List of Baroque residences explained

This is a list of Baroque palaces and residences built in the late 17th and 18th centuries. Baroque architecture is a building style of the Baroque era, begun in late 16th-century Italy and spread in Europe. The style took the Roman vocabulary of Renaissance architecture and used it in a new rhetorical and theatrical fashion, often to express the triumph of the Catholic Church and the absolutist state in defiance of the Reformation.

Baroque architecture often includes fragmentary or deliberately incomplete architectural elements, opulent use of colour and ornaments and an external façade often characterized by a dramatic central projection. Many European palaces drew inspiration from the Palace of Versailles started in 1682, which had previously been inspired by the Buen Retiro Palace, making it one of the most imitated buildings of the 17th century.[1]

This list includes important city residences, such as the Stockholm Palace and Winter Palace, but does not extend to pre-Versailles Roman palazzi, such as Palazzo Altieri, Palazzo Barberini, or Palazzo Ludovisi.

width=10%Countrywidth=20%Imagewidth=10%Namewidth=20%Locationwidth=15%First owner
AustriaSchönbrunn PalaceViennaEmpress Maria Theresa
AustriaBelvedere PalaceViennaEugene of Savoy
AustriaSchloss LaxenburgLaxenburgEmpress Maria Theresa
AustriaPalais SchwarzenbergViennaAdam Franz von Schwarzenberg
AustriaSchloss HalbturnFéltorony (then) Kingdom of Hungary now HalbturnHarrach family
AustriaSchloss EsterházyKismarton (then) Kingdom of Hungary now EisenstadtPál Esterházy
AustriaSchloss EggenbergGrazHans Ulrich von Eggenberg
AustriaSchloss TrautenfelsPürgg-TrautenfelsSiegmund Friedrich von Trauttmansdorff
AustriaPalais AuerspergViennaHieronymus Capece de Rofrano
AustriaSchloss HofMarchfeldPrince Eugene of Savoy
AustriaSchloss NiederweidenMarchfeldErnst Rüdiger von Starhemberg
AustriaTöpfelhausViennaAlexander Matthias and Katharina Töpfel
AustriaPalais KinskyViennaCount Wirich Philipp von Daun
AustriaPalais Lobkowitz, ViennaViennaPhilipp Sigmund count von Dietrichstein
AustriaPalais TrautsonViennaJohann Leopold Donat von Trautson, Prince of Trautson
AustriaPalais Bartolotti-PartenfeldViennaBartolotti noble family
AustriaPalais ChotekViennaChotek family
AustriaPalais ObizziViennaFerdinand Marchese von Obizzi
AustriaPalais Mollard-ClaryViennaImperial Count Franz Maximilian von Mollard
AustriaPalais Caprara-GeymüllerViennaEnea Silvio Count of Caprara
AustriaSchloss NeuwaldeggViennaCount Theodor von Strattmann
AustriaPalais AugartenViennaZacharias Leeb
AustriaPalais HarrachViennaHarrach family
AustriaPalais StrozziViennaStrozzi family
AustriaPalais EsterházyViennaEsterházy family
AustriaSchloss KlessheimWals-SiezenheimJohann Ernst von Thun
AustriaWinter Palace of Prince EugeneViennaPrince Eugene of Savoy
AustriaSchloss HetzendorfVienna
AustriaSchloss ObersiebenbrunnObersiebenbrunnPrince Eugene of Savoy
AustriaSchloss RuegersRiegersburg
BelarusŚwiack PalaceŚwiackJózef Wołłowicz
BelarusNesvizh CastleNesvish (Nieśwież)Radziwiłł family
BelgiumPalace of Charles of LorraineBrussels
BelgiumHouse of the DonkeyBrussels
BelgiumHouse of the Gold Merchant BrusselsCorneille Mombaerts
BelgiumHouse of Goude HuyveBrussels
BelgiumHouse of the AngelBrusselsJan De Vos
BelgiumHouse of the SwanBrusselsPierre Fariseau
BelgiumSorghvliedt Castle (rebuilt)HobokenArnold du Bois
BelgiumBommershoven CastleBorgloonMarcel-Gérard Magnée
BelgiumHooghuisDoelJan Willemsen
BelgiumChâteau de ModaveLiège Province, WalloniaJean-Gaspard-Ferdinand de Marchin
BelgiumHôtel d'AnsembourgLiège Province, WalloniaMichel Willems
BelgiumVercken HouseEupenLeonhard Vercken
BelgiumHouse Grand RyEupenNikolaus Joseph von Grand Ry
BelgiumHouse of OombergenGhentDavid 't Kindt
BelgiumBeaulieu CastleMachelenLamoral II Claudius Franz, Count of Thurn and Taxis
BelgiumBoeregem Castle[2] Zevergem
BelgiumMansion Hotel Reylof[3] GhentBaron Reylof
BelgiumKasteel van de Woestijne [4] LochristiJan Baptist van de Woestijne, canon of Sint-Baafs in Ghent
BelgiumSmissenbroeck Castle[5] Oosterzele
CroatiaEltz ManorVukovarEltz
Czech RepublicThe Red CastleČervený HrádekJan Adam Hrzán from Harasov
Czech RepublicČechtice PalaceČechticeFrantišek Antonín Josef, Count of Holleweil
Czech RepublicKarlova Koruna ChâteauChlumec nad CidlinouFrantišek Ferdinand Kinský
Czech RepublicOhrada Hunting CastleHluboka nad VltavouAdam František Karel Eusebius Prince of Schwarzenberg
Czech RepublicHořín PalaceHořínHeřman Jakub Count Černín of Chudenice
Czech RepublicCastle at Horní PoliceHorní PoliceJulius Francis, Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg
Czech RepublicHoriněves CastleHoriněvesImperial Count General Jan Antonín Špork
Czech RepublicBishop's PalaceHradec KrálovéImperial Count Jan Bedrich (Fridrich) of Valdštejn, 2nd Bishop of Hradec Králové, 16th Archbishop of Prague, 31st Grandmaster of the Order of the Red Star Crusaders
Czech RepublicJarmeritz PalaceJaroměřice nad RokytnouJohann Adam von Questenberg
Czech RepublicValdštejnský PalaceTrčkovés from Lípa
Czech RepublicKroměříž PalaceKroměřížKarl von Liechtenstein-Kastelkorn
Czech RepublicPalace at Lázně BělohradLázně BělohradBertold Vilém of Valdštejn
Czech RepublicLišen PalaceLišenJan Kryštof from Freyenfels
Czech RepublicMikulov CastleMikulovPrince Ferdinand of Ditrichštejn
Czech RepublicCastle in MěšiceMěšiceFrantišek Václav Nostic-Rieneck
Czech RepublicOřechov CastleOřechov
Czech RepublicPalace at PohledPohledOrder of the Cistercians
Czech RepublicPostoloprty CastlePostoloprtyStephan Georg of Sternberg
Czech RepublicKolowrat PalacePragueKolowrat Family
Czech RepublicValdštejnský PalacePragueGeneralissimo Albrecht von Wallenstein, Prince of Wenden and Duke of Friedland, Sagan, Glogau and Mecklenburg
Czech RepublicKolovrat PalacePragueThe Lords of Hradec
Czech RepublicOld Provost's HousePragueJan František Rasch from Aschenfeld, Provost of the Chapter of St. Vitus in Prague
Czech RepublicPalace of Michny from VacínovPraguePavel Michna from Vacínov
Czech RepublicSaxe-Lauenburg Palace (in its Baroque form)PragueThe Metropolitan Chapter of St. Vitus in Prague
Czech RepublicŠternberský PalacePragueCount Václav Vojtěch of Šternberk
Czech RepublicHrzánský palacePragueCount Zikmund Valentin Hrzán of Harasov
Czech RepublicKaiserstein PalacePragueFrantišek Helfrýd, free lord from Kaiserstein
Czech RepublicBuquoy PalacePragueImperial Count Jan Bedrich of Valdštejn
Czech RepublicThe Grand Prior's PalacePragueGrand Prior Gundakar Poppa of Ditrichštejn
Czech RepublicTroja PalacePragueWenzel Adalbert von Sternberg
Czech RepublicVilla AmerikaPragueVaclav Michna
Czech RepublicArchbishops' PalacePragueArchbishops of Prague
Czech RepublicKinský PalacePragueJohann Ernst von der Goltz
Czech RepublicPalais Thun-HohensteinPragueMichael Oswald Thun
Czech RepublicWallenstein PalacePragueAlbrecht von Wallenstein
Czech RepublicCzernin PalacePragueHumprecht Jan Czernin
Czech RepublicPragueJan Blažej Santini-Aichel
Czech RepublicClam-Gallas PalacePragueCount John Wenceslaus of Gallas, Viceroy of Naples
Czech RepublicDům U Černého NohaPragueJosef Jäger
Czech RepublicPalace of the TurbosPragueTurbo Family
Czech RepublicSmiřických PalacePragueJaroslav I. Smiřický from Smiřice
Czech RepublicGrömling PalacePragueCharles of Grömling
Czech RepublicMorzinský PalacePragueVáclav Humbert, Count of Morzin
Czech RepublicMünchengrätz ResidenceMnichovo HradištěErnst Josef von Waldstein
Czech RepublicMirošov CastleMirošov (Rokycany District)Jan Antonín Vratislav[6]
Czech RepublicNebílovy CastleNebílovyČernin family[7]
Czech RepublicNeuschloss ResidenceNové HradyJean-Antoine Harbouval de Chamaré
Czech RepublicPalace at OstrovOstrovFrancis Julius of Saxe-Lauenburg
Czech RepublicPetrohradPetrohradHeřman Jakub Gottlieb Černín Count of Chudenice
Czech RepublicPostoloprty CastleStephan Georg of Sternberg
Czech RepublicAusterlitz PalaceSlavkov u BrnaWenzel Anton von Kaunitz
Czech RepublicHumprecht ChâteauSobotkaHumprecht Jan Czernin
Czech RepublicNew Castle at TýnecTýnecMaximilian Norbert Krakowski of Kolowrat
Czech RepublicFeldsberg ResidenceValticeKarl Eusebius von Liechtenstein
Czech RepublicCastle in Vranov nad DyjíVranov nad Dyjí
Czech RepublicVeltrusy MansionVeltrusyCount Václav Antonín Chotek of Chotkov and Vojnín.
DenmarkBregentvedFaxe MunicipalityCount Adam Gottlob Moltke
DenmarkCharlottenlund PalaceCharlottenlundPrincess Charlotte Amalie of Denmark
DenmarkFredensborg PalaceFredensborgFrederick IV of Denmark
DenmarkFrederiksberg PalaceFrederiksbergFrederick IV of Denmark
DenmarkLedreborgLejreJohan Ludvig Holstein-Ledreborg
DenmarkEremitage PalaceDyrehavenChristian VI of Denmark
DenmarkHirschholm Palace
HørsholmChristian VI of Denmark
DenmarkAmalienborg PalaceCopenhagenCount Adam Gottlob Moltke
EstoniaCatherinethal PalaceTallinnPeter I of Russia
FranceChâteau de MaisonsMaisons-Laffitte, YvelinesRené de Longueil
FranceVaux-le-VicomteMaincy, Seine-et-MarneNicolas Fouquet
FranceChâteau de SaverneArchbishops of Strasbourg
FrancePalace of VersaillesVersailles, YvelinesLouis XIV of France
FranceGrand TrianonVersaillesLouis XIV
FranceChâteau de Champs-sur-MarneChamps-sur-Marne, Seine-et-MarneCharles Renouard de La Touanne
FranceChâteau de DampierreDampierre-en-YvelinesCharles Honoré d'Albert, duc de Luynes- FranceChâteau de VendeuvreVendeuvre, CalvadosAlexandre Le Forestier-->
FranceChâteau de BreteuilChoiselLe Tonnelier de Breteuil
FranceChâteau de ChamplâtreuxÉpinay-ChamplâtreuxMathieu-François Molé
FranceChâteau de ValençayValençayCharles Legendre de Villemorien
FrancePalais RohanStrasbourgArmand Gaston Maximilien de Rohan
FranceHôtel de SoubiseParisFrançois de Rohan-Soubise
FranceDucal Palace of Nancy
NancyStanislas Leszczyński
FranceChâteau de LunévilleLunévilleLeopold of Lorraine
FranceChâteau de CommercyCommercyCharles Henri de Lorraine
FranceChâteau d'HarouéHarouéMarc de Beauvau
GermanyMünster ResidenceMünsterArchduke Maximilian Francis of Austria
GermanyErbdrostenhofMünsterAdolf Heidenreich Baron Droste of Vischering
GermanyBornheim CastleBornheimBaron Waldbott-Bassenheim
GermanyMeder HouseHeidelbergMeder family
GermanyRivera PalaceErdingAdelheid von Rivera
GermanyPoppelsdorf PalaceBonnJoseph Clemens, Archbishop-Elector of Cologne
GermanySchloss NordkirchenNordkirchenPrince-bishops of Munster
GermanyAnholt Castle
IsselburgPrinces of Salm-Salm
GermanyGottorf Castle
SchleswigFrederick IV, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp
GermanyElectoral Palace of BonnBonnArchbishop of Cologne
GermanySchloss WeißensteinPommersfeldenArchbishop of Mainz and Prince Bishop of Bamberg
(Lothar Franz von Schönborn)
GermanyReichmannsdorf CastleReichmannsdorf, SchlüsselfeldArchbishop of Mainz and Prince Bishop of Bamberg
(Lothar Franz von Schönborn)
GermanySchloss LöwensteinKleinheubachPrince Dominic Marquard of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort
GermanySchlossanlage UllstadtSugenheimBarons of Frankenstein
GermanyMannheim PalaceMannheimCharles III Philip, Elector Palatine
GermanyElectoral Palace of TrierTrierArchbishop of Trier
GermanyAugustusburg and FalkenlustBrühlArchbishop of Cologne
(Clemens August of Bavaria)
GermanySchloss BenrathDüsseldorfCharles Theodore, Elector Palatine
GermanyBothmer CastleKlützHans Caspar von Bothmer
GermanySchloss RastattRastattLouis of Baden
GermanyLudwigsburg PalaceLudwigsburgEberhard Louis of Württemberg
GermanyKarlsruhe PalaceKarlsruheCharles III William, Margrave of Baden-Durlach
GermanyStuttgart Residence
StuttgartCharles Eugene of Württemberg
GermanySchloss AltshausenAltshausen
GermanySchloss FavoriteRastattSibylle Auguste of Saxe-Lauenburg
GermanySchloss FavoriteLudwigsburgEberhard Louis of Württemberg
GermanyCastle SolitudeStuttgartCharles Eugene of Württemberg
GermanyWürzburg ResidenceWürzburgJohann Philipp Franz von Schönborn
GermanyWerneck ResidenceWerneckFriedrich Karl von Schönborn
GermanyVeitshöchheim ResidenceVeitshöchheimPeter Philipp von Dernbach
GermanyNew Residence, BambergBambergArchbishop of Mainz and Prince Bishop of Bamberg
(Lothar Franz von Schönborn)
GermanyNoble Palace Rotenhan[8] BambergBarons of Rotenhan
GermanyBöttingerhausBambergJohann Ignaz Michael Tobias Böttinger
GermanyVilla ConcordiaBambergJohann Ignaz Michael Tobias Böttinger
GermanyNeuer Ebracher HofBambergEbrach monastery
GermanyBibra HausBambergBibra Family
GermanySchloss SeehofMemmelsdorf, BambergMarquard Sebastian Schenk von Stauffenberg, Prince-bishop of Bamberg
GermanyBöttinger ManorStegaurachJohann Ignaz Michael Tobias Böttinger
GermanyBruchsalDamian Hugo Philipp von Schönborn
GermanySchloss ErlangenErlangenGeorge William, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth
GermanyNew Palace, BayreuthBayreuthFrederick, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth
GermanyEllingen PalaceEllingenTeutonic Order
GermanyDachau PalaceDachauHouse of Wittelsbach
GermanySchleissheim PalaceOberschleißheimMaximilian II Emanuel
GermanyLustheim PalaceOberschleißheimMaximilian II Emanuel
GermanyNymphenburg PalaceMunichHouse of Wittelsbach
GermanyAmalienburgMunichMaria Amalia, Holy Roman Empress
GermanyFürstenried PalaceMunichMaximilian II Emanuel
GermanyHolnstein PalaceMunichSophie Caroline von Ingenheim, Countess Holnstein
GermanyPalais PorciaMunichCount Fugger
GermanyPalais PreysingMunichCount Johann Maximilian of Preysing-Hohenaschau
GermanyCharlottenburg PalaceCharlottenburg, BerlinFrederick I of Prussia
GermanyNew PalacePotsdamFrederick II of Prussia
GermanySanssouciPotsdamFrederick II of Prussia
GermanyBerlin Palace
BerlinFrederick I of Prussia
GermanyStadtschloss, Potsdam
PotsdamFrederick William, Elector of Brandenburg
GermanySchloss MesebergGranseeHermann von Wartensleben
GermanyDresden Castle
DresdenAugustus II the Strong
GermanyJapanese Palace
DresdenAugustus II the Strong
GermanySommerpalais in Great Garden
DresdenJohn George III
GermanyDinglingerhausDresdenGeorg Christoph Dinglinger
GermanyMoritzburg CastleMoritzburgAugustus II the Strong
GermanyHubertusburgWermsdorfAugustus II the Strong
GermanyNischwitz PalaceThallwitz, SaxonyHeinrich von Brühl
GermanyRammenau CastleRammenau, SaxonyErnst Ferdinand von Knoch
DresdenAugustus II the Strong
GermanySchloss OranienbaumOranienbaum, GermanyHenriette Catherine of Nassau
GermanyPillnitz CastlePillnitzAugustus II the Strong
GermanyFasanenschlössleinMoritzburgFrederick Augustus I of Saxony
GermanySchloss BelvedereWeimarErnest August of Saxe-Weimar
GermanySchloss WilhelmsthalCaldenWilliam VIII of Hesse-Kassel
GermanySchloss Delitzsch (after renovations)DelitzschDukes of Saxe-Mersenburg
GermanyNeues Schloss (Meersburg)MeersburgJohann Franz II. von Stauffenber
GermanyJohann Dientzenhofer's houseRittergasse 4, FuldaJohann Dientzenhofer
GermanySchloss FasanerieFuldaAdalbert von Schleifras
GermanyFulda City PalaceFuldaFulda Prince Abbots
GermanySchloss BiebersteinFuldaFulda Prince Abbots
GermanySchloss GeisaFuldaFulda Prince Abbots
GermanySchloss OberschwappachKnetzgauAbbot Wilhelm I Sölner
GermanySchloss OsnabruckOsnabrückErnest Augustus, Elector of Hanover
GermanyWasp HouseAachenJohann von Wespien
GermanyMonheim HouseAachenMonheim pharmacist family
GermanySchloss JägerhofDüsseldorf-PempelfortCharles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria
GermanySchloss BiebrichWiesbaden, HesseGeorge Augustus Samuel of Nassau-Idstein
GermanyOsteiner HofMainzFranz Wolfgang Damian of Ostein
GermanyBassenheimer HofMainz
GermanyGerman House MainzMainzFranz Ludwig von Pfalz-Neuburg, Archbishop of Mainz and Grand Master of the Teutonic Order
GermanyStadioner HofMainzvon Rollingen
GermanyStadionsches SchlossLudwigsburgCount Anton Heinrich Friedrich von Stadion
GermanySchloss GroenesteynRüdesheim am Rhein, HesseAnselm Franz von Ritter zu Groenesteyn
GermanySchloss SaalfeldSaalfeldDuke John Ernest IV
GermanySchloss SchwarzburgSaalfeld-RudolstadtSchwarzburg-Rudolstadt family
HungaryBuda CastleBudapestMaria Theresa, queen of Hungary
HungaryGödöllő PalaceGödöllőAntal I. Grassalkovich
HungaryArchiepiscopal PalaceKalocsaÁdám Patachich
HungarySavoy Castle, RáckeveRáckevePrince Eugene of Savoy
HungaryEszterházaFertődPrince Nikolaus Esterházy "the Magnificent"
HungaryEsterházy MansionPápaFerenc Esterházy
HungaryEpiscopal PalaceVeszprémIgnác Koller
HungaryL'Huillier-Coburg PalaceEdelényFerenc János L'Huillier
HungaryZsira PalaceZsiraAntal Rimanóczy
HungaryEpiscopal PalaceSzombathelyJános Szily
HungaryRáday CastlePécelRáday family
IndiaDilkusha Kothi (in ruin by 1880s)LucknowSaadat Ali Khan II, 6th Nawab of Oudh
ItalyPalace of Castel GandolfoCastel GandolfoPope Urban VIII
ItalyCarolelli PalaceGarbagna Novarese, PiedmontCarolelli family
ItalyPalazzina di StupinigiStupinigiVictor Amadeus II of Sardinia
ItalyRoyal Palace of Turin
TurinVictor Amadeus II
ItalyPalazzo CarignanoTurinEmmanuel-Philibert of Savoy-Carignan
ItalyCastello del ValentinoTurinEmmanuel Philibert of Savoy
ItalyPalazzo Madama, Turin
TurinMarie Jeanne Baptiste de Savoie-Nemours
ItalyPalace of VenariaVenaria RealeCharles Emmanuel II of Savoy
ItalyDucal Palace of ModenaModenaFrancesco I d'Este, Duke of Modena
ItalyDucal Palace of ColornoColornoFrancesco Farnese, Duke of Parma
ItalyPalazzo EstenseVareseFrancesco III d'Este
ItalyVilla PisaniStraAlvise Pisani
ItalyPalazzo Stefano BalbiGenoaBalbi family
ItalyRoyal Palace of Naples
NaplesCharles VII of Naples
ItalyPalace of CapodimonteNaplesCharles VII
ItalyPalace of PorticiPorticiCharles VII
ItalyDucal Palace of SassuoloSassuoloHouse of Este
ItalyPalazzo Belloni BattagiaVeniceBelloni family
ItalyCa' RezzonicoVeniceGiambattista Rezzonico
ItalyCa' PesaroVenicePesaro family
ItalyPalazzo Erizzo a San Martino, VeniceVeniceErizzo family
ItalyPalazzo GradenigoVeniceGradenigo family
ItalyPalazzo Michiel dalle Colonne, VeniceVeniceZen dalle Colonne family
ItalyPalazzo Emo at MaddalenaVeniceEmo Family
ItalyVilla RecalcatiVareseMarquis Milanese Gabrio Recalcati
ItalyPalace of Caserta
(the largest building in 18th-century Europe)
CasertaCharles VII
ItalyPalazzo BiscariCataniaIgnazio Paternò Castello, 3rd Prince of Biscari
ItalyVilla PalagoniaBagheriaDon Ferdinando Gravina, 5th Prince of Palagonia
ItalyVilla Mansi, Segromigno in MonteCapannoriMansi Family
ItalyVilla Torrigiani(additions at the end of the 17th century)CapannoriNicola Santini
ItalyVilla Litta CariniOrio LittaAntonio Cavazzi della Somaglia, 8th Count of Somaglia
ItalyPalazzo ClericiMilanAnton Giorgio Clerici
ItalyPalazzo LittaMilanBartolomeo Arese
ItalyVilla WidmannMiraSceriman
ItalyVilla SorraCastelfranco EmiliaAntonio Sorra
ItalyVilla SormaniBrugherioCount Charles Joseph Bolagnos
ItalyVilla Arconati, BollateBollateGaleazzo Arconati
ItalyVilla ArvediGrezzanaAllegri family
ItalyVilla ContariniPaduaPaolo and Francesco Contarini
ItalyVilla Dosi DelfiniTuscanyDosi Delfini family
ItalyVilla di GeggianoTuscanyBianchi Bandinelli family
ItalyVilla CetinaleTuscanyFlavio Chigi
ItalyVilla Caprile, PesaroPesaroMarquis Giovanni Mosca
ItalyVilla Litta (Milan)MilanMarquis Corbella
ItalyPalazzo ModignaniLodiGiovan Battista Modignani
ItalyPalazzo PitteriTriesteDominic Plenario
ItalyVilla LattesIstrana, VenetoPaolo Tamagnino
ItalyPalazzo Gagliardi SardiL'Aquiila, AbruzzoGagliardi and Sardi families
ItalyVilla Tiepolo PassiCarbonera, VenetoAlmorò Tiepolo
ItalyVilla AldobrandiniFrascati, LazioCardinal Pietro Aldobrandini
ItalyVilla FilangeriSanta Flavia, Palermo .Prince Pietro Filangeri
ItalyVilla La TesorieraTurin, PiedmontAymo Ferrero from Cocconato
ItalyVilla AlibertTrastevere, Roma, LazioCount Giacomo d'Alibert
ItalyVilla Lippomano Querini Stampalia Dall'Armi Valeri Manera MaschioSan Vendemiano, VenetoLippomano Famiily
ItalySanto Stefano di Magra, LiguriaMarquis Remedi di Sarzana's Family
ItalyVilla Patrizi (Naples)NaplesPietro Patrizi, Marquis of Ripacandida and Royal Councillor
ItalyVilla de Mari (Acquaviva delle Fonti)Acquaviva delle Fonti, PugliaCarlo I de Mari
ItalyVilla Corsini in CastelloFlorence, TuscanyRinieri Family
ItalyVilla Crivelli MesmerMonza, LombardyMesmer family
ItalyVilla Griffoni Sant'AngeloCastel GabbianoCount Griffoni of Sant'Angelo in Vado (Urbino)
ItalyVilla BellavistaVillage in Buggiano, TuscanyFrancesco Feroni
ItalyVilla FaniniCapannori, TuscanyArnolfini family
ItalyPalazzo LanfranchiMatera, BasilicataVincenzo Lanfranchi
ItalyVilla of MonteboloneVia Montebolone, Pavia, LombardySomascans
ItalyPalazzo Malvinni MalvezziMatera, BasilicataErennio di Giovanni Malevindi
ItalyVilla Brignole SaleGenoa, LiguriaBrignole-Sale family
LatviaJelgava PalaceJelgavaErnst Johann von Biron
LatviaRundāle PalacePilsrundāleErnst Johann von Biron
LatviaReitern HouseRigaJohann Reitern[9]
MaltaHostel de VerdelinVallettaJean-Jacques de Verdelin
MaltaPalazzo VilhenaMdinaAntónio Manoel de Vilhena
MaltaCasa LeoniSanta VeneraAntónio Manoel de Vilhena
MaltaVilla BolognaAttardCount Nicholas Perdicomati Bologna
MaltaSelmun PalaceMellieħaMonte della Redenzione degli Schiavi
MexicoNational PalaceMexico CityHernán Cortés
MexicoCasa de AlfeñiquePuebla de Zaragoza, PueblaAntonio de Santa María Incháurregui
MexicoPalacio del ArzobispadoMexico CityJuan de Zumárraga
MexicoCasa de los AzulejosMexico CityLuis de Vivero e Ircio
MexicoCasa de las BóvedasPuebla de Zaragoza, PueblaDiego Peláez
MexicoPalace of the Counts of San Mateo de ValparaísoMexico CityMiguel de Berrio y Zaldívar Guerrero y Torres
MexicoPalace of the InquisitionMexico CityMartín de Valencia
MexicoPalace of IturbideMexico CityFernando de la Campa y Cos
MexicoCasas del Mayorazgo de GuerreroMexico CityJuan Guerrero de Luna
MexicoPalace of the Marquise of Villar del ÁguilaSantiago de Querétaro, QuerétaroPaula Dávila Moctezuma y Fernández del Corral
MexicoCasa de los MuñecosPuebla de Zaragoza, PueblaJuan Ochoa de Elejalde
MexicoPalacio del ObispadoMonterrey, Nuevo LeónRafael José Verger
MexicoPalacio de ZambranoVictoria de Durango, DurangoJuan José Zambrano
MexicoCasa del Mayorazgo de la CanalSan Miguel de Allende, GuanajuatoManuel de la Canal y Bueno de Baeza
MexicoCasa de AllendeSan Miguel de Allende, Guanajuatoomingo Narciso de Allende y Ayerdi
NetherlandsHet Loo PalaceApeldoornWilliam and Mary
NetherlandsBinnenhofThe HagueFloris IV, Count of Holland
NetherlandsRoyal Palace of AmsterdamAmsterdamLouis Bonaparte
NetherlandsHuis ten BoschThe HagueWillem-Alexander of the Netherlands
NetherlandsMauritshuisThe HagueJohn Maurice, Prince of Nassau-Siegen
NetherlandsNoordeinde PalaceThe HagueFrederick Henry, Prince of Orange
NetherlandsCatshuisThe HaguePrime Minister of the Netherlands
NetherlandsTrompenburghThe HagueCornelis Tromp
NetherlandsDrakensteyn CastleLage VuurscheBeatrix of the Netherlands
NetherlandsSlot ZeistZeistWillem Adriaan van Nassau
NetherlandsHartekampHeemstedeGeorge Clifford III and Carl Linnaeus
NetherlandsHuis DoornDoornWilhelm II
NetherlandsAmerongen CastleAmerongenWilhelm II
NetherlandsTrippenhuisAmsterdamJacob Trip
NetherlandsKasteel VaesharteltMaastrichtWilliam II of the Netherlands
NetherlandsChâteau NeercanneMaastrichtDaniël van Dopff
NetherlandsGeneraalshuisMaastrichtBernardus Johannes Cornelis Dibbets
NetherlandsHouse HuguetanThe HagueAdriana Margaretha Huguetan
NetherlandsHouse SchuylenburchThe HagueCornelis van Schuylenburch
NetherlandsHouse of PeacockThe HagueReinier Pauw and Stijntje van Ruytenburch
NetherlandsThe Spanish CourtThe Hague
NetherlandsLange Voorhout PalaceThe HagueAnthony Patras, deputy of Friesland and mayor of Sloten
NetherlandsHouse De Neufville[10] AmsterdamMattheus de Neufville and Petronella van Lennep de Neufville
NetherlandsVan Brants-Rushofje[11] AmsterdamChristoffel Brants
NetherlandsHouse De VicqAmsterdamDr. Frans de Vicq
NetherlandsFredriksplein 10[12] Amsterdam
NetherlandsWillet-Holthuysen House[13] AmsterdamJacob Hop
NetherlandsHouse Van BrienenAmsterdamArnoldus Johannes van Brienen
NetherlandsDe Wildeman[14] AmsterdamChristoffel Brants
NetherlandsBouwkonst[15] AmsterdamAnthonie van Wijngaarden
PolandRoyal Castle
(rebuilt after destruction)
WarsawAugustus III of Poland
PolandCopper-Roof Palace
(rebuilt after destruction)
WarsawJerzy Dominik Lubomirski
PolandWilanów PalaceWilanów, WarsawJohn III Sobieski
PolandBranicki Palace
(rebuilt after destruction)
WarsawJan Klemens Branicki
PolandKrasiński Palace
(rebuilt after destruction)
WarsawJan Dobrogost Krasiński
PolandOstrogski Palace
(rebuilt after destruction)
WarsawJan Gniński
PolandPalace of Bishops of Kraków
(rebuilt after destruction)
WarsawKajetan Sołtyk
PolandKsiąż CastleKsiążConrad Ernest Maximilian von Hochberg
PolandŁańcut Castle
ŁańcutStanisław Lubomirski
PolandAbbot's Palace (Oliwa)OliwaJacek Rybiński
PolandLanckoroński PalaceKurozwękiStanisław Lanckoroński
PolandRogalinKazimierz Raczyński
PolandBranicki Palace
(rebuilt after destruction)
BiałystokJan Klemens Branicki
PolandBiałystokJan Sękowski
PolandBieliński PalaceOtwock WielkiKazimierz Ludwik Bieliński
PolandCiążeńTeodor Kazimierz Czartoryski
PolandNieborów PalaceNieborówMichał Stefan Radziejowski
PolandRadzyń PodlaskiEustachy Potocki
PolandPotocki Palace, WarsawWarsawDenhoff family
PolandMostowski Old PalaceOstromeckoPaweł Michał Mostowski
PolandBranicki Summer PalaceChoroszczJan Klemens Branicki
PolandChróstnikGeorg Karl von Haugwitz
PolandZamoyski PalaceKozłówkaMichał Bieliński
PolandWolbórzAntoni Kazimierz Ostrowski
PolandWrocław PalaceWrocławHeinrich Gottfried von Spätgen
PolandRydzyna CastleRydzynaAleksander Józef Sułkowski
PolandRadomierzyce PalaceRadomierzyceJoachim Sigismund von Ziegler und Klipphausen
PolandPiotrkowicevon Maltzan
PolandChocianówMelchior Gottlob von Reden
PolandSanguszko PalaceLubartówPaweł Karol Sanguszko
PolandSzczekocinyFranciszek Dembiński and Urszula Morsztyn
PolandUphagen's HouseGdańskJohann Uphagen
PolandCzartoryski Palace (Puławy)PulawyPrince Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski
PolandDziałyński PalacePoznańWładysław Roch Gurowski, Grand Marshal of Lithuania
PolandPrzebendowski PalaceWarsawJan Jerzy Przebendowski
PolandKurozwęki PalaceKurozwękiMaciej Sołtyk
PolandSapieha Palace, WarsawWarsawStanislaw Morsztyn
PolandSymonowicz PalaceWarsawSimon de Symonowicz
PolandSangushki Palace (Warsaw) WarsawSanguszko Family
PolandWarsawJózef Benedykt Loupia
PolandSanguszko PalaceLubartówSanguszko Family
PolandWroclawA.H. Gross
PolandWroclawJohann Sigismund Cämmerer
PolandWroclawThe Artzat Family (Disputed)
PolandWroclawAndreas Forni
PolandWroclawMartin Maximilian von Knobelsdorf
PolandWroclawJohann Freyer
PolandWroclawJan Bartelmuss
PolandKraskówDavid Siegismund, Count of Hochberg on Rohnstock
PolandPalace in Popowo StarePopowo StareIgnacy Szołdrski
PortugalPalace of the Counts of RedondoLisbonCounts of Redondo
PortugalPalacete de BelomontePorto
PortugalBragaDr. Constantino Ribeiro do Lago
PortugalBelém National PalaceLisbon, EstremaduraKing João V of Portugal
PortugalBemposta PalaceLisbon, EstremaduraCatherine of Braganza
PortugalBraga Episcopal PalaceBraga, MinhoRodrigo de Moura Teles
PortugalBrejoeira PalaceMonçãoLuis Pereira Velho de Moscoso
PortugalBurnay PalaceLisbon, EstremaduraVasco César de Meneses
PortugalEstoi PalaceEstoi, AlgarveFrancisco de Pereira Coutinho
PortugalFoz PalaceLisbon, EstremaduraJosé de Castelo Melhor
PortugalFreixo PalacePorto, Douro LitoralJerónimo de Távora e Noronha
PortugalMafra National PalaceMafra, EstremaduraKing João V of Portugal
PortugalMateus PalaceVila Real, Trás-os-Montes e Alto DouroAntónio José Botelho Mourão
PortugalNecessidades PalaceLisbon, EstremaduraKing João V of Portugal
PortugalLaranjeiras PalaceLisbon, EstremaduraJoaquim Pedro Quintela, 1st Count of Farrobo
PortugalJanelas Verdes PalaceLisbon, EstremaduraFrancisco de Távora, 1st Count of Alvor
PortugalPalace of the Dukes of PalmelaLisbon, EstremaduraPedro de Sousa Holstein, 1st Duke of Palmela
PortugalPalaces of the Marquis of PombalOeiras, EstremaduraSebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, 1st Marquis of Pombal
PortugalPorto Episcopal PalacePorto, Douro LitoralJoão Rafael de Mendonça
PortugalPinhel Episcopal PalacePinhel, Beira AltaJosé de António Pinto de Mendonça Arrais
PortugalQueluz National PalaceQueluz, EstremaduraKing Peter III of Portugal
PortugalQuintela PalaceLisbon, EstremaduraJoaquim Pedro Quintela, 1st Baron of Quintela
PortugalRaio PalaceBraga, MinhoJoão Duarte de Faria
PortugalSão João Novo PalacePorto, Douro LitoralPedro Costa Lima
PortugalSalazares PalaceLousã, Beira LitoralMaria da Piedade de Mello Sampaio Salazar
PortugalTávora PalaceMirandela, Trás-os-MontesManuel Carlos da Cunha e Távora
RomaniaEpiscopal PalaceNagyvárad (then) Kingdom of Hungary now Oradea)Ádám Patachich
RomaniaBánffy PalaceKolozsvár (then) Kingdom of Hungary now Cluj-Napoca)György Bánffy
RomaniaBrukenthal PalaceNagyszeben (then) Kingdom of Hungary now Sibiu)Samuel von Brukenthal
RomaniaTeleki Castle in GorneștiGorneşti
Troekurov's House[16] Saint PetersburgAlexey Troekurov
Peterhof PalacePeterhofPeter I of Russia
Catherine PalacePushkinEmpress Elisabeth
Oranienbaum PalaceLomonosovAlexander Menshikov
Beloselsky-Belozersky PalaceSaint PetersburgPrince Mikhail Andreevitch Belosselsky
Strelna PalaceStrelnaPeter I of Russia
Vorontsov PalaceSaint PetersburgMikhail Illarionovich Vorontsov
Summer Palace of Peter the GreatSaint PetersburgPeter I of Russia
Kikin PalaceSaint PetersburgAlexander Kikin
Shuvalov MansionSaint PetersburgIvan Shuvalov
Chinese Palace in OranienbaumLomonosovCatherine II of Russia
Catherine PalaceMoscowCatherine II of Russia
Winter PalaceSaint PetersburgEmpress Elisabeth
Menshikov PalaceSaint PetersburgAlexander Menshikov
Stroganov PalaceSaint PetersburgStroganov family
Sheremetev PalaceSaint PetersburgPyotr Sheremetev
SlovakiaPrimate's PalacePozsony (then) Kingdom of Hungary]] now BratislavaArchbishops of Esztergom
SlovakiaSummer Archbishop's PalacePozsony (then) Kingdom of Hungary now BratislavaArchbishops of Esztergom
SlovakiaGrassalkovich PalacePozsony (then) Kingdom of Hungary now BratislavaAntal Grassalkovich
SlovakiaPozsony (then) Kingdom of Hungary now BratislavaCount Leopold Pálffy
SlovakiaKeglevich PalacePozsony (then) Kingdom of Hungary now BratislavaCount of Torna County, Joseph Keglevich
SlovakiaAspremont Summer PalacePozsony (then) Kingdom of Hungary now BratislavaCount Johann Nepomuk Gobert d’Aspremont-Lynden
SloveniaDornava MansionDornava near PtujDizma Attems
SpainRoyal Palace of MadridMadridCharles III of Spain
SpainRoyal Palace of AranjuezAranjuezPhilip II of Spain
SpainPalace of La GranjaSan IldefonsoPhilip V of Spain
SpainRoyal Palace of RiofríoRiofrío, SegoviaIsabella Farnese
SpainRoyal Palace of El PardoMadridCharles III of Spain (renovation)
SpainBuen Retiro PalaceMadridPhilip IV of Spain
SpainCasita del Príncipe (El Escorial)El EscorialCharles IV of Spain
SpainPalace of Infante don LuisBoadilla del Monte, MadridLuis of Spain, Count of Chinchón
SpainLiria PalaceMadridJames Fitz-James Stuart, 3rd Duke of Berwick
SpainPalace of the Dukes of OsunaMadridMaría Josefa Pimentel, Duchess of Osuna
SpainPalace of Goyeneche, MadridMadridJuan de Goyeneche
SpainPalace of the Marquis of Dos AguasValenciaGiner Rabassa de Perellós y Lanuza
SpainArchbishop's Palace, SevilleSevilleBishop of Seville
SpainPalacio de San Telmo (Converted into a residence from a university building by Antoine, Duke of Montpensier)SevilleAntoine, Duke of Montpensier
SpainVirreina PalaceBarcelona, CataloniaManuel d'Amat i de Junyent, Viceroy of Peru
SpainSanta Cruz Palace, Madrid (converted into a Palace)MadridPhilip IV of Spain
SwedenBjärka-Säby CastleÖstergötlandGermund Louis Cederhielm
SwedenDrottningholm PalaceDrottningholmQueen Hedvig Eleonora
SwedenSkokloster CastleHåboCarl Gustaf Wrangel
SwedenStockholm PalaceStockholmFrederick of Sweden
SwedenStrömsholm PalaceStrömsholmQueen Hedvig Eleonora
SwedenTessin PalaceStockholmNicodemus Tessin the Younger
UkraineMariinskyi PalaceKyivEmpress Elisabeth
UkraineKlov PalaceKyivKyiv Pechersk Lavra
UkraineHouse of RybalskyKyivHeorhiy Rybalsky
UkraineWiśniowiecki PalaceVyshnivetsMichał Serwacy Wiśniowiecki
UkraineOlyka CastleOlykaMichał Kazimierz "Rybeńko" Radziwiłł
UkraineCzartoryski Castle
(in ruin)
KoretsStanisław Kostka Czartoryski
UkrainePidhirtsi CastlePidhirtsiStanisław Koniecpolski
UkraineSanguszko Palace(in ruin)Iziaslav (Zasław)Barbara Sanguszkowa
UkrainePotocki PalaceBrodyStanisław Potocki
UkraineZbarazh CastleZbarazhKrzysztof Zbaraski, Jerzy Zbaraski
UkraineMetropolitan PalaceLvivFranciszek Kulczycki
UkraineLubomirski Palace, LvivLvivPrince Stanisław Lubomirski
UkraineUbaldini tenement houseLvivZhevusky Family
UkraineBielski's tenement houseLvivKonstanzia Bielska
UkraineAbrekiv tenement houseLvivAnton Kamiński (Watchmaker)
UkraineSangushki Palace (Izyaslav)IzyaslavBarbara Sangushkova
UkraineGrand PalaceZolochivMarek Sobieski
UkraineChinese PalaceZolochivJohn III Sobieski
UkraineFranciszek Salezy Potocki
United KingdomHampton Court Palace
(additions by Sir Christopher Wren)
Richmond upon ThamesWilliam and Mary
United KingdomKensington PalaceLondonWilliam and Mary
United KingdomBlenheim PalaceWoodstock, OxfordshireJohn Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough
United KingdomCastle HowardNorth YorkshireCharles Howard, 3rd Earl of Carlisle
United KingdomChatsworth HouseChatsworth, DerbyshireWilliam Cavendish, 1st Duke of Devonshire
United KingdomAlthorpNorthamptonshireRobert Spencer, 2nd Earl of Sunderland
United KingdomSeaton Delaval HallNorthumberlandJohn Delaval, 1st Baron Delaval
United KingdomAppuldurcombe HouseIsle of WightSir Robert Worsley, 3rd Baronet
United KingdomDyrham ParkSouth GloucestershireWilliam Blathwayt
United KingdomWest SussexCharles Seymour, 6th Duke of Somerset
United KingdomLion's HouseBridgwaterBenjamin Holloway
United KingdomThe Great HouseBurford
United KingdomBurford Methodist Church (initially a residence, became a church)BurfordJohn Jordan
United KingdomThe IvyChippenhamJohn Norris
United KingdomChettle HouseChettleGeorge Chafin
United KingdomGeneral Wolfe's HouseBath and North East SomersetGeneral Wolfe
United KingdomRosewell HouseBathThomas Rosewell
United KingdomFairfield HallAddingham
United KingdomWest Hanney HouseWest Hanney
United KingdomKings Weston HouseLawrence WestonEdward Southwell
United KingdomGrimsthorpe Castle (additions by Sir John Vanbrugh)LincolnshireRobert Bertie, 1st Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven
United KingdomKemerton CourtKemertonJohn Parsons III
United KingdomWotton HouseWotton Underwood
United KingdomChicheley HallChicheleySir John Chester
United KingdomAynhoe Park (additions by Thomas Archer)Aynho
United KingdomRoehampton HouseRoehamptonThomas Cary
United KingdomHeythrop ParkHeythropCharles Talbot, 1st Duke of Shrewsbury
United KingdomMarlow PlaceMarlowJohn Wallop, 1st Viscount Lymington
United KingdomMonmouth House(demolished in 1773)Soho SquareJames Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth, 1st Duke of Buccleuch
United KingdomBramham ParkBramhamRobert Benson, 1st Baron Bingley
United KingdomGoose-Pie House(demolished)WhitehallSir John Vanbrugh
United KingdomEaston Neston houseEaston NestonWilliam Fermor, 1st Baron Leominster
United KingdomBeningbrough Hall[17] BeningbroughJohn Bourchier
United KingdomTadworth CourtReigate and BansteadLeonard Wessel
United KingdomBarnsley ParkBarnsleyHenry Perrot, MP for Oxford
United KingdomWentworth Woodhouse (West Front by Ralph Turnicliffe)Wentworth, South YorkshireThomas Watson-Wentworth, 1st Marquess of Rockingham
United KingdomSudbury HallSudbury, DerbyshireGeorge Vernon
United KingdomDuff House[18] Banff, Aberdeenshire, ScotlandWilliam Duff
United KingdomCompton Beauchamp HouseCompton Beauchamp, OxfordshireFettiplace family

Notes and References

  1. Book: Konnert, Mark. Early Modern Europe: The Age of Religious War, 1559-1715. 259. University of Toronto Press. Toronto, Canada. 2006. 9781442600041.
  2. Web site: 2023-06-20 . Kasteel van Boeregem . 2024-07-09 . . nl.
  3. Web site: 2023-06-20 . Herenhuis Hotel Reylof . 2024-07-09 . . nl.
  4. Web site: 2023-06-20 . Kasteel van de Woestijne . 2024-07-09 . . nl.
  5. Web site: 2023-06-20 . Kasteeldomein Smissenbroek . 2024-07-09 . . nl.
  6. Web site: Zámek Mirošov . 2022-09-27 . CzechTourism . cs.
  7. Web site: CzechTourism . 2024-06-05 . Zamek Nebílovy · #VisitCzechia . 2024-05-21 . . pl-PL.
  8. Web site: Adelspalais . June 11, 2024.
  9. Web site: Reiterna nams . . 2012-11-26 . 2014-08-15 . . lv.
  10. Web site: Amsterdam Monumentenstad, database van de Amsterdamse grachtengordel . 2024-06-12 .
  11. Web site: Amsterdam Monumentenstad, database van de Amsterdamse grachtengordel . 2024-06-13 .
  12. Web site: Amsterdam Monumentenstad, database van de Amsterdamse grachtengordel . 2024-06-13 .
  13. Web site: Amsterdam Monumentenstad, database van de Amsterdamse grachtengordel . 2024-06-13 .
  14. Web site: Amsterdam Monumentenstad, database van de Amsterdamse grachtengordel . 2024-06-13 .
  15. Web site: Amsterdam Monumentenstad, database van de Amsterdamse grachtengordel . 2024-06-13 .
  16. Web site: Troekurov House in St. Petersburg . 2024-07-04 .
  17. Web site: History of Beningbrough Hall Yorkshire . 2024-05-07 . National Trust . en.
  18. Web site: Duff House . 2024-05-20 . Duff House National Galleries of Scotland.