Cute High Earth Defense Club Love! is an anime television series by Diomedéa, directed by Shinji Takamatsu and written by Michiko Yokote. The series is a parody of the magical girl genre, in which five male students are chosen to become the magical Battle Lovers in order to protect the Earth from evil monsters. The series aired in Japan between January 6, 2015, and March 24, 2015, and was simulcast by Crunchyroll and Funimation. The series was licensed in North America by Ponycan USA, who began releasing the series on Blu-ray Disc and DVD in August 2015.[1]
The opening theme is by the Earth Defense Club (Kazutomi Yamamoto, Yuichiro Umehara, Kōtarō Nishiyama, Yūsuke Shirai, and Toshiki Masuda), while the ending theme is by the Conquest Club (Hiroshi Kamiya, Jun Fukuyama, Takuma Terashima).
A second season, title Cute High Earth Defense Club Love! Love!, began airing in Japan from July 7, 2016, to September 27, 2016.[2] The opening theme for Season two is by the Earth Defense Club (Kazutomi Yamamoto, Yuichiro Umehara, Kōtarō Nishiyama, Yūsuke Shirai, and Toshiki Masuda), the ending theme is by the Vepper / Beppu brothers Keisuke Koumoto and Yoshiki Murakami.