List of Carnegie libraries in the Caribbean explained

This is a list of Carnegie libraries in the Caribbean. Although most of Carnegie's philanthropic efforts were aimed at North America and Europe, a handful of libraries are scattered in other English-speaking areas of the world.

There are six Carnegie libraries in the Caribbean region spanning six countries.

granted[1] [2]
align=center 1 Bridgetown,
(St. Michael)
Barbados$23,330Coleridge St.Inscribed as part of UNESCO's historic buildings in Bridgetown and Saint Ann's Garrison area.
align=center 2 CastriesSaint Lucia$10,400
align=center 3 GeorgetownGuyana$34,100
align=center 4 KingstownSaint Vincent$9,825
align=center 5 RoseauDominica$7,500
align=center 6 San FernandoTrinidad$12,200
align=center Totalalign=right $97,355


Notes and References

  1. [#Anderson|Anderson]
  2. [#Miller|Miller]
  3. The amounts listed here were mostly granted in British pounds. In general the conversion rate used by the Carnegie Corporation was £1 = $5.