The list of Early Devonian (419.2 ± 2.8 to 393.3 ± 2.5 million years ago) land plants includes currently known vascular and potentially vascular plants, along with some possibly non-vascular plants, that have been described from global Early Devonian fossil assemblages. [1] [2]
Genus/Species | |
Aarabia brevicaulis Meyer-Berthaud and Gerrienne 2001 | |
Aberlemnia caledonica (Edwards 1970) Gonez and Gerrienne 2010b | |
Adoketophyton parvulum Zhu, Xue, Hao and Wang 2011 | |
Adoketophyton subverticillatum (Li and Cai 1977) Li and Edwards 1992 | |
Aglaophyton major (Kidston and Lang 1917) D.S. Edwards 1986 | |
Amplectosporangium jiangyouense Geng 1992a | |
Anisophyton gothani Remy, Schultka and Hass 1986 | |
Anisophyton potoniei Remy, Hass and Schultka 1986 | |
Aphyllopteris gracilis Stepanov | |
Aphyllopteris rudis Rad. | |
Aphyllopteris tenuis Petrosyan | |
Armoricaphyton chateaupannense Strullu-Derrien, Kenrick, Tafforeau, Cochard, Bonnemain, Hérissé, Lardeux and Bardel 2014 | |
Asteroxylon mackiei Kidston and Lang 1920b | |
Balchaschella tenera Senkevitsch 1978 | |
Baoyinia sichuanensis Edwards and Li 2018 [3] | |
Baragwanathia abitibiensis Hueber 1983 | |
Baragwanathia longifolia Lang and Cookson 1935 | |
Barinophyton (Pectinophyton) norvegicum (Hoeg 1935) Schweitzer and Geisen 2008 | |
Barinophyton (Pectinophyton) robustius Ananiev 1955 | |
Barrandeinopsis beliakovii Kryshtofovich 1955 | |
Barsassia ornata Zalessky 1933 | |
Bathurstia denticulata Hueber 1972a | |
Bitelaria dubjanski (Istchenko and Istchenko 1979) Johnson and Gensel 1992 | |
Blasaria minor Petrosyan 1967 | |
Blasaria sibirica (Kryshtofovich 1927) Zalessky 1934 | |
Bowerophylloides mendozaensis Edwards, Morel, Poiré and Cingolani 2001 | |
Bracteophyton variatum Wang and Hao 2004 | |
Brasilophyton gracile Mussa, Borgui, Bergamaschi, Schubert, Pereria and Rodrigues 2002 | |
Caia sp. Fanning, Edwards and Richardson 1990 | |
Calyculiphyton blanai Remy, Schultka and Hass 1991 | |
Catenalis digitata Hao and Beck 1991a | |
Caudophyton aquatilis Stepanov 1967 | |
Celatheca beckii Hao and Gensel 1995 | |
Cervicornus wenshanensis Li and Hueber 2000 | |
Chakassiophyton krasnovii Ananiev and Krasnov 1962 | |
Chaleuria cirrosa Andrews, Gensel and Forbes 1974 | |
Changwuia schweitzeri Hilton and Li 2000 | |
Concavatheca (Cooksonia) banksii (Habgood, Edwards and Axe 2002) Morris, Edwards, Richardson, Axe, and Davies 2012b | |
Conchulophyton quadrosii Mussa, Borgui, Bergamaschi, Schubert, Pereria and Rodrigues 2002 | |
Cooksonia acuminata Mussa, Borgui, Bergamaschi, Schubert, Pereria and Rodrigues 2002 | |
Cooksonia cambrensis Edwards 1979 | |
Cooksonia crassiparietilis Yurina 1964 | |
Cooksonia hemisphaerica Lang 1937 | |
Cooksonia paranensis Gerrienne, Bergamaschi, Pereira, Rodrigues and Steemans 2001 | |
Cooksonia pertoni Lang 1937 | |
Cooksonia pertoni Lang ssp. apiculispora Habgood, Edwards and Axe 2002 | |
Cooksonia pertoni Lang ssp. pertoni Lang emend. Fanning et al. 1988 | |
Cooksonia pertoni Lang ssp. reticulispora Habgood, Edwards and Axe 2002 | |
Cooksonia rusanovii Ananiev 1960 | |
Craswallia haegensis Morris and Edwards 2014 | |
Crenaticaulis verruculosus Banks and Davis 1969 | |
Culullitheca richardsonii Wellman, Edwards and Axe 1998 | |
Danziella artesiana (Danzé-Corsin 1956) Edwards 2006 | |
Dawsonites arcuatus Halle 1916 | |
Dawsonites magnus Gerrienne 1992 | |
Dawsonites subarcuatus Tims and Chambers 1984 | |
Deheubarthia splendens Edwards, Kenrick and Carluccio 1989 | |
Demersatheca contigua Li and Edwards 1996 | |
Deuterophyton stockmansii Gerrienne 1998 | |
Dibracophyton acrovatum Hao, Xue, Zhu and Wang 2012 | |
Dichophyton latum Kovbasina and Petrosyan | |
Dichophyton typicus Petrosyan and Kovbasina 1962 | |
Discalis longistipa Hao 1989a | |
Distichophytum mucronatum Mägdefrau 1938 (=Bucheria mucronata (Mägdefrau 1938) Høeg 1942) | |
Distichophytum ovatum (Dorf 1933 emend Hueber 1972) Schweitzer 1979 | |
Drepanophycus chachlovii Ananiev 1966 | |
Drepanophycus crepini Stockmans 1940 | |
Drepanophycus devonicus (Weyland and Berendt 1968) Schweitzer and Giesen 1980 | |
Drepanophycus gaspianus (Dawson) Kräusel and Weyland 1948 | |
Drepanophycus qujingensis Li and Edwards 1995 | |
Drepanophycus spinaeformis Göppert 1852 emend Li, Hueber, and Hotton 2000 | |
Drepanophycus spinosus (Krejči 1880) Kräusel and Weyland | |
Eddiana gaspiana Pfeiler and Tomescu 2017 | |
Edwardsnella campanulata Mussa, Borgui, Bergamaschi, Schubert, Pereria and Rodrigues 2002 | |
Enigmophyton superbum Høeg 1942 | |
Ensivalia deblondii Gerrienne 1996a | |
Eocooksonia sphaerica (Senkevitsch 1978) Doweld 2000 (=Cooksonella sphaerica Senkevitsch 1978) | |
Eogaspesiea gracilis Daber 1960 | |
Eophyllophyton bellum Hao 1988 | |
Equisetophyton praecox Schweitzer 1972 | |
Estinnophyton gracile Fairon-Demaret 1978b | |
Estinnophyton wahnbachense (Kräusel and Weyland 1932) Fairon-Demaret 1979 | |
Estinnophyton yunnanense Hao, Wang and Wang 2004 | |
Faironella valentula Gerrienne 1996a | |
Ficoiditheca aenigma Morris, Edwards, Richardson, and Axe 2012a | |
Foozia minuta Gerrienne 1992 | |
Forania plegiospinosa Gensel and Jensen 2013 | |
Franhueberia gerriennei Hoffman and Tomescu 2013 | |
Fusiformitheca fanningiae (Wellman, Edwards and Axe 1998) Xue and Wang 2011 | |
Glyptophyton granulare Kryshtofovitch 1955 | |
Gosferia curvata (Gerrienne 1991) Gerrienne 1999 | |
Gosslingia americana Tanner 1982 | |
Gosslingia breconensis Heard 1927 | |
Gosslingia cordiformis Schweitzer 1979 | |
Gothanophyton zimmermanni Remy and Hass 1986 | |
Grassophyton akkaensis Antonova 2008 | |
Grisellatheca salopensis Edwards, Wellman and Axe 1999 | |
Guangnania cuneata Wang and Hao 2002 | |
Guangnania minor Edwards, Geng and Li 2016 [4] | |
Gumuia zyzzata Hao 1989b | |
Halleophyton zichangense Li and Edwards 1997 | |
Haplostigma irregularis (Schwarz) Seward 1932 | |
Hedeia corymbosa Cookson 1935 | |
Hedeia parvula Jurina 1969 | |
Hedeia sinica Hao 1998 | |
Hicklingia edwardii Kidston and Lang 1923 | |
Hoegophyton sibiricum (Lepekhina) Radchenko | |
Horneophyton lignieri (Kidston and Lang 1920) Bargoorn and Darrah 1938 | |
Hostinella hostimensis Stur 1882 | |
Hostinella wahnbachensis Kräusel and Weyland 1935 | |
Hostinella heardii Edwards 1980 | |
Hostinella strictissima Høeg 1942 | |
Hsüa deflexa Wang, Hao and Wang 2003 | |
Hsüa robusta (Li and Cai 1978) Li 1982 | |
Hueberia zhichangensis Yang, Li and Edwards 2009 | |
Huia gracilis Wang and Hao 2001 | |
Huia recurvata Geng 1985 | |
Huvenia elongata Schultka 1991 | |
Huvenia kleui Hass and Remy 1991 | |
Isidrophyton iniguezii Edwards, Morel, Poiré and Cingolani 2001 | |
Jaguariaivia melloii Mussa, Borgui, Bergamaschi, Schubert, Pereria and Rodrigues 2002 | |
Jenisseiphyton lebedevii Ananiev 1954 | |
Jenisseiphyton leclercqae Ananiev and Zakharova | |
Jenisseiphyton rudnevae (Peresvetov) Ananiev | |
Jiangyounia gengi Edwards and Li 2018 | |
Jugumella burubaensis Senkevitsch | |
Jugumella jugata Senkevitsch | |
Juliphyton glazkini Stepanov 1975 | |
Kaulangiophyton akantha Gensel, Kasper and Andrews 1969 | |
Kidstonophyton discoides Remy and Hass 1991 | |
Koeppenia eifeliensis Schweitzer 2000 | |
Konioria andrychoviensis Zdebska 1982 | |
Krithodeophyton croftii Edwards 1968 | |
Langiophyton lignieri Remy and Hass 1991 | |
Leclercqia andrewsii Gensel and Kasper 2005 | |
Leclercqia complexa Banks, Bonamo and Grierson 1972 emend Bonamo, Banks and Grierson 1988 | |
Lenticulatheca allenii Morris, Edwards, Richardson, Axe and Davies 2011 | |
Lenticulatheca magna Morris, Edwards, Richardson, Axe and Davies 2011 | |
Lenticulatheca mesodeca Morris, Edwards, Richardson, Axe and Davies 2011 | |
Lenticulatheca variabilis Morris, Edwards, Richardson, Axe and Davies 2011 | |
Lidasimophyton akkermensis Senkevitsch 1961 | |
Loganophyton dawsoni Kräusel and Weyland 1961 | |
Lyonophyton rhyniensis Remy and Remy 1980 | |
Margophyton goldschmidtii (Halle) Zakharova 1981 | |
Matharakia inopinata Tschirkova-Zalesskaja 1964 | |
Maubasia notabilis Senkevitsch 1983 | |
Minusia antiqua Tschirkova-Zalesskaja 1956 | |
Mointina quadripartita Senkevitsch 1961 | |
Monnowella bennettii Morris and Edwards 2014 | |
Nothia aphylla Lyon 1964 ex Høeg 1967 | |
Odonax borealis Gerrienne 1996b | |
Oocampsa catheta Andrews, Gensel and Kasper 1975 | |
Oricilla bilinearis Gensel 1982b | |
Oricilla unilateralis Geng 1992b | |
Paracooksonia ambitispora Morris, Edwards, Richardson, Axe and Davies 2011 | |
Paracooksonia apiculispora Morris, Edwards, Richardson, Axe and Davies 2011 | |
Partitatheca cymosa Edwards, Richardson, Davies and Axe 2012 | |
Partitatheca densa Edwards, Richardson, Davies and Axe 2012 | |
Partitatheca horrida Edwards, Richardson, Davies and Axe 2012 | |
Partitatheca splendida Edwards, Richardson, Davies and Axe 2012 | |
Pauthecophyton gracile Xue, Hao, Zhu and Wang 2012 | |
Pertica dalhousii Doran, Gensel and Andrews 1978 | |
Pertica quadrifaria Kasper and Andrews 1972 | |
Pertica varia Granoff, Gensel and Andrews 1976 | |
Pertonella sp. Fanning, Edwards and Richardson 1991b | |
Planatophyton hujiersitense Gerrienne, Meyer-Berthaud, Yang, Steemans and Li 2014 | |
Platyphyllum (=Flabellofolium) fissipartitum Steinmann and Elberskirch 1929?/Schweitzer 1987? | |
Polycladophyton gracilis Edwards and Li 2018 | |
Polythecophyton demissum Hao, Gensel and Wang 2001 | |
Protobarinophyton obrutschevii (Ananiev 1954) Ananiev 1955 | |
Protocephalopteris praecox (Høeg) Ananiev 1960 | |
Protohyenia janovii Ananiev 1957 (= Pseudosporochnous? (Bonamo and Banks 1966)) | |
Protopteridium minutum Halle (1936) Koidzumi 1943 | |
Protopteridium tschumischensis (Ananiev and Stepanov 1969) Stepanov 1973 | |
Pseudosajania pimula Stepanov 1975 | |
Psilodendrion sibiricum Lepekhina 1960 | |
Psilophytites (Psilophyton) rectissimum Høeg 1945 | |
Psilophytites gileppensis Gerrienne 1992a | |
Psilophyton arcuatum (Halle 1916) Schweitzer 1980 | |
Psilophyton burnotense (Gilkinet 1875) Kräusel and Weyland 1948 (=Psilophyton goldschmidtii Halle 1916) | |
Psilophyton charientos Gensel 1979 | |
Psilophyton coniculum Trant and Gensel 1985 | |
Psilophyton crenulatum Doran 1980 | |
Psilophyton dapsile Kasper, Andrews and Forbes 1974 | |
Psilophyton dawsonii Banks, Leclercq and Hueber 1975 | |
Psilophyton forbesii Andrews, Kasper and Mencher 1968 | |
Psilophyton genseliae Gerrienne 1997b | |
Psilophyton microspinosum Kasper, Andrews and Forbes 1974 | |
Psilophyton parvulum Gerrienne 1995 | |
Psilophyton primitivum Hao and Gensel 1998 | |
Psilophyton princeps Dawson 1859 | |
Psilophyton salairicum Ananiev and Stepanov 1966 | |
Psilophyton szaferi Zdebska 1986 | |
Psilophyton wyomingense Dorf 1933 | |
Ramoferis amalia Hao and Xue 2011 | |
Rebskia musaeformis Schweitzer 2000 | |
Remyophyton delicatum Kerp, Trewin and Hass 2004 | |
Renalia graberti Schweitzer 1980 | |
Renalia hueberi Gensel 1976 | |
Renalia major Schweitzer 1980 | |
Resilitheca salopensis Edwards, Fanning, Davies, Axe, and Richardson 1995 | |
Rhabdophyton striatus Danzé-Corsin 1956 | |
Rhynia gwynne-vaughanii Kidston and Lang 1917 | |
Salopella allenii Edwards and Richardson 1974 | |
Salopella australis Tims and Chambers 1984 | |
Salopella caespitosa Tims and Chambers 1984 | |
Salopella marcensis Fanning, Edwards and Richardson 1992 | |
Sartilmania jabachensis (Kräusel and Weyland 1935) Fairon-Demaret 1986b | |
Sawdonia acanthotheca Gensel, Andrews and Forbes 1975 | |
Sawdonia ornata (Dawson 1871) Hueber 1971 | |
Sawdonia spinosissima Schweitzer 1982 | |
Sawdonia wyomingense Dorf 1933 | |
Saxonia kalugini Ananiev | |
Sciadophyton laxum (Dawson 1871) Steinmann 1928 | |
Sciadophyton palustre Istchenko 1965 | |
Sciadophyton steinmannii (Steinmann) Kräusel and Weyland 1930 | |
Sengelia radicans Matsunaga and Tomescu 2017 [5] | |
Sennicaulis hippocrepiformis Edwards 1981 | |
Serrulacaulis sp. (Hueber and Banks 1979) Xu, Berry and Wang 2011 | |
Sichuania uskielloides Edwards and Li 2018 | |
Sphaerullophyton originalis Mussa, Borgui, Bergamaschi, Schubert, Pereria and Rodrigues 2002 | |
Sporathylacium salopense Edwards, Morel, Poiré and Cingolani 2001 | |
Stachyophyton yunnanense Geng 1983 | |
Stockmansella langii (Stockmans) Fairon-Demaret 1986a | |
Stolophyton acyclicus Stepanov 1975 | |
Taeniocrada asiatica Petrosyan and Antonova 2008 | |
Taeniocrada decheniana (Göppert) Kräusel and Weyland 1930 | |
Taeniocrada dubia Kräusel and Weyland 1930 | |
Taeniocrada latissima Senkevitsch 1978 | |
Taeniocrada longisporangiata Schweitzer 1980b | |
Taeniocrada orientalis Radchenko 1962 | |
Taeniocrada pilosa Senkevitsch 1978 | |
Tarella trowenii Edwards and Kenrick 1986 | |
Tarrantia salopensis Fanning, Edwards and Richardson 1992 | |
Tastaephyton bulakus Senkevitsch 1959 | |
Teruelia diezii Cascales-Miñana and Gerrienne 2017 [6] | |
Thrinkophyton formosum Kenrick and Edwards 1988b | |
Thursophyton sp. Nathorst 1915 | |
Tirasophyton europaeum (Istchenko) Istchenko 1974 | |
Tirassia incisa Istchenko 1968 | |
Tomiphyton primaevum Zalessky 1937 | |
Tortilicaulis offaeus Edwards, Fanning and Richardson 1994 | |
Tortilicaulis transwalliensis Edwards 1979 | |
Trichopherophyton teuchansii Lyon and Edwards 1991 | |
Trimerophyton robustius (Dawson) Hopping 1956 | |
Tursuidea paniculata Schweitzer 1987 | |
Uksunaiphyton ananievi Stepanov 1975 | |
Uralia camdjalensis Petrosyan 1960 | |
Uralia minussinskiensis Petrosyan 1960 | |
Urpicalis steemansii Gerrienne 1992b | |
Uskiella reticulata Fanning, Edwards and Richardson 1992 | |
Uskiella spargens Shute and Edwards 1989 | |
Ventarura lyonii Powell, Edwards and Trewin 2000 | |
Wenshania zhichangensis Zhu and Kenrick 1999 | |
Xitunia spinitheca Xue 2009 | |
Yanmenia longa Edwards, Geng and Li 2016 (= Zosterophyllum longa Wang 2007) | |
Yarravia oblonga Lang and Cookson 1935 | |
Yunia dichotoma Hao and Beck 1991b | |
Yunia guangnania Hao and Xue 2013 | |
Zhenglia radiata Hao, Wang, Wang and Xue 2006 | |
Zosterophyllum australianum Lang and Cookson 1930 | |
Zosterophyllum bifurcatum Li and Cai 1977 | |
Zosterophyllum deciduum Gerriene 1988 | |
Zosterophyllum divaricatum Gensel 1982 | |
Zosterophyllum dushanense Li and Cai 1977 | |
Zosterophyllum fertile Leclercq 1942 | |
Zosterophyllum llanoveranum Croft and Lang 1942 | |
Zosterophyllum longhuashanense Li and Cai 1977 | |
Zosterophyllum longum Høeg 1967 | |
Zosterophyllum minifertilum Hao and Xue 2013 | |
Zosterophyllum minor Ananiev 1960 | |
Zosterophyllum minorstachyum Xue 2009 | |
Zosterophyllum myretonianum Penhallow 1892 | |
Zosterophyllum ramosum Hao and Wang 2000 | |
Zosterophyllum rhenanum Kräusel and Weyland 1930 | |
Zosterophyllum shengfengense Hao, Xue, Guo and Wang 2010 | |
Zosterophyllum sichuanense Geng 1992 | |
Zosterophyllum sinense Li and Cai 1977 | |
Zosterophyllum spathulatum Li and Cai 1977 | |
Zosterophyllum spectabile Schweitzer 1979 | |
Zosterophyllum tenerum Hao and Xue 2013 | |
Zosterophyllum xishanense Hao, Xue, Liu and Wang 2007 | |
Zosterophyllum yunnanicum Hsü 1966 |