French: [[Découvertes Gallimard]] is a French encyclopaedic collection of illustrated pocket books published by Éditions Gallimard since 1986. Books of this collection have been selectively translated into English. London-based publisher Thames & Hudson launched its first English-translated titles in 1992,[1] under the title ‘New Horizons’ series. Harry N. Abrams of New York City produces the collection in United States under the title "Abrams Discoveries" series.
English title (UK) | English title (US) | French title | Author | Translator | Publication date (UK) | Publication date (US) | |
The Search for Ancient Egypt | The Search for Ancient Egypt | French: À la recherche de l'Égypte oubliée (nº 1) | Jean Vercoutter | Ruth Sharman | 18 May 1992 | 30 March 1992 | |
Writing: The Story of Alphabets and Scripts | French: L'écriture, mémoire des hommes (nº 24) | Georges Jean | Jenny Oates | 18 May 1992 | 30 March 1992 | ||
Pompeii The Day a City Died | Pompeii: The Day a City Died | French: Pompéi : La cité ensevelie (nº 16) | Robert Étienne | Caroline Palmer | 18 May 1992 | 30 March 1992 | |
The Vikings: Lords of the Seas | The Vikings: Lords of the Seas | French: Les Vikings, rois des mers (nº 13) | Yves Cohat | Ruth Daniel | 18 May 1992 | 30 March 1992 | |
Lost Cities of the Maya | Lost Cities of the Maya | French: Les cités perdues des Mayas (nº 20) | Claude-François Baudez, Sydney Picasso | Caroline Palmer | 18 May 1992 | 30 March 1992 | |
The Amazon: Past, Present and Future | The Amazon: Past, Present, and Future | French: L'Amazone, un géant blessé (nº 40) | Alain Gheerbrant | I. Mark Paris | 18 May 1992 | 30 March 1992 | |
Beethoven The Composer as Hero | Beethoven: The Composer as Hero | French: Beethoven : La force de l'absolu (nº 106) | Philippe A. Autexier | Carey Lovelace | 18 May 1992 | 30 March 1992 | |
Van Gogh The Passionate Eye | Van Gogh: The Passionate Eye | French: Van Gogh : Le soleil en face (nº 17) | Pascal Bonafoux | Anthony Zielonka | 18 May 1992 | 30 March 1992 | |
Gauguin The Quest for Paradise | Gauguin: The Quest for Paradise | French: Gauguin : « Ce malgré moi de sauvage » (nº 49) | Françoise Cachin | I. Mark Paris | 18 May 1992 | 30 March 1992 | |
The Reign of the Dinosaurs | The Reign of the Dinosaurs | French: Le monde perdu des dinosaures (nº 69) | Jean-Guy Michard | I. Mark Paris | 18 May 1992 | 30 March 1992 | |
North Pole, South Pole: Journeys to the Ends of the Earth | North Pole, South Pole: Journeys to the Ends of the Earth | French: Le grand défi des pôles (nº 15) | Bertrand Imbert | Alexandra Campbell | 18 May 1992 | 30 March 1992 | |
The Life and Lore of the Elephant | The Life and Lore of the Elephant | French: Les Éléphants, piliers du monde (nº 93) | Robert Delort | I. Mark Paris, "Documents" translated by Carey Lovelace | 18 May 1992 | 1 April 1992 | |
The Search for Ancient Greece | The Search for Ancient Greece | French: La Grèce antique : Archéologie d'une découverte (nº 84) | Roland Étienne, Françoise Étienne | Anthony Zielonka | 1 September 1992 | 30 October 1992 | |
Newton Understanding the Cosmos | Newton: The Father of Modern Astronomy | French: Newton et la mécanique céleste (nº 91) | Jean-Pierre Maury | I. Mark Paris | 1 September 1992 | 30 October 1992 | |
The Sky: Order and Chaos | The Sky: Mystery, Magic, and Myth | French: Le ciel, ordre et désordre (nº 26) | Jean-Pierre Verdet | Anthony Zielonka | 21 September 1992 | 30 October 1992 | |
The Aztecs: Rise and Fall of an Empire | The Aztecs: Rise and Fall of an Empire | French: Le destin brisé de l'empire aztèque (nº 33) | Serge Gruzinski | Paul G. Bahn | 21 September 1992 | 30 October 1992 | |
Rembrandt Substance and Shadow | Rembrandt: Master of the Portrait | French: Rembrandt : Le clair, l'obscur (nº 76) | Pascal Bonafoux | Alexandra Campbell | 21 September 1992 | 30 October 1992 | |
Rodin The Hands of Genius | Rodin: The Hands of Genius | French: Rodin : Les mains du génie (nº 44) | Hélène Pinet | Caroline Palmer | 21 September 1992 | 30 October 1992 | |
The Story of Jazz: Bop and Beyond | The Story of Jazz: Bop and Beyond | French: L'épopée du jazz 2/ Au-delà du bop (nº 115) | Franck Bergerot, Arnaud Merlin | Marjolijn de Jager | 1 March 1993 | 15 March 1993 | |
The Search for Ancient Rome | The Search for Ancient Rome | French: À la recherche de la Rome antique (nº 56) | Claude Moatti | Anthony Zielonka | 29 March 1993 | 15 March 1993 | |
Degas Passion and Intellect | Degas: The Man and His Art | French: Degas : « Je voudrais être illustre et inconnu » (nº 36) | Henri Loyrette | I. Mark Paris | 29 March 1993 | 15 March 1993 | |
Volcanoes Fire from the Earth | Volcanoes: Fire from the Earth | French: Les feux de la Terre : Histoires de volcans (nº 113) | Maurice Krafft | Paul G. Bahn | 1 June 1993 | 15 March 1993 | |
Monet The Ultimate Impressionist | Monet: The Ultimate Impressionist | French: Monet : « un œil... mais, bon Dieu, quel œil ! » (nº 131) | Sylvie Patin | Anthony Roberts | 21 June 1993 | 15 March 1993 | |
The Exploration of Africa: From Cairo to the Cape | French: L'Afrique des explorateurs : Vers les sources du Nil (nº 117) | Anne Hugon | Alexandra Campbell | 21 June 1993 | 15 March 1993 | ||
Mozart The Real Amadeus | Mozart: From Child Prodigy to Tragic Hero | French: Mozart : Aimé des dieux (nº 41) | Michel Parouty | Celia Skrine | 1 September 1993 | 1 October 1993 | |
Picasso Master of the New | Picasso: Master of the New Idea | French: Picasso : Le sage et le fou (nº 4) | Marie-Laure Bernadac, Paule du Bouchet | Carey Lovelace | 27 September 1993 | 1 October 1993 | |
The Changing Universe: Big Bang and After | The Birth of the Universe: The Big Bang and After | French: Le destin de l'univers : Le big bang, et après (nº 151) | Trinh Xuan Thuan | I. Mark Paris | 27 September 1993 | 1993 | |
Shakespeare Court, Crowd and Playhouse | The Age of Shakespeare | French: Shakespeare : Comme il vous plaira (nº 126) | François Laroque | Alexandra Campbell | 1 October 1993 | 1 October 1993 | |
The Celts: Conquerors of Ancient Europe | French: L'Europe des Celtes (nº 158) | Christiane Éluère | Daphne Briggs | 25 October 1993 | 1 October 1993 | ||
The Story of Rock: Smash Hits and Superstars | The Story of Rock: Smash Hits and Superstars | French: L'âge du rock (nº 160) | Alain Dister | Toula Ballas | 25 October 1993 | 1 October 1993 | |
Gaumont A Century of French Cinema | French: Gaumont, un siècle de cinéma (nº 224) | François Garçon | Bruce Alderman, Jonathan Dickinson | 1 January 1994 | |||
The Story of Fossils: In Search of Vanished Worlds | Fossils: Evidence of Vanished Worlds | French: Les fossiles, empreinte des mondes disparus (nº 19) | Yvette Gayrard-Valy | I. Mark Paris | 1 March 1994 | 1 February 1994 | |
Ancient Greece: Utopia and Reality | The Birth of Greece | French: La Naissance de la Grèce : Des Rois aux Cités (nº 86) | Pierre Lévêque | Anthony Zielonka | 1 March 1994 | 1 April 1994 | |
Goya Painter of Terror and Splendour | Goya: Painter of Terrible Splendor | French: Goya d'or et de sang (nº 7) | Jeannine Baticle | Alexandra Campbell | 14 March 1994 | 23 March 1994 | |
Vampires: Restless Creatures of the Night | French: Sang pour sang, le réveil des vampires (nº 161) | Jean Marigny | Lory Frankel | 1 April 1994 | 1 March 1994 | ||
Cézanne The First Modern Painter | Cézanne: Father of 20th-Century Art | French: Cézanne : « Puissant et solitaire » (nº 55) | Michel Hoog | Rosemary Stonehewer | 18 April 1994 | 1 February 1994 | |
The Incas: Empire of Blood and Gold | The Incas: People of the Sun | French: Les Incas : Peuple du Soleil (nº 37) | Carmen Bernand | Paul G. Bahn | 18 April 1994 | 1 March 1994 | |
D-Day The Normandy Landings and the Liberation of Europe | D-Day and the Invasion of Normandy | French: 6 juin 1944 : Le débarquement en Normandie (nº 202) | Anthony Kemp | Originally published in English[2] | 16 May 1994 | 1 April 1994 | |
Mummies: A Journey Through Eternity | Mummies A Voyage Through Eternity | French: Les momies : Un voyage dans l'éternité (nº 118) | Françoise Dunand, Roger Lichtenberg | Ruth Sharman | 1 October 1994 | 5 October 1994 | |
Toulouse-Lautrec Painter of the Night | Toulouse-Lautrec: Scenes of the Night | French: Toulouse-Lautrec : Les lumières de la nuit (nº 132) | Claire Frèches, José Frèches | Alexandra Campbell | 3 October 1994 | 5 October 1994 | |
Matisse The Sensuality of Colour | Matisse: The Wonder of Color | French: Matisse : « Une splendeur inouïe » (nº 165) | Xavier Girard | I. Mark Paris | 3 October 1994 | 5 October 1994 | |
The Wisdom of the Buddha | The Wisdom of the Buddha | French: La sagesse du Bouddha (nº 194) | Jean Boisselier | Carey Lovelace | 3 October 1994 | 5 October 1994 | |
Angkor: Heart of an Asian Empire | French: Angkor : La forêt de pierre (nº 64) | Bruno Dagens | Ruth Sharman | 27 February 1995 | 1 February 1995 | ||
The Silent Gods: Mysteries of Easter Island | Easter Island: Mystery of the Stone Giants | French: Des dieux regardent les étoiles : Les derniers secrets de l'Île de Pâques (nº 38) | Catherine Orliac, Michel Orliac | Paul G. Bahn | 1995 | 1 February 1995 | |
Cinema is 100 Years Old | Birth of the Motion Picture | French: Cinématographe, invention du siècle (nº 35) | Emmanuelle Toulet | Susan Emanuel | 27 February 1995 | 1 February 1995 | |
The Cathedral Builders of the Middle Ages | Cathedrals and Castles: Building in the Middle Ages | French: Quand les cathédrales étaient peintes (nº 180) | Alain Erlande-Brandenburg | Rosemary Stonehewer | 27 March 1995 | 1 February 1995 | |
Manet Painter of Modern Life | Manet: The Influence of the Modern | French: Manet : « J'ai fait ce que j'ai vu » (nº 203) | Françoise Cachin | Rachel Kaplan | 27 March 1995 | 1 February 1995 | |
Voodoo Search for the Spirit | French: Les mystères du vaudou (nº 190) | Laënnec Hurbon | Lory Frankel | 24 April 1995 | 1 February 1995 | ||
Renoir A Sensuous Vision | Renoir: A Sensuous Vision | French: Renoir : « Il faut embellir » (nº 177) | Anne Distel | Lory Frankel | 1 August 1995 | 1 October 1995 | |
The First Humans: The Search for Our Origins | Human Origins The Search for Our Beginnings | French: L'Homme avant l'Homme : Le scénario des origines (nº 215) | Herbert Thomas | Paul G. Bahn | 23 October 1995 | 15 October 1995 | |
The Irish Famine | The Irish Famine | French: L'Irlande au temps de la grande famine (nº 265) | Peter Gray | Originally published in English[3] | 30 October 1995 | 15 October 1995 | |
Paradise on Earth: The Gardens of Western Europe | French: Tous les jardins du monde (nº 207) | Gabrielle van Zuylen | I. Mark Paris | 30 October 1995 | 15 October 1995 | ||
Architecture of the Renaissance From Brunelleschi to Palladio | Architecture of the Renaissance: From Brunelleschi to Palladio | French: La Renaissance de l'architecture, de Brunelleschi à Palladio (nº 242) | Bertrand Jestaz | Caroline Beamish | 22 April 1996 | 30 March 1996 | |
Charlie Chaplin The Art of Comedy | Charlie Chaplin: Comic Genius | French: Charlot : Entre rire et larme (nº 245) | David Robinson | Originally published in English[4] | 22 April 1996 | 30 March 1996 | |
How Weather Works: Understanding the Elements | Weather: Drama of the Heavens | French: Pleuvra, pleuvra pas : La météo au gré du temps (nº 227) | René Chaboud | I. Mark Paris | 22 April 1996 | 30 March 1996 | |
The Golden Treasures of Troy: The Dream of Heinrich Schliemann | Golden Treasures of Troy: The Dream of Heinrich Schliemann | French: L'or de Troie ou le rêve de Schliemann (nº 250) | Hervé Duchêne | Jeremy Leggatt | 7 May 1996 | 30 March 1996 | |
The Crusades and the Holy Land | The Crusaders: Warriors of God | French: L'Orient des Croisades (nº 129) | Georges Tate | Lory Frankel | 7 May 1996 | 30 March 1996 | |
Corot The Poetry of Landscape | Corot: Extraordinary Landscapes | French: Corot : La mémoire du paysage (nº 277) | , | Lisa Davidson | 10 June 1996 | September 1996 | |
Alexander the Great The Heroic Ideal | Alexander the Great: Man of Action, Man of Spirit | French: De la Grèce à l'Orient : Alexandre le Grand (nº 27) | Pierre Briant | Jeremy Leggatt | 23 September 1996 | 1 September 1996 | |
Gandhi Father of a Nation | Gandhi: The Power of Pacifism | French: Gandhi : Athlète de la liberté (nº 50) | Catherine Clément | Ruth Sharman | 23 September 1996 | 1 September 1996 | |
Underwater Archaeology Exploring the World Beneath the Sea | Underwater Archaeology: Exploring the World Beneath the Sea | French: L'histoire engloutie ou l'archéologie sous-marine (nº 266) | Alexandra Campbell | 23 September 1996 | 1 September 1996 | ||
Knossos: Unearthing a Legend | Knossos Searching for the Legendary Palace of King Minos | French: Cnossos : L'archéologie d'un rêve (nº 175) | Alexandre Farnoux | David J. Baker | 7 October 1996 | 1 September 1996 | |
Le Corbusier Architect of a New Age | Le Corbusier: Architect, Painter, Poet | French: Le Corbusier : L'architecture pour émouvoir (nº 179) | Jean Jenger | Caroline Beamish | 7 October 1996 | 1 September 1996 | |
Cleopatra From History to Legend | Cleopatra: The Life and Death of a Pharaoh | French: Cléopâtre, vie et mort d'un pharaon (nº 183) | Edith Flamarion | Alexandra Bonfante-Warren | 1 March 1997 | 1 February 1997 | |
Francis Bacon 'Taking Reality by Surprise | Francis Bacon: Painter of a Dark Vision | French: Bacon : Monstre de peinture (nº 287) | Ruth Sharman | 24 March 1997 | 1 February 1997 | ||
Heraldry Its Origins and Meaning | Heraldry: An Introduction to a Noble Tradition | French: Figures de l'héraldique (nº 284) | Michel Pastoureau | Francisca Garvie | 14 April 1997 | 1 February 1997 | |
Lewis Carroll and Alice | Lewis Carroll in Wonderland: The Life and Times of Alice and Her Creator | French: Lewis Carroll au pays des merveilles (nº 340) | Stephanie Lovett Stoffel | Originally published in English[5] | 2 June 1997 | 1 February 1997 | |
King Arthur: Chivalry and Legend | King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table | French: Arthur et la Table ronde : La force d'une légende (nº 298) | Anne Berthelot | Ruth Sharman | 1 September 1997 | 1 September 1997 | |
The Forbidden City: Heart of Imperial China | The Forbidden City: Center of Imperial China | French: La Cité interdite des Fils du Ciel (nº 303) | Gilles Béguin, Dominique Morel | Ruth Taylor | 27 October 1997 | 1997 | |
Leonardo da Vinci: Renaissance Man | Leonardo da Vinci: The Mind of the Renaissance | French: Léonard de Vinci : Art et science de l'univers (nº 293) | Alessandro Vezzosi | Alexandra Bonfante-Warren | 10 November 1997 | 1 September 1997 | |
Numbers: The Universal Language | French: L'empire des nombres (nº 300) | Denis Guedj | Lory Frankel | 16 February 1998 | 1 September 1997 | ||
Khmer: Lost Empire of Cambodia | Khmer: The Lost Empire of Cambodia | French: L'Empire des rois khmers (nº 310) | Thierry Zéphir | Francisca Garvie | 16 March 1998 | 1 March 1998 | |
Mughal India Splendours of the Peacock Throne | India and the Mughal Dynasty | French: L'Inde impériale des Grands Moghols (nº 320) | Valérie Berinstain | Paul G. Bahn | 14 April 1998 | 1 March 1998 | |
Chagall The Art of Dreams | Chagall: The Art of Dreams | French: Chagall : Ivre d'images (nº 241) | Ruth Taylor | 30 June 1998 | 1 October 1998 | ||
Diamonds and Precious Stones | Diamonds and Precious Stones | French: Diamants et pierres précieuses (nº 336) | Patrick Voillot | Jack Hawkes | 12 October 1998 | 1 October 1998 | |
Our Prehistoric Past: Art and Civilization | Prehistoric Art and Civilization | French: Au cœur de la Préhistoire : Chasseurs et artistes (nº 295) | Denis Vialou | Paul G. Bahn | 12 October 1998 | 1 October 1998 | |
Ramesses the Great Warrior and Builder | Ramesses II: Greatest of the Pharaohs | French: Ramsès II : Souverain des souverains (nº 344) | Bernadette Menu | Laurel Hirsch | 1 January 1999 | 1 January 1999 | |
Signs, Symbols and Ciphers: Decoding the Message | Signs, Symbols, and Ciphers | French: Langage de signes : L'écriture et son double (nº 67) | Georges Jean | Sophie Hawkes | 18 January 1999 | 1 October 1998 | |
Gustave Moreau: Magic and Symbols | French: Gustave Moreau : Maître sorcier (nº 312) | Geneviève Lacambre | Benjamin Lifson | 1 March 1999 | |||
Standing Stones Stonehenge, Carnac and the World of Megaliths | Megaliths: Stones of Memory | French: Les Mégalithes : Pierres de mémoire (nº 353) | Jean-Pierre Mohen | Dorie B. and David J. Baker | 1 March 1999 | 1 June 1999 | |
The Human Body: Image and Emotion | Images of the Body | French: Les images du corps (nº 185) | Dorie B. Baker, David J. Baker | 18 October 1999 | 1 September 1999 | ||
The Search for Ancient China | The Search for Ancient China | French: La redécouverte de la Chine ancienne (nº 360) | Corinne Debaine-Francfort | Paul G. Bahn | 18 October 1999 | 1 September 1999 | |
Japan The Fleeting Spirit | The Art and Culture of Japan | French: Le Japon éternel (nº 362) | Nelly Delay | Lorna Dale | 18 October 1999 | 1 September 1999 | |
Chardin An Intimate Art | Chardin: An Intimate Art | French: Chardin : La nature silencieuse (nº 377) | Hélène Prigent, Pierre Rosenberg | Jane Brenton | 21 February 2000 | 1 May 2000 | |
The Pre-Raphaelites: Romance and Realism | The Pre-Raphaelites: Romance and Realism | French: Les Préraphaélites : Un modernisme à l'anglaise (nº 368) | Laurence des Cars | Francisca Garvie | 17 April 2000 | 1 May 2000 | |
Alchemy: The Great Secret | French: Alchimie, le grand secret (nº 302) | Andrea Aromatico | Jack Hawkes | 1 May 2000 | |||
The Bronze Age in Europe: Gods, Heroes and Treasures | The Bronze Age in Europe | French: L'Europe à l'âge du bronze : Le temps des héros (nº 378) | Jean-Pierre Mohen, Christiane Éluère | David and Dorie Baker | 3 May 2000 | 1 November 2000 | |
Petra The Rose-Red City | Petra: Lost City of the Ancient World | French: Pétra : La cité des caravanes (nº 372) | Christian Augé, Jean-Marie Dentzer | Laurel Hirsch; some documents translated by David Baker | 8 May 2000 | 1 May 2000 | |
Colour | Colors: The Story of Dyes and Pigments | French: Les matériaux de la couleur (nº 383) | François Delamare, Bernard Guineau | Sophie Hawkes | 27 November 2000 | 1 November 2000 | |
Bonnard The Colour of Daily Life | Bonnard: Shimmering Color | French: Bonnard : « La couleur agit » (nº 376) | Laurel Hirsch | 12 February 2001 | 1 November 2000 | ||
Coptic Egypt | French: L'Égypte copte, les chrétiens du Nil (nº 395) | Christian Cannuyer | Sophie Hawkes | 1 June 2001 | 1 May 2001 | ||
Whales: Giants of the Seas and Oceans | Whales: Giants of the Seas and Oceans | French: Vie et mort des baleines (nº 2) | Yves Cohat, Anne Collet | Ruth Sharman | 28 August 2001 | 1 November 2001 | |
Charles Darwin: The Scholar Who Changed Human History | Darwin and the Science of Evolution | French: Darwin et la science de l'évolution (nº 397) | Paul G. Bahn | 28 August 2001 | 1 November 2001 | ||
The Calendar: Measuring Time | The Calendar: History, Lore, and Legend | French: Le calendrier, maître du temps ? (nº 400) | Jacqueline de Bourgoing | David J. Baker, Dorie B. Baker | 1 October 2001 | 1 November 2001 | |
Vuillard Master of the Intimate Interior | Vuillard: Post-Impressionist Master | French: Vuillard : Le temps détourné (nº 178) | 10 June 2002 | 11 June 2002 | |||
Gaudí Builder of Visions | Gaudí: Visionary Architect | French: Gaudí : Bâtisseur visionnaire (nº 408) | 15 July 2002 | 1 April 2002 | |||
Alexandria | Alexandria: Jewel of Egypt | French: Alexandrie : Hier et demain (nº 412) | Jean-Yves Empereur | Jane Brenton | 5 August 2002 | 1 November 2002 | |
The Invention of Photography: The First Fifty Years | The Invention of Photography | French: L'image révélée : L'invention de la photographie (nº 414) | Quentin Bajac | Ruth Taylor | 7 October 2002 | 1 November 2002 | |
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire | Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire | French: Gengis Khan et l'Empire mongol (nº 422) | Jean-Paul Roux | Toula Ballas | 1 May 2003 | 1 July 2003 | |
Tibet Turning the Wheel of Life | Tibet An Enduring Civilization | French: Le Tibet : Une civilisation blessée (nº 427) | Françoise Pommaret | Barbara Mellor, David H. Wilson | 6 May 2003 | 1 July 2003 | |
Dalí The Impresario of Surrealism | Dalí: Master of Fantasies | French: Dalí : Le Grand Paranoïaque (nº 453) | Jean-Louis Gaillemin | David H. Wilson | 1 April 2004 | 1 July 2004 | |
Graphics A Century of Poster and Advertising Design | Graphic Design: A History | French: Le Design graphique (nº 439) | Alain Weill | Barbara Mellor | 19 April 2004 | 1 July 2004 | |
Aboriginal Australians First Nations of an Ancient Continent | French: Les Aborigènes d'Australie (nº 428) | Stephen Muecke, Adam Shoemaker | Originally published in English[6] | 27 September 2004 | |||
J. M. W. Turner The Man Who Set Painting on Fire | Turner: Life and Landscape | French: Turner : L'incendie de la peinture (nº 459) | Olivier Meslay | Ruth Sharman | 23 May 2005 | 22 November 2005 | |
Einstein Decoding the Universe | Einstein: Decoding the Universe | French: Einstein : La joie de la pensée (nº 193) | Françoise Balibar | David J. Baker, Dorie B. Baker | 23 May 2005 | 1 May 2001 | |
Napoléon "My Ambition Was Great" | French: Napoléon : « Mon ambition était grande » (nº 361) | Laurel Hirsch | 22 November 2005 | ||||
Dada The Revolt of Art | Dada: The Revolt of Art | French: Dada : La révolte de l'art (nº 476) | Marc Dachy | Liz Nash | 10 April 2006 | 1 April 2006 | |
Egon Schiele The Egoist | Egon Schiele: The Egoist | French: Egon Schiele : Narcisse écorché (nº 475) | Jean-Louis Gaillemin | Liz Nash | 5 March 2007 | 1 December 2006 | |
The Great Pyramids | French: Les Grandes Pyramides : Chronique d'un mythe (nº 501) | Jean-Pierre Corteggiani | Ruth Sharman | 3 September 2007 | 1 November 2007 | ||
Frida Kahlo 'I Paint my Reality | Frida Kahlo: Painting Her Own Reality | French: Frida Kahlo : « Je peins ma réalité » (nº 512) | Christina Burrus | 7 April 2008 | 1 April 2008 | ||
Henri Cartier-Bresson | Henri Cartier-Bresson | French: Henri Cartier-Bresson : Le tir photographique (nº 530) | Clément Chéroux | David H. Wilson | 24 November 2008 | 1 November 2008 | |
Marilyn The Last Goddess | French: Marilyn : La dernière déesse (nº 517) | Jerome Charyn | 1 November 2008 |
English title | French title | Author | Translator | Publication date | |
Hair The Long and the Short of It[7] | French: Les vies du cheveu (nº 405) | Marie-Christine Auzou, Sabine Melchior-Bonnet | John Adamson, Heidi Ellison | 2001 | |
Skin A Living Envelope[8] | French: La peau : Une enveloppe de vie (nº 420) | Claude Bouillon | Alexandra Keens | 2002 |
Two English version books from Découvertes Gallimard Hors série originally published by Éditions Gallimard.
Production company: Trans Europe Film
Running time: 52 minutes
Available in English-dubbed version:
The Mind of the Renaissance ]
. . 10 June 2017.