List of Egyptian films of 1933 explained

A list of films produced in Egypt in 1933. For an A-Z list of films currently on Wikipedia, see .

Title Director Cast Genre Notes
Indama Touhibb Al-mar'a
(When Women Love)
Ahmed GalalAssia Dagher, Mary Queeny
(The Marriage)
Fatma RouchdiFatma Rouchdi, Mahmoud el-Meliguy
Kaffiri 'an Khati'atik
(Atone for Your Sin)
Aziza AmirAziza Amir, Zaki Rostom
Goha wa Abou Nawwas Mousawwiran
(Goha and Abou Nawwas Photographers)
Manuel VimanceIsmail Zaki, Khaled Chawki
Awlad Misr
(Sons of Egypt)
Togo MizrahiAhmed al-Machriqi, Gian Rifaat
Al Warda al-baida
(The White Rose)
Mohammed KarimMohammed Abdel Wahab, Samira Khouloussi Landmark musical
Al-Khatib Nimrah Talatachar
(The Fiancé Number 13)
Mohamed BayoumiMohamed Bayoumi, Dawlat Bayoumi

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