List of English words of French origin (J–R) explained
See main article: List of English words of French origin. A great number of words of French origin have entered the English language to the extent that many Latin words have come to the English language.
- jabot
- jacinth
- jack, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: jaque or French, Old (842-ca.1400);: jacque, a garment, from French, Old (842-ca.1400);: Jacques, general nickname for peasants who used to wear this garment (see jacket)
- jacket, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: jaquette, diminutive form of French, Old (842-ca.1400);: jaque
- jade
- j'adoube
- jail
- jalousie
- jamb
- jambalaya
- James, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: James
- Jane, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: Jehane
- jangle
- janizary
- January
- jape
- jar
- jardinière
- jargon
- jasmine
- jasper
- jaundice
- jaunt
- jaunty
- javelin
- jaw
- jay, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: gai, compare Mod. Fr. French: geai
- je ne sais quoi
- jealous
- jealousy
- Jean
- jeans
- Jeffrey
- jelly (from French: gelée)
- jennet
- jeopardy
- jeremiad
- Jerome
- jersey
- jest
- jet
- jete
- jetsam
- jettison
- jetty
- Jew, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: giu
- jewel, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: jouel, compare Mod. Fr. French: joyau
- jeweller
- jewelry
- Jocelin
- jocund
- joie de vivre
- join, from French: joindre
- joinder
- joiner
- joint
- jointure
- joist
- jollity
- jolly
- jongleur
- jonquil
- jouissance
- journal
- journalism
- journalist
- journey (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: journée)
- joust
- jovial
- joviality
- joy
- joyous
- jubilation
- jubilee
- judge, from French: juge
- judgement
- judgment
- judicious
- juggle, from French: jongler
- juggler
- juice
- julep
- julienne
- July
- jupe
- Jurassic
- juridic
- jurist
- jury
- just, from Old French French, Old (842-ca.1400);: juste
- justice, from Old French, compare modern Fr. French: justice
- justiciable
- justifiable
- justification
- justify
- juxtapose
- juxtaposition
- kamagraphy
- kaolin, Fr. French: kaolin, from Chinese
- kennel
- kepi, Fr. French: képi, from Swiss Germ. Swiss German; Alemannic; Alsatian: käppi
- kerchief
- kermess or kirmess (Fr. 'French: kermesse)
- kern
- kestrel
- khedive
- kilo, Fr. French: kilo, from Greek
- kilogram, Fr. French: kilogramme
- kilometre or kilometer, Fr. French: kilomètre
- kinematic
- kiosk, Fr. French: kiosque, from Turkish, from Persian
- kir
- label
- laborious
- labour or labor, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: labour, compare Mod. Fr. French: labeur
- lace
- lackey, Middle Fr. French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: laquais
- lacquer
- lacrosse
- lactose
- lagoon, Fr. French: lagune, from Italian Italian: laguna, from Latin Latin: lacuna
- laic
- laissez-faire
- laissez-passer
- laity
- lake
- Lambert
- lamé
- lamentable
- lamp
- lampoon
- lamprey
- lance
- Lancelot
- lancer
- lancet
- language (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: langage)
- languish
- languor
- languorous
- L'Anse aux Meadows (Fr. French: L'anse aux méduses : Jellyfish Cove)
- lantern
- lanyard
- lapidary
- lapse
- larceny
- lard
- large
- largess
- larynx
- las
- lash
- lassitude
- lateen
- latent
- latitude
- latrine
- lattice
- laud
- launch
- launder
- laundry
- laurel
- Laurence or Lawrence
- lavage
- lavalier
- lavender
- laver (Fr. French: laveoir)
- lavish
- lawn
- laxative
- laxity
- lay (adj. and n.)
- layette
- league
- lease
- leash
- leaven
- lecher
- lecherous
- lechery
- lecithin
- lectern
- lees
- legacy
- legend
- legerdemain
- legion
- legionnaire
- legume
- leguminous
- leisure, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: leisir, compare modern Fr. French: loisir
- lemon
- lemonade
- lenity
- lenient
- lentil
- Leonard
- leopard
- Leopold
- leotard
- leprous
- lese-majesty
- lesion
- lessee
- lesson
- lessor
- letter
- lettuce
- Levant
- levee
- level
- lever
- levy
- Lewis
- lexicographer
- liable
- liaise
- liaison
- lias
- libel, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: libelle
- liberal
- liberalism
- liberality
- liberation
- libertine
- liberty, Old Fr . French, Old (842-ca.1400);: liberté
- library
- libre
- license
- licorice
- liege
- lien
- lieu
- lieutenant
- ligature
- lignite
- lilac
- limbic
- limit
- limousine
- limpid
- line
- lineage
- lineal
- lineament
- lingerie
- linnet
- lintel
- lion
- Lionel
- lipase
- lipid
- liquefaction
- liquefy
- liqueur
- liquid
- liquor, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: licour
- liquorice
- list
- litany
- liter
- literal
- literary
- literature, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: litterature
- litigant
- litigious, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: litigieux
- litotes
- litre
- litter
- litterateur
- liturgy
- livery
- livid
- lizard
- loach, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: loche
- local
- locale
- localisation
- localise
- locality
- locket
- locomotive
- locust
- lodge
- lodgement
- logic
- logician
- logistics
- loin
- Lombard
- longitude
- lorgnette
- loris
- lotion
- louche
- Louis
- Louisiana, Fr. French: Louisiane, named for Louis XIV of France
- Louisville, named for Louis XVI of France
- lounge
- loupe
- louver
- loyal
- loyalty
- lozenge, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: losenge, compare modern Fr. French: losange
- Lucy
- ludic
- luff
- luge
- lumen
- luminaire
- luminary, Middle Fr. French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: luminarie
- lunar
- lunatic
- lune
- lunette
- lunge
- lupin, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: lupin
- lure
- lush
- lustre or luster
- lute
- luthier
- luxe
- luxurious
- luxury
- lymph
- lyre
- lyric
- macabre
- macaque
- macaroon
- mace
- macédoine
- macer
- mache
- machine
- mackerel
- mackle
- macle
- macramé
- macrocosm, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: macrocosme
- macule
- madam (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: ma dame)
- madame
- madeleine
- mademoiselle
- maderization
- madrilene
- magazine
- Magdalenian
- magic
- magician
- magistral
- magnanimity
- magnificence
- magnificent
- magnify
- magnolia
- maigre
- mail, [post, letters] Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: male, [metal ring armour] Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: maille
- maillot
- maim
- Maine (name of the former French province of Maine)
- maintain (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: maintenir)
- maintenance
- maisonette, Fr. French: maisonnette
- maître d'hôtel
- majesty (Fr. French: majesté)
- major (n.)
- majority (Fr. French: majorité)
- majuscule
- malachite
- maladroit
- malady
- malaise
- malapert
- malapropos
- malcontent
- mal de mer
- mal du siècle
- male, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: masle, compare Mod. Fr. French: mâle
- malediction
- malevolence
- malevolent
- malfeasance
- malic
- malice
- malicious
- malign
- malignity
- malinger (Fr. French: malingre)
- malison
- mallard
- mallet
- malversation
- mammary
- manacle
- manage
- mandolin
- maneuver or manoeuvre, Fr. French: manœuvre
- manganese
- mange
- manger
- mangetout
- mangle
- mangonel
- maniac
- manicure
- manipulation
- mannequin
- manner
- manometer
- manor
- manque
- mansard
- mansion
- mantle, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mantel, compare mod. Fr. French: manteau
- mantua, Fr. French: manteuil
- manual (n.)
- manufacture
- manure
- map
- maquette
- maquis
- maraud
- marble
- march
- March
- mardi gras
- Margaret
- margarine
- marinade
- marinate
- marine, Middle Fr. French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: marin
- mariner
- marionette, Fr. French: marionette
- marital
- maritime
- marjoram
- market
- marl
- marmalade, Middle Fr. French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: marmelade, from Port. Portuguese: marmelada
- marmoset
- marmot
- maroon
- marque
- marquee
- marquess
- marquetry
- marquis
- marriage, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mariage
- marry, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: marier
- marshal, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mareschal, compare modern Fr. French: maréchal
- martel de fer
- marten, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: martrine, compare modern Fr. French: martre
- martin
- martinet
- martingale
- marvel, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: merveille
- marvelous, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: merveillos, compare mod. Fr. French: merveilleux
- Marxist, Fr. French: marxiste
- mascle
- mascot
- masculine
- masculinity
- mask, Middle Fr. French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: masque
- mason, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: masson, compare mod. Fr. French: maçon
- masonry, Fr. French: maçonnerie
- masque
- masquerade, Fr. French: mascarade, from Italian Italian: mascarata
- mass, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: masse
- massacre, Middle Fr. French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: massacre
- massage
- masseur
- masseuse
- massicot
- massif
- massive
- master, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: maistre
- mastery, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: maistrie
- mastic
- mastiff
- mastitis
- mastodon
- match [stick for striking fire], Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: meiche, compare mod. Fr. French: mèche
- matelot
- matelote
- materialism
- materiel
- maternal
- maternity
- mathematician
- mathematics
- Matilda
- matinal
- matinee
- matins
- matricide
- matrimonial
- matrimony
- matrix, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: matrice
- matron
- matte
- matter, Anglo-Fr. matere, compare mod. Fr. French: matière
- Matthew, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: Mathieu, ultimately from Hebrew
- mattress, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: materas, compare modern Fr. French: matelas
- maturation
- Maud, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: Mahaut, from Frankish
- maudlin
- maul
- mauve
- mavis
- maxim
- May, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mai
- mayday, Fr. French: m'aider, shortening of French: venez m'aider
- mayhem, Anglo-Fr. maihem, from Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mahaigne
- mayonnaise
- mayor, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: maire
- mayoralty
- meagre
- mean [middle, intermediate], Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: meien, compare mod. Fr. French: moyen
- measurable
- measure
- mechanic
- medal, Middle Fr. French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: médaille
- medallion
- meddle, Old North. Fr. French: medler (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mesler, compare mod. Fr. French: mêler)
- median
- mediant
- medical
- medicament
- medication
- medicine
- mediocre, Fr. French: médiocre
- mediocrity
- meditation
- meditative
- medlar
- medley, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: medlee
- megalomania
- melancholy
- melange
- melee or mêlée
- melilot
- melodic
- melodious
- melodrama, Fr. French: mélodrame
- melody
- melon
- member
- memoir
- memorable
- memory, Anglo-Fr. memorie, compare mod. Fr. French: mémoire
- menace
- menage
- ménage à trois
- menagerie
- mend, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: amender
- mendacious, Middle Fr. French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: mendacieux
- mendicity
- menhir, Fr. French: menhir, from Breton Breton: men hir
- menial
- menopause
- menstruous
- mental
- mentality
- mention
- menu
- mercantile
- mercer
- merchandise
- merchant
- mercy, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mercit or French, Old (842-ca.1400);: merci
- mere (adj.), Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mier
- merengue
- meridian
- meridional
- meringue
- merit
- merle
- merlin, Anglo-Fr. merilun, from Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: esmerillon
- Merlin, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: Merlin, from Breton
- merlon
- mesalliance
- mesclun
- mesmerism
- mesne
- mess, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mes
- message
- messenger
- messuage
- metabolism
- metal
- metallurgy, Fr. French: métallurgie
- metamorphose
- metaphor
- meteor
- meteorology
- meter or metre
- method
- méthode champenoise
- methylene
- meticulous
- metier
- metric
- metro, Fr. French: métro
- mew (n.) [cage], Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mue
- mezzanine, Fr. French: mezzanine, from Italian Italian: mezzanino
- microbe
- microcephalic
- microcosm
- microgramme
- micron
- Midi
- migraine
- migrant
- migration
- milieu
- milfoil
- militant
- militarisation
- militarism
- military
- Mille Lacs (USA), means 'thousand lakes'
- mille-feuille
- millet
- milliard
- milligram
- millilitre
- millimetre
- million
- millionaire, Fr. French: millionnaire
- mime
- minaret, Fr. French: minaret, from Turkish, from Arabic
- minatory
- mince, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mincier
- mine (n.), Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mine
- miner
- miniature
- minion
- minister, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: ministre
- ministerial
- minority
- minstrel
- mint
- minuet
- minuscule
- minute
- mirabelle
- miracle
- miraculous
- mirage
- mirepoix
- mirliton
- mirror, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mireor, compare mod. Fr. French: miroir
- misadventure, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mesaventure
- miscellany
- mischance
- mischief
- mischievous
- miscreant, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mescreant, compare mod. Fr. French: mécréant
- mise en scène
- miserable, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: misérable
- misery, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: miserie, compare mod. Fr. French: misère
- misfeasance
- misnomer
- misprision
- misprize
- missal
- missile
- mistral
- mistress
- mitigation
- mitre
- mitten, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mitaine
- mix, Anglo-Fr. mixte, compare mod. Fr. French: mixte
- mixture
- mizzen, Middle Fr. French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: misaine
- moat
- mobile
- mobilisation
- mobilise or mobilize
- mobility
- mock
- mockery
- modal
- modality
- mode
- model
- moderation
- modern
- modernisation
- modest
- modesty
- modifiable
- modification
- modify
- modist
- modulation
- module
- mohair, Middle Fr. French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: mocayart, from Arabic
- moiety
- moil
- moire
- moist, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: moiste, compare mod. Fr. French: moîte
- moisture
- mold
- mole
- molecule
- molest
- molestation
- mollification
- mollify
- mollusc
- moment, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: moment
- monarchy, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: monarchie
- monastery
- monastic
- monetary
- money, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: moneie, compare mod. Fr. French: monnaie
- monition
- monobloc
- monocle
- monogamy, Fr. French: monogamie
- monogram
- monolith
- monolithic
- monologue, Fr. French: monologue
- monopole
- monotony
- monsieur
- monster, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: monstre
- monstrous
- montage
- mooch
- Moor
- moraine
- moral
- morale
- moralise
- morality
- mordant
- morel
- morganatic
- morgue
- moribund
- morpheme
- morphine
- morsel
- mort
- mortal
- mortality
- mortar
- mortgage
- mortise
- mortification
- mortify
- mortise
- mortmain
- mortuary
- mosaic, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mosaicq, compare mod. Fr. French: mosaïque
- mosque, Middle Fr. French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: mosquée
- mot juste
- motet
- motif
- motion
- motivation
- motive
- motley
- moue
- mount, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mont
- mountain, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: montaigne, compare mod. Fr. French: montagne
- mountainous, Fr. French: montagneux
- mousse
- moustache or mustache, compare French: moustache
- mouton enragé
- movable
- move, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: moveir, compare mod. Fr. French: mouvoir
- movement
- mucilage
- muck
- muffle, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: moufle
- mulct
- mule [footwear]
- mullein
- mullet
- mullion
- multiple
- multiplication
- multiply
- multitude
- mummification
- mummify
- mummy
- mundane
- municipal
- municipality
- munificence
- munition
- mural
- murmur
- murrain
- muscat
- muscatel
- muscle
- musculature
- muse
- mushroom
- music
- musical
- musicality
- musician
- musk
- musket, Middle Fr. French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: mousquet
- musketeer, Middle Fr. French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: mousquetaire
- muslin
- mustard, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: moustarde, compare modern Fr. French: moutarde
- muster, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mostrer, compare modern Fr. French: montrer
- mute
- mutineer
- mutiny
- mutism
- mutton
- mutual
- mutualism
- muzzle
- myriad
- myrtle
- mysterious
- mystery, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: mistere, compare modern Fr. French: mystère
- mystic
- mystification
- mystify
- mystique
- mythology
- nacarat
- nacelle
- nacre
- naiant
- naïve
- naivete
- naivety
- nanometre
- nanosecond
- nanotechnology
- narcolepsy
- narcotic
- nard
- narghile
- narration
- narrative
- nasal
- natality
- nation, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: nacion, from Latin Latin: natio(n-), compare mod. Fr. French: nation
- national
- nationalisation
- nationalise
- nationalism
- nationalist
- native
- nativity
- natron
- natural, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: naturel
- naturalisation
- naturalise
- naturalism
- naturalist
- nature, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: nature
- naturism
- nautical, Middle Fr. French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: nautique
- naval, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: naval
- navarin
- navigable
- navigation
- navy, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: navie
- neat, Anglo-Fr. neit, from Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: net, compare mod. Fr. French: net
- nebulous
- nebuly
- nécessaire
- necessary
- necessity
- necromancy, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: nigromancie, spelling changed in the 16 c. to conform with Greek etymology, compare mod. Fr. French: nécromancie
- née or nee, feminine past participle of French: naître, 'to be born'
- negation
- negative
- negatory
- negligee
- negligence
- negligent
- negligible
- negotiation
- negritude
- neologism
- nephew
- nepotism
- nervure
- neutral
- neutralisation
- neutralise
- neutrality
- neve
- newel
- Nez Perce
- nice (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: nice)
- nicety
- niche
- nicotine
- niece
- nitrate
- nitre
- nitrogen
- nobility
- noble
- noblesse oblige
- nocturnal
- nocturne
- Noel
- noise (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: noise)
- nomad
- nom de guerre
- nom de plume
- nominalism
- nominative
- nonage
- nonchalance
- nonchalant
- nonpareil
- noose
- Nordic
- norm
- Norman
- Normandy
- normative
- notable
- notary
- note
- notice
- notification
- notify
- notoriety
- nougat
- noun
- nourish
- nourishment
- nouveau riche
- nouveau roman
- nouveau
- nouvelle cuisine
- nouvelle vague
- novel
- novelty
- November
- novice (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: novice)
- novitiate
- nuance
- nubile
- nudism
- nuisance
- null
- nullity (Fr. French: nullité)
- number (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: nombre)
- numeral
- numeric
- numismatic
- nurse
- nursery
- nurture
- nutmeg
- nutrition (Fr. French: nutrition)
- nutritive
- nymph (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: nimphe)
- obedient, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: obedient
- obeisance, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: obeissance, compare Mod. Fr. French: obéissance
- obelisk, Middle Fr. French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: obélisque
- obesity
- obey
- objection
- objet d'art
- oblation
- obligation
- oblige, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: obligier, compare Mod. Fr. French: obliger
- oblique
- obliquity
- obscene
- obscure
- obscurity
- observance
- observant
- observatory
- observe
- obstacle
- obtain
- obtuse
- occasion
- occident
- occidental
- occipital
- occupation, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: occupacion, compare Mod. Fr. French: occupation
- occupy
- occur
- occurrence
- ocean, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: occean, compare Mod. Fr. French: océan
- Oceania, Fr. French: Océanie
- ocelot, Fr. French: ocelot, from Nahuatl
- ochre
- octogenarian
- oculist
- odalisque
- ode
- odious, Anglo-Fr. odious, from Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: odieus, compare Mod. Fr. French: odieux
- odometer, Fr. French: odomètre
- odour or odor, Anglo-Fr. odour, from Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: odor, compare Mod. Fr. French: odeur
- oeillade
- oeuvre
- offend
- offense, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: offense
- offensive
- offer
- office
- officer, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: officier
- official
- officinal
- ogive, Fr. French: ogive
- ogre
- oil, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: oile, compare Mod. Fr. French: huile
- ointment, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: oignement
- oleaginous
- oligarchy
- olive
- Oliver
- omelette or omelet, Fr. French: omelette
- omission
- omnibus
- omnipotent
- onerous
- onion
- onyx
- ooh la la
- opacity
- opal
- opaque
- operation
- opine
- opinion, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: opinion
- opportune
- opportunism, Fr. French: opportunisme
- opportunity
- oppose, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: opposer
- opposite
- opposition, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: oposicion, compare Mod. Fr. French: opposition
- oppress, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: oppresser
- oppression
- opprobrious
- opt
- optative, Fr. French: optatif
- optic
- optician
- optimism, Fr. French: optimisme
- optimist
- option
- opulence
- oracle, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: oracle
- oracular
- orange, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: orenge, compare Mod. Fr. French: orange
- orator
- orb
- orchestration
- ordain, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: ordener, compare Mod. Fr. French: ordonner
- order, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: ordre
- ordinance
- ordinary
- ordination
- ordure
- organ
- organdy
- organic
- organisation
- organise
- organism
- orgasm
- orgy
- orient
- Oriental
- orientalism
- orientate
- orientation
- orifice
- oriflamme
- origin
- original
- originality
- orimulsion
- oriole, Fr. French: oriol, from Old Provençal Provençal, Old (to 1500);Occitan, Old (to 1500);: auriol
- orison
- ormolu
- ornament
- ornithopter
- orogeny
- orpine
- orthogonal
- orthography, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: ortografie, compare Mod. Fr. French: orthographe
- orthopedic
- oscillation
- osier
- osprey
- ostensible
- ostentation
- ostrich
- Ottoman
- oubliette
- ounce
- oust
- ouster
- outrage
- outrageous
- outré
- overt
- overture
- ovule
- oxidant
- oxidation
- oxide
- oxygen
- oyer and terminer
- oyez
- oyster
- pace, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: pas
- pachyderm
- pacific
- pacification
- pacifism
- pacifist
- pacify
- packet
- pact
- page
- pagination
- pail
- paillard
- pain
- paint
- painter
- pair
- palace, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: palais
- paladin
- palate
- palatial
- palatine
- palaver
- pale (adj.)
- Paleocene
- paleontology
- palestra
- palette
- palfrey
- palinode
- palisade
- pallet
- palliative
- pallor
- palm, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: palme
- palmer
- palp
- palpable
- palpitant
- palpitation
- palsy
- panache
- panda
- pane
- panegyric
- panel
- panic
- panne
- pannier
- pansy, Fr. French: pensée
- pant, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: pantaisier
- pantaloons, Fr. French: pantalon
- panther, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: pantère
- pantry
- papa
- papal
- paper
- papier-mâché
- papillon
- papist
- parable
- parachute
- paraclete
- parade
- paradise
- parados
- paragon
- paragraph
- parallax
- parallel
- parallelogram
- paralyse
- paramount, Anglo-Fr. paramont, from Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: par amont
- paramour
- parapet
- paraphrase
- parasite
- parasitism
- parasol, Fr. French: parasol, from Italian Italian: parasole
- parboil
- parcel
- parchment
- pardon
- pare
- parent
- parentage
- parental
- parenthesis
- par excellence
- parfait
- parish
- parity
- park
- parlance
- parley
- parliament
- parlour
- parochial
- parole
- paroxysm
- parquet
- parricide
- parrot
- parry
- parse
- parsley
- parsnip
- parson
- part (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: part)
- parterre
- partial (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: parcial, compare modern Fr. French: partiel or French: partial, the latter being a synonym of biased)
- partiality
- participant
- participation
- participle
- particular
- particularism
- particularity
- partisan
- partition
- partner
- partridge
- party
- parvenu
- pas
- pass (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: passer)
- passable
- passage
- passant
- passé
- passenger
- passion
- passive
- passport
- paste
- pastel
- pastern
- pasteurisation
- pasteurise
- pastiche
- pastille
- pastis
- pastor
- pastoral
- pastry
- pasturage
- pasture
- pasty
- patch
- patchouli
- pâté
- patent
- paternal
- paternity
- pathetic
- pathology
- patience (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: pacience)
- patient
- patina
- patisserie
- patois
- patriarch
- patrician
- patrimony
- patriot
- patriotic
- patriotism
- patrol
- patron
- patronage
- patten
- pattern
- paucity
- paunch
- pause (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: pause)
- pave
- pavement
- pavilion
- paw
- pawn (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: pan, French, Old (842-ca.1400);: pant)
- pay
- payment
- paynim
- peace (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: pais)
- peaceable
- peach
- pearl
- peasant
- peasantry
- pecan
- pectin
- pedagogue
- pedagogy
- pedal
- pedant
- pedantry
- pederast
- pedestal
- pedicure
- pedigree
- pedometer
- peel
- peer
- peignoir
- pejorative
- pelage
- pelf
- pelisse
- pellet
- pell-mell (Fr. French: pêle-mêle)
- peloton
- pelt (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: pelete)
- pen (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: penne)
- penal
- penalty
- penance
- penchant
- pencil
- pendant
- pendentive
- penitence
- penitent
- pennant
- pennon
- pension
- pensioner
- pensive
- pentagon
- pentameter
- penthouse, Anglo-Fr. pentiz, from Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: apentis
- penury
- people (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: peupel)
- peradventure, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: par aventure, refashioned as though from Latin
- percale
- perceive
- perch (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: perche)
- perchance, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: par cheance
- percussion
- perdition
- père
- peregrination
- peregrine
- peremptory
- perfect
- perfection
- perfidy
- perforce, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: par force
- perform
- perfume, from Middle French, French, Middle (ca.1400-1600);: parfum
- perfusion
- perianth
- peridot
- peril
- perilous
- period
- periodic
- periodicity
- periphery
- perish
- peristyle
- perjure
- perjury
- permanent
- permissible
- permission
- permissive
- permit
- permutation
- pernicious
- perpendicular
- perpetual
- perpetuity
- perron
- perry
- perse
- persecute
- persecution
- perseverance
- persevere
- Persian
- persist
- persistence
- person (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: persone)
- personage
- personal
- personality
- personify
- personnel
- perspective
- perspicacity
- perspiration
- persuasion
- persuasive
- pertain
- pertinacity
- pertinence
- pertinent
- perturb
- perturbation
- peruke
- perverse
- perversity
- pervert
- pessimism
- pessimist
- pest
- pestilence
- pestle
- petard
- petiole
- petit
- petite
- petite bourgeoisie
- petit four
- petition
- petrification
- petrify
- petroglyph
- petrol
- petty (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: petit)
- petulance
- petulant, compare French: pétulant
- petunia
- pew
- phaeton
- phalange
- phalanstery
- phantasm
- phantasmagoria
- phantom, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: fantosme, compare Mod. Fr. French: fantôme
- pharmacy
- pheasant
- phial
- philanthropic (Fr. French: philanthropique)
- philately (Fr. French: philatélie)
- philharmonic
- philology
- philosophe
- philosopher
- philosophy (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: filosofie)
- philtre (Fr. French: philtre)
- phlebotomy
- phlegm
- phlegmatic
- Phoenician
- phoenix, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: fenix, compare Mod. Fr. French: phénix
- phoresy
- phosphate
- photography, Fr. French: photographie
- phylactery
- physic, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: fisique, compare Mod. Fr. French: physique
- physician
- physique
- pianist
- pickaxe
- picket
- picnic
- piece (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: piece)
- piece de resistance
- pied-à-terre
- pierce
- Pierrot
- Piers
- piety (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: piete)
- pigeon
- pike
- pilaster
- pilfer
- pilgrim
- pillage
- pillar
- pillory
- pilot
- pimp
- pimpernel
- pince-nez
- pinch
- pineal
- pinion
- pinnace
- pinnacle
- pinot
- pint
- piolet
- pioneer
- pipette
- pippin
- piquant
- pique
- piqué
- piquet
- pirate
- pirogue
- pirouette
- piss, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: pissier, compare Mod. Fr. French: pisser
- piste
- pistil
- pistol
- pistole
- piston
- pitcher
- piteous
- pitiable
- piton
- pittance
- pity
- pivot
- placard
- place
- placid
- plague
- plaice
- plain (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: plain)
- plaint
- plaintiff
- plaintive
- plait
- plan
- planchet
- plane
- planet
- plank
- plant
- plantain
- plantation
- plantigrade
- plaque
- plastron
- plat du jour
- plate
- plateau
- platen
- platform (Fr. French: plateforme)
- platitude
- platoon (Fr. French: peloton)
- platter
- plea (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: plait)
- plead
- pleasant (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: plaisant)
- pleasantry (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: plaisanterie)
- please, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: plaise, subj. of French, Old (842-ca.1400);: plaire
- pleasure (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: plesir, modern French French: plaisir)
- pleat
- plebiscite (Fr. French: plébiscite)
- pledge (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: plege)
- plenitude
- plenteous
- plenty
- pleurisy
- pliable
- pliant
- plié
- plinth
- plover
- plumage
- plumb
- plumber (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: plommier)
- plume
- plummet
- plunge
- plural (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: pluriel)
- plurality
- plus ça change
- plush
- pluvial
- ply
- poach
- pocket
- poem (Fr. French: poème)
- poesy (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: poesie)
- poet
- poetic (Fr. French: poétique)
- poignant
- point
- pointillism
- poise
- poison
- poke (n.)
- polarise or polarize
- police
- policy
- polish
- politesse
- politic
- polity
- polonaise
- poltroon
- polytechnic
- polytheism
- pomade
- pome
- pomegranate
- pommel
- pomp
- pompom
- pompadour
- pompier
- pompous
- ponder
- poniard
- pontiff
- pontoon
- pony
- pool [game]
- poontang
- poop
- poor, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: poure, compare Mod. Fr. French: pauvre
- popinjay
- poplar
- poplin
- populace (Fr. French: populace)
- porcelain
- porch
- porcine
- porcupine
- pork
- pornography
- porous
- porphyry
- porpoise
- porridge
- port (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: port)
- portable
- portage
- portcullis
- porte cochère
- portent
- porter
- portière
- portion
- portmanteau
- portrait
- portraiture
- portray
- pose, compare French: poser
- poseur
- position (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: position)
- positive (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: positif)
- positivism
- possess (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: possesser, modern Fr. French: posséder)
- possessive
- possibility
- possible (Fr. French: possible)
- post, compare French: poste
- postal
- posterity
- postern
- postilion, Fr. French: postillon
- postulant
- posture
- pot
- potable
- potation
- potion
- potpourri
- pottage
- potter
- pottery
- pouch
- pouffe
- poult
- poulterer
- poultry
- pounce
- poutine, Quebec Fr.
- poverty, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: poverte, compare Mod. Fr. French: pauvreté
- powder, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: poudre, compare Mod. Fr. French: poudre
- power, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: poeir, compare Mod. Fr. French: pouvoir
- practicable
- practical (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: practique)
- practise
- pragmatic
- prairie
- praise
- praline
- pray
- prayer
- preach
- preacher
- preamble
- prebend
- precaution
- precede
- precedence
- precedent
- precious
- precipice
- precipitation
- precipitous
- precis
- precise
- precision
- precocity
- predestination
- predestine
- predilection
- predisposition
- predominance
- predominant
- preen
- preface
- prefect
- prefecture
- prefer
- preferable
- preference
- prefix
- pregnancy
- pregnant
- prehensile
- prehistoric
- prehistory
- prejudge
- prejudice
- prelate
- preliminary
- prelude
- premature
- premier
- premiere (Fr. French: première)
- premise
- premiss
- premolar
- premonition
- prenatal
- preoccupation
- preoccupy
- preparation
- prepare
- prepuce
- prerogative
- presage
- prescription
- presence
- present
- presentable
- presentation
- presentiment
- preservation
- preservative
- preserve
- preside
- presidence
- president
- press
- pressure
- prestidigitation
- prestige
- presume
- presumption
- presumptuous
- presuppose
- presupposition
- prêt-à-porter
- pretend
- pretense
- pretentious
- preterite
- prevail
- prevalence
- prevalent
- prevarication
- prevision
- prevue
- prey
- price (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: pris)
- priest
- prim
- primacy
- primate
- primitive
- primogeniture
- primrose
- prince (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: prince)
- princess
- princical
- principality (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: principalité)
- principle
- print
- priority
- priory
- prise
- prison (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: prisoun)
- prisoner
- pristine
- privation
- privilege
- privity
- privy
- prix fixe
- prize
- probability
- probable
- probation
- probity
- problem
- problematic
- procedure
- proceed
- process
- procession
- proclaim
- proclamation
- procreation
- procurable
- procurator
- procure
- procurement
- procurer
- prodigal
- prodigality
- prodigious
- production
- profanation
- profane
- profer
- profess
- profession
- proffer
- profile
- profit
- profitable
- profiteroles
- profound
- profundity
- profusion
- progenitor
- progeny
- prognostication
- programme
- progress
- progression
- prohibition
- projection
- proletariat
- proliferation
- prolific
- prolix
- prologue
- prolong
- prolongation
- promenade
- prominence
- prominent
- promiscuity
- promise
- promotion
- prompt
- promptitude
- promulgation
- pronation
- prone
- pronoun (Fr. French: pronom)
- pronounce
- pronouncement
- pronunciation
- proof (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: proeve)
- propagation
- propane
- proper (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: propre)
- property
- prophecy (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: profecie)
- prophesy
- prophet
- prophetess
- prophetic
- propinquity
- propitious
- proport
- proportion (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: proportion)
- propose, from French: proposer
- proposition (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: proposition)
- propriety
- prorogue
- prosaic
- prose (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: prose)
- prosecution
- proselyte
- prospective
- prospectus
- prosper
- prosperity
- prosperous
- prostate
- protection (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: protection)
- protectionism
- protectionist
- protector
- protege
- protegee
- protein
- protest
- Protestant
- protestation
- protocol (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: prothocole)
- prototype
- protrusion
- protuberance
- proud (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: prud)
- prove
- provenance
- Provence
- provender
- proverb
- providence
- province (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: province)
- provincial
- provincialism
- provision
- provisional
- provocation
- provoke
- provost
- prow
- prowess
- proximity
- proxy
- prude
- prudence
- prudent
- prudery
- prune
- psaltery
- pseudonym
- psychiatry
- pterodactyl
- puberty
- pubescent
- public
- publication
- publicist
- publicity
- publish
- puce
- puerility
- pugnacity
- puissance
- puissant
- pulley
- pulse
- pulverisation
- pumice
- pump
- pumpkin
- punch
- puncheon
- punish (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: puniss-)
- punishment
- punitive
- puny
- pup
- pupil
- puppet
- puppy
- purchase
- pure (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: pur)
- puree
- purgative
- purge
- purification
- purify (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: purifier)
- purist
- purity
- purloin
- purport
- purpose (Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: porpos)
- purse
- pursuant
- pursue
- pursuit
- purulent
- purvey
- purveyor
- purview
- push
- pusillanimity
- pustule
- putative
- putrefaction
- putrefy
- putridity
- putty (Modern Fr. French: potée)
- pyramid
- pyrite
- quadrangle
- quadrangular
- quadrille
- quadruped
- quail
- quaint
- quality
- quantity
- quarrel
- quarry
- quart
- quarter
- quartet
- quartier
- quartile
- quash
- quaternary
- quatrain
- quatrefoil
- quay
- queasy
- Québécois
- Quentin
- querulous
- quest
- question
- questionnaire
- queue
- qui vive
- quiche
- quiet
- quietude
- quilt
- quince
- quinsy
- quint
- quintain
- quintal
- quintessence
- quintuple
- quire
- quit
- quittance
- quiver
- quoit
- quote
- quotidian
- rabat
- rabbit
- race
- racism
- racket
- raconteur
- racquet
- radiant
- radioactive
- raffle
- rage, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: raige
- ragout
- rail
- raillery
- raiment
- raisin
- raison d'être
- rally
- ramification
- ramify
- ramp
- rampage
- rampant
- rampart
- rancour
- random
- range
- rank
- rankle
- ransom
- rapacity
- rape
- rapids
- rapier
- rapine
- rappel
- rapport
- rapporteur
- rapprochement
- rapture
- rare, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: rere
- rarefy
- rarity
- rascal
- rasp
- rastaquouère
- ratafia
- ratatouille
- ratchet
- rate
- ratification
- ratify
- ration
- rationalisation
- rationalism
- rationality
- raucous
- ravage
- rave
- raven
- ravenous
- ravine
- ravish
- ray
- Raymond
- rayon
- raze
- razor
- reaction
- reactionary
- reactive
- reaffirm
- reaffirmation
- real, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: reel
- realisable
- realisation
- realise
- reality
- realm
- ream (n.)
- rear
- reason, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: raison
- reasonable
- reassure
- rebarbative
- rebate
- rebec
- rebel
- rebellion
- rebound
- rebuff
- rebuke
- rebut
- recalcitrance
- recalcitrant
- recapitulation
- recede
- receipt
- receive, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: receivre, compare Modern Fr. French: recevoir
- receptacle
- reception
- receptor
- recharge
- recherche
- recidivist
- recipe
- recipient
- reciprocity
- recitation
- recite
- reclaim
- reclamation
- recluse
- recognizance
- recognize
- recoil
- recollection
- recommence
- recommencement
- recommend
- recommendation
- recompense
- reconciliation
- reconfigure
- reconnaissance
- reconnoitre, compare French: reconnaître
- record
- recordation
- recorder, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: recordeur
- recount
- recoup
- recourse
- recover
- recovery
- recreant
- recreation
- recrimination
- recruit
- rectangle
- rectification
- rectify
- rectitude
- rectory
- recuse
- redolent
- redouble
- redoubt
- redoubtable
- redound
- redress
- reduce
- reduction
- refer
- reflect
- reform
- refrain
- refresh
- refreshment
- refuge
- refugee
- refund
- refuse
- regain
- regale
- regard
- regenerative
- regent
- regime
- regiment
- region
- regional
- regret
- regroup
- regular
- rehabilitation
- rehearse
- reign
- reimburse
- rein
- rejection
- rejoice
- rejoin
- rejoinder
- relation
- relative
- relax
- relay
- release
- relic
- relief
- relieve
- religion
- religious
- relinquish
- reliquary
- relish
- rely
- remain, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: remaindre
- remainder
- remand
- remark
- remarkable
- remedy
- remember
- remembrance
- remise
- remission
- remnant
- remonstrance
- remorse
- remoulade
- remove
- renaissance
- render
- rendezvous
- rendition
- renounce
- renouncement
- renown
- rent
- rentier
- repair
- reparable
- repartee
- repartition
- repast
- repay
- repeal
- repeat
- repel
- repent
- repentance
- repentant
- repercussion
- repertoire
- replenish
- replenishment
- replete
- replevin
- replication
- reply
- report
- repose
- repoussé
- represent
- representative
- reprieve
- reprimand
- reprisal
- reprise
- reproach
- reprove
- reptile
- republic
- repugnance
- repulsive
- repute
- request
- require
- requisition
- rescue
- research
- resemblance
- resemble
- resent
- resentment
- reservation
- reserve
- reservoir
- reside
- residence
- residue
- resign
- resignation
- resile
- resin
- resist
- resistance
- resistant
- resonance
- resort
- resound
- resource
- respire
- respite
- respond
- response
- responsibility
- responsible
- responsive
- ressentiment
- rest
- restaurant
- restaurateur
- restitute
- restive
- restore
- restrain
- restraint
- restrictive
- résumé
- resurrection
- retail
- retain
- retard
- retardant
- retentive
- reticence
- reticule
- retinue
- retire
- retirement
- retouch
- retrace
- retreat
- retrench
- retrenchment
- retrieve
- retroactive
- return
- reunion
- revanche
- revanchist
- reveal
- reveille
- revel
- revelation
- revenant
- revenge
- revenue
- reverberant
- reverberation
- revere
- reverence
- reverend
- reverie
- reverse
- reverser
- reversion
- revert
- revetment
- review
- revile
- revise
- revision
- revisit
- revive
- revivify
- revocable
- revoke
- revolt
- revolution
- revue
- reward
- rhapsody
- rhetoric
- rheumatic
- rhubarb
- rhyme
- ribald
- ribaldry
- ribbon
- rice
- Richard
- riches
- ricochet
- ridicule
- rifle
- rigor or rigour
- rigorous
- rink
- rinse
- riot
- riposte
- risk
- risqué
- river
- rivet
- rivulet
- roach
- roan
- roast
- rob
- robbery
- robe
- Robert
- robin
- rock
- rocket (plant), Fr. French: roquette
- rococo
- Roger
- rogue
- roil
- roister
- Roland
- role
- roll, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: rolle
- romaine
- Roman
- roman à clef
- romance
- romantic
- Rome
- rondeau
- rondel
- rook (chesspiece)
- rosé
- rosette
- rosin
- rotisserie
- roué
- rouge
- roulette
- round
- roundel
- roundelay
- rouse
- rout, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: route
- route
- routine
- roux
- rowel
- royal, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: roial, compare Mod. Fr. French: royal
- royalty
- rubbish
- rubble
- rubric
- ruby
- ruche
- rude
- rudiment
- rue (plant)
- ruffian
- ruin
- ruinous
- rule
- rummage
- rumor or rumour
- rupture
- rural
- ruse
- rush, Old Fr. French, Old (842-ca.1400);: ruser
- Russell
- russet
- rut
See also
External links