List of Cultural Properties of Japan - sculptures (Kyōto) explained
This list is of the Cultural Properties of Japan designated in the category of for the Urban Prefecture of Kyōto.[1]
National Cultural Properties
As of 1 September 2015, four hundred and fifteen Important Cultural Properties (including thirty-seven *National Treasures) have been designated, being of national significance.[2] [3]
Prefectural Cultural Properties
As of 24 March 2015, fifty properties have been designated at a prefectural level.[4] [5]
See also
External links
Notes and References
- Web site: Pamphlet on Cultural Properties . . 28 September 2015.
- Web site: . ja:国宝・重要文化財 . Number of National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties by Prefecture . Japanese . . 1 September 2015 . 28 September 2015.
- Web site: . ja:国宝・重要文化財(美術品)(彫刻 京都府) . Database of National Cultural Properties . Japanese . . 28 September 2015 . . 4 December 2015 . dead .
- Web site: . ja:京都府内文化財件数一覧(PDFファイル). Number of Cultural Properties in Kyoto Prefecture . Japanese . . 1 April 2013 . 28 September 2015.
- Web site: . ja:都道府県別指定等文化財件数(都道府県分). Number of Prefectural Cultural Properties by Prefecture . Japanese . . 1 May 2015 . 28 September 2015.