 190 1931917III Springfield
289Edwin Warren Saphore84 162 1951917VII Arkansas
290Arthur C. Thomson84 132 1721917III Southern Virginia
291Harry T. Moore84 108 1621917II Dallas
292Henry J. Mikell170 140 1641917II Atlanta
293William P. Remington84 228 2491918South Dakota (Suffragan), II Eastern Oregon, Pennsylvania (Suffragan)
294John C. Sage84 190 1931918Missionary, Salina (Western Kansas)
295Robert L. Harris84 151 1751918II Marquette (Northern Michigan)
296Edward Thomas Demby84 170 1951918Arkansas (Suffragan)[29]
297Clinton S. Quin84 223 2251918III Texas
298Henry Beard Delany172 233 2751918North Carolina (Suffragan)
299William Mercer Green (grandson)84 157 1701919IV Mississippi
300Ernest Vincent Shayler203 163 2721919IV Nebraska


301Troy Beatty84 170 2531919Tennessee (Coadjutor)
302Edward L. Parsons154 179 1881919III California
303Walter H. Overs84 226 2521919Missionary, V Liberia
304James Craik Morris84 170 2241920I Central America and Panama Canal Zone, V Louisiana
305Frank Mosher168 259 2581920Missionary, Philippines
306Robert Carter Jett84 233 1941920I Southwestern Virginia
307Arthur W. Moulton84 171 1731920V Utah
308George W. Davenport84 233 1511920III Easton
309W. Bertrand Stevens179 154 1671920II Los Angeles
310David Lincoln Ferris202 128 1731920V Western New York, I Rochester
311Philip Cook84 143 2011920IV Delaware
312Herbert H. H. Fox84 184 2621920VI Idaho, IV Montana
313Granville G. Bennett84 151 1921920II Duluth, VIII Rhode Island
314Robert H. Mize Sr.84 213 2451921Missionary, Salina (Western Kansas)[30]
315Kirkman G. Finlay234 172 2381921South Carolina (Coadjutor), I Upper South Carolina
316William T. Manning84 148 1711921X New York
317Fred Ingley84 286 1281921IV Colorado
318Theophilus Momolu Gardiner84 170 2441921Missionary, Liberia (Suffragan)
319John Dominique LaMothe84 243 2331921Missionary, Honolulu (Hawaii)
320John C. Ward84 128 1481921II Erie (Northwestern Pennsylvania)
321Herbert Shipman84 316 2151921New York (Suffragan)
322Edwin A. Penick172 234 2751922VI North Carolina
323James M. Maxon170 216 2251922IV Tennessee
324William G. McDowell170 210 2331922V Alabama
325G. Ashton Oldham218 151 3161922III Albany
326Charles Lewis Slattery171 233 2651922VIII Massachusetts
327W. Blair Roberts84 285 2861922V South Dakota
328Harry Roberts Carson84 170 3161923Missionary, II Haiti, Dominican Republic[31]
329Alexander Mann201 171 2151923III Pittsburgh
330James E. Freeman170 171 2431923III Washington
331Robert E. L. Strider194 271 3291923III West Virginia
332Frank W. Sterrett143 226 1941923IV Bethlehem
MP1Manuel Ferrando170 316 2441923Puerto Rico (Suffragan)
333Charles S. Reifsnider167 179 1511924II North Kwanto
334Edward M. Cross262 261 3301924III Spokane
335John Chanler White143 216 1971924IV Springfield
336Edward H. Coley143 244 3101924IV Central New York
337Frank A. Juhan143 253 3151924IV Florida
338Eugene Cecil Seaman170 162 2701925Missionary, North Texas (Northwest Texas); Oklahoma (acting)
339Samuel B. Booth173 229 2471925IV Vermont
340Alfred A. Gilman168 259 2211925Missionary, III Hankou
341Warren L. Rogers151 279 1481925V Ohio
342Campbell Gray199 216 2311925II Northern Indiana
343Benjamin F. P. Ivins231 199 2131925VII Milwaukee
344Simeon Arthur Huston162 270 3091925II Olympia
345John D. Wing201 238 1701925II South Florida
346Ernest M. Stires143 243 3161925III Long Island
347Robert E. Campbell143 170 3031925Missionary, VI Liberia
348William M. M. Thomas143 172 MB11925Southern Brazil
349Middleton S. Barnwell143 170 2121925VII Idaho, V Georgia
350Walter Mitchell243 278 2481926Missionary, Arizona[32]
351Frank W. Creighton243 218 2561926Mexico, Long Island (Suffragan), VI Michigan[33]
352Shirley Hall Nichols167 333 LEA (et al.)1926Missionary, III Kyoto, Salina (Western Kansas)
353John T. Dallas243 173 1711926V New Hampshire
354Edward T. Helfenstein243 194 2331926VIII Maryland
355Thomas Casady243 190 2451927Missionary, Oklahoma and Indian Territory; I Oklahoma
356Albert Sidney Thomas243 172 2141928IX South Carolina
357Norman S. Binsted243 167 2581928Missionary, I Tohoku, III Philippines
358Thomas Jenkins243 177 2501928Missionary, Nevada
359John Insley Blair Larned243 177 2501929Long Island (Suffragan)
360Frank E. Wilson243 170 1971929I Eau Claire
361Henry Pryor Almon Abbott243 178 2251929II Lexington
362Francis M. Taitt256 226 2411929IX Pennsylvania
363Harwood Sturtevant199 213 2311929IV Fond du Lac
364Elmer N. Schmuck197 238 2411929III Wyoming
365Cameron Josiah Davis310 281 2851930VI Western New York
366S. Harrington Littell285 167 2101930Missionary, Hawaii
367Hayward S. Ablewhite285 230 2791930III Marquette/Northern Michigan
368Henry W. Hobson148 151 1941930IV Southern Ohio
369William Scarlett148 227 2481930V Missouri
370Robert Burton Gooden309 188 2501930Los Angeles (Suffragan)[34]
371George Craig Stewart247 213 2251930VI Chicago
372Henry Knox Sherrill247 171 2211930IX Massachusetts[35] PB20
373Frederick D. Goodwin258 194 2441930IX Virginia
374Charles Kendall Gilbert247 224 2441930XI New York
375Robert N. Spencer270 216 2271930III West Missouri
376Benjamin Tibbets Kemerer269 230 2621931III Duluth, Minnesota (Suffragan)
377Hunter Wyatt-Brown247 310 3201931V Harrisburg (now Central Pennsylvania)[36]
378Stephen E. Keeler269 230 2621931IV Minnesota
379John Boyd Bentley247 170 1771931II Alaska
380Efraín Salinas247 170 2441931I Mexico
381Frederick G. Budlong247 183 2421931VII Connecticut
382Frederick B. Bartlett285 250 3171931V North Dakota, VIII Idaho
383Benjamin M. Washburn247 224 2441932V Newark
384Ralph E. Urban247 224 2781932New Jersey (Suffragan)
385Archie W. N. Porter188 250 3021933III Northern California
386Robert E. Gribbin247 322 2751934II Western North Carolina
387John W. NicholsNOR 168 3401934Missionary, Shanghai (Suffragan)
388Theodore R. Ludlow247 282 3111936Newark (Suffragan)
389Benjamin D. Dagwell278 177 2501936V Oregon
390Leopold Kroll247 244 3161936Missionary, VII Liberia
391Vedder Van Dyck247 353 3721936V Vermont
392Bartel H. Reinheimer247 281 3101936II Rochester
393Charles Clingman247 178 2251936IV Kentucky
394Lewis Bliss Whittemore247 230 3421936III Western Michigan
395Wallace J. Gardner278 188 3111936VI New Jersey
396William Leopold Essex247 192 2611936IV Quincy
397Winfred Hamlin Ziegler371 177 2451936IV Wyoming
398William Appleton Lawrence171 247 2421937III Western Massachusetts
399Harry Beal309 250 3701937II Central America and Panama Canal Zone
400Douglass H. Atwill378 261 2621937VI North Dakota


401Goodrich R. Fenner284 270 2861937V Kansas
402William P. RobertsNOR 168 ROB1937Missionary, VI Shanghai, Kiangsu, (Holy Catholic Church in China)
403Robert F. Wilner305 333 HAL1937Missionary, Philippines (Suffragan)
404Raymond A. Heron258 171 2421938Massachusetts (Suffragan)
405William A. Brown258 275 3061938IV Southern Virginia
406Charles C. J. Carpenter258 214 2701938VI Alabama
407Edmund P. Dandridge258 214 2661938V Tennessee
408Henry D. Phillips258 275 2921938II Southwestern Virginia
409Beverley Dandridge Tucker (son)258 194 2751938VI Ohio
410Malcolm E. Peabody258 248 3071938V Central New York
411Karl M. Block302 309 3581938IV California
412Richard Bland Mitchell350 214 2891938VIII Arkansas
413Richard A. Kirchhoffer258 342 3491939VII Indianapolis
414Arthur R. McKinstry258 309 3201939V Delaware
415Hugo Blankingship258 266 3281939III Cuba
416Spence Burton258 247 2861939Haiti (Suffragan), IX Bahamas (West Indies)
417John J. Gravatt258 194 2751939II Upper South Carolina
418William McClelland258 268 3081939IV Easton
419Henry H. Daniels312 307 3441939V Montana
420Edwin J. Randall258 177 2621939Chicago (Suffragan)
421Howard R. Brinker258 245 3001940V Nebraska
422Athalicio T. Pithan348 380 4151940Southern Brazil
423John Long Jackson258 275 2921940VI Louisiana
424Walter H. Gray258 247 3811940VIII Connecticut
425Lloyd R. Craighill402 NOR TSE1940Missionary, II Anqing
426Wallace E. Conkling258 347 3951941VII Chicago
427Oliver Leland Loring258 247 3911941V Maine[37]
428Noble C. Powell258 354 3301941IX Maryland
429James M. Stoney258 406 4121942Missionary, New Mexico and Southwest Texas; I Rio Grande
430Frank A. Rhea307 334 3581942IX Idaho
431James P. DeWolfe258 316 3461942IV Long Island
432William F. Lewis258 307 3581942Missionary, Nevada; IV Olympia
433W. Roy Mason258 306 3731942Virginia (Suffragan)
434John M. Walker258 337 4121942III Atlanta
435Oliver J. Hart258 330 3621942X Pennsylvania
436Herman Page (son)258 351 3941942V Northern Michigan
437Duncan M. Gray (father)258 214 4121943V Mississippi[38]
438J. Thomas Heistand258 332 4351943VI Harrisburg (now Central Pennsylvania)[39]
439Edward Pinkney Wroth258 329 3311943III Erie (Northwestern Pennsylvania)
440Everett H. Jones258 401 4141943IV West Texas
441C. Alfred Voegeli258 325 3831943III Haiti, Dominican Republic (in charge)
442Charles F. Boynton266 343 3951944III Puerto Rico, New York (Suffragan)
443Sumner F. D. Walters258 250 3091944II San Joaquin
444Harry S. Kennedy258 317 3501944Missionary, Hawaii; I Taiwan
445Austin Pardue258 365 4211944IV Pittsburgh
446Angus Dun258 372 3681944IV Washington
447Thomas N. Carruthers258 323 3561944X South Carolina
448Elwood L. Haines258 406 4231944V Iowa
449William W. Horstick258 363 4201944II Eau Claire
450Reginald Mallett343 363 3951944III Northern Indiana
451Bravid W. Harris258 405 3221945Missionary, VIII Liberia
452Conrad H. Gesner258 327 3781945VI South Dakota
453Donald B. Aldrich258 251 3741945Michigan (Coadjutor)
454Reginald H. Gooden258 370 4151945III Central America and Panama Canal Zone/Panama and the Canal Zone[40]
455Henry I. Louttit345 350 4161945III South Florida, I Central Florida[41]
456Arthur B. Kinsolving258 350 4091945I Arizona
457Frederick L. Barry258 325 3461945IV Albany
458C. Avery Mason258 291 4261945III Dallas
459Alfred L. Banyard258 383 3951945VII New Jersey
460Tom Wright258 275 4281945IV East Carolina
461John E. Hines258 297 4111945IV TexasPB22
462William R. Moody258 393 3681945III Lexington
463Richard S. M. Emrich258 262 3511946VII Michigan
464Harold E. Sawyer258 320 4101946IV Erie (Northwestern Pennsylvania)
465Lane W. Barton258 368 3781946III Eastern Oregon
466George H. Quarterman258 355 4011946Missionary, North Texas; I Northwest Texas
467Stephen C. Clark258 307 3091946VI Utah
468Norman B. Nash372 353 3981947X Massachusetts
469Stephen F. Bayne Jr.372 344 4241947III Olympia
470Harold L. Bowen372 317 4261947V Colorado
471Richard T. Loring372 335 4261947V Springfield
472Horace W. B. Donegan372 374 4681947XII New York
473George P. Gunn372 306 4051948V Southern Virginia
474Charles F. Hall372 353 4681948VI New Hampshire
475Louis C. Melcher372 407 4171948I Central Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
476James Wilson Hunter372 397 4401948V Wyoming
477Francis Eric Bloy258 302 3701948III Los Angeles
478Lauriston L. Scaife372 365 4201948VII Western New York
479William J. Gordon Jr.372 322 3791948III Alaska, Michigan (Assistant)
480Russell S. Hubbard343 335 4451948Michigan (Suffragan), IV Spokane
481Charles A. Clough343 335 4271948VI Springfield
482Theodore N. Barth372 323 4071948VI Tennessee
483M. George Henry258 408 4471948III Western North Carolina
484E. Hamilton West372 337 3491948V Florida
485Walter M. Higley372 336 4101948VI Central New York
486Jonathan G. Sherman372 394 4311949V Long Island
487Donald J. Campbell372 302 4771949Los Angeles (Suffragan)
488Girault M. Jones372 337 4171949VII Louisiana
489Randolph R. Claiborne Jr.258 406 4281949Alabama (Suffragan), V Atlanta
490Robert F. Gibson Jr.258 373 4331949X Virginia
491J. Gillespie Armstrong372 293 4351949XI Pennsylvania
492Charles L. Street372 343 4261949Chicago (Suffragan)
493Allen J. Miller428 446 4641949V Easton
494Nelson M. Burroughs258 368 4081949VII Ohio
495Egmont M. Krischke475 379 4221950Southwestern Brazil
496Dudley S. Stark372 368 3781950III Rochester
497Edward R. Welles II (grandson)372 375 4281950IV West Missouri
498Gordon V. Smith372 327 3941950VI Iowa
499Wilburn C. Campbell258 331 3731950IV West Virginia
500Gerald F. Burrill258 291 4321950Dallas (Suffragan), VIII Chicago[42]


501Henry H. Shires372 370 4111950California (Suffragan)
502Richard H. Baker372 322 4281951VII North Carolina
503Arthur C. Lichtenberger372 340 3691951VI MissouriPB21
504Robert McConnell Hatch372 381 4241951Connecticut (Suffragan), IV Western Massachusetts
505Richard S. Watson372 307 4301951VII Utah
506A. Ervine Swift372 379 4421951IV Puerto Rico, Honduras (bishop in charge)
507Richard R. Emery372 378 4001951VII North Dakota
508David E. Richards372 347 4511951Albany (Suffragan), I Central America, I Costa Rica, Honduras (bishop in charge)
509Martin J. Bram455 458 4161951South Florida (Suffragan)
510Chilton Powell372 355 4211951II Oklahoma
511John B. Walthour372 322 4351952IV Atlanta
512Donald H. V. Hallock343 426 3631952VIII Milwaukee
513Hamilton H. Kellogg372 297 3781952V Minnesota
514William Crittenden372 368 4091952V Erie (Northwestern Pennsylvania)
515Iveson B. Noland488 412 4371952VIII Louisiana
516Lyman Ogilby357 403 4241953Missionary, Philippines; South Dakota (Coadjutor), XIII Pennsylvania
517John Seville Higgins372 313 3781953IX Rhode Island
518Frederick J. Warnecke372 332 3831953V Bethlehem
519William H. Brady363 481 3431953V Fond du Lac
520Leland Stark372 378 3831953VI Newark
521George M. Murray406 393 4981953VII Alabama, I Central Gulf Coast
522Dudley B. McNeil372 394 4701953IV Western Michigan
523William S. Thomas445 435 4781953Pittsburgh (Suffragan)
524Clarence Alfred Cole322 417 4471953III Upper South Carolina
525Charles J. Kinsolving III429 401 4561953II Rio Grande
526J. Brooke Mosley372 368 4141953VI Delaware
527Charles G. Marmion372 393 4581954V Kentucky[43]
528William H. Marmion372 408 4141954III Southwestern Virginia
529Joseph Harte500 297 5101954Dallas (Suffragan), II Arizona
530Joseph Minnis470 421 4491954VI Colorado
531Archie Henry Crowley372 436 4681954Michigan (Suffragan)
532Albert R. Stuart372 347 4881954VI Georgia
533Anson Phelps Stokes372 368 4681954XI Massachusetts
534John Vander Horst372 407 4821955VII Tennessee
535Harry Lee Doll372 373 4281955X Maryland
536Richard Earl Dicus440 350 4121955West Texas (Suffragan)
537F. Percy Goddard297 440 4611955Texas (Suffragan)
538Robert R. Brown412 414 3731955IX Arkansas
539Arnold Lewis372 337 4841956Missionary, Salina (Western Kansas); I Armed Services
540James W. F. Carman372 389 2931956VI Oregon
541Earl Honaman372 438 4351956Harrisburg (now Central Pennsylvania) (Suffragan)
542Plínio Lauer Simões475 379 4951956Missionary Bishop of South-Western Brazil
543Edward C. Turner401 470 4211956VI Kansas
544James Clements372 297 4611956Texas (Suffragan)
545William Moses372 455 3451956South Florida (Suffragan)
546Chandler Sterling419 421 5301956VI Montana
547Frederic C. Lawrence372 398 5331956Massachusetts (Suffragan)
548Norman L. Foote372 430 4491957X Idaho
549John Craine413 411 3681957VIII Indianapolis
550Clarence Haden372 385 4971957IV Northern California
551José G. Saucedo372 380 4401958I Cuernavaca
552Philip McNairy372 368 5131958VI Minnesota
553John H. Esquirol372 424 5041958IX Connecticut
554Daniel Corrigan372 530 4491958Colorado (Suffragan)
555James Pike372 302 4721958V California
556David Rose372 473 4051958VI Southern Virginia
557Francis Lickfield500 396 5191958V Quincy
558Donald MacAdie383 520 5031958Newark (Suffragan)
559Roger Blanchard372 368 4841958V Southern Ohio
560Edmund Sherrill372 495 5421959Central Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), I Recife
561Allen W. Brown503 457 4101959Albany (Suffragan), V Albany
562Benito Cabanban516 444 SHE1959Missionary, V Philippines/Central Philippines
563George L. Cadigan503 496 5381959VII Missouri
564William Creighton503 446 4801959V Washington
565Richard Millard503 432 4431960Europe (Suffragan in charge), California (Suffragan)
566William Wright503 432 4431960Missionary, Nevada
567Charles E. Bennison Sr. (father)503 394 4701960V Western Michigan[44]
568Paul Kellogg503 441 5061960I Dominican Republic
569J. Stuart Wetmore503 472 4781960New York (Suffragan)
570Ivol Curtis503 370 4771960Los Angeles (Suffragan), V Olympia
571Samuel B. Chilton503 373 4901960Virginia (Suffragan)
572Thomas Fraser503 373 5021960VIII North Carolina
573Robert L. DeWitt503 446 4681960Michigan (Suffragan), XII Pennsylvania
574Edwin B. Thayer530 470 4981960VII Colorado
575Gray Temple503 424 4271961XI South Carolina
576Harvey Butterfield503 424 4271961VI Vermont
577Russell T. Rauscher503 421 5101961VI Nebraska
578Charles P. Gilson503 444 4021961Missionary, Hawaii (Suffragan), Taiwan (Suffragan)
579Romualdo González-Agüeros503 415 3791961IV Cuba
580Dillard Houston Brown Jr.503 446 5641961Missionary, IX Liberia
581John Allin503 488 4371961VI MississippiPB23
582J. Warren Hutchens424 427 5531961X Connecticut
583James Duncan503 455 5341961South Florida (Suffragan), I Southeast Florida
584William L. Hargrave503 455 4241961South Florida (Suffragan), I Southwest Florida
585Charles W. MacLean431 472 4861962Long Island (Suffragan)
586William Evan Sanders503 534 5321962VIII Tennessee, I East Tennessee
587James Montgomery503 500 4921962IX Chicago
588Albert A. Chambers503 472 4501962VII Springfield
589Theodore H. McCrea503 458 5001962Dallas (Suffragan)
590John Burgess503 526 4461962XII Massachusetts
591Edward G. Longid503 516 5331963Missionary, Philippines (Suffragan); I Northern Philippines[45]
592Charles B. Persell Jr.503 561 4781963Albany (Suffragan)[46]
593Cedric E. Mills428 379 5061963I Virgin Islands
594George W. Barrett472 496 5541963IV Rochester, Los Angeles (Assistant)
595Frederick Putnam538 510 5431963Oklahoma (Suffragan), I Navajoland, Minnesota (Assistant)
596Walter C. Klein405 500 5491963IV Northern Indiana
597John A. Pinckney483 356 4171963IV Upper South Carolina
598Paul Moore Jr.503 549 5641964Washington (Suffragan), XIII New York
599Leonardo Romero503 551 5061964Mexico (Suffragan), I Northern Mexico, El Salvador
600Melchor Saucedo503 551 5061964Western Mexico


601George Rath503 472 5201964VII Newark
602Ned Cole503 410 4851964VII Central New York
603David Reed503 454 5291964I Colombia, VI Kentucky
604Scott Bailey461 466 5371964Texas (Suffragan), VI West Texas
605Kim Myers549 463 5311964Michigan (Suffragan), VI California
606Robert C. Rusack477 370 5701964IV Los Angeles
607George Selway549 529 4361964VI Northern Michigan
608Francisco Reus-Froylan503 506 4421964V Puerto Rico
609James C. L. WongHAL COR DAL1960II Taiwan
610George T. Masuda452 476 5461965VIII North Dakota, Washington (Assistant)
611J. Milton Richardson461 604 5371965V Texas
612Hal R. Gross461 540 5501966Oregon (Suffragan)
613William Davidson461 466 6101966Missionary, Salina; I Western Kansas, Ohio (Assistant), Colorado (Assistant)
614Albert W. Van Duzer461 459 4861966VIII New Jersey
615William F. Gates Jr.461 534 5861966Tennessee (Suffragan)
616William Paul Barnds461 458 5891966Dallas (Suffragan)
617Dean T. Stevenson461 438 5181966VII Harrisburg/Central Pennsylvania (diocese's name changed 1971)
618Robert Bruce Hall461 490 5001966XI Virginia
619George A. Taylor461 493 4141967VI Easton
620Richard Beamon Martin461 486 4781967Long Island (Suffragan)
621John H. Burt461 494 4091967VIII Ohio
622W. Moultrie Moore, Jr.532 572 5021967North Carolina (Suffragan), VII Easton
623John Wyatt461 529 6051967V Spokane
624Robert R. Spears Jr.461 472 5971967West Missouri (Suffragan), V Rochester
625Milton L. Wood461 406 4891967Atlanta (Suffragan)
626Christoph Keller Jr.461 581 5381967X Arkansas
627William Frey461 508 6081967Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras (bishop in charge), VIII Colorado, Rio Grande (Assistant)
628Edward McNair461 477 5501968Northern California (Suffragan)
629Lani Hanchett461 444 5401967I Hawaii
630Edmond L. Browning461 ROW 4441968Missionary, Micronesia; I Okinawa, Europe (Suffragan in charge), II HawaiiPB24
631Robert Appleyard461 445 5231968V Pittsburgh
632Harold B. Robinson461 478 ZIE1968VIII Western New York
633Harold Gosnell461 440 4941968V West Texas
634Jackson Earle Gilliam461 521 5461968VII Montana, Hawaii (Assistant)
635Victor Rivera461 443 5701968III San Joaquin
636Hunley A. Elebash461 460 4841968V East Carolina
637Frederick Wolf461 424 5171968VI Maine
638William H. Mead461 414 5261968VII Delaware
639David Leighton461 535 5231968XI Maryland
640G. Edward Haynsworth608 508 5101969Nicaragua, El Salvador, South Carolina (Assistant)
641José Ramos461 608 5081969II Costa Rica[47]
642Constancio Manguramas562 591 6301969Missionary, Philippines (Suffragan), I Southern Philippines
643William B. Spofford461 548 4651969IV Eastern Oregon, Washington (Assistant)
644David Thornberry461 368 4761969VI Wyoming
645Stanley Atkins449 512 5191969III Eau Claire
646Paul Reeves532 455 Nassau1969VII Georgia
647Philip Smith461 490 6181970Virginia (Suffragan), VII New Hampshire
648William H. Folwell455 583 6461970II Central Florida
649Addison Hosea462 527 4881970IV Lexington
650Donald Davies461 577 5811970IV Dallas, I Fort Worth, Europe (Suffragan in charge)
651Walter H. Jones498 452 6101970VII South Dakota
652George Browne461 520 4411970Missionary, X Liberia, Archbishop of West Africa
653Alexander Doig Stewart461 590 5041970V Western Massachusetts
654Lloyd E. Gressle461 526 5181970VI Bethlehem
655James Pong461 BAK BAN1971III Taiwan
656Clarence E. Hobgood461 539 5721971II Armed Services
657Adrián D. Cáceres461 627 6001971I Central Ecuador
658Bill Stough461 521 5811971VIII Alabama
659John McGill Krumm461 474 5591971VI Southern Ohio
660Luc Garnier461 527 6201971IV Haiti
661Robert Varley461 577 6191971VII Nebraska
662Arthur A. Vogel461 497 5121971V West Missouri
663Willis R. Henton461 466 5991971II Northwest Texas, I Western Louisiana
664John T. Walker461 564 5901971VI Washington
665E. Otis Charles461 505 5821971VIII Utah
Dean, Episcopal Divinity School
666Frederick H. Belden461 517 5611971X Rhode Island
667H. Coleman McGehee Jr.461 490 4631971VIII Michigan
668Morgan Porteus461 582 4241971XI Connecticut
669Richard M. Trelease Jr.461 526 6211971III Rio Grande
670Harold Jones461 452 6511972South Dakota (Suffragan)
671Walter C. Righter461 474 4981972VII Iowa, Newark (Assistant)
672Morris F. Arnold461 590 6591972Massachusetts (Suffragan)
673William A. Franklin603 514 4541972II Colombia
674Albert W. Hillestad461 588 6371972VIII Springfield
675Lemuel B. Shirley454 603 5841972IV Panama
676Bennett Sims461 489 6131972VI Atlanta
677Wesley Frensdorff461 505 5661972I Nevada, Navajoland (interim), Arizona (Assistant)
678Telésforo A. Isaac461 568 4411972II Dominican Republic, Southwest Florida (Assistant), Virgin Islands (interim)
679Samuel J. Wylie461 472 6591972VII Northern Michigan
680Edward M. Turner461 593 5061972II Virgin Islands
681Hanford L. King Jr.461 548 6511972XI Idaho
682William C. R. Sheridan461 587 ROW1972V Northern Indiana
683Quintin E. Primo Jr.461 587 4631972Chicago (Suffragan), Delaware (interim)
684William J. Cox461 639 5351973Maryland (Suffragan), Oklahoma (Assistant)
685George Moyer Alexander461 521 5831973V Upper South Carolina
686Anselmo Carral-Solar600 675 5141973Guatemala, Texas (Assistant)
687Robert P. Atkinson461 499 5861973V West Virginia, Virginia (Assistant)
688John Alfred Baden490 618 5561973Virginia (Suffragan)
689Charles T. Gaskell461 512 6451973IX Milwaukee
690William G. Weinhauer461 636 5721973IV Western North Carolina
691Donald J. Parsons461 587 5121973VI Quincy
692Donald J. Davis461 514 5491973VI Erie/Northwestern Pennsylvania
693Matthew P. Bigliardi540 612 5701974VII Oregon
694Harold Louis Wright598 590 4721974New York (Suffragan)
695Wilbur Hogg461 561 6371974VI Albany
696Robert S. Kerr461 576 6241974VII Vermont
697Robert M. Wolterstorff461 477 5521974I San Diego
698Duncan M. Gray Jr.461 581 5151974VII Mississippi
699Frank S. Cerveny461 543 4841974VI Florida
700David Cochran581 479 6101974IV Alaska


701E. Paul Haynes581 584 4551974II Southwest Florida
702G. P. Mellick Belshaw581 614 4441975IX New Jersey
703Robert C. Witcher581 486 5151975VI Long Island
704William A. Jones581 563 6141975VIII Missouri
705William Hawley Clark581 590 6131975VIII Delaware
706William Dimmick581 534 5821975VIII Northern Michigan, Minnesota (Assistant), Alabama (Assistant)
707Richard Abellon562 591 6141975II Northern Philippines, I Northern Luzon
708Robert Terwilliger581 560 6991975Dallas (Suffragan)
709Robert H. Cochrane581 570 6771976VI Olympia
710Roger Howard Cilley581 611 5371976Texas (Suffragan)
711James Brown581 488 4541976IX Louisiana
712Charles Vaché581 556 5641976VII Southern Virginia, West Virginia (Assistant)
713John Shelby Spong581 601 6181976VIII Newark
714Joseph T. Heistand581 438 6181976III Arizona
715John Bowen Coburn581 590 4721976XIII Massachusetts
716H. Irving Mayson581 667 6831976Michigan (Suffragan)
717James D. Warner581 519 5431976VIII Nebraska
718Gerald N. McAllister581 613 6331977III Oklahoma
719Edward W. Jones581 549 6171977IX Indianapolis
720Manuel C. Lumpias562 707 6551977VI Central Philippines
721Bob Jones581 644 4791977VII Wyoming
722Robert M. Anderson581 552 6651978VII Minnesota, Los Angeles (Assistant)
723C. Judson Child Jr.581 676 4891978VII Atlanta
724Charles L. Burgreen581 539 6331978III Armed Services
725Hugo Pina-Lopez581 675 6481978I Honduras, Central Florida (Assistant)
726John L. Thompson581 550 6351978V Northern California
727Leigh A. Wallace Jr.581 623 6341979VI Spokane
728Calvin Schofield Jr.581 583 4551979II Southeast Florida
729Arthur Heath Light581 528 5161979IV Southwestern Virginia
730Bernardo Merino Botero581 675 6571979III Colombia
731Stanley F. Hauser581 604 6701979West Texas (Suffragan)
732William E. Swing581 605 6641979VII California
733William A. Beckham581 685 5861979VI Upper South Carolina
734Walter Dennis598 472 5691979New York (Suffragan)
735B. Sidney Sanders581 460 6361979VI East Carolina
736Arthur E. Walmsley581 668 6371979XII Connecticut
737William Black581 368 6591979VII Southern Ohio
738Pui-Yeung Cheung581 655 6421980IV Taiwan
739David H. Lewis Jr.581 618 4901980Virginia (Suffragan)
740Harold A. Hopkins Jr.581 610 6371980IX North Dakota
741Robert W. Estill581 572 6501980IX North Carolina
742Roberto Martinez581 551 6001980Central and South Mexico (Missionary suffragan, Hidalgo)
743Claro Huerta Ramos581 551 6001980Central and South Mexico (Missionary suffragan, Vera Cruz)
744George N. Hunt III581 732 5171980XI Rhode Island
745Rustin R. Kimsey581 465 6431980V Eastern Oregon, Navajoland (Assistant), Alaska (Assistant)
746William L. Stevens581 519 6391980VI Fond du Lac
747Maurice Benitez581 461 6041980VI Texas
748Herbert A. Donovan Jr.581 626 5381980XI Arkansas, Chicago (Provisional), Anglican observer at the United Nations, New Jersey (Assistant), New York (Assistant)
749C. FitzSimons Allison581 575 6851980XII South Carolina
750William C. Wantland581 645 7181980IV Eau Claire, Navajoland (interim)
751C. Shannon MalloryCentral Africa1972I El Camino Real
752Charlie F. McNutt581 617 6871980VIII Central Pennsylvania (previously Harrisburg)
753Sam Byron Hulsey581 466 6631980III Northwest Texas, Fort Worth (Assistant)
754William H. Wolfrum581 627 5741981Colorado (Suffragan), Navajoland (interim)
755Charles F. Duvall581 521 7331981II Central Gulf Coast
756O'Kelley Whitaker581 602 6481981VIII Central New York, Southern Virginia (Assistant)
757John F. Ashby581 718 7501981II Western Kansas
758Richard F. Grein581 543 5521981VII Kansas, XIV New York
759George Clinton Harris581 700 6511981V Alaska
760Henry B. Hucles III581 703 4861981Long Island (Suffragan)
761Alden Hathaway581 631 6181981VI Pittsburgh
762Samuel Espinoza Venegas581 600 5511981Western Mexico
763Clarence Coleridge581 736 DAR1981XIII Connecticut, Pennsylvania (Assistant)
764Bradford Hastings581 736 DAR1981Connecticut (Suffragan)
765Armando Guerra675 686 6781982I Guatemala
766Donald M. Hultstrand581 689 7191982IX Springfield
767A. Theodore Eastman581 639 5351982XII Maryland
768David Birney581 654 6811982XII Idaho, Massachusetts (Assistant)
769Thomas K. Ray581 567 7061982IX Northern Michigan, Iowa (Assistant)
770Gordon T. Charlton Jr.581 747 6501982Texas (Suffragan)
771C. Brinkley Morton581 697 6581982II San Diego
772Mark Dyer581 654 5901982VII Bethlehem
773Alex D. Dickson581 698 5861983I West Tennessee
774James R. Moodey581 621 4941983IX Ohio
775Elliott L. Sorge542 560 CAB1971I South Central Brazil (São Paulo), VIII Easton
776Donis D. Patterson581 604 7241983V Dallas
777Robert Longid707 591 7201983III Northern Philippines
778Harry W. Shipps581 646 7731984VIII Georgia
779James Ottley581 730 5991984V Panama, Anglican observer at the United Nations,
Honduras (Assistant), Southeast Florida (Assistant)
780Leo Frade581 711 7651984II Honduras, III Southeast Florida
781Vincent K. Pettit581 702 7341984New Jersey (Suffragan)
782David S. Ball581 508 6951984VII Albany
783Andrew F. Wissemann581 782 5041984VI Western Massachusetts
784William G. Burrill581 500 5501984VI Rochester, Arizona (Assistant)
785Peter James Lee581 741 6181984XII Virginia, North Carolina (Assistant)
786Craig Anderson581 452 6341984VIII South Dakota
Dean, General Theological Seminary; President, National Council of Churches; Rector, St. Paul's School
787Roger J. White581 766 5871984X Milwaukee
788Edward C. Chalfant581 559 6591984VII Maine
789Don Wimberly581 749 6991984V Lexington, VIII Texas, Atlanta (Assistant)
790Howard Meeks581 567 7761984VI Western Michigan
791Clarence C. Pope581 645 7111985II Fort Worth
792Martiniano García Montiel581 650 7621985South and Central Mexico (Suffragan), Cuernavaca, Litoral Ecuador (Administrator)
793Sturdie Downs599 787 6781985I Nicaragua
794Frank T. Griswold581 500 5871985X Chicago PB25
795Rogers Sanders Harris581 733 7731985Upper South Carolina (Suffragan), III Southwest Florida, Lexington (Assistant)
796Frank Vest581 741 5721985North Carolina (Suffragan), VIII Southern Virginia
797Oliver B. Garver Jr.581 745 7461985Los Angeles (Suffragan)
798William Franklin Carr581 687 4991985West Virginia (Suffragan), Upper South Carolina (Assistant)
799George Lazenby Reynolds581 722 7731985IX Tennessee
800David Johnson581 538 5001985XIV Massachusetts


801Robert L. Ladehoff581 693 7551985VIII Oregon
802John H. MacNaughton630 604 7311986VII West Texas
803Charles I. "Ci" Jones630 634 6031986VIII Montana
804Allen L. Bartlett Jr.630 516 6031986XIV Pennsylvania, Washington (Assistant)
805Douglas E. Theuner630 647 7361986VIII New Hampshire
806Daniel L. Swenson630 722 6961986VIII Vermont, Minnesota (Assistant)
807Narciso V. Ticobay692 707 7771986II Southern Philippines
808Robert O. Miller630 698 6081986IX Alabama
809Stewart C. Zabriskie677 740 7711986II Nevada
A810Barry ValentineTransferred[48] 1969Rupert's Land (Canada), Maryland (Assistant)
811David Bowman630 494 6211986IX Western New York, Central New York (Assistant), Ohio (Assistant)
812Arthur B. Williams Jr.630 774 6211986Ohio (Suffragan), Ohio (Assistant)
813George E. Bates677 745 6431986IX Utah
814Ronald H. Haines630 664 6901986VII Washington
815Francis C. Gray630 648 7191986VI Northern Indiana, Virginia (Assistant)
816Cabell Tennis729 804 7121986IX Delaware, Spokane (Assistant)
817Donald P. Hart630 479 6471986III Hawaii, Southern Virginia (Assistant)
818Frank Allan630 723 6761987VIII Atlanta
819E. Don Taylor630 632 6801987III Virgin Islands, New York (Assistant)
820German Martinez-Marquez802 779 5511987I Northern Mexico
821Jeffery Rowthorn630 657 7361987Connecticut (Suffragan), Europe (Suffragan in charge)
822Earl N. McArthur630 802 7181988West Texas (Suffragan)
823Edward H. MacBurney630 746 8131988VII Quincy
824Robert M. Moody630 718 7851988IV Oklahoma
825John C. T. Chien630 8171988V Taiwan
826Orris G. Walker630 812 7031988VII Long Island
827Luis Caisapanta779 692 6571988I Litoral Ecuador
828Frederick H. Borsch630 702 6641988V Los Angeles
829Herbert Thompson Jr.630 737 6201988VIII Southern Ohio
830Chris Epting630 648 6711988VIII Iowa
Director of ecumenical relations; Chicago (Assistant)
831Franklin D. Turner630 804 6641988Pennsylvania (Suffragan)
832John-David Schofield630 635 7321988IV San Joaquin
833R. Stewart Wood664 667 6591988IX Michigan
834Barbara Clementine Harris630 800 8041989Massachusetts (Suffragan), Washington (Assistant)
835John C. Buchanan630 755 6221989VI West Missouri, Texas (Assistant), Southern Virginia (Assistant), Quincy (Provisional)
836Terence Kelshaw630 761 7471989IV Rio Grande
837Robert H. Johnson630 690 7231989V Western North Carolina
838Sanford Z. K. Hampton630 722 8341989Minnesota (Suffragan), Olympia (Assistant), Oregon (Assistant)
839John W. Howe630 761 6271989III Central Florida
840Robert D. Rowley630 692 7721989VII Northwestern Pennsylvania
841John H. Smith630 690 7741989VI West Virginia
842Robert Jefferson Hargrove Jr.630 663 7111989II Western Louisiana
843Vincent W. Warner Jr.709 637 8001989VII Olympia
844Sergio Carranza678 826 6751989I Mexico, Los Angeles (Assistant)
845William E. Sterling630 747 6861989Texas (Suffragan)
846James E. Krotz630 717 8301989IX Nebraska
847Edward L. Lee719 769 5161989VII Western Michigan
848Charles L. Longest630 639 7671989Maryland (Suffragan), Maryland (Assisting)
849Artemio M. Zabala707 777 8071989I North Central Philippines
850Andrew H. Fairfield630 610 7401989X North Dakota
851William E. Smalley630 758 7671989VIII Kansas
852Edward L. Salmon Jr.630 749 6401990XIII South Carolina
853Steven T. Plummer630 670 5951990II Navajoland
854Charles L. Keyser630 699 7851990IV Armed Services, Montana (Assistant), Georgia (Assistant), Florida (Assistant)
855Huntington Williams Jr.630 741 6761990North Carolina (Suffragan)
856Neptalí Larrea Moreno630 779 7801990II Central Ecuador
857John S. Thornton658 745 8011990XIII Idaho, Spokane (Assistant)
858Richard L. Shimpfky630 834 7131990II El Camino Real
859F. Jeffrey Terry630 516 6231990VII Spokane
860W. Jerry Winterrowd630 627 7541991IX Colorado
861Chester Talton630 722 8261991Los Angeles (Suffragan)
862William W. Wiedrich719 587 7941991Chicago (Suffragan)
863Hays H. Rockwell630 758 7041991IX Missouri
864Victor A. Scantlebury630 779 6751991Panama (Suffragan), Chicago (Assistant), Central Ecuador (Acting)
865Steven Charleston630 853 7501991VI Alaska
Dean, Episcopal Divinity School
866Jack M. McKelvey756 713 8311991Newark (Suffragan), VII Rochester
867Robert Tharp630 648 5861991II East Tennessee, Atlanta (Assistant)
868Jerry Lamb630 726 8011991VI Northern California, Nevada (Assistant), San Joaquin (Provisional)
869Alfred C. Marble Jr.581 698 7351991VIII Mississippi, North Carolina (Assistant)
870Julio C. Holguin856 779 6781991III Dominican Republic
871David B. Joslin630 631 8381991IX Central New York, New Jersey (Assistant)
872Peter H. Beckwith630 829 7941991X Springfield
873Martín Barahona630 779 8561992I El Salvador, II Archbishop Church in Central America
874Gethin B. Hughes630 828 8421992III San Diego
875Robert R. Shahan630 529 7141992IV Arizona
876Jane Dixon630 814 8341992Washington (Suffragan)
877Martin G. Townsend630 775 7721992IX Easton
878Robert S. Denig630 847 7831993VII Western Massachusetts
879James M. Stanton630 828 8321993VI Dallas
880Jack Iker630 791 6591993III Fort Worth
881Jean-Zaché Duracin630 660 8671993V Haiti
882Bertram Herlong630 785 7521993X Tennessee
883F. Clayton Matthews630 785 6871993Virginia (Suffragan); Director, Office of Pastoral Development
884Claude E. Payne630 461 5811993VII Texas
885James L. Jelinek630 722 8381993VIII Minnesota
886Joe Morris Doss630 732 7801993X New Jersey
887Mary Adelia McLeod630 808 8341993IX Vermont
888James M. Coleman630 711 7731993II West Tennessee
889James E. Folts630 802 6041994VIII West Texas[49]
890J. Clark Grew II630 812 7941994X Ohio
891Edwin F. Gulick Jr.630 796 8831994VII Kentucky, Fort Worth (Provisional), Virginia (Assistant)
892Stephen H. Jecko630 699 6611994VII Florida, Dallas (Assistant)
893Robert C. Johnson Jr.630 741 8551994X North Carolina
894Russell Jacobus630 746 7871994VII Fond du Lac
895Larry Maze630 698 7481994XII Arkansas
896Creighton L. Robertson630 786 6701994IX South Dakota
897Keith Ackerman630 691 8231994VIII Quincy
898M. Thomas Shaw630 800 8341994XV Massachusetts
899Alfredo MoranteMP1 906a 8561994II Litoral Ecuador
900Kenneth L. Price Jr.630 829 8411994Southern Ohio (Suffragan)


901Henry I. Louttit (Jr.)630 778 6751995IX Georgia
902Dorsey F. Henderson Jr.630 583 7461995VII Upper South Carolina, Florida (Assistant)
903John L. Said630 728 5831995Southeast Florida (Suffragan), Central Florida (Assistant)
904Vernon E. Strickland630 721 8301995III Western Kansas, Wyoming (Assistant)
905Clarence W. Hayes630 454 7301995VI Panama
906aOnell Soto779 648 730[50] 1987II Venezuela,[51] Atlanta (Assistant), Alabama (Assistant)
907David Colin Jones630 785 6871995Virginia (Suffragan)
908Leopoldo J. Alard630 884 8451995Texas (Suffragan)
909Robert W. Ihloff630 763 8341995XIII Maryland
910Michael W. Creighton630 752 8431995IX Central Pennsylvania
911Robert B. Hibbs630 889 8021996West Texas (Suffragan)
912Catherine S. Roskam630 834 7581996New York (Suffragan)
913Geralyn Wolf630 794 7441996XII Rhode Island, Long Island (Assistant)
914John Lipscomb630 888 7951996IV Southwest Florida
915William J. Skilton630 852 5751996South Carolina (Suffragan)
916Robert Duncan630 761 7851996VII Pittsburgh
917Andrew Smith630 763 7361996XIV Connecticut
918Carolyn Tanner Irish630 813 6651996X Utah
919Paul V. Marshall840 772 6541996VIII Bethlehem
920J. Gary Gloster630 893 7411996North Carolina (Suffragan)
921Edwin M. Leidel Jr.630 833 7191996I Eastern Michigan
922Clifton Daniel630 735 7121996VII East Carolina, Pennsylvania (Provisional)
923Henry N. Parsley Jr.630 808 7851996X Alabama, Easton (Provisional)
924Gordon Scruton630 653 7831996VIII Western Massachusetts
925F. Neff Powell630 729 7961996V Southwestern Virginia
926Richard S.O. Chang630 744 7451997IV Hawaii
927Charles E. Bennison (son)630 804 8311997XV Pennsylvania
928Rodney R. Michel630 826 7031997Long Island (Suffragan), Georgia (Assistant), Pennsylvania (Assistant)
929Catherine Waynick812 719 6671997X Indianapolis, Eastern Michigan (Provisional)
930C. Wallis Ohl Jr.752 753 8601997IV Northwest Texas, Fort Worth (Provisional)
931Theodore A. Daniels734 819 6751997IV Virgin Islands
932David C. Bane Jr.829 796 6871997IX Southern Virginia
933Mark MacDonald630 853 7501997VII Alaska, Indigenous Archbishop (Canada), Navajoland (Assistant)
934Bruce E. Caldwell846 721 8501997VIII Wyoming, Lexington (Provisional)
935Daniel W. Herzog630 782 9241997VIII Albany
936Charles Jenkins794 711 8521998X Louisiana
937Barry R. Howe794 835 7951998VII West Missouri, Southwest Florida (Assistant)
938Chilton R. Knudsen794 637 9131998VIII Maine, Maryland (Assistant), Washington (Assisting), Chicago (Assisting)[52]
939Mark Sisk794 758 7341998XV New York
940Harry B. Bainbridge, III812 867 8571998XIV Idaho
941Wayne P. Wright840 936 8871998X Delaware
942John L. Rabb840 909 7671998Maryland (Suffragan)
943John Palmer Croneberger812 713 8661998IX Newark
944Charles G. vonRosenberg867 586 7331999III East Tennessee, South Carolina (Provisional)
945William D. Persell794 812 8901999XI Chicago, Ohio (Assistant)
946Keith Bernard Whitmore794 750 9041999V Eau Claire, Atlanta (Assistant), North Dakota (Assisting)
947J. Michael Garrison794 811 8091999X Western New York, Southwest Florida (Assistant)
948Jim Kelsey794 769 8471999X Northern Michigan
949D. Bruce MacPherson851 879 8281999Dallas (Suffragan), III Western Louisiana
950Wendell N. Gibbs812 587 8342000X Michigan
951George E. Packard794 854 7582000V Armed Services
952Edward S. Little, II812 815 8322000VII Northern Indiana
953J. Jon Bruno858 828 8612000VI Los Angeles
954David Bena794 935 7822000Albany (Suffragan)
955Michael Bruce Curry837 920 8342000XI North CarolinaPB-27
956Duncan Montgomery Gray III794 869 6982000IX Mississippi
957William O. Gregg630 745 8012000VI Eastern Oregon, North Carolina (Assistant)
958Stacy F. Sauls837 789 8912000VI Lexington
959James E. Curry805 917 7632000Connecticut (Suffragan)
960Wilfrido Ramos-Orench805 917 7632000Connecticut (Suffragan), Central Ecuador (Provisional), Puerto Rico (Assistant), Puerto Rico (Provisional)
961James E. Waggoner Jr.868 687 9002000VIII Spokane, Nevada (Assisting)
962David Jung-Hsin Lai926 825 SHO2000VI Taiwan
963Katharine Jefferts Schori868 801 9182001III Nevada, San Diego[53] (Assisting)PB26
964Roy F. "Bud" Cederholm Jr.805 898 8342001Massachusetts (Suffragan)
965Thomas C. Ely805 887 806 9172001X Vermont, North Dakota (Provisional)[54]
966Philip M. Duncan II794 755 937 8392001III Central Gulf Coast
967Don E. Johnson794 888 586 9442001III West Tennessee
968J. Neil Alexander794 818 7232001IX Atlanta
969Francisco Duque-Gómez794 730 8562001IV Colombia
970W. Michie Klusmeyer794 945 6872001VII West Virginia
971Lloyd Allen779 780 LYO2001III Honduras
972Gladstone B. Adams III866 671 891 8712001X Central New York, South Carolina (Provisional),[55] Eastern Michigan and Western Michigan (Assisting)[56]
973Pierre Whalon794 821 8392001I Europe[57]
974Marc Handley Andrus794 923 7852002Alabama (Suffragan), VIII California
975George W. Smith890 863 8302002X Missouri, Southern Ohio[58]
976James M. Adams Jr.851 904 8942002IV Western Kansas
977Carol Gallagher840 932 8342002Southern Virginia (Suffragan), Newark (Assistant), Montana (Assistant), Massachusetts (regional canon for the Central Region)
978Robert R. Gepert812 847 7722002VIII Western Michigan
979John Bryson Chane794 876 8142002VIII Washington
980aHenry ScrivenCAR Translated from Europe1995Gibraltar (C of E) (Suffragan), Europe (Assistant), Pittsburgh (Assistant)
981Gayle Harris812 898 8342003Massachusetts (Suffragan), Virginia (Assistant)
982James J. "Bud" Shand909 877 7752003X Easton
983Alan Scarfe885 830 9812003IX Iowa
984aDavid Álvarez779 772 608 5061987VI Puerto Rico
985Joe G. Burnett885 717 846 968 869 956 6982003X Nebraska
986Johncy Itty794 630 801 928 779 8262003IX Oregon
987C. Franklin Brookhart Jr.794 970 854 8852003IX Montana
988Rayford B. High Jr.949 789 884 845 931 6042003Texas (Suffragan), Fort Worth (Assistant)[59]
989Robert J. O'Neill885 860 898 754 8342003X Colorado
990George Councell794 783 945 924 7022003XI New Jersey
991Steven Miller950 787 662 894 9462003XI Milwaukee
992Samuel Howard936 892 699 839 914 8522003VIII Florida
993Gene Robinson794 630 767 834 938 STE 7482003IX New Hampshire
994Dean E. Wolfe949 851 758 753 732 ELA2003IX Kansas
995Gary R. Lillibridge794 889 911 604 802 822 7182004IX West Texas
996Mark Hollingsworth950 890 898 834 563 7322004XI Ohio
997Kirk Stevan Smith794 875 953 9632004V Arizona
998Michael G. Smith794 850 740 8852004XI North Dakota, Albany (assistant)
999G. Porter Taylor893 968 818 837 9552004VI Western North Carolina, Virginia (assisting)
1000Jeffrey N. Steenson794 836 791 933 BRT2005V Rio Grande


1001Nedi Rivera940 843 732 751 9122005Olympia (Suffragan), Eastern Oregon (Provisional)
1002James R. Mathes926 874 995 945 697 864 7222005IV San Diego
1003E. Ambrose Gumbs812 678 8262005V Virgin Islands
1004aOrlando GuerreroWIL[60] 870 7301995III Venezuela (see 906a above)
1005David M. Reed949 995 889 802 8222006X West Texas[61]
1006Todd Ousley950 921 948 978 9882006II Eastern Michigan
1007William H. Love794 935 954 782 MIL2006IX Albany[62]
1008Barry L. Beisner940 963 868 971 744 8282006VII Northern California
1009Dena Harrison949 789 988 884 912 7472006Texas (Suffragan)
1010Nathan D. Baxter794 910 979 981 9822006X Central Pennsylvania
1011Larry R. Benfield963 748 895 9372007XIII Arkansas
1012Mark M. Beckwith963 722 943 713 924 9812007X Newark
1013John C. Bauerschmidt922 882 711 923 9682007XI Tennessee
1014Dabney T. Smith922 914 648 936 8152007V Southwest Florida
1015Robert L. Fitzpatrick963 926 962 951 9522007V Hawaii, Micronesia[63] (Oversight)
1016Thomas E. Breidenthal963 900 737 702 939 9902007IX Southern Ohio[64]
1017Shannon S. Johnston963 785 907 956 968 9502007XIII Virginia
1018Laura J. Ahrens963 959 912 917 8432007Connecticut (Suffragan)
1019Sean W. Rowe963 840 772 812 9412007VIII Northwestern Pennsylvania, Western New York (Provisional)PB-28
1020Edward J. Konieczny963 952 824 9892007V Oklahoma
1021Gregory Rickel926 843 1001 789 1009 10112007VIII Olympia Southeast Florida (assisting)
1022Mary Gray-Reeves963 1027a 728 906a 508 BOY2007III El Camino Real
1023Dan Edwards963 968 868 9962008IV Nevada
1024Kee Sloan963 923 808 698 9562008Alabama (Suffragan), XI Alabama
1025Mark Lawrence922 870 897 749 8522008XIV South Carolina
1026Jeffrey Lee963 950 938 945 794 8152008XII Chicago
1027aSylvester Romero PalmaTranslated from Belize1994XIII Belize, New Jersey (Assistant)
1028Stephen T. Lane963 866 938 959 9932008IX Maine, Rochester (Provisional)
1029Prince G. Singh963 866 1012 990 943 9772008VIII Rochester, Eastern Michigan (Provisional), Western Michigan (Provisional)
1030Eugene Sutton963 979 1010 909 942 7672008XIV Maryland
1031Paul E. Lambert949 879 998 976 6272008Dallas (Suffragan)
1032Brian J. Thom963 940 868 801 8572008XIII Idaho
1033C. Andrew Doyle963 789 1009 988 747 8842008IX Texas
1034Herman Hollerith IV963 785 925 835 8832009X Southern Virginia
1035Scott Mayer963 753 930 1011 789 10312009V Northwest Texas, Fort Worth (Provisional)
1036Luis Fernando Ruiz963 969 960 603 917 9812009III Central Ecuador
1037Lawrence C. Provenzano963 924 990 1012 871 7832009VIII Long Island
1038John T. Tarrant963 896 786 924 990 9982009X South Dakota
1039Scott Benhase963 901 1030 778 1027a 8122010X Georgia
1040Brian Prior963 885 961 727 958 1028 1001 7222010IX Minnesota, Olympia (Assisting), Alabama (Assisting)
1041Michael Joseph Hanley963 1021 1001 1040 838 885 10402010X Oregon
1042Ian Douglas963 955 952 852 794 917 8982010XV Connecticut
1043Morris K. Thompson963 958 956 711 9362010XI Louisiana
1044Diane Jardine Bruce963 953 1037 828 844 8612010Los Angeles (Suffragan), West Missouri (Provisional)
1045Mary Glasspool963 953 997 996 909 1030 942 8342010Los Angeles (Suffragan), New York (Assistant)
1046W. Andrew Waldo963 881 923 902 1044 1040 8122010VIII Upper South Carolina
1047Jay Magness963 891 951 1010 979 1034 8542010VI Armed Services, Southern Virginia (Assistant)
1048John Sheridan Smylie963 1040 955 904 934 7212010IX Wyoming
1049David Bailey963 918 745 998 977 8682010III Navajoland
1050Mark Lattime963 1029 866 990 9612010VIII Alaska
1051Terry A. White963 891 937 990 1002 587[65] 2010VIII Kentucky
1052Michael Vono963 906a 973 1011 6272010IX Rio Grande
1053Scott B. Hayashi963 918 1008 1045 864[66] 2010XI Utah
1054Michael Pierce Milliken963 994 1011 9042011[67] V Western Kansas, Kansas (Assistant)
1055Martin Scott Field963 937 994 1054 9752011[68] VIII West Missouri
1056Daniel Hayden Martins963 952 894 872 766 KER2011[69] XI Springfield
1057Ralph William Franklin963 939 973 947 1052 990 8112011[70] XI Western New York, Long Island (Assisting)
1058Rayford Jeffrey Ray963 1006 950 978 769[71] 2011[72] XI Northern Michigan
1059George D. Young III963 1013 967 699 992 854 586 9442011[73] IV East Tennessee
1060Joseph Scott Barker963 985 939 1048 8702011[74] XI Nebraska
1061Mariann Budde963 1040 1012 979 876
1045 1030[75]
2011[76] IX Washington
1062Andrew M. L. Dietsche963 939 990 758 1037 950 912[77] 2012[78] XVI New York
1063Gregory Orrin Brewer922 839 1007 998 648 815 9372012[79] IV Central Florida
1064Ogé Beauvoir963 881 939 1037 959 7802012[80] Haiti (Suffragan)
1065Jacob Wayne Owensby963 949 975 1043 1014 952 9562012[81] IV Western Louisiana
1066Susan Ellyn Goff963 1017 891 785 907 1018[82] 2012[83] Virginia (Suffragan)
1067A. Robert Hirschfeld963 993 924 1018 736 8982012[84] X New Hampshire
1068Jeff W. Fisher963 1033 1009 789 884 9882012[85] Texas (Suffragan)
1069Robert Christopher Wright963 968 955 876 818 8612012[86] X Atlanta
1070Dorsey W. M. McConnell963 900 898 890 952 919[87] 2012[88] VIII Pittsburgh
1071Nicholas Knisely<--W. Nicholas KNISELY-->963 996 1028 744 9132012[89] XIII Rhode Island
1072aSantosh MarrayTranslated from Seychelles2005Seychelles, East Carolina (Assistant), Alabama (Assistant), XI Easton[90] [91]
1073Douglas John Fisher963 924 939 1062 10672012[92] IX Western Massachusetts
1074Douglas Hahn963 968 1051 958 938 881[93] 2012[94] VII Lexington
1075William Jay Lambert III963 894 10632013[95] VI Eau Claire
1076Anne Hodges-Copple963 955 1039 920 10662013[96] North Carolina (Suffragan)
1077Mark Bourlakas<--Mark Allen BOURLAKAS-->963 955 968 7292013[97] VI Southwestern Virginia
1078Whayne M. Hougland Jr.963 955 958[98] 2013[99] IX Western Michigan, Eastern Michigan (Provisional)[100] [101]
1079William H. Stokes963 990 780 10122013[102] XII New Jersey
1080David Rice<--David Wayne Cappel RICE-->Translated from Waiapu2008San Joaquin (Provisional), V San Joaquin[103]
1081Matthew Alan Gunter<--Matthew Alan GUNTER-->963 1026 991 894 1074 9702014[104] VIII Fond du Lac
1082Allen K. Shin<--Allen Kunkho SHIN-->963 1062 1037 758 9392014[105] New York (Suffragan)
1083Heather Cook963 1030 982 909 942 972 1066 1061 767 923[106] 2014[107] Maryland (Suffragan)[108]
1084Alan M. Gates1028 898 990 1045 981 996[109] 2014[110] XVI Massachusetts
1085Brian R. Seage<--Brian Richard SEAGE-->963 956 953 10172014[111] X Mississippi
1086Robert Skirving<--Robert Stuart SKIRVING-->963 1006 870 922 7852014[112] VIII East Carolina
1087Peter Eaton<--Peter David EATON-->963 780 9892015[113] IV Southeast Florida
1088Russell Kendrick<--James Russell KENDRICK-->963 966 1033 1072 755 10752015[114] IV Central Gulf Coast
1089Audrey Scanlan<--Audrey Cady SCANLAN-->963 1042 1018 1019 1070 10612015[115] XI Central Pennsylvania
1090George R. Sumner<--George Robinson SUMNER Jr.-->955 1031 1013 1056 627 998 879[116] 2015[117] VII Dallas
1091Moisés Quezada Mota955 870 678 915 960 9712016[118] IV Dominican Republic
1092aMark van Koevering<--Mark Allan VAN KOEVERING-->Translated from Niassa2003[119] West Virginia (Assistant), Lexington (Provisional), VIII Lexington[120]
1093Patrick W. Bell<--Patrick William "Pat" BELL-->955 1001 961 1006 1049 957[121] 2016[122] VII Eastern Oregon
1094Douglas Sparks<--Douglas Everett "Doug" SPARKS-->955 952 1040 815 929 1080[123] 2016[124] VIII Northern Indiana
1095Daniel G. P. Gutierrez<--Daniel George Policarpio GUTIERREZ-->955 922 1052 8342016[125] XVI Pennsylvania
1096José Antonio McLoughlin<--José Antonio MCLOUGHLIN-->955 999 1020 785 10092016[126] VII Western North Carolina
1097DeDe Duncan-Probe<--DeDe E. DUNCAN-PROBE-->955 1017 834 1022 1066 907[127] 2016[128] XI Central New York
1098Carl Wright955 1047 1030 951 767[129] 2017[130] VII Armed Services
1099Gretchen Rehberg<--Gretchen Mary REHBERG-->955 961 1016 1053 10892017[131] IX Spokane
1100Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows<--Jennifer Lynn BASKERVILLE-BURROWS-->955 929 1094 834 981 1069[132] 2017[133] XI Indianapolis


1101John Taylor <-- John Harvey TAYLOR -->955 953 1044 861 844[134] data-sort-value="2017-07-08"2017[135] data-sort-value="VII Los Angeles"VII Los Angeles
1102Samuel S. Rodman, III955 1084 1076 1096 1086 834[136] data-sort-value="2017-07-15"2017[137] data-sort-value="North Carolina: 12"XII North Carolina
1103Rafael Morales <-- Rafael Luis MORALES-MALDONADO -->955 960 984a 870 1087data-sort-value="2017-07-22"2017[138] data-sort-value="Puerto Rico: 7"VII Puerto Rico
1104Jennifer Brooke-Davidsondata-sort-value="2017-07-29"955 1005 1018 995 1100 1095[139] data-sort-value="West Texas: Suffragan"2017[140] West Texas (Suffragan), Virginia (Assistant), North Carolina (Assistant)
1105aHector Monterroso <-- Hector Fidel MONTERROSO GONZALEZ -->Translated from Costa Rica2017[141] Texas (Assistant)
1106Brian Lee Cole955 950 1077 1059 893 968data-sort-value="2017-12-02"2017[142] data-sort-value="V East Tennessee"V East Tennessee
1107Kevin S. Brown <-- Kevin Scott Brown -->955 967 941 1076 1105adata-sort-value="2017-12-09"2017[143] data-sort-value="XI Delaware"XI Delaware
1108Kevin Donnelly Nichols <-- Kevin Donnelly NICHOLS -->955 1019 1067 1089 794[144] 2018[145] IX Bethlehem
1109Carlye J. Hughes <-- Carlye Juanita HUGHES -->955 1097 1035 834 1012 1100[146] data-sort-value="2018-09-22" 2018[147] data-sort-value="XI Newark" XI Newark
1110Michael Buerkel Hunn <-- Michael Carter Buerkel HUNN -->955 1052 1022 1009 1077 1049 1095[148] 2018[149] X Rio Grande
1111Mark Andrew Cowell955 1054 1055 9762018[150] VI Western Kansas
1112Cathleen Chittenden Bascom955 974 983 1111 938 10542019[151] X Kansas
1113Jennifer Anne Reddall955 997 1099 1062 912 GOM[152] 2019[153] VI Arizona
1114Cristobal Olmedo Leon Lozano955 1103 1062 1095 870 9602019[154] III Litoral Ecuador
1115Mark David Wheeler Edington955 1084 973 1073 981 1042 VER2019[155] II Europe
1116Phoebe Alison Roaf955 1100 938 967 1017 748 9362019[156] IV West Tennessee
1117Kimberly Lucas <-- Kimberly Danielle LUCAS -->955 989 1100 981 1030 1061 938[157] 2019[158] XI Colorado
1118Kathryn McCrossen Ryan <-- Kathryn "Kai" McCrossen RYAN -->955 1033 1035 1068 1009 1105a 7892019[159] Texas (Suffragan)
1119Susan Brown Snook963 1020 1022 1002 1021 997 1101 GOM[160] 2019[161] V San Diego
1120Thomas James Brown955 1060 1100 1084 1045 1028[162] 2019[163] X Maine
1121bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value="Traquair, Megan"[Megan Traquair|[[Megan Traquair|Megan M. Traquair]]|955 1096 1022 1008 1021[164] |2019[165] |VIII Northern California||-|align="right" |1122|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value="MacVean-Brown, Shannon"|Shannon MacVean-Brown|955 1100 981 965 938 833|2019[166] |XI Vermont||-|align="right" |1123|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value="Folts, Jonathan"[Jonathan Folts|[[Jonathan Folts]]|955 1005 1042 889 1038 MAT|2019[167] |XI South Dakota| |-|align="right" |1124|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value="Stebbins, Martha"|Martha Elizabeth Stebbins|955 1102 1048 987 1076[168] |2019[169] |X Montana||-|align="right" |1125|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value="Ashby, Lucinda"|Lucinda Ashby|955 1022 1032 1008 868 1129[170] |2020[171] |IV El Camino Real||-|align="right" |1126|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value="Haynes, Susan B."|Susan B. Haynes|955 1119 1094 815 1034 952 1047|2020[172] |XI Southern Virginia||-|align="right" |1127|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value="Perry, Bonnie A."|Bonnie A. Perry|955 1026 1061 1100 950 938[173] |2020[174] |XI Michigan||-|align="right" |1128|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value="Chang, Lennon Yuan-Rung"|Lennon Yuan-Rung Chang|955 962 1015 UEM ISO 1021|2020[175] |VII Taiwan||-|align="right" |1129|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value="Del Carpio, Griselda Delgado"|Griselda Delgado Del Carpio|Translated from Cuba 963 HIL HOL|2020[176] |VIII Cuba||-|align="right" |1130|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value="Logue, Frank S."|Frank S. Logue|1039 1069 1019[177] |2020[178] |XI Georgia||-|align="right" |1131|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value="Reed, Poulson C."|Poulson C. Reed|1011 1020 1087 1089[179] |2020[180] |VI Oklahoma||-|align="right" |1132|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value="Loya, Craig W."|Craig W. Loya|1040 1060 934|2020[181] |X Minnesota||-|align="right" |1133|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value="Johnson, Deon K. "|Deon K. Johnson|975 1127 1116 1100|2020[182] |XI Missouri||-|align="right" |1134|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value="Curry, Glenda Sharp "| Glenda Sharp Curry|1039 1024 1116 1065|2020[183] |XII Alabama||-|align="right" |1135|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value="Akiyama, Diana Dorothy "| Diana Dorothy Akiyama|1099 1015 1041[184] |2021[185] |XI Oregon||-|align="right" |1136| data-sort-value-"Chandler, Paul-Gordon" | Paul-Gordon Chandler|963 1117 1040 1048[186] [187] |2021[188] |X Wyoming| [189] |-|align="right" | 1137|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value-"Woodliff-Stanley, Ruth" |Ruth Woodliff-Stanley|955 1117 1019 989 1127[190] |2021[191] |XV South Carolina||-|align="right" | 1138|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value-"Solak, Ketlen A." |Ketlen A. Solak|955 1107 1109 1070 941 907[192] |2021[193] |IX Pittsburgh||-|align="right" | 1139|bgcolor="#CCCCFF" data-sort-value-"Monnot, Betsey" |Betsey Monnot|955 1125 983 938 MMS[194] |2021 |X Iowa||-|align="right"| 1140a|bgcolor="#A8E4A0"| Fraser Lawton|Translated from Athabasca|2022[195] |Dallas (assistant)||-|align="right"| 1141|bgcolor="#CCCCFF"| Daniel P. Richards|955 1113 1137 1046|2022[196] |IX Upper South Carolina||-|align="right"| 1142|bgcolor="#CCCCFF"| Elizabeth Bonforte Gardner| 955 1087 1099 963 1023|2022[197] |IX Nevada||-|align="right"| 1143|bgcolor="#CCCCFF"|Matthew Davis Cowden| 955 970 1094 952 1066 1126[198] |2022[199] |VIII West Virginia||-|align="right"| 1144|bgcolor="CCCCFF"| Juan Carlos Quiñonez Mera| 955 971 1103 1091 960|2022|IV Central Ecuador||-|align="right"| 1145|bgcolor="CCCCFF"| Brian Kendall Burgess|955 1063 1013 968 1079 1056[200] |2022|XII Springfield||-|align="right"|1146|bgcolor="CCCCFF" data-sort-value-"Tharakan, Jos" |Jos Tharakan|955 1032 1044 1011 1099 1133[201] |2022[202] |XIV Idaho||-|align="right"|1147|bgcolor="CCCCFF"|Paula E. Clark|955 1100 1133 938 1117 1094[203] |2022[204] |XIII Chicago||-|align="right"|1148|bgcolor="CCCCFF"|Phyllis A. Spiegel|963 1053 1146[205] |2022[206] |XII Utah||-|align="right"|1149|bgcolor="CCCCFF"|Douglas F. Scharf|955 1014 1129 1087 1068 1085[207] |2022[208] [209] |VI Southwest Florida||-|align="right"|1150|bgcolor="CCCCFF"|Jeffrey Mello|955 1120 981 1042 1018 1084[210] |2022[211] |XVI Connecticut||-|align="right"|1151|bgcolor="CCCCFF"|Shannon Rogers Duckworth|955 1043 1110 956 1096 1118[212] |2022[213] |XII Louisiana||-|align="right"|1152|bgcolor="CCCCFF"|E. Mark Stevenson|955 1066 1019 970 981 1006 1142[214] |2022[215] |XIV Virginia||-|align="right"|1153a|Melissa Maxine Skelton|Translated from New Westminster|2023[216] |Olympia (Provisional)||-|align="right"|1154|bgcolor="CCCCFF"|Elías García Cárdenas|955 1144 1103 1091 969|2023|V Columbia||-|align="right"|1155|bgcolor="CCCCFF"|Anne B. Jolly|955 996 1026 1147 938 1094[217] |2023[218] |XII Ohio||-|align="right"|1156|bgcolor="CCCCFF"|Matthew Heyd|955 1062 1100 1155 1045 1082 912 939[219] |2023|XVII New York||-|align="right"|1157|bgcolor="CCCCFF"|Justin S. Holcomb|970 1063 971 1013 1090 1129[220] |2023[221] |V Central Florida||-|align="right"|1158| bgcolor="#CCCCFF "|Sally French| 1022 1079 1102 1039 1109 1110 VIC[222] | 2023| XIII New Jersey|-|align="right"|1159|bgcolor="#CCCCFF "|David G. Read|970 1055 988 1123 899 1118[223] | 2023[224] | XI West Texas||-|align="right"|1160|bgcolor="#CCCCFF "|Carrie Schofield-Broadbent|1022 1030 1097 938 1130 1155[225] | 2023[226] | XV Maryland||-|align="right"|1161|bgcolor="#CCCCFF "|Ann Ritonia|1006 1030 938 1061 1110 1127[227] | 2023[228] | VIII Armed Services ||-|align="right"|1162| bgcolor="#CCCCFF "|John T. W. Harmon| 1068 981 1133 1011 1061 1116[229] | 2024[230] | XIV Arkansas||-|align="right"|1163| bgcolor="#CCCCFF "|Kristin Uffelman White| 950 975 1100 1155 1127 1026[231] | 2024[232] | X Southern Ohio||-|align="right"|1164| bgcolor="#CCCCFF "|Jeremiah Williamson| 1097 812 989 996 1117 1137[233] | 2024[234] | X Albany||-|align="right"|1165| bgcolor="#CCCCFF"|Austin K. Rios| 1044 1115 1120 974 1103 1116[235] | 2024[236] | California||-|align="right"|1166| bgcolor="#CCCCFF "|Kara Wagner Sherer| 955 1147 1097 1028 1026 938[237] | 2024[238] | IX Rochester||-|align="right"|1167| bgcolor="#CCCCFF "|Dorothy Sanders Wells| 955 1109 1134 967 1085| 2024[239] | XI Mississippi||-|align="right"|1168| bgcolor="#CCCCFF "|Phil LaBelle| 955 1153a 977 1135 1120 924[240] | 2024[241] | IX Olympia||-|align="right"|1169| bgcolor="#CCCCFF "|Julia Whitworth| 955 1100 1156 1073 977 1084 938[242] | 2024[243] | XVII Massachusetts||-|}

See also


Notes and References

  1. Bass also oversaw churches in New Hampshire and Maine.
  2. Eastern Diocese included Vermont and Maine.
  3. Alexander Viets Griswold (12 & PB5), Sheldon Munson Griswold (213) and Frank T. Griswold (794 & PB25) are cousins through their ancestor Edward Griswold (1607–1690).
  4. Philander Chase (18 & PB6) was the principal consecrator of his fourth cousin Carlton Chase (42).
  5. [Henry U. Onderdonk]
  6. George Washington Doane (29) was the father of William Croswell Doane (92).
  7. Stephen Elliott (37) was the father of Robert W. B. Elliott (106).
  8. William Jones Boone, first Bishop of Shanghai (45) was the father of William Jones Boone, fourth Bishop of Shanghai (135).
  9. "Jacobites - History and Cultural Relations". Countries and Their Cultures. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  10. Alonzo Potter (48) and Horatio Potter (62) were brothers; Alonzo was the father of Henry C. Potter (131).
  11. William Mercer Green, first Bishop of Mississippi (51) was the grandfather of William Mercer Green, fourth Bishop of Mississippi (299).
  12. [Richard Hooker Wilmer]
  13. Frederic Dan Huntington (93) and Daniel Trumbull Huntington (259) are cousins through their ancestor Simon Huntingdon (d. 1663).
  14. Benjamin Henry Paddock (102) and John A. Paddock (127) were brothers; John was the father of Robert L. Paddock (235).
  15. John Scarborough (111) was the principal consecrator for his son-in-law Edward J. Knight (236).
  16. Charles Clifton Penick (117) was the granduncle of Edwin A. Penick (322).
  17. Thomas Frederick Davies, Bishop of Michigan (152) was the father of Thomas Frederick Davies, Bishop of Western Massachusetts (254).
  18. William Ford Nichols (154) was the father of John W. Nichols (387).
  19. George Herbert Kinsolving (162) was a brother of Lucien Lee Kinsolving (MB1), who was the father of Arthur B. Kinsolving II (456), who was a co-consecrator for his second cousin, Charles J. Kinsolving III (525) (their mutual great-grandfather was George Washington Kinsolving).
  20. [Episcopal Diocese of South Florida]
  21. William Crane Gray (164) was the father of Campbell Gray (342), who was himself the father of Francis Campbell Gray (815).
  22. Ellison Capers (169) was the son of Methodist bishop William Capers and the father of William T. Capers (270).
  23. William Lawrence (171) was the father and primary consecrator of William Appleton Lawrence (398), who was a co-consecrator of his own brother Frederic C. Lawrence (547).
  24. Chauncey B. Brewster (183) was a co-consecrator for his brother Benjamin Brewster (242).
  25. William Loyall Gravatt (194) was a co-consecrator for his nephew John J. Gravatt (417).
  26. Cameron Mann (201) was the primary consecrator for his brother Alexander Mann (329).
  27. Beverley D. Tucker (233) was the father of Henry St. George Tucker (258 & PB19) and Beverley Dandridge Tucker (409). Henry was the primary consecrator for his brother.
  28. [James Ridout Winchester]
  29. Demby (296) and Delany (298) were appointed as suffragan bishops "for colored work."
  30. Robert H. Mize (314) was the father of Bob Mize, Bishop of Damaraland. Bob was received into the Episcopal Church in 1970.
  31. Bishop of Haiti and in charge of the Dominican Republic, 1928-1934; Mission District of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, 1934; diocesan bishop, Dominican Republic, 1934-1940; mission district, 1940; bishop in charge, 1940-1943
  32. Walter Mitchell (350) was the primary consecrator for his brother Richard Bland Mitchell (412).
  33. Frank W. Creighton (351) was the father of William Creighton (564), who was himself the father of Michael W. Creighton (910).
  34. Robert Burton Gooden (370) was a co-consecrator for his son Reginald H. Gooden (454).
  35. Henry Knox Sherrill (372 & PB20) was the principal consecrator of his son Edmund Sherrill (560).
  36. Before, Hunter Brown's (377) full name was Wyatt Hunter Brown (Sr.); his given name was Wyatt Brown (Sr.).
  37. Oliver Leland Loring (427) and Richard T. Loring (471) were brothers.
  38. Duncan M. Gray (437) was the father of Duncan M. Gray Jr. (698), who was himself the father (and a co-consecrator) of Duncan M. Gray III (956).
  39. [J. Thomas Heistand]
  40. Central America separated from Panama and the Canal Zone in 1956.
  41. Henry I. Louttit, Bishop of South Florida and of Central Florida (455) was the father of Henry I. Louttit (Jr.), Bishop of Georgia (901).
  42. Gerald F. Burrill (500) was a consecrator for his son William G. Burrill (784).
  43. (Charles) Gresham Marmion Jr. (527) and William H. "Bill" Marmion (528) were brothers consecrated about one month apart.
  44. Charles E. Bennison, Bishop of Western Michigan (567) was the father of Charles E. Bennison, Bishop of Pennsylvania (927).
  45. Edward G. Longid (591) was a co-consecrator for his kinsman (probably son) and successor Robert Longid (777).
  46. Charles B. Persell Jr. (592) was the father of William D. Persell (945).
  47. [José Ramos (bishop)|José Ramos]
  48. "A" numbers are bishops consecrated outside the American episcopate, then transferred in as assistant bishop under Title III, Canon 12, Section 5 (Constitution and Canons, 2006)
  49. James E. Folts (889), VIII Bishop of Western Texas, is the father and co-consecrator of Jonathan Folts (1123), XI Bishop of South Dakota.
  50. Soto was consecrated and installed as 2nd Bishop of Venezuela on July 11, 1987 in St. Mary's Cathedral, Caracas. James H. Ottley, Bishop of Panama and President of Province IX, presided at the ceremony. The co-consecrators were Orland U. Lindsay, primate of the West Indies; Olavo V. Luiz, primate of Brazil; and Haydn Jones, retired bishop of Venezuela.
  51. The Diocese of Trinidad and Tobago, founded in 1872, had jurisdiction over Venezuela until 1967, when a constitution for a new Diocese of Venezuela in the Province of the West Indies was agreed. Pending the appointment of the first Diocesan Bishop, episcopal oversight rested with Guy Marshall (Suffragan Bishop, Trinidad and Tobago) who served from 1967 to 1974. The first independent Bishop of Venezuela was Haydn Jones 1976-1986). The Diocese was for many years extra provincial to The Episcopal Church until its admission to Province IX at the 2006 General Convention.
  52. Web site: lwilson. 2021-08-03. Bishop Chilton Knudsen called as Chicago's assisting bishop. 2021-08-09. Episcopal News Service. en-US.
  53. News: Katharine Jefferts Schori to be assisting bishop in San Diego. 2017-06-29. Episcopal Church. 2018-05-24. en.
  54. Web site: BISHOP PROVISIONAL Elected – The Rt. Rev. Thomas Ely – Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota. 2021-03-17. en-US.
  55. Web site: A Letter From the Standing Committee, December 2019. The Episcopal Church in South Carolina. en. 2020-01-09.
  56. Web site: Notice: Bishop Skip Adams called as Consultant, Assisting Bishop. 2021-03-17.
  57. From the 19th century onwards, visiting bishops from the USA provided episcopal oversight to the American congregations in Europe. From late in the 19th century, recently retired "Bishops-in-charge" were appointed for two or three years, living in Europe for several months at a time. In 1993 that pattern changed, and a full-time, non-retired resident Bishop in Charge of the Convocation was appointed, Jeffery Rowthorn. And then, in 2001, the Convocation elected its own bishop, Pierre Whalon.
  58. Web site: Millard. Egan. 2021-07-26. Diocese of Southern Ohio elects George Wayne Smith provisional bishop. 2021-08-09. Episcopal News Service. en-US.
  59. ENS Staff. "Fort Worth diocese calls Rayford High as its provisional bishop". Episcopal News Service. September 19, 2012. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  60. Guerrero was consecrated on August 12, 1995 by Cornelius Wilson, Bishop of Costa Rica; Julio Cesar Holguin-Khoury, Bishop of República Dominicana (870); and Bernardo Merino Botero, Bishop of Colombia (730); which three were assisted by Onell Soto, Bishop of Venezuela (906a); Rawle E. Douglin, Bishop of Trinidad and Tobago, Clarence Wallace Hayes Dewar, Bishop of Panamá and Haydn H. Jones, retired Bishop of Venezuela
  61. Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs. "West Texas notified of successful canonical consent process". Episcopal News Service. January 28, 2015. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  62. Web site: Love. William H.. October 24, 2020. Bishop's Address to the 152nd Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany. March 17, 2021. Episcopal Diocese of Albany.
  63. News: HAWAI'I: Diocese welcomes Micronesia with greetings of 'ohana'. 2009-11-08. Episcopal Church. 2018-05-24. en.
  64. Web site: Bishop transition – Episcopalians in Connection. 2021-03-17. en-US.
  65. William O. Gafkjen, Bishop of the India-Kentucky Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, was also a co-consecrator.
  66. Allan Bjornberg, Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, was also a co-consecrator.
  67. McCaughan, Pat. "Western Kansas: Milliken consecrated fifth bishop, looks ahead to new avenues of ministry". Episcopal News Service. February 22, 2011. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  68. McCaughan, Pat. "WEST MISSOURI: Martin S. Field consecrated as 8th bishop”. Episcopal News Service. March 7, 2011. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  69. McCaughan, Pat. "'A great day for the diocese' as Dan Martins is consecrated 11th bishop of Springfield ". Episcopal News Service. March 21, 2011. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  70. Wozniak, Laurie. "WESTERN NEW YORK: William Franklin consecrated as 11th bishop”. Episcopal News Service. May 2, 2011. Retrieved June 19, 2013.
  71. Thomas Skrenes, Bishop of the Northern Great Lakes Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America was also a co-consecrator.
  72. Web site: NORTHERN MICHIGAN: Rayford Jeffrey Ray consecrated as 11th bishop. 2011-05-22. Episcopal Church. en. 2018-12-21.
  73. Myers, Vikki. "George Dibrell Young becomes fourth bishop of East Tennessee diocese". Episcopal News Service. June 27, 2011. Retrieved June 25, 2105.
  74. McCaughan, Pat. "J. Scott Barker becomes 11th bishop of Nebraska diocese ". Episcopal News Service. October 10, 2011. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  75. Ecumenical co-consecrators of Budde were Richard H. Graham, Bishop of the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Doug Kleintop, Bishop of the Northern Province of the American Provinces of the Moravian Church.
  76. Chumbley, Lucy. "Mariann Budde consecrated as Washington's ninth bishop". Episcopal News Service. November 14, 2011. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  77. Ecumenical co-consecrator of Dietsche was Robert A. Rimbo, Bishop of the Metropolitan New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  78. ENS Staff. "Andrew M.L. Dietsche consecrated bishop coadjutor of New York". Episcopal News Service. March 12, 2012. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  79. ENS Staff. "Gregory Brewer consecrated as bishop of Central Florida". Episcopal News Service. March 26, 2012. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  80. ENS Staff. "Ogé Beauvoir becomes Haiti's bishop suffragan". Episcopal News Service. May 24, 2012. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  81. ENS Staff. "Jacob W. Owensby ordained as bishop of Western Louisiana". Episcopal News Service. July 23, 2012. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  82. Ecumenical co-consecrator of Goff was James Mauney, Bishop of the Virginia Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  83. Cherry, Emily. "Susan Ellyn Goff ordained bishop suffragan for Virginia". Episcopal News Service. July 31, 2012. Retrieved June 19, 2013.
  84. ENS Staff. "Robert Hirschfeld ordained bishop coadjutor for New Hampshire". Episcopal News Service. August 6, 2012. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  85. "Jeff W. Fisher ordained and consecrated as Texas bishop suffragan". Episcopal News Service. October 9, 2012. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  86. "Robert C. Wright ordained Atlanta's 10th bishop”. Episcopal News Service. October 15, 2012. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  87. Ecumenical co-consecrator of McConnell was Kurt F. Kusserow, Bishop of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  88. Creehan, Rich. "Pittsburgh ordains new bishop with pomp and a parable". Episcopal News Service. October 23, 2012. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  89. ENS Staff. "W. Nicholas Knisely ordained as Rhode Island's 13th bishop". Episcopal News Service. November 19, 2012. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  90. "Santosh Marray Elected as 11th bishop of the Diocese of Easton". Episcopal News Service. June 12, 2016. Retrieved August 17, 2017.
  91. "Recognition and Investiture of Santosh Marray as the XI Bishop of Easton". Episcopal Diocese of Easton. October 17, 2016. Retrieved August 17, 2017.
  92. Harris, Deborah Johansen. "Douglas John Fisher ordained as bishop of Western Massachusetts". Episcopal News Service. December 3, 2012. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  93. Ecumenical co-consecrator of Hahn was William O. Gafkjen, Bishop of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  94. McLaughlin, Kay Collier. "LEXINGTON: Douglas Hahn ordained seventh bishop". Episcopal News Service. December 17, 2012. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  95. Zook, Aaron. "William Jay Lambert ordained as bishop of Eau Claire". Episcopal News Service. March 18, 2013. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  96. Diocesan Staff. "Anne Hodges-Copple ordained as North Carolina's bishop suffragan". Episcopal News Service. June 17, 2013. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  97. Modisett, Cara Ellen. "Mark Allen Bourlakas consecrated Southwestern Virginia bishop". Episcopal News Service. July 23, 2013. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  98. Ecumenical co-consecrator of Hougland was Kreiss, Bishop of the Southeast Michigan Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  99. Puzzuoli, Karmel. "Western Michigan: Whayne M. Hougland ordained as ninth bishop". Episcopal News Service. October 2, 2013. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  100. Web site: Bishop Hougland of Western Michigan elected bishop provisional of Eastern Michigan. 2019-10-21. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-10-22.
  101. Web site: Paulsen. David. 2021-06-28. Whayne Hougland to resign as bishop of Western, Eastern Michigan after suspension for infidelity. 2021-08-09. Episcopal News Service. en-US.
  102. "Consecration of a Bishop". Diocese of New Jersey. November 2013. Retrieved June 25, 2015 (via
  103. Pat McCaughan. "San Joaquin overwhelmingly elects David Cappel Rice diocesan bishop". Episcopal News Service. March 6, 2017. Retrieved August 18, 2017.
  104. Diocesan Staff. "Matthew Alan Gunter consecrated eighth bishop of Fond du Lac". Episcopal News Service. April 30, 2014. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  105. Diocesan Staff. "New York diocese ordains Allen K. Shin as bishop suffragan". Episcopal News Service. May 19, 2014. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  106. Ecumenical co-consecrator of Cook was Wolfgang Herz-Lane, District Executive Minister of the Delaware-Maryland Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  107. ENS staff. "Maryland diocese ordains Heather Elizabeth Cook as bishop suffragan ". Episcopal News Service. September 9, 2014. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  108. Cook was deposed in May 2015 by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori following a hit and run accident that claimed the life of a bicyclist.
  109. Ecumenical co-consecrator of Gates was Wilma S. Kucharek, Bishop of the Slovak Zion Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  110. ENS staff. "Massachusetts diocese ordains Alan M. Gates as bishop". Episcopal News Service. September 17, 2014. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  111. Lenoir, Scott. "Mississippi diocese ordains Brian Seage as bishop coadjutor". Episcopal News Service. September 29, 2014. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  112. Canady, Paul. "Robert Skirving ordained as bishop of East Carolina". Episcopal News Service. November 11, 2014. Retrieved June 25, 2015.
  113. Altoria White. "Peter David Eaton consecrated bishop coadjutor of Southeast Florida". Episcopal News Service. May 14, 2015. Retrieved December 8, 2016.
  114. Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast. "Russell Kendrick consecrated bishop of the Central Gulf Coast". Episcopal News Service. July 29, 2015. Retrieved December 8, 2016.
  115. ENS Staff. "Audrey Cady Scanlan ordained as bishop of Central Pennsylvania". Episcopal News Service. September 14, 2015. Retrieved December 8, 2016.
  116. Ecumenical co-consecrator of Gates was Kevin Kanouse, Bishop of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  117. Kimberly Durnan. "George R. Sumner ordained as 7th bishop of Dallas diocese". Episcopal News Service. November 16, 2015. Retrieved December 8, 2016.
  118. Diocese of the Dominican Republic. "Moisés Quezada Mota installed as bishop coadjutor for Dominican Republic". Episcopal News Service. February 17, 2016. Retrieved December 8, 2016.
  119. The Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce. "House of Bishops Interim Meeting March 15, 2016 Minutes". March 15, 2016. Retrieved December 8, 2016.
  120. Diocese of Lexington. "Diocese of Lexington elects Bishop Mark Van Koevering as bishop diocesan". Episcopal News Service. November 14, 2019. Retrieved November 18, 2019.
  121. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Patrick Bell was David Brauer-Rieke, Bishop of Oregon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  122. ENS staff. "Patrick Bell elected as Diocese of Eastern Oregon's seventh bishop". Episcopal News Service. December 15, 2015. Retrieved December 28, 2015.
  123. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Douglas Sparks was William Gafkjen, Bishop of Indiana-Kentucky Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  124. "N. Indiana Bishop Consecrated". The Living Church. June 27, 2016. Retrieved December 8, 2016.
  125. Jason Nark & Chris Mondics. "The Rev. Canon Daniel Gutierrez ordained as the new bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania". The Inquirer. July 16, 2016. Retrieved December 8, 2016.
  126. Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina. "José A. McLoughlin becomes Western North Carolina's seventh bishop". Episcopal News Service. October 4, 2016. Retrieved December 8, 2016.
  127. Ecumenical co-consecrator of Duncan Probe was John Stanley Macholz, Bishop of the Upstate New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  128. Meredith Kadet Sanderson. "DeDe Duncan-Probe becomes bishop of Central New York". Episcopal News Service. December 5, 2016. Retrieved December 8, 2016.
  129. Ecumenical co-consecrator of Wright was Richard Graham, Bishop of the Metropolitan Washington DC Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  130. Mary Frances Schjonberg. "Carl Wright takes up ‘living paradox’ of an episcopate: Bishop Suffragan for the armed forces, federal ministries shoulders role as ‘soldier of the cross’". Episcopal News Service. February 13, 2017. Retrieved August 18, 2017.
  131. Diocese of Spokane. "Gretchen M. Rehberg consecrated ninth bishop of Spokane". Episcopal News Service. March 28, 2017. Retrieved August 18, 2017.
  132. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows was William Gafkjen, Bishop of Indiana-Kentucky Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  133. Diocese of Indianapolis. "Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows becomes 11th bishop of Indianapolis, first black woman to lead Episcopal diocese". Episcopal News Service. May 1, 2017. Retrieved August 18, 2017.
  134. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of John Taylor was R. Guy Erwin, Bishop of Southwest California Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  135. Pat McCaughan. "John Taylor consecrated bishop coadjutor of Los Angeles in ‘grand fiesta’ of unity, diversity". Episcopal News Service. July 10, 2017. Retrieved August 18, 2017.
  136. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Samuel Rodman was Timothy Smith, Bishop of the North Carolina Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  137. Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina. "Sam Rodman ordained, consecrated bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina". Episcopal News Service. July 17, 2017. Retrieved August 18, 2017.
  138. Diocese of Puerto Rico. "Rafael L. Morales Maldonado consecrated bishop of Puerto Rico". Episcopal News Service. August 2, 2017. Retrieved August 18, 2017.
  139. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Jennifer Brooke-Davidson was The Rev Ray Tiemann, Bishop of the Southwestern Texas Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  140. Laura Shaver. "Jennifer Brooke-Davidson consecrated bishop suffragan of the Diocese of West Texas". Episcopal News Service. July 31, 2017. Retrieved August 18, 2017.
  141. Diocese of Texas. "Bishop of Costa Rica to join Diocese of Texas staff". Episcopal News Service. May 4, 2017. Retrieved June 25, 2019.
  142. Web site: Brian Lee Cole ordained and consecrated as fifth bishop of East Tennessee. 2017-12-05. Episcopal News Service. en. 2018-12-21.
  143. Web site: Kevin Brown ordained, consecrated Delaware bishop. 2017-12-11. Episcopal News Service. en. 2018-12-21.
  144. Ecumenical Co-consecrators for Kevin D. Nichols were Samuel R. Zeiser, Bishop of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and M. Blair Couch, Bishop of the Northern Province of the Moravian Church in America
  145. Web site: Kevin D. Nichols ordained as 9th bishop of the Diocese of Bethlehem. 2018-09-21. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-03-14.
  146. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Carlye J Hughes was M. Blair Couch, Bishop of the Northern Province of the Moravian Church in America
  147. Web site: Carlye J. Hughes ordained 11th bishop of Newark. 2018-09-24. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-03-14.
  148. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Michael Buerkel Hunn was the Rev. James W. Gonia, Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  149. Web site: Michael Hunn consecrated 11th bishop of Rio Grande. 2018-11-06. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-03-14.
  150. Web site: Mark Cowell consecrated bishop of Diocese of Western Kansas. 2018-12-03. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-03-14.
  151. Web site: Cathleen Bascom is consecrated as 10th bishop of Kansas. 2019-03-04. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-03-12.
  152. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Jennifer Anne Reddall was the Rev. Deborah Hutterer, Bishop of the Grand Canyon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  153. Web site: Jennifer A. Reddall consecrated as bishop of Arizona. 2019-03-12. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-03-13.
  154. Web site: Cristóbal León Lozano consecrated as bishop of Litoral Ecuador. 2019-04-03. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-04-04.
  155. Web site: Mark Edington ordained and consecrated as 26th bishop of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe. 2019-04-08. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-06-25.
  156. Web site: Phoebe A. Roaf consecrated as fourth bishop of the Diocese of West Tennessee. 2019-05-06. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-06-25.
  157. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Kimberly Lucas was the Rt Rev Jim Gonia, Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  158. Web site: Kym Lucas consecrated as 11th bishop of Episcopal Church in Colorado. 2019-05-20. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-06-25.
  159. Web site: Kathryn McCrossen Ryan consecrated as bishop suffragan of Diocese of Texas. 2019-06-03. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-06-03.
  160. Ecumenical Co-consecrators for Susan Brown Snook were Dr. Andy Taylor, Bishop of the Pacific Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Dr. Kay Ward, Bishop of the Northern Province of the Moravian Church in America
  161. Web site: Susan Brown Snook elected fifth bishop of San Diego. 2019-02-04. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-06-18.
  162. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Thomas Brown was The Rev James Hazelwood, Bishop of the New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  163. Web site: Thomas James Brown ordained and consecrated as bishop of Maine. 2019-06-24. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-06-25.
  164. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Megan Traquair was the Rev Mark W. Holmerud, Bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  165. Web site: Megan M. Traquair consecrated as eighth bishop of Northern California. 2019-07-03. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-07-03.
  166. Web site: Shannon MacVean-Brown ordained and consecrated as bishop of Vermont. 2019-10-01. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-10-01.
  167. Web site: Jonathan H. Folts ordained, consecrated 11th bishop of South Dakota. 2019-11-04. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-11-04.
  168. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Martha Stebbins was the Rev Laurie Jungling, Bishop of the Montana Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  169. Web site: Marty Stebbins consecrated as bishop of Montana. 2019-12-09. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2019-12-10.
  170. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Lucinda Ashby was the Rev Mark Holmerud, Bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  171. Web site: Ordination and Consecration of Lucinda Beth Ashby. 2020-01-11. Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real. en-US. 2020-01-11.
  172. Web site: The Ordination & Consecration of The Reverend Susan Bunton Haynes as a Bishop in the Church of God and the Eleventh Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia. 2020-02-01. Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia. en-US. 2020-02-02.
  173. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Bonnie Perry was the Rev. Donald Kreiss, Bishop of the Southeast Michigan Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  174. Web site: The Ordination and Consecration of The Rev. Dr. Bonnie A. Perry as a Bishop in the Church of God and the Eleventh Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan. 2020-02-08. Episcopal Diocese of Michigan. en-US. 2020-02-10.
  175. Web site: Lennon Yuan-Rung Chang consecrated and installed as bishop of Taiwan. 2020-02-25. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2020-02-26.
  176. Web site: Episcopal, Cuban churches celebrate reunion after more than half-century apart. 2020-03-09. Episcopal News Service. en-US. 2021-06-25.
  177. To prevent the spread of COVID-19 attendance at the consecration was very limited, thus there were no ecumenical co-consecrators.
  178. Ordination & Consecration of Frank Sullivan Logue 11th Bishop of Georgia Episcopal Diocese of Georgia PDF
  179. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Poulson Reed was the Rev. Michael K. Girlinghouse, Bishop of the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  180. Web site: May 30, 2020. The Order of Service for the Ordination and Consecration of the Reverend Poulson C. Reed as Sixth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma. June 2, 2020. Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma.
  181. The Ordination & Consecration of the Very Reverend Craig Loya, Episcopal Church in Minnesota, June 6, 2020
  182. The Ordination & Consecration of Deon Kevin Johnson, Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, June 13, 2020
  183. Web site: The Ordination and Consecration of The Rev. Dr. Glenda S. Curry as Bishop Coadjutor of the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama . Episcopal Diocese of Alabama . 27 June 2020.
  184. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Diana D. Akiyama was the Rev Laurie Larson Caesar, Bishop of the Oregon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  185. Web site: The Ordination and Consecration of Diana D. Akiyama as a bishop in the church of God and the Bishop of the Diocese of Oregon . Trinity Episcopal Cathedral newsletter . Trinity Episcopal Cathedral . . 30 January 2021. 2021-01-31 .
  186. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Paul-Gordon Chandler was the Rev Jim Gonia, Bishop, Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  187. Web site: "FROM THE MIDDLE EAST TO THE WILD WEST". 2021-02-27. The Episcopal Diocese of Wyoming.
  188. Web site:
  189. Paul-Gordon Chandler was deposed by presiding-bishop designate Mary Graves-Reeves under a Title IV accord in March 2024.
  190. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Ruth Woodliff-Stanley was The Right Reverend G. Thomas Shelton, Bishop, The Moravian Church in America, Southern Province
  191. Web site: Ruth Woodliff-Stanley consecrated the 15th bishop of the Diocese of South Carolina. 2021-10-04. Episcopal News Service. en. 2021-11-17.
  192. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Ketlen Solak was Bishop Kurt Kusserow of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  193. Web site: Ketlen Solak consecrated 9th bishop of Pittsburgh. 2021-11-16. Episcopal News Service. en. 2021-11-17.
  194. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Betsey Monnot was Bishop Amy Current of the Southeastern Iowa Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  195. Web site: Episcopal Diocese of Dallas notified of successful canonical consent process . 4 February 2022 .
  196. Web site: Millard . Egan . 2022-03-04 . Daniel P. Richards consecrated bishop of Upper South Carolina . 2022-03-07 . Episcopal News Service . en-US.
  197. Web site: 2022-03-06 . Episcopal Church consecrates Gardner as bishop for Nevada . 2022-03-07 . Las Vegas Review-Journal . en-US.
  198. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Matthew Davis Cowden was Bishop Matthew L. Riegel of the Western Maryland Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  199. Web site: Edwards . Madeline . The Episcopal Church welcomes a new West Virginia Bishop Coadjutor . 2022-04-19 . . 13 March 2022 . en.
  200. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Brian Kendall Burgess was the S. John Roth, Bishop of the Central/Southern Illinois Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  201. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Jos Tharakan was Bishop Laurie Jungling of the Montana Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  202. Web site: lwilson . 2022-06-27 . Jos Tharakan consecrated 14th bishop of Idaho . 2022-07-05 . Episcopal News Service . en-US.
  203. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Paula E. Clark was Bishop Yeheil Curry of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  204. Web site: lwilson . 2022-09-19 . Paula Clark consecrated 13th bishop of Chicago . 2022-11-25 . Episcopal News Service . en-US.
  205. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Phylis Spiegel was Bishop Jim Gonia of the Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  206. Web site: lwilson . 2022-09-19 . Phyllis Spiegel consecrated 12th bishop of Utah . 2022-11-25 . Episcopal News Service . en-US.
  207. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Douglas F. Scharf was Bishop Robert G. Schaefer (resigned) of the Florida-Bahamas Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  208. Web site: Millard . Egan . 2022-09-28 . Douglas Scharf consecrated bishop coadjutor of Southwest Florida . 2022-12-06 . Episcopal News Service . en-US.
  209. Web site: Investiture and Seating of the Rt. Rev. Douglas F. Scharf, Sixth Bishop of the Diocese of Southwest Florida . 2023-01-18 . Diocese of Southwest Florida.
  210. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Jeffry W. Mello was Bishop James Hazelwood, of the New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  211. Web site: Paulsen . David . 2022-10-17 . Connecticut consecrates Jeffrey Mello as diocesan bishop . 2022-12-06 . Episcopal News Service . en-US.
  212. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Shannon R. Duckworth was Bishop Michael Rinehart, of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  213. Web site: Paulsen . David . 2022-11-23 . Shannon Duckworth consecrated as bishop of Louisiana . 2022-12-06 . Episcopal News Service . en-US.
  214. Ecumenical Co-consecrators of E. Mark Stevenson were Lane Sapp, Bishop of the Southern Province of the Worldwide Moravian Unity and Robert F. Humphrey, Bishop of the Virginia Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  215. Web site: Paulsen . David . 2022-12-05 . Mark Stevenson consecrated 14th bishop of Diocese of Virginia . 2022-12-06 . Episcopal News Service . en-US.
  216. Web site: Affairs . Office of Public . 2023-01-31 . Diocese of Olympia notified of successful canonical consent process for next bishop . 2023-02-19 . The Episcopal Church . en-US.
  217. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Anne B. Jolly was Laura H. Barbins, Bishop of the Northeast Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  218. Web site: The Rt. Rev. Anne B. Jolly Consecrated and Ordained as Bishop Coadjutor The Episcopal Diocese of Ohio . 2023-05-07 . . en.
  219. Ecumenical Co-consecrators for Matthew Heyd were Paul T. Egensteiner, Bishop of the Metropolitan New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and M. Blair Couch, Bishop of the Northern Province of the Moravian Church in America.
  220. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Justin S. Holcomb was Bishop Matthew L. Riegel of the Western Maryland Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  221. Web site: 2023-06-11 . Justin S. Holcomb ordained and consecrated fifth bishop of Central Florida . 2023-06-11 . Episcopal News Service . en-US.
  222. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Sally French was Bishop M. Blair Couch of the Morovian Church in North America and Bishop Patricia Ann Curtis Davenport of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  223. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of David Read was Bishop Susan J. Briner, Bishop of the Southwestern Texas Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  224. Web site: Woerman . Melodie . 2023-07-11 . David Read consecrated bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of West Texas . 2023-08-15 . Episcopal News Service . en-US.
  225. Ecumenical Co-consecrators of Carrie Schofield-Broadbent were Bishop William J. Gohl, Jr., Bishop of the Delaware-Maryland Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Bishop M. Blair Couch, Bishop of the Northern Province, Moravian Church in America
  226. Web site: Episcopal Diocese of Maryland . The Order of Service for the Ordination of the Reverend Canon Carrie K. Schofield-Broadbent . Washington National Cathedral . 16 September 2023.
  227. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Ann Ritonia was Bishop William J. Gohl, Jr., Bishop of the Delaware-Maryland Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  228. Web site: St. John's Church Lafayette Square . The Holy Eucharist with the Ordination and Consecration of the VIII Bishop Suffragan for Armed Forces & Federal Ministries . St. John's Church Lafayette Square . 30 September 2023.
  229. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of John Harmon was Bishop Becca Middeke-Conlin of the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  230. Web site: The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas . The Ordination and Consecration of The Reverend Canon John Toga Wea Harmon . The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas . 6 January 2024.
  231. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Kristin White was Bishop Suzanne Darcy Dillahunt of the Southern Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  232. Web site: Curry . Michael . Twenty Six bishops have gathered in Columbus, OH for the Ordination and Consecration of The Rev. Canon Kristin Uffelman White as Bishop of The Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio . Facebook . 17 February 2024.
  233. Ecumenical Co-consecrators of Jeremiah Williamson was Bishop Lee M. Miller II of the Upstate New York Synod of the Southern Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Bishop Blair Couch of the Northern Province of the Moravian Church in America
  234. Web site: Curry . Michael . Twenty One bishops have gathered in Albany. NY for the Ordination and Consecration of The Rev. Jeremiah David Williamson as Bishop of The Episcopal Diocese of Albany. . Facebook . 13 April 2024.
  235. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Austin Rios was Bishop Jeff R. Johnson of the Sierra Pacific Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  236. Web site: Curry . Michael . Twenty Five bishops have gathered in San Francisco. CA for the Ordination and Consecration of The Rev. Austin Rios as Bishop Coadjutor of Episcopal Diocese of California. . Facebook . 4 May 2024.
  237. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Kara Wagner Sherer was Bishop Lee Miller II of the Upstate New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  238. Web site: The Episcopal Diocese of Rochester . Consecration Service Bulletin 07.13.24.pdf . Google Drive . 13 July 2024.
  239. Web site: The Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi . Bishop_XI__Ordination_Draft_Program . 14 September 2024.
  240. Ecumenical Co-consecrators of Phil LaBelle were Bishop Richard Jaech of the Southwestern Washington Synod and Bishop Shelly Bryan Wee of the Northwest Washington Synod, both of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  241. Web site: The Episcopal Diocese of Olympia . 2024.09.14-11AM-Ordination-and-Consecration-of-Philip-Noah-LaBelle-FINAL . 14 September 2024.
  242. Ecumenical Co-consecrator of Julia Whitworth was Bishop Nathan D. Pipho of the New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  243. Web site: The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts . Consecration Service Booklet 2024_10_19 . 19 October 2024.