List of English-language euphemisms for death explained

This is a list of euphemisms for death and dying in the English language.

A euphemism is a common word or phrase intended to soften the harshness of a literal meaning. For example, most English speakers would understand the phrase "kick the bucket" to mean "to die," as well as to actually kick a bucket. Furthermore, they would understand when each meaning is being used in context. A euphemism is not to be confused with other figures of speech such as a metaphor, which invokes an image by use of implicit comparisons (e.g., "the man of steel"); a simile, which invokes an image by use of explicit comparisons (e.g., "faster than a speeding bullet"); and hyperbole, which exaggerates an image beyond truthfulness (e.g., like "missed by a mile"). Euphemisms are also not to be confused with proverbs, which are simple sayings that express a truth based on common sense or practical experience.

Most English-language idioms for death refer to the process of being buried, sleeping or at rest, or religious ideals of life after death, for example Christian heaven.

A list of euphemisms for death in the English language, in the past tense unless noted with a (Pr) for present:


See also

Further reading


  1. Web site: Death - Hamza Yusuf - YouTube [23:28]]. 2021-01-05.