List of mammals of Azerbaijan explained
This list shows the IUCN Red List status of mammal species occurring in Azerbaijan. One species is endangered, five are vulnerable, and 11 are near threatened.The following tags are used to highlight each species' global conservation status as assessed on the respective IUCN Red List published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature:
| Extinct | No reasonable doubt that the last individual has died. |
| Extinct in the wild | Known only to survive in captivity or as a naturalized populations well outside its previous range. |
| Critically endangered | The species is in imminent risk of extinction in the wild. |
| Endangered | The species is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. |
| Vulnerable | The species is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild. |
| Near threatened | The species does not meet any of the criteria that would categorise it as risking extinction but it is likely to do so in the future. |
| Least concern | There are no current identifiable risks to the species. |
| Data deficient | There is inadequate information to make an assessment of the risks to this species. | |
Order: Artiodactyla
- Family: Bovidae
- Family: Cervidae
- Family: Suidae
Order: Carnivora
- Family: Canidae
- Family: Felidae
- Genus: Felis
- Genus: Otocolobus
- Genus: Lynx
- Eurasian lynx, L. lynx [17]
- Genus: Panthera
- Leopard, P. pardus [18]
- Persian leopard, P. p. tulliana [18]
- Family: Ursidae
- Genus: Ursus
- Brown bear, U. arctos [19]
- Family: Procyonidae
- Genus: Procyon
- Common raccoon, P. lotor introduced
- Family: Hyaenidae
- Genus: Hyaena
- Striped hyena, H. hyaena [20]
- Family: Mustelidae
- Genus: Lutra
- European otter, L. lutra [21]
- Genus: Martes
- Genus: Meles
- Genus: Mustela
- Stoat, M. erminea [24]
- Least weasel, M. nivalis [25]
- Genus: Vormela
- Family: Phocidae
Order: Chiroptera
- Family: Calomyscidae
- Family: Cricetidae
- Family: Dipodidae
- Family: Gliridae
- Family: Hystricidae
- Family: Muridae
- Family: Myocastoridae
- Family: Sciuridae
Locally extinct
The following species are locally extinct in the country:
See also
Notes and References
- Caucasus bisons released into Azerbaijan`s nature
- Capra aegagrus . Weinberg, P. . amp . Ambarli, H. . 2020 . e.T3786A22145942.
- Capra cylindricornis . amp . Lortkipanidze, B. . Weinberg, P. . e.T3795A91287260 . 2020.
- Gazella subgutturosa . IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group . e.T8976A50187422 . 2017.
- Ovis gmelini . amp . Michel, S. . Ghoddousi, A. . 2020 . e.T54940218A22147055.
- Rupicapra rupicapra . Anderwald, P. . Ambarli, H.. Avramov, S.. Ciach, M.. Farkas, A.. Jovanovic, M.. Papaioannou, H.. Peters, W. . Sarasa, M. . Šprem, N. . Weinberg, P. . Willisch, C.. amp . e.T39255A22149561 . 2020.
- Capreolus capreolus . Lovari, S. . Herrero, J. . Masseti, M. . Ambarli, H. . Lorenzini, R. . Giannatos, G. . amp . 2016 . e.T42395A22161386.
- Cervus elaphus . Lovari, S. . Lorenzini, R. . Masseti, M. . Pereladova, O. . Carden, R.F. . Brook, S.M. . Mattioli, S. . amp . e.T55997072A142404453 . 2018.
- Sus scrofa . amp . Keuling, O. . Leus, K. . e.T41775A44141833 . 2019.
- Canis aureus . Hoffmann, M. . Arnold, J. . Duckworth, J. W. . Jhala, Y. . Kamler, J. F. . Krofel, M. . amp . 2018 . e.T118264161A46194820.
- Canis lupus . Boitani, L. . Phillips, M. . Jhala, Y. . amp . 2018 . e.T3746A119623865.
- Vulpes vulpes . Hoffmann, M. . Sillero-Zubiri, C. . amp . 2016 . e.T23062A46190249.
- Felis chaus . 2016 . Gray, T.N.E. . Timmins, R.J. . Jathana, D. . Duckworth, J.W. . Baral, H. . Mukherjee, S. . amp . e.T8540A50651463.
- Felis silvestris . Gerngross, P. . Ambarli, H. . Angelici, F.M. . Anile, S. . Campbell, R. . Ferreras de Andres, P. . Gil-Sanchez, J.M. . Götz, M. . Jerosch, S. . Mengüllüoglu, D. . Monterosso, P. . Zlatanova, D. . amp . e.T181049859A181050999 . 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2022-1.RLTS.T181049859A181050999.en . 2022 . 3 August 2022.
- Felis lybica . amp . Ghoddousi, A. . Belbachir, F. . Durant, S.M. . Herbst, M. . Rosen, T. . 2022 . e.T131299383A154907281 . 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2022-1.RLTS.T131299383A154907281.en.
- Otocolobus manul . Ross, S. . amp . Barashkova, A. . Dhendup, T. . Munkhtsog, B. . Smelansky, I. . Barclay, D. . Moqanaki, E. . 2020 . e.T15640A162537635.
- Lynx lynx . Breitenmoser, U. . Breitenmoser-Würsten, C. . Lanz, T. . von Arx, M. . Antonevich, A. . Bao, W. . Avgan, B. . amp . e.T12519A121707666 . 2015.
- Panthera pardus . 2016 . amp . Stein, A. B. . Athreya, V. . Gerngross, P. . Balme, G. . Henschel, P. . Karanth, U. . Miquelle, D. . Rostro, S. . Kamler, J.F. . Laguardia, A. . e.T15954A160698029.
- Ursus arctos . McLellan, B. N. . Proctor, M. F. . Huber, D. . Michel, S. . amp . e.T41688A121229971 . 2017.
- Hyaena hyaena . AbiSaid, M. . Dloniak, S.M.D. . amp . 2015 . e.T10274A45195080.
- Lutra lutra . Roos, A. . Loy, A. . de Silva, P. . Hajkova, P. . Zemanová, B. . amp . 2015 . e.T12419A21935287.
- Martes foina . 2016 . Abramov, A.V. . Kranz, A. . Herrero, J. . Krantz, A. . Choudhury, A. . Maran, T. . amp . e.T29672A45202514.
- Martes martes . Herrero, J. . amp . Kranz, A. . Skumatov, D. . Abramov, A.V. . Maran, T. . Monakhov, V.G. . e.T12848A45199169 . 2016.
- Mustela erminea . Reid, F. . Helgen, K. . Kranz, A. . amp . 2016 . e.T29674A45203335.
- Mustela nivalis . McDonald, R. A. . Abramov, A. V. . Stubbe, M. . Herrero, J. . Maran, T. . Tikhonov, A. . Cavallini, P. . Kranz, A. . Giannatos, G. . Kryštufek, B. . Reid, F. . amp . 2019 . e.T70207409A147993366.
- Vormela peregusna . Abramov, A.V. . Kranz, A. . Maran, T. . amp . 2016 . e.T29680A45203971.
- Barbastella barbastellus . Piraccini, R. . e.T2553A22029285 . 2016.
- Hypsugo savii . Hutson, A. M. . Spitzenberger, F. . Juste, J. . Aulagnier, S. . Palmeirim, J. . Paunovic, M. . Karatas, A. . amp . 2010 . e.T44856A10955205.
- Miniopterus schreibersii . amp . Gazaryan, S. . Bücs, S. . Çoraman, E. . 2020 . e.T81633057A151216401.
- Myotis bechsteinii . Paunović, M. . 2019 . e.T14123A22053752.
- Myotis blythii . Juste, J. . Paunović, M. . amp . 2016 . e.T14124A22053297.
- Myotis emarginatus . Piraccini, R. . e.T14129A22051191 . 2016.
- Myotis mystacinus . Coroiu, I.. 2016 . e.T14134A22052250.
- Myotis nattereri . Gazaryan, S. . Kruskop, S.V. . Godlevska, L. . amp . 2020 . e.T85733032A22052584.
- Nyctalus leisleri . Juste, J. . Paunović, M. . amp . 2016 . e.T14919A22016159.
- Nyctalus noctula . Csorba, G. . Hutson, A.M. . amp . 2016 . e.T14920A22015682.
- Plecotus auritus . 2021 . amp . Gazaryan, S. . Kruskop, S.V. . Godlevska, L. . 2020 . e.T85535522A195861341.
- Pipistrellus nathusii . Hutson, A. M. . Spitzenberger, F. . Juste, J. . Aulagnier, S. . Palmeirim, J. . Karatas, A. . Paunovic, M. . amp . 2010 . e.T17316A6966886.
- Vespertilio murinus . Coroiu, I. . 2016 . e.T22947A22071456.
- Tadarida teniotis . Benda, P. . Piraccini, R. . amp . e.T21311A22114995 . 2016.
- Rhinolophus blasii . Taylor, P. . 2016 . e.T19515A21972073.
- Rhinolophus euryale . Juste, J. . Alcaldé, J. . amp . e.T19516A21971185 . 2016.
- Rhinolophus ferrumequinum . Piraccini, R. . 2016 . e.T19517A21973253.
- Rhinolophus hipposideros . Taylor, P. . 2016 . e.T19518A21972794.
- Rhinolophus mehelyi . Alcaldé, J. . Benda, P. . Juste, J. . amp . 2016 . e.T19519A21974380 . 2016.
- Lepus europaeus . Hacklande, K. . Schai-Braun, S. . 2019 . e.T41280A45187424.
- Oryctolagus cuniculus . amp . 2019 . Villafuerte, R. . Delibes-Mateos, M. . e.T41291A45189779 .
- Arvicola amphibius . Batsaikhan, N. . Henttonen, H. . Meinig, H. . Shenbrot, G., Bukhnikashvili, A., Hutterer, R., Kryštufek, B., Yigit, N., Mitsain, G. & Palomo, L. . 2016 . e.T2149A115060819.
- Hystrix indica . Amori, G. . Hutterer, R. . Kryštufek, B. . Yigit, N. . Mitsain, G. . Palomo, L. J. . amp . 2016 . e.T10751A115099509.
- Mus musculus . Musser, G. . amp . Hutterer, R. . Kryštufek, B. . Yigit, N. . Mitsain, G. . 2016 . e.T13972A115117618.
- Rattus norvegicus . Ruedas, L. . 2016 . e.T19353A165118026.
- Rattus rattus . amp . 2015 . Kryštufek, B. . Palomo, L.J. . Hutterer, R. . Mitsain, G. . Yigit, N. . e.T19360A115148682.
- Sciurus vulgaris . Amori, G. . Hutterer, R. . Kryštufek, B. . Yigit, N. . Mitsain, G. . Muñoz, L. J. P. . amp . e.T20025A9136220 . 2010.
- Heptner, V. G., Sludskij, A. A. (1992) [1972]. "Cheetah, Pardus". Mlekopitajuščie Sovetskogo Soiuza. Moskva: Vysšaia Škola [Mammals of the Soviet Union. Volume II, Part 2. Carnivora (Hyaenas and Cats)]. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution and the National Science Foundation. pp. 702–733.
- Niedziałkowska, M. Phylogeography of European moose (Alces alces) based on contemporary mtDNA data and archaeological records. Mamm Biol 84, 35–43 (2017).
- Book: The Mammals of the Caucasus. Vereshchagin. Nikolaĭ Kuzʹmich. Israel Program for Scientific Translations. 1–816. 1967.
- Equus hemionus . Kaczensky, P. . Lkhagvasuren, B. . Pereladova, O. . Hemami, M. . Bouskila, A. . amp . e.T7951A166520460 . 2020.
- Heptner, V. G.; Sludskii, A. A. (1992) [1972]. "Lion". Mlekopitajuščie Sovetskogo Soiuza. Moskva: Vysšaia Škola [Mammals of the Soviet Union, Volume II, Part 2]. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution and the National Science Foundation. pp. 83–95. .
- Heptner, V. G. & Sludskij, A. A. (1992) [1972]. "Tiger". Mlekopitajuščie Sovetskogo Soiuza. Moskva: Vysšaia Škola [Mammals of the Soviet Union. Volume II, Part 2. Carnivora (Hyaenas and Cats)]. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution and the National Science Foundation. pp. 95–202.