List of Cultural Properties of Tōdai-ji explained

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This list is of the Cultural Properties of Tōdai-ji, Nara, Japan.


ImageNameDateArchitectureOther CommentsDesignation
East corridor

1716-37 41x1 bay, single-storey, tiled roof ICP
West corridor

1716-37 41x1 bay, single-storey, tiled roof kairōICP
Founder's Hall

1200-50 3x3 bay, single-storey, hōgyō-zukuri, tiled roof NT

794-929 3x3 bay, azekura, yosemune-zukuri, tiled roof Repository for donations ICP
[5] 1705 NT
[6] 1185-1274 ICP
[7] 1681 3x3 bay, twin-storey, yosemune-zukuri, tiled roof ICP
[8] 1207-10 1x1 bay, single-storey, irimoya-zukuri, tiled roof NT
[9] 1408 Bath-house ICP
[10] 1714 5 bay, three-door rōmon, tiled roof ICP
[11] 3 bay, single-door hakkyakumon, kirizuma-zukuri, tiled roof NT
[12] 1722 3 bay, single-door hakkyakumon, kirizuma-zukuri, tiled roof ICP
[13] 1719 3 bay, single-door hakkyakumon, kirizuma-zukuri, tiled roof ICP
[14] 1199-1203 5 bay, three-door, twin-storey, irimoya-zukuri, tiled-roof NT
[15] 1669 10x7 bay, single-storey, yosemune-zukuri, tiled-roof NT
1277-1282 5x4 bay, single-storey, kirizuma-zukuri, tiled-roof For seclusion and prayer ICP
[16] 1185-1274 5x2 bay, single-storey, kirizuma-zukuri, tiled-roof For preparation of ritual food offerings ICP
[17] 1275-1332 3x2 bay, single-storey, kirizuma-zukuri, tiled-roof Double well for serving Buddha ICP
[18] 1237 3x3 bay, single-storey, yosemune-zukuri, tiled-roof ICP
[19] 747, 1199 5x8 bay, single-storey, irimoya-zukuri front, yosemune-zukuri rear, tiled-roof NT
[20] 794-929 3x3 bay, azekura, yosemune-zukuri, tiled-roof ICP
[21] 1335 7x4 bay, kirizuma-zukuri, tiled-roof ICP
[22] 1240 four-post, kirizuma-zukuri, tiled-roof ICP

710-793 3x2 bay, azekura, yosemune-zukuri, tiled-roof NT
Shingon'in kanjōdō

1649 & following Prefectural
Shingon'in front gate

1649 & following Prefectural
Shingon'in Jizōdō

1649 & following Prefectural
Shingon'in kangodono

1649 & following Prefectural
Shingon'in akaiya

1649 & following Prefectural
Shingon'in shōrō

1649 & following Prefectural
Shingon'in south gate

1649 & following Prefectural
Kaidan'in kaidandō

1733 Prefectural
Nigatsudō bath house



ImageNameDateMediumOther CommentsDesignation
Kusha mandala

Heian period (C12) NT
Zenzai Dōji's pilgrimage to the fifty-five places described in the Kegon Sutra

[26] [27]
twelfth century illustrated stories of the boy Sudhana's pilgrimage NT
Portrait of Kōzō Daishi

Kamakura period (C13) colours on silk one of the five patriarchs of the Kegon school ICP
Spiritual Teachers of the Kegon Ocean Assembly

1294 colours on silk assembly of those consulted by Zenzai Dōji; painted by Raien for Kōzan-ji; transferred to Tōdai-ji in 1421 ICP
Fifty-five places described in the Kegon Sutra

[30] [31]
colours on silk ICP
Legends of the Daibutsu

1536 colours on silk illustrated legends of the daibutsu which, alongside the Legends of Hachiman, were copied and used in fundraising throughout Japan for repairs to the Daibutsuden; by Rinken; three scrolls ICP
Portrait of Kashō Daishi

Kamakura period (C13) colours on silk Jizang (549-623), patriarch of the Sanron school ICP
Portrait of Jōei Daishi

Kamakura period (C13) colours on silk Hui Yuan (523-592), patriarch of the Sanron school, from Dunhuang, known as the "Commentator Priest" ICP
Four Saintly Persons

1256 colours on silk ICP
Four Saintly Persons

1377 colours on silk key figures in the history of Tōdai-ji: Emperor Shōmu (rear left), Rōben (front left), Bodhisena (rear right), and Gyōki (front right); by Hokkyō Kanjō from Mino Province; copy of the 1256 version ICP
Eleven-headed Kannon

colours on silk ICP
Nigatsudō mandala

History and legends of Tōdai-ji

colours on silk two items Prefectural
Shaka triad with Sixteen Rakan

Kamakura period (C14) colours on silk Municipal


ImageNameDateMediumOther CommentsDesignation

dry lacquer standing statue of Bonten; enshrined at the Hokkedō NT

dry lacquer standing statue of Taishakuten; enshrined at the Hokkedō NT
Kongō Rikishi

[40] [41]
dry lacquer standing statue of Agyō; enshrined at the Hokkedō NT
Kongō Rikishi

dry lacquer standing statue of Ungyō; enshrined at the Hokkedō NT
Four Heavenly Kings

dry lacquer standing statue of Jikoku-ten; enshrined at the Hokkedō NT
Four Heavenly Kings

dry lacquer standing statue of Zōjō-ten; enshrined at the Hokkedō NT
Four Heavenly Kings

dry lacquer standing statue of Kōmoku-ten; enshrined at the Hokkedō NT
Four Heavenly Kings

dry lacquer standing statue of Tamon-ten; enshrined at the Hokkedō NT
Fukūkensaku Kannon

dry lacquer standing statue of Fukūkensaku Kannon; enshrined at the Hokkedō NT
Nikkō Bosatsu

clay standing statue of Nikkō Bosatsu; enshrined at the Hokkedō NT
Gakkō Bosatsu

clay standing statue of Gakkō Bosatsu; enshrined at the Hokkedō NT
Four Heavenly Kings

clay standing statue of Jikoku-ten; enshrined at the Kaidandō NT
Four Heavenly Kings

clay standing statue of Zōjō-ten; enshrined at the Kaidandō NT
Four Heavenly Kings

clay standing statue of Kōmoku-ten; enshrined at the Kaidandō NT
Four Heavenly Kings

clay standing statue of Tamon-ten; enshrined at the Kaidandō NT

clay standing statue of Shukongōshin; enshrined at the Hokkedō NT
Shaka at Birth

[47] [48]
bronze NT

752 bronze daibutsu
restored; enshrined at the Daibutsuden
Kongō Rikishi

1203 wood standing statue of Agyō; located at the Nandaimon; by Unkei, Kaikei, and 13 assistant sculptors. NT
Kongō Rikishi

1203 wood standing statue of Ungyō; located at the Nandaimon; by Jōkaku, Tankei, and 12 assistant sculptors NT

c. 1206 wood seated statue of Chōgen, in charge or rebuilding Tōdai-ji after the 1180 fire; enshrined at the Shunjōdō or Chōgen Hall NT
Hachiman in the guise of a monk

1201 wood Hachiman in the guise of a monk, by Kaikei; enshrined at the Kanjinsho Hachimanden (see Hachiman shrine and Chinjusha) NT
Priest Rōben

Heian period (late C9) wood seated statue of Rōben, founder of Tōdai-ji; enshrined at the Kaisandō or Founder's Hall NT
Shaka Nyorai

1225 wood seated statue of Shaka Nyorai; by ICP

wood seated statue of Miroku; said to be the personal devotional of Rōben, but generally dated later on stylistic grounds ICP
Amida Nyorai

wood seated statue of Amida Nyorai; enshrined at the Kangakuin ICP
Amida Nyorai

wood standing statue of Amida Nyorai; enshrined at the Shunjōdō ICP
Amida Nyorai

wood ICP
Stone Lion

stone shishi by ; at the Nandaimon ICP
Nimbus in the shape of a boat

bronze ICP
Jizō bosatsu

wood seated statue of Jizō; enshrined at the Hokkedō ICP
Jizō bosatsu

wood seated statue of Jizō; enshrined at the Nembutsudō (see Nembutsu) ICP
Jizō bosatsu

wood ICP
Jizō bosatsu

wood standing statue of Jizō; by Kaikei; located at the Kōkeidō ICP
Aizen Myōō

wood seated statue of Aizen Myōō; enshrined at the Shunjōdō ICP
Aizen Myōō

wood ICP

clay ICP

clay ICP

1178 wood ICP
Senjū Kannon

wood standing statue of the Thousand-armed Kannon; enshrined at the Sanmaidō (Shigatsudō) ICP
Gokōshii Amida

Muromachi periodwood seated statue of Gokōshii Amida; enshrined at the Kangakuin ICP
Fudō Myōō with two attendants

1373 wood enshrined at the Hokkedō ICP

wood seated statue of Kariteimo; enshrined at the Shuni-e shukusho ICP

1733 wood ICP

Heian period (1178) wood ICP
Nyoirin Kannon

bronze ICP
Seimen Kongō

wood standing statue of Shōmen Kongō ICP
Twelve Heavenly Generals

wood ICP
Four Heavenly Kings

1281 wood ICP
Shō Kannon

wood ICP
Jūichimen Kannon

wood ICP

wood ICP
Taizan Fukun

wood seated statue of Taizan Fukun ICP

1190-98 wood ICP
Nyoirin Kannon & Kokūzō Bosatsu

1726-55 wood ICP
Images inside a miniature shrine: Senjū Kannon and Four Heavenly Kings

wood standing statues of Thousand-armed Kannon and Four Heavenly Kings; enshrined at the Kaidan'in Senjūdō ICP
Lion head

wood ICP

1706 wood ICP
Gigaku masks

[88] [89]
752 for gigaku; wood (29); dry lacquer (1) thirty inscribed masks ICP
Gigaku masks

1196 wood two inscribed masks ICP
Bugaku masks

Heian and Kamakura period wood for Bugaku; nine masks ICP
Gyōdō masks

1086 & 1334 wood for gyōdō; two masks ICP
Bosatsu masks

1158 wood three bodhisattva masks ICP
Fudō Myōō

wood Prefectural


ImageNameDateTypeOther CommentsDesignation
Kondō consecration objects

c.750 designated as "archaeological materials" Small gilt silver bowl with a hunting motif, swords, armor, a mirror, a fragment of a lacquer box, a crystal box, crystal objects, amber beads, glass beads and 22 crystal beadsNT
Temple bell

752 NT
Octagonal gilt bronze lantern

located in front of the Daibutsuden NT
Box with flower and bird design

Deer hide with grape arabesque pattern

Imperial plaque for the Saidaimon


1264 at the Shingon'in ICP
Sutra chest with cloud and phoenix design

Yuan dynastyat the Tokyo National Museum; from China ICP
Gong with peacock design


1305 bronze with inscription of date and location in the Kaidan'in; two items ICP
Perfume jars

bronze four items ICP
Lock (with key)

iron ICP
Small bell

1285 ICP

1308 located inside the Nigatsudō ICP

Lacquer bowls

1427 three items ICP
Lacquer trays

1298 inscribed; from the Nigatsudō; with cedar box; eleven items ICP

1330 wooden core, black lacquer, oil; two items ICP
Lacquer drum body

black lacquer; two items ICP
Painted drum body

Painted drum body

1232 ICP
Black lacquer table with mother-of-pearl inserts

Five-lion nyoi

ritual implement decorated with five lions ICP
Tortoiseshell nyoi


iron at the Ōyuya (bath house) ICP
Iron lanterns

iron two "fishing" lanterns; at the Hokkedō ICP
Stone lantern

1254 stone ICP

1134 ICP

1198 ICP
Gilt bronze base

Bronze pot

Gilt bronze pots

two items ICP
Gilt bronze hōtō

1411 Prefectural


ImageNameDateTypeOther CommentsDesignation
Documents of Tōdai-ji

Heian to Muromachi period designated as "ancient documents" 100 scrolls with 979 mounted documents; 8,516 single-sheet documents NT
Sutra of the Wise and Foolish

one scroll (vol. 15) NT

one scroll ICP

740 Abhidharma Mahāvibhāṣa Śāstra
one scroll (vol. 23)
Annals of Tōdai-ji

ten volumes ICP
Annals of Tōdai-ji continued

nine volumes ICP
Daiitoku Darani-kyō

740 ten scrolls ICP
Daihōtō daishū bosatsu nenmbutsu sanmai-kyō

ten scrolls ICP
Nirvana Sutra

Nirvana Sutra
forty scrolls
Discourse on the Stages of Yogic Practice

740 Yogācārabhūmi Śāstra
four scrolls (12, 13, 14, 17)
Flower Garland Sutra

798 Kegon Sutra
six scrolls (1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11)

Tang dynastyfrom China; eight scrolls ICP

one scroll ICP
Soku Kegon ryakukyō sokanteiki

five scrolls ICP

one scroll ICP
Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom Sutra

844 Prajnaparamita sutra; first scroll ICP

Tang dynasty (843) from China; first scroll ICP

nine scrolls ICP
Account of the deeds of Enshō

1302 deeds of, with brushwork by ; three scrolls ICP

two scrolls ICP
Precepts for Monks and Nuns

one scroll ICP
Flower Garland Sutra

silver ink on dark blue paper eighty scrolls ICP

one scroll ICP
Tōdaiji sōshō hitsu shōkyō narabini-shō

99 scrolls, 347 sheets ICP
Tōdaiji Gyōnen senjutsu shōsorui

146 scrolls ICP
Flower Garland Sutra

Joseon dynastyfrom Korea; forty scrolls ICP
Konkōmyō-saishōō-kyō chūshaku

two scrolls (5, 9) ICP
Tōdai-ji daikanjinsōgyō yūjihitsu shojō

one volume ICP
Inventory of objects for Amida Keka service

767 designated as "ancient documents" one scroll ICP
Solicitation for funds by Chōgen (Genkyū 2 (1205))

1205 ancient documents one scroll ICP
Register of slaves in Tōdai-ji

751/6 ancient documents one scroll ICP
Record of Tōdai-ji estate in Echizen Province

[157] [158] [159] [160]
756, 757 ancient documents early shōen in Echizen Province; two scrolls (scrolls 2 and 3; scroll 1 from 755 is at the Gotoh Museum) ICP
Eisai jihitsu tōboku hitsukenjōjō

1270 ancient documents one volume ICP
Sōbō Gekishu ganmonan

1198 ancient documents one scroll ICP
Document concerning Amida-ji estate in Suō Province

1200 ancient documents relating to fundraising for reconstruction; one scroll ICP
Flower Garland Sutra

ancient documents silver ink on dark blue paper; damaged in the 1667 fire during the Omizutori that destroyed the Nigatsudō; twenty scrolls, eighteen of which were once pasted onto screens ICP
Document from Dajōkan

808 ancient documents from Dajōkan; one scroll ICP
Records of the Nigatsudō Shuni-e

Heian to Shōwa periods ancient documents relating to the Shuni-e; 293 volumes, 2107 sheets ICP
Records of the Tōdai-ji Kaidan'in

Muromachi to Momoyama periods designated as "historic materials" one collection ICP
Matsubara collection

[168] [169]
Edo to Shōwa periods 1090 documents Registered


ImageNameDateTypeOther CommentsDesignation
Old precincts of Tōdai-ji

N/A Historic Site National
Old precincts of Tōdai-ji Tōnan'in

N/A Historic Site National
Kagami-ike habitat for fish (ischikauia)

N/A Natural Monument lit. "mirror pond"; the species is endemic to Japan Prefectural

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  2. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  3. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  4. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  5. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  6. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  7. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  8. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  9. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  10. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  11. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  12. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  13. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  14. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  15. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  16. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  17. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  18. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  19. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  20. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  21. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  22. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  23. Web site: Database of National Cultural Properties . . 19 May 2011.
  24. Web site: . ja:奈良県指定文化財一覧 . List of Cultural Properties designated by Nara Prefecture . Japanese . . 1 April 2008 . 5 April 2012 . . 25 May 2014 . dead .
  25. Web site: . ja:絹本著色倶舎曼荼羅図 . Kusha Mandala (colours on silk) . Japanese . . 6 April 2012.
  26. Web site: . ja:紙本著色華厳五十五所絵巻 . Zenzai Dōji's pilgrimage to the fifty-five places described in the Kegon Sutra (handscroll) . Japanese . . 6 April 2012.
  27. Book: The Great Eastern Temple: Treasures of Japanese Buddhist Art from Tōdai-ji . Mino Yutaka . . 1986 . 0253203902.
  28. Web site: . ja:絹本著色香象大師像 . Portrait of Kōzō Daishi (colours on silk) . Japanese . . 6 April 2012.
  29. Web site: . ja:絹本著色華厳海会善知識曼荼羅図 . Spiritual Teachers of the Kegon Ocean Assembly (colours on silk) . Japanese . . 6 April 2012.
  30. Web site: . ja:奈良市 . List of nationally designated Cultural Properties in Nara City . Japanese . 1 April 2008 . 5 April 2012 . . 11 September 2011 . dead .
  31. Web site: . ja:華厳五十五所絵 . Fifty-five places described in the Kegon Sutra . Japanese . . 6 April 2012.
  32. Web site: . ja:紙本著色東大寺大仏縁起〈芝琳賢筆/〉 . Legends of the Daibutsu (colours on paper) . Japanese . . 6 April 2012.
  33. Web site: . ja:絹本著色嘉祥大師像 . Portrait of Kashō Daishi (colours on silk) . Japanese . . 6 April 2012.
  34. Web site: . ja:絹本著色浄影大師像 . Portrait of Jōei Daishi (colours on silk) . Japanese . . 6 April 2012.
  35. Web site: . ja:絹本著色四聖御影〈/建長本〉 . Four Saintly Versions (colours on silk; Kenchō version) . Japanese . . 6 April 2012.
  36. Web site: . ja:絹本著色四聖御影〈美濃法橋観盛筆/永和本〉 . Four Saintly Versions (colours on silk; by Hokkyō Kanjō from Mino Province; Eiwa version) . Japanese . . 6 April 2012.
  37. Web site: . ja:絹本著色十一面観音像 . Eleven-headed Kannon (colours on silk) . Japanese . . 6 April 2012.
  38. Web site: . ja:奈良市指定文化財一覧 . List of Cultural Properties designated by Nara City . Japanese . . 5 April 2012.
  39. Web site: . ja:乾漆〈梵天/帝釈天〉立像(法華堂安置) . Standing dry lacquer statues of Bonten and Taishakuten (enshrined at the Hokkedō) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  40. Web site: . ja:乾漆金剛力士立像(法華堂安置) . Standing dry lacquer statues of the Kongō Rikishi (enshrined at the Hokkedō) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  41. Book: ja:奈良仏像館 名品図録 . Masterpieces from the Nara Buddhist Sculpture Hall at the Nara National Museum . Japanese . Yuyama Kenichi . 2010 . Nara National Museum.
  42. Web site: . ja:乾漆四天王立像(法華堂安置) . Standing dry lacquer statues of the Four Heavenly Kings (enshrined at the Hokkedō) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  43. Web site: 乾漆不空羂索観音立像(法華堂安置) . Standing dry lacquer statue of Fukūkensaku Kannon (enshrined in Hokkedō) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  44. Web site: . ja:塑造〈日光仏/月光仏〉立像(所在法華堂). Standing clay statues (Nikkō and Gakkō) (located at the Hokkedō) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  45. Web site: . ja:塑造四天王立像〈/(所在戒壇堂)〉. Standing clay statues of the Four Heavenly Kings (located at the Kaidandō) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  46. Web site: . ja:塑造執金剛神立像(法華堂安置) . Standing clay statue of Shukongōshin (enshrined at the Hokkedō) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  47. Web site: . ja:銅造誕生釈迦仏立像 . Standing bronze statue of Shaka at Birth . Japanese . . 1 April 2012.
  48. Web site: . ja:銅造灌仏盤 . Bronze kanbutsuban . Japanese . . 1 April 2012.
  49. Web site: . ja:銅造盧舎那仏坐像(金堂安置) . Seated bronze statue of Vairocana (enshrined at the Kondō) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  50. Web site: . ja:木造金剛力士立像(所在南大門) . Standing wooden statues of the Kongō Rikishi (located at the Nandaimon) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  51. Web site: . ja:木造俊乗上人坐像(俊乗堂安置). Seated wooden statue of Chōgen (enshrined at the Shunjōdō) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  52. Web site: . ja:木造僧形八幡神坐像〈快慶作/(八幡殿安置)〉 . Seated wooden statue of the kami Hachiman in the guise of a monk (enshrined at the Kanjinsho Hachimanden) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  53. Web site: . ja:木造良弁僧正坐像(開山堂安置) . Seated wooden statue of priest Rōben (enshrined at the Kaisandō) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  54. Web site: . ja:木造釈迦如来坐像〈善円作/〉 . Seated wooden statue of Shaka Nyorai (by Zen'en) . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  55. Web site: . ja:木造弥勒菩薩坐像〈(伝良弁念持仏)/〉 . Seated wooden statue of Miroku bosatsu (known as the Rōben Nenjibutsu) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  56. Web site: . ja:木造阿弥陀如来坐像〈/(所在勧学院)〉 . Seated wooden statue of Amida Nyorai (located at the Kangakuin) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  57. Web site: . ja:木造阿弥陀如来立像〈/(所在俊乗堂)〉 . Standing wooden statue of Amida Nyorai . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  58. Web site: . ja:木造阿弥陀如来坐像 . Seated wooden statue of Amida Nyorai . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  59. Web site: . ja:石造獅子〈(伝陳和卿作)/〉 . Stone lion (by Chin Wakei) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  60. Web site: . ja:銅造舟形光背 . Bronze nimbus in the shape of a boat . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  61. Web site: . ja:木造地蔵菩薩坐像〈/(所在法華堂)〉 . Seated wooden statue of Jizō (located at the Hokkedō) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  62. Web site: . ja:木造地蔵菩薩坐像〈/(念仏堂安置)〉 . Seated wooden statue of Jizō (enshrined at the Nenbutsudō) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  63. Web site: . ja:木造地蔵菩薩立像 . Standing wooden statue of Jizō . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  64. Web site: . ja:木造地蔵菩薩立像〈快慶作/(所在公慶堂)〉 . Standing wooden statue of Jizō (by Kakei, located at the Kōkeidō) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  65. Web site: . ja:木造愛染明王坐像〈/(所在俊乗堂)〉 . Seated wooden statue of Aizen Myōō (located at the Shunjōdō) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  66. Web site: . ja:木造愛染明王坐像 . Seated wooden statue of Aizen Myōō . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  67. Web site: . ja:塑造弁財天吉祥天立像 . Standing claue statues of Benzaiten and Kisshōten . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  68. Web site: . ja:木造多聞天立像 . Standing wooden statue of Tamonten . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  69. Web site: . ja:木造千手観音立像 . Standing wooden statue of Jūichimen Kannon . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  70. Web site: . ja:木造五劫思惟弥陀仏坐像〈/(所在勧学院)〉 . Seated wooden statue of Gokōshii Amida (located at the Kangakuin) . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  71. Web site: . ja:木造不動明王二童子像〈/(所在法華堂)〉 . Wooden statues of Fudō Myōō with two attendants (located at the Hokkedō) . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  72. Web site: . ja:木造訶梨帝母坐像〈/(所在修二会宿所)〉 . Seated wooden statue of Kariteimo (located at the Shuni-e shukusho) . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  73. Web site: . ja:木造鑑真和尚坐像 . Seated wooden statue of priest Ganjin . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  74. Web site: . ja:木造持国天立像 . Standing wooden statue of Jikokuten . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  75. Web site: . ja:銅造如意輪観音半跏像 . Half-cross-legged bronze statue of Nyoirin Kannon . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  76. Web site: . ja:木造青面金剛立像 . Standing wooden statue of Seimen Kongō . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  77. Web site: . ja:木造十二神将立像 . Standing wooden statues of the Twelve Heavenly Generals . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  78. Web site: . ja:木造四天王立像(新禅院伝来) . Standing wooden statues of the Four Heavenly Kings . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  79. Web site: . ja:木造聖観音立像 . Standing wooden statue of Shō Kannon . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  80. Web site: . ja:木造十一面観音立像 . Standing wooden statue of Jūichimen Kannon . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  81. Web site: . ja:木造閻魔王坐像 . Seated wooden statue of Enma-Ō . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  82. Web site: . ja:木造泰山府君坐像 . Seated wooden statue of Taizan Fukun . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  83. Web site: . ja:木造菩薩立像 . Standing wooden statue of a bodhisattva . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  84. Web site: . ja:木造〈如意輪観音/虚空蔵菩薩〉坐像〈順慶・賢慶・了慶・尹慶等作/(所在金堂)〉 . Seated wooden statues of Nyoirin Kannon & Kokūzō Bosatsu (by the Kei school; located in the kondō) . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  85. Web site: . ja:厨子入/木造千手観音立像/木造四天王立像(戒壇院千手堂安置) . Images inside a miniature shrine: standing wooden statues of Senjū Kannon and the Four Heavenly Kings (enshrined at the Kaidan'in Senjūdō) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  86. Web site: . ja:木造獅子頭 . Wooden lion's head . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  87. Web site: . ja:木造公慶上人坐像〈/(公慶堂安置)〉 . Seated wooden statue of Kōkei . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  88. Web site: . ja:木造伎楽面 . Wooden gigaku masks . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  89. Web site: . ja:乾漆伎楽面 . Dry lacquer gigaku mask . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  90. Web site: . ja:木造伎楽面 . Wooden gigaku masks . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  91. Web site: . ja:木造伎楽面 . Wooden bugaku masks . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  92. Web site: . ja:木造行道面 . Wooden gyōdō masks . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  93. Web site: . ja:木造菩薩面 . Wooden bosatsu masks . Japanese . . 18 April 2012.
  94. Web site: . ja:東大寺金堂鎭壇具 . Tōdai-ji Kondō consecration objects . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  95. Web site: . ja:梵鐘 . Temple bell . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  96. Web site: . ja:金銅八角燈籠(大仏殿前所在) . Octagonal gilt bronze lantern (located in front of the Diabutsuden) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  97. Web site: . ja:花鳥彩絵油色箱 . Box with flower and bird design . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  98. Web site: . ja:葡萄唐草文染韋 . Leather with grape arabesque pattern . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  99. Web site: . ja:木造西大門勅額 . Wooden imperial plaque for the Saidaimon . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  100. Web site: . ja:梵鐘 . Bell . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  101. Web site: . ja:雲鳳鎗金経櫃 . Sutra chest with cloud and phoenix design . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  102. Web site: . ja:孔雀文磬 . Gong with peacock design . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  103. Web site: . ja:銅水瓶 . Bronze ewer . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  104. Web site: . ja:銅香水杓 . Bronze ewer . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  105. Web site: . ja:鉄鑰〈鍵付/〉 . Iron lock (with key) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  106. Web site: . ja:堂司鈴 . Small bell . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  107. Web site: . ja:梵鐘(二月堂食堂所用) . Bell (inside the Nigatsudō) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  108. Web site: . ja:鰐口 . Waniguchi . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  109. Web site: . ja:朱漆布薩盥 . Lacquer bowls . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  110. Web site: . ja:二月堂練行衆盤 . Lacquer trays . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  111. Web site: . ja:木製黒漆油壺 . Vessel (black lacquer over wooden core, oil) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  112. Web site: . ja:黒漆鼓胴 . Black lacquer drum . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  113. Web site: . ja:彩絵鼓胴 . Painted drum . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  114. Web site: . ja:彩絵鼓胴 . Painted drum . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  115. Web site: . ja:黒漆螺鈿卓 . Black lacquer table with mother-of-pearl inserts . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  116. Web site: . ja:五獅子如意〈/(伝聖宝所持)〉 . Five-lion nyoi . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  117. Web site: . ja:玳瑁如意 . Tortoiseshell nyoi . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  118. Web site: . ja:鉄湯船(大湯屋所在) . Iron bathtub (at the Ōyuya) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  119. Web site: . ja:鉄釣燈籠〈/(法華堂所在)〉 . Iron "fishing" lanterns (at the Hokkedō) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  120. Web site: . ja:石燈籠 . Stone lantern . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  121. Web site: . ja:鉦鼓 . Kane . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  122. Web site: . ja:鉦鼓 . Kane . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  123. Web site: . ja:金銅受台 . Gilt bronze base . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  124. Web site: . ja:銅鉢〈金銅受台付/〉 . Bronze pot (with gilt bronze base) . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  125. Web site: . ja:金銅鉢 . Gilt bronze pots . Japanese . . 7 April 2012.
  126. Web site: . ja:東大寺文書 . Documents of Tōdai-ji . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  127. Web site: . ja:賢愚経巻第十五(四百六十七行) . Sutra of the Wise and Foolish, vol. 15 (467 ff.) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  128. Web site: . ja:賢劫経紙本墨書巻物 . Kenkō-kyō . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  129. Web site: . ja:大毘婆沙論〈巻第廿三/〉 . Abhidharma Mahāvibhāṣa Śāstra (scroll 23) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  130. Web site: . ja:東大寺要録 . Tōdai-ji yōroku . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  131. Web site: . ja:東大寺要録続録 . Continuation of the Tōdai-ji yōroku . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  132. Web site: . ja:大威徳陀羅尼経〈自巻第一/至巻第十〉 . Daiitoku Darani-kyō . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  133. Web site: . ja:大方等大集菩薩念仏三昧経〈自巻第一/至巻第十〉 . Daihōtō daishū bosatsu nenmbutsu sanmai-kyō . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  134. Web site: . ja:大般涅槃経〈自巻第一/至巻第四十〉 . Nirvana Sutra (forty scrolls) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  135. Web site: . ja:瑜伽師地論〈巻第十二、第十三、第十四/第十七〉 . Yogācārabhūmi Śāstra (scrolls 12, 13, 14, 17) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  136. Web site: . ja:華厳経〈巻第一、第四、第五、第六、第九、第十一/〉 . Flower Garland Sutra (scrolls 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  137. Web site: . ja:虚空蔵経〈自巻第一/至巻第八〉 . Kokūzō-kyō (eight scrolls) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  138. Web site: . ja:細字金光明最勝王経〈自巻第六/至巻第十〉 . Saijikonkōmyōsaishōō-kyō . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  139. Web site: . ja:続華厳略経疏刊定記〈第二、第九上下/第十三上下〉 . Soku Kegon ryakukyō sokanteiki . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  140. Web site: . ja:法華統略〈巻上/〉 . Hokketōryaku (first scroll) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  141. Web site: . ja:金剛般若経讃述巻上(白点本) . Prajñāpāramitā Sutra (first scroll) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  142. Web site: . ja:百法顕幽抄巻第一〈末(朱点本)/〉 . Hyakubōkenyūshō (first scroll) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  143. Web site: . ja:高僧伝六種〈宗性筆/〉 . Kōsōdenrokushu . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  144. Web site: . ja:円照上人行状記〈凝然筆/〉 . Account of the deeds of Enshō (by the brush of Gyōnen) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  145. Web site: . ja:羯磨 . Konma . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  146. Web site: . ja:弥沙塞羯磨本 . Precepts for Monks and Nuns . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  147. Web site: . ja:紺紙金字華厳経 . Flower Garland Sutra, silver lettering on dark blue paper . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  148. Web site: . ja:願文集 . Ganmonshū . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  149. Web site: . ja:東大寺宗性筆聖教並抄録本(二百十四種) . Tōdaiji sōshō hitsu shōkyō narabini-shō . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  150. Web site: . ja:東大寺凝然撰述章疏類〈(自筆本)/(九種)〉 . Tōdaiji Gyōnen senjutsu shōsorui . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  151. Web site: . ja:高麗版華厳経随疏演義鈔 . Flower Garland Sutra . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  152. Web site: . ja:金光明最勝王経註釈〈巻第五、第九/〉 . Konkōmyōsaishōō-kyō chūshaku' (scrolls 5, 9) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  153. Web site: . ja:東大寺大勧進僧行勇自筆書状〈九月十六日/年預五師宛〉 . Tōdai-ji daikanjinsōgyō yūjihitsu shojō . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  154. Web site: . ja:紙本墨書阿弥陀悔過料資財帳 . Inventory of objects for Amida Keka service . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  155. Web site: . ja:元久二年重源上人勧進状 . Solicitation for funds by Chōgen (Genkyū 2) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  156. Web site: . ja:東大寺奴婢見来帳 . Register of slaves in Tōdai-ji . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  157. Web site: . ja:越前国田使解(桑原庄券第二、第三) . Record of Tōdai-ji estate in Echizen Province (scrolls 2 & 3) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  158. Web site: . ja:越前国田使解(桑原庄券第一) . Record of Tōdai-ji estate in Echizen Province (scroll 1) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  159. Book: Population, Disease, and Land in Early Japan, 645-900 . Farris, William Wayne . . 1985 . 0674690052 . 84 ff.
  160. Book: Medieval Japan: Essays in Institutional History . . Mass, Jeffrey P . . 1974 . 0804715106 . 97 ff.
  161. Web site: . ja:栄西自筆唐墨筆献上状〈建永二年六月廿一日/〉 . Eisai jihitsu tōboku hitsukenjōjō . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  162. Web site: . ja:僧某逆修願文案〈貞慶筆/建久九年四月十五日〉 . Sōbō Gekishu ganmonan (1198) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  163. Web site: . ja:周防国阿弥陀寺領田畠注文〈正治二年十一月日/重源加判〉 . Document concerning Amida-ji estate in Suō Province (1200) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  164. Web site: . ja:紺紙銀字華厳経残巻〈(二月堂焼経)/〉 . Surviving scrolls of the Flower Garland Sutra, silver lettering on dark blue paper (known as the "Burned Sutra of the Nigatsudō) . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  165. Web site: . ja:太政官宣旨〈延暦二十四年二月二十五日/菅野眞道自署〉 一通 . Document from Dajōkan . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  166. Web site: . ja:二月堂修二会記録文書 . Records of the Nigatsudō Shuni-e . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  167. Web site: . ja:東大寺戒壇院指図 . Records of the Tōdai-ji Kaidan'in . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  168. Web site: . ja:登録有形文化財一覧 . List of registered Cultural Properties of Nara City . Japanese . . 5 April 2012.
  169. Web site: . ja:松原文庫 . Matsubara collection . Japanese . . 5 April 2012.
  170. Web site: . ja:東大寺旧境内 . Old precincts of Tōdai-ji . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.
  171. Web site: . ja:東大寺東南院旧境内 . Old precincts of Tōdai-ji Tōnan'in . Japanese . . 19 April 2012.