List of Cyrillic letters explained

See also: List of Cyrillic multigraphs.

See main article: Cyrillic script, Cyrillic alphabets and Early Cyrillic alphabet.

This is a list of letters of the Cyrillic script. The definition of a Cyrillic letter for this list is a character encoded in the Unicode standard that a has script property of 'Cyrillic' and the general category of 'Letter'. An overview of the distribution of Cyrillic letters in Unicode is given in Cyrillic script in Unicode.

Letters contained in the Russian alphabet

Letters contained in the Russian alphabet.


Letters unused in Russian alphabet


Ә әSchwaAbkhaz, Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Dungan, Kazakh, Kurdish, Tatar, Turkmen, Wakhi
Ԝ ԝWeKurdish, Yaghnobi language, Tundra Yukaghir language
Ԁ ԁKomi DeKomi (1919—1940)
Ђ ђDjeMontenegrin, Serbian
Ԃ ԃKomi DjeKomi (1919—1940)
Ꚁ ꚁDweAbkhaz (1909—1926, replaced by Дә)
Є єUkrainian YeUkrainian, Khanty
Ԑ ԑReversed ZeEnets, Khanty
Ѕ ѕDzeMacedonian
Ꙅ ꙅReversed DzeOld Church Slavonic, Ukrainian, Russian, Romanian as variant of Ѕ
Ꙃ ꙃDzeloEarly Cyrillic alphabet (as variant of, and replaced by Ѕ)
Ӡ ӡAbkhazian DzeAbkhaz, Uilta
Ꚃ ꚃDzweAbkhaz (1909—1926, replaced by Ӡә)
Ꙁ ꙁZemlyaEarly Cyrillic alphabet (as variant of, and replaced by З)
Ԅ ԅKomi ZjeKomi (1919—1940)
Ԇ ԇKomi DzjeKomi (1919—1940)
І іDotted IBelarusian, Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh, Khakas, Komi, Rusyn
Ꙇ ꙇIotaGlagolitic (Cyrillic transcription)
Ј јJeSerbian, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Kildin Sami, Azerbaijani (to 1991), Udmurt (to 1897), Orok
Ꙉ ꙉDjervChurch Slavonic (Replaced by Ћ and Ђ)
Ԉ ԉKomi LjeKomi (1919—1940)
Ԛ ԛQaOld Abkhaz, Kurdish
Small capital ElUralic Phonetic Alphabet[1]
Superscript EnBezhta, Hunzib, Godoberi
Ԋ ԋKomi NjeKomi (1919—1940)
Ө өBarred O (Oe)Bashkir, Buryat, Kalmyk, Kazakh, Khanty, Kyrgyz, Tatar, Tuvan, Mongolian, Yakut, Azerbaijani (to 1991)
Ꚛ ꚛCrossed OOld Church Slavonic
Ꙩ ꙩMonocular OEarly Cyrillic 14th - 15th Centuries
Ꙫ ꙫBinocular OEarly Cyrillic (Exotic)
Multiocular OMultiocular OEarly Cyrillic (Ex: серафими многоꙮчитїи). Appearance changed in Unicode 15.0.[2]
Ѻ ѻBroad OnEarly Cyrillic (Variant of regular O)
Ҁ ҁKoppaOld Church Slavonic, numerical usage only (Replaced by Ч)
Ԍ ԍKomi SjeKomi (1919—1940)
Ԏ ԏKomi TjeKomi (1919—1940)
Ꚍ ꚍTweAbkhaz (replaced by Тә)
Ћ ћTsheSerbian
Ү үStraight U (Ue)Kazakh, Mongolian, Karakalpak, Tatar, Bashkir, Kyrgyz, Dungan
Һ һHa/HeKazakh, Bashkir, Siberian Tatar, Sakha, Kalmyk
Ꚕ ꚕHweAbkhaz (replaced by Ҳә)
Ѡ ѡOmegaEarly Cyrillic
Ꙍ ꙍBroad OmegaSlavic languages (Historic)
Ꙡ ꙡReversed TseOld Novgorodian birchbark
Ꚏ ꚏTsweAbkhaz (replaced by Цә)
Ҽ ҽAbkhazian CheAbkhaz
Џ џDzheSerbian, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Abkhazian, Romanian Cyrillic
Ꚗ ꚗShweAbkhaz (replaced by Шә)
Ꙏ ꙏNeutral YerLate Medieval Russian transcription (when yers are indistinguishable from each other)
Ѣ ѣYatEarly Cyrillic, Proto-Slavic, Russian (until 1918), Bulgarian (until 1945), Ukrainian (until 1945), Rusyn (until 1945, recurring in 1991)
Ҩ ҩAbkhazian HaAbkhaz
Ꙕ ꙕReversed YuEarly East Slavic, Early Bulgarian
Ӏ ӏPalochkaAbaza, Adyghe, Avar, Chechen, Dargwa, Ingush, Kabardian, Lak, Lezgian, Tabassaran
Ѧ ѧLittle YusCommon Slavonic nasal vowel, Early Cyrillic
Ꙙ ꙙClosed Little YusCommon Slavonic nasal vowel, Early Cyrillic, Middle Bulgarian as variant of little yus
Ѫ ѫBig YusCommon Slavonic nasal vowel, Early Cyrillic
Ꙛ ꙛBlended YusMiddle Bulgarian
Ѯ ѯKsiEarly Cyrillic, Church Slavonic, Romanized: Ks or X
Ѱ ѱPsiEarly Cyrillic
Ѳ ѳFitaEarly Cyrillic, cf. Greek: Θ θ
Ѵ ѵIzhitsaUdmurt (to 1897), Abkhaz (to 1926), Russian (until 1918 in a few rare Greek words), Serbian (until the 19th century), Church Slavonic
Ꙟ ꙟYnRomanian (Cyrillic)[3]
Оу оуUkEarly Cyrillic alphabet

Letters with diacritics

Letters with diacritics.!Letter!Name!Notes
А̀ а̀A with graveBulgarian, Macedonian (not individual letter, used in Dialects)
А̂ а̂A with circumflexBulgarian, Serbian (not individual letter, used in Dialects), Udege
Ӑ ӑA with breveChuvash
Ӓ ӓA with diaerisisHill Mari, Kildin Sami, Khanty, Serbian (not individual letter, used in Dialects)
А̄ а̄A with macronKildin Sami, Khanty, Bulgarian (not individual letter, used in Dialects), Serbian (not individual letter, used in Dialects)
А̃ а̃A with tildeKhinalug
А̊ а̊A with ring aboveSelkup
Ӓ̄ ӓ̄A with diaeresis and macronKildin Sami
Ә́ ә́Schwa with acuteTatar (not individual letter)
Ӛ ӛSchwa with diaeresisKhanty
Ә̃ ә̃Schwa with tildeKhinalug
В̌ в̌Ve with caronShughni, Wakhi
В҄ в҄Ve with ScribbleChurch Slavonic
Ґ ґGhe with upturnUkrainian, Belarusian (i.e. Belarusian Classical Orthography), (not individual letter, formally), Rusyn
Г̄ г̄Ghe with macronKarelian (1820s)
Г̌ г̌Ghe with caronShughni, Wakhi
Г̑ г̑Ghe with inverted breveAleut
Ғ ғGhe with strokeKazakh, Uzbek, Bashkir, Tajik, Azerbaijani (to 1991)
Ӻ ӻGhe with stroke and hookNivkh[4]
Ғ̌ ғ̌Ghe with stroke and caronShughni
Г̣ г̣Ghe with dot belowCyrillization of Arabic
Ҕ ҕGhe with middle hookAbkhaz, Yakut
Ӷ ӷGhe with descenderAbkhaz, Aleut
Г̧ г̧Ghe with cedillaKarelian (1820's), Lezgian, Dargwa, Chechen (Uslar's orthographies)
Г҄ г҄Ge with scribbleChurch Slavonic
Д̆ д̆De with breveAleut
Д̣ д̣De with dot belowCyrillization of Arabic, Wakhi
Ѓ ѓGjeMacedonian
Ѐ ѐYe with graveMacedonian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Church Slavonic
Ӗ ӗYe with breveChuvash
Ё̄ ё̄Yo with macronKhanty
Е̄ е̄Ye with macronKhanty, Bulgarian, Serbian
Е̃ е̃Ye with tildeKhinalug
Є̈ є̈Ukrainian Ye with diaeresisKhanty
Ӂ ӂZhe with breveMoldavian
Ӝ ӝZhe with diaeresisUdmurt
Җ җZhe with descenderDungan, Tatar, Turkmen
З́ з́ZjeMontenegrin
Ӟ ӟZe with diaeresisUdmurt
Ҙ ҙZe with descenderBashkir, Wakhi
З̌ з̌Ze with caronNganasan, Shughni
З̱ з̠Ze with macron belowCyrillization of Arabic
З̣ з̣Ze with dot belowCyrillization of Arabic
Ԑ̈ ԑ̈Reversed Ze with diaeresisKhanty
Ѝ ѝI with graveBulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian
Ҋ ҋShort I with tailKildin Sami
Ӥ ӥI with diaeresisUdmurt
Ӣ ӣI with macronTajik, Bulgarian, Serbian
И̃ и̃I with tildeKhinalug, Godoberi
Ї їYiUkrainian, Rusyn, Church Slavonic (almost)
Ї́ ї́Yi with acuteUkrainian, Rusyn
Ӄ ӄKa with hookAleut, Khanty, Abkhaz (formally)
Ҟ ҟKa with strokeAbkhaz
Ҝ ҝKa with vertical strokeAzerbaijani
К҄ к҄Ka with scribbleChurch Slavonic
Ԟ ԟAleut KaAleut
Қ қKa with descenderAbkhaz, Kazakh, Khanty, Wakhi
Ҡ ҡBashkir QaBashkir
Ka with dot below К̣ к̣Ka with dot belowCyrillization of Arabic
Ԓ ԓEl with hookChukchi, Khanty, Itelmen
Ԡ ԡEl with middle hookChuvash (1872)
Ԯ ԯEl with descenderKhanty
Ӆ ӆEl with tailKildin Sami
Ӎ ӎEm with tailKildin Sami
Ӈ ӈEn with hookAleut, Kildin Sami, Khanty, Nenets
Н҄ н҄En with scribbleChurch Slavonic
Ԣ ԣEn with middle hookChuvash (1872), Udmurt (to 1897)
Ԩ ԩEn with left hookOrok[5]
Ң ңEn with descenderDungan, Kazakh, Tatar, Turkmen, Bashkir, Khakasian, Khanty, Uzbek, Kyrgyz
Ӊ ӊEn with tailKildin Sami
О̀ о̀O with graveBulgarian, Serbian, Macedonian
О̄ о̄O with macronCarpatho-Rusyn
Ӧ ӧO with diaeresisHill Mari, Meadow Mari, Khakas, Khanty, Udmurt
О̆ о̆O with breveItelmen, Khanty
О̂ о̂O with circumflexUdege, Rusyn, Bulgarian
О̃ о̃O with tildeKhinalug
Ӧ̄ ӧ̄O with diaeresis and macron
Ө́ ө́Barred O/Oe with acuteBashkir (not individual letter)
Ӫ ӫBarred O/Oe with diaeresisKhanty
Ө̄ ө̄Barred O/Oe with macronNegidal, Orok, Selkup
Ө̆ ө̆Barred O/Oe with breveKhanty
Ҧ ҧPe with middle hookOld orthographies for Abkhaz
Ԥ ԥPe with descenderAbkhaz[6]
Р̌ р̌Er with caronNivkh, Polish (formerly)
Ҏ ҏEr with tickKildin Sami
С́ с́SjeMontenegrin
Ҫ ҫEs with descender (The)Bashkir, Chuvash, Nganasan
С̱ с̠Es with macron belowCyrillization of Arabic
С̣ с̣Es with dot belowCyrillization of Arabic
Ꚋ ꚋTe with middle hookAbkhaz (1909—1926), Chuvash (1872)
Т̌ т̌Te with caronChuvash (1872), Shughni, Wakhi
Ҭ ҭTe with descenderAbkhaz
Т̣ т̣Te with dot belowCyrillization of Arabic
Ќ ќKjeMacedonian
У̀ у̀U with graveBulgarian (not individual letter, used in Dialects)
У́ у́U with acuteRussian, Karachay-Balkar (formerly)
Ӳ ӳU with double acuteChuvash
Ў ўShort UBelarusian, Dungan, Khanty, Uzbek
Ӱ ӱU with diaeresisHill Mari, Meadow Mari, Khakas, Khanty, Rusyn
Ӯ ӯU with macronCarpatho-Rusyn (not individual letter), Tajik
У̃ у̃U with tildeKhinalug
Ӱ́ ӱ́U with diaeresis and acuteRusyn
Ұ ұStraight U/Ue with stroke (Kazakh Short U)Kazakh
Ү́ ү́Straight U/Ue with acuteMongolian (not individual letter)
Х̑ х̑Kha with inverted breveAleut
Ӽ ӽKha with hookAleut, Nivkh, Itelmen, Khanty, Abkhaz (formerly)
Х҄ х҄Kha with scribbleChurch Slavonic
Ӿ ӿKha with strokeNivkh
Ҳ ҳKha with descenderAbkhaz, Khanty, Tajik, Uzbek, Wakhi
Х̱ х̠Kha with macron belowCyrillization of Arabic
Х̣ х̣Kha with dot belowCyrillization of Arabic
Х̮ х̮Kha with breve belowCyrillization of Arabic
Ѽ ѽOmegaSlavic languages (Historic)
Ԧ ԧShha with descenderAzerbaijani Cyrillic (1939-1991)[7]
Ӵ ӵChe with diaeresisUdmurt
Ҹ ҹChe with vertical strokeAzerbaijani
Ҷ ҷChe with descenderAbkhaz, Khanty, Tajik, Wakhi
Ҷ̣ ҷ̣Che with descender and dot belowWakhi
Ӌ ӌKhakassian CheKhakas
Ҿ ҿAbkhazian Che with descenderAbkhaz
Ш̆ ш̆Sha with breveAbkhaz language (Old)
Ъ̀ ъ̀Hard sign with graveBulgarian (not individual letter)
Ꙑ ꙑYery with back yerOld Church Slavonic, now Ы
Ы̆ ы̆Yery with breveMoksha (1923-1938), Mari (old)
Ӹ ӹYery with diaeresisHill Mari, Northwestern Mari
Ы̄ ы̄Yery with macronAleut (Bering dialect),[8] Evenki, Mansi, Nanai, Negidal, Ulch, Selkup
Ы̂ ы̂Yery with circumflexUdege (formerly)
Ы̃ ы̃Yery with tildeMoksha (1890s)
Ҍ ҍSemisoft SignKildin Sami
Э̄ э̄E with macronAleut (Bering dialect), Evenki, Mansi, Nanai, Negidal, Orok, Ulch, Kildin Sami, Selkup, Chechen
Ӭ ӭE with diaeresisKildin Sami
Э̆ э̆E with breveTundra Nenets
Ӭ́ ӭ́E with diaeresis and acuteKildin Sami
Ӭ̄ ӭ̄E with diaeresis and macronKildin Sami
Э̇ э̇E with dot aboveTundra Nenets
Ю̀ ю̀Yu with graveBulgarian (not individual letter, used in Dialects)
Ю̆ ю̆Yu with breveKhanty
Ю̈ ю̈Yu with diaeresisSelkup, Karelian (formerly)
Ю̈́ ю̈́Yu with diaeresis and acuteRusyn
Ю̄ ю̄Yu with macronAleut (Bering dialect), Evenki, Mansi, Nanai, Negidal, Orok, Ulch, Kildin Sami, Selkup, Chechen
Ю̂ ю̂Yu with circumflexUdege (formerly)
Я̀ я̀Ya with graveBulgarian (not individual letter, used in Dialects)
Я̆ я̆Ya with breveKhanty
Я̈ я̈Ya with diaeresisSelkup
Я̄ я̄Ya with macronKildin Sami, Udege (formerly)
Я̂ я̂Ya with circumflexUdege (formerly)
Ѷ ѷIzhitsa with kendema(New) Church Slavonic


Ӕ ӕАЕÆOssetian
Ꙣ ꙣДГSoft DeOld Church Slavonic[9]
Ԫ ԫДЖDzzheKomi
Ꚅ ꚅЗЖZhweAbkhazian
Ꚉ ꚉДЗDzzeAbkhazian (replaced by Ӡ), Komi
Љ љЛЬLjeMacedonian, Montenegrin, Serbian
Ꙥ ꙥЛГSoft ElOld Church Slavonic
Ԕ ԕЛХLhaEarly orthographies for Mordvin (Erzya and Moksha)
Ꙧ ꙧМГSoft EmOld Church Slavonic
Ҥ ҥНГEn Ghe/Soft EnAltay, Meadow Mari, Yakut, Old Church Slavonic
Њ њНЬNjeMacedonian, Montenegrin, Serbian
Ꚙ ꚙООDouble OEarly Cyrillic[10]
Ꙭ ꙭꙨꙨDouble Monocular OEarly Cyrillic
Ԗ ԗРХRhaEarly orthographies for Mordvin (Erzya and Moksha)
Ꙋ ꙋОУ or ОѴMonograph UkOld Church Slavonic
Ѿ ѿѠТOtOld Church Slavonic
Ҵ ҵТЦTe TseAbkhasian
Ꚑ ꚑТСTsseAbkhasian (to 1926), Avar (1889)
Ԭ ԭДЧDcheKomi (formerly)
Ꚓ ꚓТЧTcheAbkhasian (1909—1926)
Ꚇ ꚇЧЧCcheAbkhasian (to 1926)
ЧШChe ShaUdmurt (old)
Ꙓ ꙓІѢIotated YatOld Church Slavonic
Ꙗ ꙗІАIotated AOld Church Slavonic
Ԙ ԙЯЕYaeEarly orthographies for Mordvin (Erzya and Moksha)
Ѥ ѥІЄIotated EOld Church Slavonic
Ѩ ѩІѦIotated Little YusOld Church Slavonic
Ꙝ ꙝІꙘIotated Closed Little YusOld Church Slavonic, Middle Bulgarian as variant of iotated little yus
Ѭ ѭІѪIotated Big YusOld Church Slavonic

Position Cyrillic letters in alphabet

Variants of Cyrillic are used by the writing systems of many languages, especially languages used in the countries with the significant presence of Slavic peoples. The tables below list the Cyrillic letters in use in various modern languages and show the primary sounds they represent in them (see the articles on the specific languages for more detail). Letter forms with a combined diacritic which are not considered separate letters in any language (notably vowels with accent marks which are sometimes used in some languages to indicate stress and/or tone) are excluded from the tables, with the exception of ѐ and ѝ. The highlighted letters are those of the basic (original) Cyrillic alphabet; archaic letters no longer in use in any language today are not listed.

For letters not on this list, see .

Usage of letters in various languages
Language familiesSlavic languagesOther Indo-EuropeanUralicCaucasian
А аpronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/
Ӑ ӑ 
Ӓ ӓ pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/ 
Ә ә pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link/// 
Ӛ ӛ pronounced as /link/ 
Ӕ ӕ pronounced as /link/ 
Б бpronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/
В вpronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/
Г гpronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/
Ґ ґ pronounced as /link/ 
Ғ ғ pronounced as /link/ 
Ӷ ӷ pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link/// 
Ҕ ҕ pronounced as /link/ 
Д дpronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/
Ђ ђ  pronounced as /link/ 
Ѓ ѓ pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link/// 
Е еpronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link/pronounced as /ink///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link///pronounced as /pronounced as /link/ /pronounced as //pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///
Ѐ ѐ pronounced as /link/ 
Ё ёpronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/// pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/// pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///
Ӗ ӗ 
Є є pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/// 
Ж жpronounced as /link/pronounced as /pronounced as /link/ /pronounced as /pronounced as /link/ /pronounced as /link/pronounced as /pronounced as /link/ /pronounced as /link/
Ӂ ӂ pronounced as /link/ 
Җ җ 
Ӝ ӝ pronounced as /link/ 
З зpronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/
З́ з́ pronounced as /link/ 
Ҙ ҙ 
Ӟ ӟ pronounced as /link/ 
Ӡ ӡ pronounced as /link/ 
Ѕ ѕ pronounced as /link/ 
И иpronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/
Ѝ ѝ pronounced as /link/ 
Ӥ ӥ pronounced as /link/ 
Ӣ ӣ pronounced as //pronounced as /link/ː// 
І іpronounced as /link/ 
Ї ї pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/// 
Ӏ ӏ pronounced as /pronounced as /link/ /pronounced as /pronounced as /link/ /
Й йpronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/
Ҋ ҋ pronounced as /link/ 
Ј ј pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/  
К кpronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/
Қ қ pronounced as /link/ pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/// 
Ҟ ҟ pronounced as /link/ 
Ҡ ҡ 
Ӄ ӄ pronounced as /link/ 
Ҝ ҝ 
Л лpronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/
Ӆ ӆ pronounced as /link/ 
Љ љ pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/ 
М мpronounced as /link/
Ӎ ӎ pronounced as /link/ 
Н нpronounced as /link/
Ӊ ӊ pronounced as /link/ 
Ң ң 
Ӈ ӈ pronounced as /link/ pronounced as /link/ 
Ҥ ҥ pronounced as /link/ 
Њ њ pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/ 
О оpronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/
Ӧ ӧ pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/ 
Ө ө pronounced as //ŏ// 
Ӫ ӫ pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link/// 
Ҩ ҩ pronounced as /link/ 
П пpronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/
Ԥ ԥ pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/// 
Р рpronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/
Ҏ ҏ pronounced as /link/ 
С сpronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/
С́ с́ pronounced as /link/ 
Ҫ ҫ 
Т тpronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/
Ҭ ҭ pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/// 
Ћ ћ pronounced as /link/ 
Ќ ќ pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link/// 
У уpronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
pronounced as /link/
Ў ўpronounced as /link/ 
Ӳ ӳ 
Ӱ ӱ pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/ 
Ӯ ӯ pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link/// 
Ү ү 
Ұ ұ 
Ф фpronounced as /link/
Х хpronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/
Ҳ ҳ pronounced as /link/ pronounced as /link/ 
Һ һ pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link/// 
Ц цpronounced as /link/
Ҵ ҵ pronounced as /link/ 
Ч чpronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/
Ӵ ӵ pronounced as /link/ 
Ҷ ҷ pronounced as /link/ pronounced as /link/ 
Ӌ ӌ 
Ҹ ҹ 
Ҽ ҽ pronounced as /link/ 
Ҿ ҿ pronounced as /link/ 
Џ џ  pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/  pronounced as /link/ 
Ш шpronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/
Щ щpronounced as //pronounced as /link/ː//pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/// pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as /(/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link//)/pronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/(ː)//pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/ː//pronounced as /link/ 
Ъ ъ pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link/// pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/
Ы ыpronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/ pronounced as /link/pronounced as /(pronounced as /link/)/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link///pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /(pronounced as /link/)/
Ӹ ӹ pronounced as //pronounced as /link/~pronounced as /link/// 
Ь ьpronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/pronounced as /(pronounced as /link/)/pronounced as /link/
Ҍ ҍ pronounced as /link/ 
Э эpronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/ pronounced as /link/pronounced as /(pronounced as /link/)/pronounced as /link/pronounced as //pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/, pronounced as /link/// pronounced as /link/
Ӭ ӭ pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link/// 
Ю юpronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///
Я яpronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///pronounced as //pronounced as /link/pronounced as /link///
Usage of letters in various languages
Language familiesTurkic languagesTung.MongolicChin.
А а/ɑ//a//ɑ//a/, /æ//a//ɑ//a//ɑ//a~æ//ɑ//a//a, ɑ/
Ӑ ӑ/ə/ 
Ӓ ӓ 
Ә ә/æ//æ//æ//æ//ɤ/
Ӛ ӛ 
Ӕ ӕ 
Б б/b//b~p//b//w//b//p/
В в/v//β/(/v/)/v//w//w/, /v/(/v/)/v/(/v/)/v/, /w//w/ (/v/)/ʋ//v/(/w~β/)///w/
Г г/ɡ//ɡ~ʁ//ɡ//ɡ/, /ɣ//ɡ//ɡ/, /ɣ//ɡ//ɡ/, /ɢ//k/
Ґ ґ 
Ѓ ѓ 
Ғ ғ/ɣ//ʁ//ɣ//ɣ//ɣ//ʁ/ 
Ӷ ӷ 
Ҕ ҕ/ɣ~ʁ/ 
Д д/d//d~t//d//t/
Ђ ђ 
Е е/e//iɘ//je, e//e//e//e/, /je/, /jɤ//e//je, e/(/e/, /je/)/e, je//ɛ/, /jɛ//e//ɛ//je//ji~jo//je//iɛ/
Ѐ ѐ 
Ё ё/jo/(/jo/)/jo//ø//jo/(/jo/)/jo/(/jo/)(/jɔ/)(/jo/)/jo//jɔ//iɔ/
Ӗ ӗ/ɘ/ 
Ҽ ҽ 
Ҿ ҿ 
Є є 
Ж ж/ʒ/////, /ʒ//ʒ/(/ʒ/)/ʒ////ʒ//ʐ//ʒ////ʐ/
Ӂ ӂ 
Җ җ///ʑ//////, /
Ӝ ӝ 
З з/z//ð//z/(/z/)/z//ts/
З́ з́ 
Ҙ ҙ/ð/ 
Ӟ ӟ 
Ӡ ӡ 
Ѕ ѕ 
И и/i//ɪ//ɪ/, /ɯ//i//i, ei/
Ѝ ѝ 
Ӥ ӥ 
Ӣ ӣ 
І і /ɘ/ /ɪ/ 
Ї ї 
Ӏ ӏ 
Й й/j//j/, /ȷ̃//j//i//j/
Ҋ ҋ 
Ј ј/j//ɟ/ 
К к/c/ (/k/)/k~q//k//k~q//k//k/, /q//k//k~q//k/(/k/)(/kʰ~x/)(/k/)/kʰ/
Қ қ/q//q/ 
Ҟ ҟ 
Ҡ ҡ/q/ 
Ӄ ӄ 
Ҝ ҝ/ɟ/ 
Л л/l//ɮ//l/
Ӆ ӆ 
Љ љ 
М м/m/
Ӎ ӎ 
Н н/n/
Ӊ ӊ 
Ң ң/ŋ//ŋ//ŋ//ŋ//ŋ//ŋ/
Ӈ ӈ/ŋ/
Ҥ ҥ/ŋ//ŋ/
Њ њ 
О о/o//uʊ//o//ɔ//o//ɔ/
Ӧ ӧ/ø/ 
Ө ө/ø//yʉ//ø//ø//ø//ø//ø//o/ 
Ӫ ӫ 
Ҩ ҩ 
П п/p//p~pʰ//p/(/p/)(/pʰ/)/pʰ/
Ԥ ԥ 
Р р/ɾ//r//ɾ//r//ɾ//r//ɾ//r//ɚ, r/
Ҏ ҏ 
С с/s//θ//s/
С́ с́ 
Ҫ ҫ/θ//ɕ/ 
Т т/t//t~tʰ//t//tʰ/
Ҭ ҭ 
Ћ ћ 
Ќ ќ 
У у/u//w/, /ʊw/, /ʉw//u//u/, /w//u//ʊ//ɤu, u/
Ў ў/w//o//u/
Ӳ ӳ/y/ 
Ӱ ӱ/y/ 
Ӯ ӯ 
Ү ү/y//ʉ//y//y//y/, /w//y//ʏ//y//u//y/
Ұ ұ/ʊ/ 
Ф ф/f//ɸ/(/f/)/f//ɸ/(/f/)/f~ɸ/(/f/)/f/(/f/)(/f~pʰ/)(/f/)/f/
Х х/x~χ//h~x/(/x/)/h//x//χ//x/
Ҳ ҳ/h/ 
Һ һ/h//h//h//h//h//h//h/ 
Ц ц(/ts/)(/t͡s/)(/ts/)/t͡s/(/ts/)/t͡s/(/ts/)(/t͡s/)(/ts/)(/ts/)/ts/(/ts/)/t͡sʰ/
Ҵ ҵ 
Ч ч//(//)///ɕ/(/tʃ/)///c///////(/tʃ/)/ʰ//ʰ, ʰ/
Ӵ ӵ 
Ҷ ҷ 
Ӌ ӌ// 
Ҹ ҹ// 
Џ џ 
Ш ш/ʃ/(/ʃ/)/ʃ//ʂ//ʃ//ʂ/
Щ щ(/ʃ/)(/ɕ/)/ʃ, ʃː/(/ʃ/)/ɕ//ʃɕ/(/ʃtʃ/)/ɕː/(/ɕː/)(/ʃ/)(/ɕː/, /ɕ/)(/ʃ/)/ɕ/
Ъ ъ/ʲ//ʔ//ˤ/[ʔ]||style="background: #d3f1f1;"| ||colspan=2|||||colspan=3||- style="background:#e0ffff"| style="font-size:120%;white-space:nowrap"|Ы ы||colspan=2|/ɯ/||/ə/||/ɯ/||/ɨ/||/ɯ/||/ɤ/||colspan=4|/ɯ/||colspan=2 style="background: #d3f1f1;"| ||/ɯ/||/i/||/ʉ/||colspan=2|/i/||/ɪ, ɨə/|- style="background:#ebebeb;"| style="font-size:120%;white-space:nowrap"|Ӹ ӹ||colspan=19| |- style="background:#e0ffff"| style="font-size:120%;white-space:nowrap"|Ь ь||style="background: #d3f1f1;"| ||colspan=4|||/ʲ/||/ʔ/||/ʲ/||||colspan=2|/ʲ/||||style="background: #d3f1f1;"| ||||colspan=4|/ʲ/|||- style="background:#ebebeb;"| style="font-size:120%;white-space:nowrap"|Ҍ ҍ||colspan=19| |-| style="font-size:120%;white-space:nowrap"|Э э||style="background:#ebebeb;"| ||/e/||(/e/)||/e/||/e/, /æ/||/e/||/e/, /ʔ/||(/e/)||colspan=3|/e/||/ɛ/||style="background:#ebebeb;"| ||colspan=2|/e/||/ɛ/||colspan=2|/e/||/ɛ/|- style="background:#ebebeb;"| style="font-size:120%;white-space:nowrap"|Ӭ ӭ||colspan=19| |- style="background:#e0ffff"| style="font-size:120%;white-space:nowrap"|Ю ю||style="background: #d3f1f1;"| ||/ju/||/jʉw/, /jʊw/||/ju, jy/||/y/||/ju/||/ju/, /jy/||(/ju/)||/ju/||colspan=5|(/ju/)||colspan=2|/ju/||/ju, jʊ/||/jʊ/||/iɤu/|- style="background:#e0ffff"| style="font-size:120%;white-space:nowrap"|Я я||style="background: #d3f1f1;"| ||/ja/||/jɑ/||/ja, jɑ/||/æ/||/ja/||/ja/, /jæ/||(/jɑ/)||/ja/||colspan=3|(/ja/)||(/jɑ/)||(/ja/)||colspan=4|/ja/||/ia, iɑ/|- style="text-align:center"! style="width:6em"|Alphabet! style="width:2.5em;"|az! style="width:2.5em;"|tk! style="width:2.5em;"|kk! style="width:2.5em;"|ky! style="width:2.5em;"|krc! style="width:2.5em;"|ba! style="width:2.5em;"|tt! style="width:2.5em;"|alt! style="width:2.5em;"|kjh! style="width:2.5em;"|sah! style="width:2.5em;"|tyv! style="width:2.5em;"|uz! style="width:2.5em;"|ug! style="width:2.5em;"|cv! style="width:2.5em;"|bua! style="width:2.5em;"|mn! style="width:2.5em;"|xal! style="width:2.5em;"|evn! style="width:2.5em;"|dng|}

Summary table

Early scripts
Most common shared letters
CommonА   Б В Г   Д     Е     Ж   З  И       ЙК   Л   М   Н     О   П  Р   С   Т   У     Ф Х  Ц   Ч   Ш Щ       Ь     Ю Я  
South Slavic languages
BulgarianА   Б В Г   Д Е     Ж   З  И       ЙК   Л   М   Н     О   П  Р   С   Т   У     Ф Х  Ц   Ч Ш Щ Ъ     Ь     Ю Я
MacedonianА   Б В Г   Д Ѓ Ѕ Е    Ж   З  И   Ј    К   Л Љ М   Н Њ   О   П  Р   С   Т Ќ У     Ф Х  Ц   Ч Џ Ш  
SerbianА   Б В Г   Д Ђ   Е     Ж   З  И   Ј    К   Л Љ М   Н Њ   О   П  Р   С   Т Ћ У     Ф Х  Ц   Ч Џ Ш  
MontenegrinА   Б В Г   Д Ђ   Е     Ж   ЗЗ́ И   Ј    К   Л Љ М   Н Њ   О   П  Р   С С́ Т Ћ У     Ф Х  Ц   Ч Џ Ш  
East Slavic languages
RussianА   Б В Г   Д     Е   Ё Ж   З  И       ЙК   Л   М   Н     О   П  Р   С   Т   У     Ф Х  Ц   Ч   Ш Щ Ъ Ы   Ь Э   Ю Я
BelarusianА   Б В Г Ґ Д     Е   Ё Ж   З    І     ЙК   Л   М   Н     О   П  Р   С   Т   У Ў   Ф Х  Ц   Ч   Ш   Ы   Ь Э   Ю Я
UkrainianА   Б В Г Ґ Д     Е Є   Ж   З  И І   Ї ЙК   Л   М   Н     О   П  Р   С   Т   У     Ф Х  Ц   Ч   Ш Щ     Ь     Ю Я
RusynА   Б В Г Ґ Д     Е Є Ё Ж   З  И І   Ї ЙК   Л   М   Н     О   П  Р   С   Т   У     Ф Х  Ц   Ч   Ш Щ Ъ Ы   Ь     Ю Я
Nigenic languages
KurdishА   Б В Г Г' Д     Е Ә Ә' Ж   З  И       ЙК К' Л   М   Н     О Ö П П'Р Р' С   Т Т' У     Ф Х ҺҺ'   Ч Ч' Ш Щ       Ь Э       Ԛ Ԝ
OssetianА Ӕ Б В Г Д Е   Ё Ж   З  И       ЙК Л   М   Н     О   П Р   С   Т У     Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы   Ь Э   Ю Я
TajikА   Б В Г Ғ Д     Е   Ё Ж   З  И   Ӣ   ЙК Қ Л   М   Н     О   П  Р   С   Т   У Ӯ   Ф Х Ҳ    Ч Ҷ Ш   Ъ       Э   Ю Я
Romance languages
MoldovanА   Б В Г   Д     Е     Ж Ӂ З  И       ЙК   Л   М   Н     О   П  Р   С   Т   У     Ф Х  Ц   Ч   Ш     Ы   Ь Э   Ю Я
Uralic languages
Komi-PermyakА   Б В Г   Д     Е   Ё Ж   З  И І     ЙК   Л   М   Н     О Ӧ П  Р   С   Т   У     Ф Х  Ц   Ч   Ш Щ Ъ Ы   Ь Э   Ю Я
Meadow MariА   Б В Г   Д     Е   Ё Ж   З  И       ЙК   Л   М   Н Ҥ   О Ӧ П  Р   С   Т   У Ӱ   Ф Х  Ц   Ч   Ш Щ Ъ Ы   Ь Э   Ю Я
Hill MariА Ӓ Б В Г   Д     Е   Ё Ж   З  И       ЙК   Л   М   Н     О Ӧ П  Р   С   Т   У Ӱ   Ф Х  Ц   Ч   Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ӹ Ь Э   Ю Я
Kildin SamiА Ӓ Б В Г   Д     Е   Ё Ж   З  И   Й Ҋ ЈК   Л Ӆ М Ӎ Н Ӊ Ӈ О   П  Р Ҏ С   Т   У     Ф Х ҺЦ   Ч   Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Ҍ Э Ӭ Ю Я
Turkic languages
AzerbaijaniА   Б В Г Ғ Д     Е Ә Ё Ж   З   И Ј     Й К Ҝ Л   М   Н     О Ө П   Р   С   Т   У   Ү Ф Х Һ Ц   Ч Ҹ Ш Щ Ъ Ы   Ь Э   Ю Я
BashkirА Ә Б В Г Ғ Д   Ҙ Е   Ё Ж   З  И       ЙК Ҡ Л   М   Н Ҥ   О Ө П  Р   С Ҫ Т   У   Ү Ф Х ҺЦ   Ч   Ш Щ Ъ Ы   Ь Э Ә Ю Я
ChuvashА Ӑ Б В Г   Д     Е Ё Ӗ Ж   З  И       ЙК   Л   М   Н     О   П  Р   С Ҫ Т   У Ӳ   Ф Х  Ц   Ч   Ш Щ Ъ Ы   Ь Э   Ю Я
KazakhА Ә Б В Г Ғ Д     Е   Ё Ж   З  И І     ЙК Қ Л   М   Н Ң   О Ө П  Р   С   Т   У Ұ Ү Ф Х ҺЦ   Ч   Ш Щ Ъ Ы   Ь Э   Ю Я
KyrgyzА   Б В Г   Д     Е   Ё Ж   З  И       ЙК   Л   М   Н Ң   О Ө П  Р   С   Т   У   Ү Ф Х      Ч   Ш     Ы     Э   Ю Я
TatarА Ә Б В Г   Д     Е   Ё Ж Җ З  И       ЙК   Л   М   Н Ң   О Ө П  Р   С   Т   У   Ү Ф Х ҺЦ   Ч   Ш Щ Ъ Ы   Ь Э   Ю Я
UzbekА   Б В Г Ғ Д     Е   Ё Ж   З  И       ЙК Қ Л   М   Н     О   П  Р   С   Т   У Ў   Ф Х Ҳ    Ч   Ш   Ъ       Э   Ю Я
Mongolian languages
BuryatА   Б В Г   Д     Е   Ё Ж   З  И       Й    Л   М   Н    О Ө П  Р   С   Т   У   Ү Ф Х ҺЦ   Ч   Ш     Ы   Ь Э   Ю Я
KhalkhaА   Б В Г   Д     Е   Ё Ж   З  И       ЙК   Л   М   Н    О Ө П  Р   С   Т   У   Ү Ф Х  Ц   Ч   Ш Щ Ъ Ы   Ь Э   Ю Я
KalmykА Ә Б В Г Һ Д     Е     Ж Җ З  И       ЙК   Л   М   Н Ң  О Ө П  Р   С   Т   У   Ү Ф Х  Ц   Ч   Ш         Ь Э   Ю Я
Caucasian languages
AbkhazА   Б В Г Ҕ Д

Notes and References

  1. Web site: L2/02-141: Uralic Phonetic Alphabet characters for the UCS. 2002-03-20. Michael. Everson. Michael Everson. etal. Unicode Consortium.
  2. Web site: L2/22-002: Proposal to revise the glyph of CYRILLIC LETTER MULTIOCULAR O. 2022-01-09. Michael. Everson. Michael Everson.
  3. Web site: L2/06-359: Proposal for additional Cyrillic characters. 2006-10-31. Ralph. Cleminson. Unicode Consortium.
  4. Web site: L2/05-080R2: Proposal to Encode Additional Cyrillic Characters (rev 2005/08/18). 2005-08-02. Lorna. Priest. Unicode Consortium.
  5. Web site: L2/11-265: Proposal to encode a missing Cyrillic letter pair for the Orok language. 2011-07-06. Ilya. Yevlampiev. Karl. Pentzlin. Unicode Consortium.
  6. Web site: L2/08-144: Proposal to encode two Cyrillic characters for Abkhaz. 2008-04-11. Michael. Everson. Lorna. Priest. Unicode Consortium.
  7. Web site: L2/08-182: Proposal to Encode Additional Latin and Cyrillic Characters. 2008-07-28. Lorna. Priest. Unicode Consortium.
  8. Book: Головко, Е. В. . Словарь алеутско-русский и русско-алеутский (беринговский диалект) . 1994 . 5-09-002312-3 . 14 . Aleut-Russian and Russian-Aleut Dictionary (Bering dialect).
  9. Web site: L2/07-003R: Proposal to encode additional Cyrillic characters in the BMP of the UCS. 2007-01-12. Michael. Everson. David. Birnbaum. Ralph. Cleminson. Ivan. Derzhanski. Vladislav. Dorosh. Alexey. Kryukov. Sorin. Paliga. Klaas. Ruppel. Unicode Consortium.
  10. Web site: L2/10-394R: Proposal to Encode Some Outstanding Early Cyrillic Characters in Unicode. 2011-02-25. Yuri. Shardt. Nikita. Simmons. Aleksandr. Andreev. Unicode Consortium.