List of Asteraceae genera explained
, Plants of the World Online listed 1,706 accepted genera in the family Asteraceae. Those genera are listed with their author citations. Taxonomic synonyms are not included.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
- Aaronsohnia Warb. & Eig, synonym of Otoglyphis
- Abrotanella Cass.
- Acamptopappus A.Gray – goldenhead
- Acanthocephalus Kar. & Kir.
- Acanthocladium F.Muell.
- Acanthodesmos C.D.Adams & duQuesnay
- Acanthospermum Schrank – starburr
- Acanthostyles R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Achillea L. – yarrow
- Achnophora F.Muell.
- Achnopogon Maguire, Steyerm. & Wurdack
- Achyrachaena Schauer – blow wives
- Achyranthemum N.G.Bergh
- Achyrocline (Less.) DC.
- Achyropappus Kunth
- Acilepidopsis H.Rob.
- Acilepis D.Don
- Acmella Rich. ex Pers.
- Acomis F.Muell.
- Acourtia D.Don – desert peony
- Acrisione B.Nord.
- Acritopappus R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Actinobole Endl.
- Acunniana Orchard
- Adeia
- Adelostigma Steetz
- Adenanthellum B.Nord.
- Adenocaulon Hook. – trailplant
- Adenocritonia R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Adenoglossa B.Nord.
- Adenoon Dalzell
- Adenophyllum Pers. – dogweed
- Adenostemma J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. – medicineplant
- Adenostyles Cass.
- Adenothamnus D.D.Keck
- Adiaphila
- Aedesia O.Hoffm.
- Aequatorium B.Nord
- Aetheolaena Cass.
- Aetheorhiza Cass. – synonym of Sonchus
- Afroaster J.C.Manning & Goldblatt
- Afrocarduus
- Afrocirsium
- Ageratella A.Gray ex S.Watson
- Ageratina Spach – snakeroot
- Ageratinastrum Mattf.
- Ageratum L. – whiteweed
- Agnorhiza (Jeps.) W.A.Weber
- Agoseris Raf. – mountain dandelion
- Agrianthus Mart. ex DC.
- Ainsliaea DC.
- Ajania Poljakov
- Ajaniopsis C.Shih
- Alatoseta Compton
- Albertinia Spreng.
- Aldama La Llave
- Alepidocline S.F.Blake
- Alfredia Cass.
- Aliella Qaiser & Lack
- Allagopappus Cass.
- Allardia Decne.
- Allittia P.S.Short
- Allocephalus Bringel, J.N.Nakaj. & H.Rob.
- Alloispermum Willd.
- Allopterigeron Dunlop
- Almutaster Á.Löve & D.Löve – alkali marsh aster
- Alomia Kunth
- Alomiella R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Amauria Benth.
- Ambassa Steetz
- Amberboa (Pers.) Less.
- Amblyolepis DC.
- Amblyopappus Hook. & Arn.
- Amblysperma Benth.
- Amboroa Cabrera
- Ambrosia L. – bursage, ragweed
- Ameghinoa Speg.
- Amellus L.
- Ammobium R.Br.
- Amolinia R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Ampelaster G.L.Nesom – climbing aster
- Amphiachyris (DC.) Nutt. – broomweed
- Amphiglossa DC.
- Amphipappus Torr. & A.Gray – chaffbush
- Amphoricarpos Vis.
- Anacantha (Iljin) Soják
- Anacyclus L.
- Ananthura H.Rob. & Skvarla
- Anaphalioides (Benth. & Hook.f.) Kirp.
- Anaphalis DC. – pearly everlasting
- Anastraphia D.Don
- Anaxeton Gaertn.
- Ancathia DC.
- Ancistrocarphus A.Gray
- Anderbergia B.Nord.
- Andicolea Mayta & Molinari
- Andryala L.
- Anemocarpa Paul G.Wilson
- Angeldiazia M.O.Dillon & Zapata
- Angianthus J.C.Wendl.
- Anisocarpus Nutt.
- Anisochaeta DC.
- Anisocoma Torr. & A.Gray
- Anisopappus Hook. & Arn.
- Antennaria Gaertn. – pussytoes
- Anteremanthus H.Rob.
- Anthemis L. – Roman chamomile
- × Anthepleurospermum
- Anticona E.Linares, J.Campos & A.Galán
- Antillanthus B.Nord.
- Antillia R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Antiphiona Merxm.
- Anvillea DC.
- Apalochlamys Cass.
- Aphanactis Wedd.
- Aphanostephus DC. – doze daisy
- Aphelexis D.Don
- Aphyllocladus Wedd.
- Apodocephala Baker
- Apopyros G.L.Nesom
- Aposeris Neck.
- Apostates Lander
- Apowollastonia Orchard
- Aquilula G.L.Nesom
- Arbelaezaster Cuatrec.
- Archanthemis Lo Presti & Oberpr.
- Archibaccharis Heering
- Archidasyphyllum (Cabrera) P.L.Ferreira, Saavedra & Groppo
- Archiserratula L.Martins
- Arctium L. – burdock
- Arctogeron DC.
- Arctotheca J.C.Wendl. – capeweed
- Arctotis L.
- Argentipallium Paul G.Wilson
- Argyranthemum Webb – dill daisy
- × Argyrautia Sherff
- Argyroglottis Turcz.
- Argyrotegium J.M.Ward & Breitw.
- Argyroxiphium DC. – silversword
- Aristeguietia R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Arnaldoa Cabrera
- Arnica L. – arnica
- Arnicastrum Greenm.
- Arnoglossum Raf. – Indian plantain
- Arnoseris Gaertn.
- Arrhenechthites Mattf.
- Arrojadocharis Mattf.
- Arrowsmithia DC.
- Artemisia L. – tarragon, sagebrush, sagewort, wormwood, mugwort
- Artemisiopsis S.Moore
- Asanthus R.M.King & H.Rob. – brickellbush
- Ascidiogyne Cuatrec.
- Askellia W.A.Weber
- Aspilia Thouars
- Asplundianthus R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Astartoseris N.Kilian, Hand, Hadjik., Christodoulou & Bou Dagh.
- Aster L. – aster
- Asteridea Lindl.
- Asteriscus Mill.
- Asterothamnus Novopokr.
- × Asterron
- Astranthium Nutt. – western daisy
- Athanasia L.
- Athrixia Ker Gawl.
- Athroisma DC.
- Atractylis L.
- Atractylodes DC.
- Atrichantha Hilliard & B.L.Burtt
- Atrichoseris A.Gray
- Austrobrickellia R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Austrocritonia R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Austroeupatorium R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Austroliabum H.Rob. & Brettell
- Austrosynotis C.Jeffrey
- Avellara
- Axiniphyllum Benth.
- Ayapana Spach
- Ayapanopsis R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Aynia H.Rob.
- Aytacia
- Aztecaster G.L.Nesom
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
- Caatinganthus H.Rob.
- Cabobanthus H.Rob.
- Cabreraea Bonif.
- Cabreriella Cuatrec.
- Cacaliopsis A.Gray
- Cacosmia Kunth
- Cadiscus E.Mey. ex DC.
- Caesulia Roxb.
- Calanticaria (B.L.Rob. & Greenm.) E.E.Schill. & Panero
- Calea L.
- Calendula L. – marigold
- Callicephalus C.A.Mey.
- Callilepis DC.
- Callistephus Cass.
- Calocephalus R.Br.
- Calomeria Vent.
- Calorezia Panero
- Calostephane Benth.
- Calotesta P.O.Karis
- Calotis R.Br.
- Calycadenia DC. – western rosinweed
- Calycoseris A.Gray – tackstem
- Calyptocarpus Less.
- Camchaya Gagnep.
- Campovassouria R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Camptacra N.T.Burb.
- Campuloclinium DC.
- Canadanthus G.L.Nesom – mountain aster
- Cancrinia Kar. & Kir.
- Cancriniella Tzvelev
- Capelio B.Nord.
- Caputia B.Nord. & Pelser
- Cardopatium Juss.
- × Carduocirsium Sennen
- Carduus L. – plumeless thistle
- Carlina L. – carline thistle
- Carlquistia B.G.Baldwin
- Carminatia Moc. ex DC.
- Carpesium L.
- Carphephorus Cass. – chaffhead
- Carphochaete A.Gray – bristlehead
- Carthamus L. – distaff thistle
- Cassinia R.Br.
- Castanedia R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Castrilanthemum Vogt & Oberpr.
- Castroviejoa Galbany, L.Sáez & Benedí
- Catamixis Thomson
- Catananche L.
- Catatia Humbert
- Catolesia D.J.N.Hind
- Caucasalia B.Nord.
- Caucasoseris
- Cavalcantia R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Cavea W.W.Sm. & J.Small
- Caxamarca M.O.Dillon & Sagást.
- × Celmearia Heenan
- Celmisia Cass.
- Centaurea L. – knapweed, cornflower, star thistle
- Centaurodendron Johow
- Centauropsis Bojer ex DC.
- Centaurothamnus Wagenitz & Dittrich
- Centenaria P.Gonzáles, A.Cano & H.Rob.
- Centipeda Lour.
- Centratherum Cass.
- Centromadia Greene
- Centropappus Hook.f.
- Cephalipterum A.Gray
- Cephalopappus Nees & Mart.
- Cephalosorus A.Gray
- Ceratogyne Turcz.
- Ceruana Forssk.
- Chacoa R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Chaenactis DC. – pincushion
- Chaetacalia
- Chaetadelpha A.Gray ex S.Watson – skeletonweed
- Chaetanthera Ruiz & Pav.
- Chaetopappa DC. – least daisy
- Chaetymenia Hook. & Arn.
- Chamaechaenactis Rydb.
- Chamaegeron Schrenk.
- Chamaeleon Cass.
- Chamaemelum Mill. - dogfennel
- Chamaepus Wagenitz
- Chaochienchangia G.L.Nesom
- Chaptalia Vent. – sunbonnetts
- Charadranaetes Janovec & H.Rob.
- Chardinia Desf.
- Cheirolophus Cass.
- Chersodoma Phil.
- Chevreulia Cass.
- Chiliadenus Cass.
- Chiliocephalum Benth.
- Chiliophyllum Phil.
- Chiliotrichiopsis Cabrera
- Chiliotrichum Cass.
- Chimantaea Maguire, Steyerm. & Wurdack
- Chionolaena DC.
- Chionopappus Benth.
- Chlamydophora Ehrenb. ex Less.
- Chloracantha G.L.Nesom, Y.B.Suh, D.R.Morgan, S.D.Sundb. & B.B.S
- Chondrilla L.
- Chondropyxis D.A.Cooke
- Chresta Vell. ex DC.
- Chromolaena DC. - thoroughwort
- Chromolepis Benth.
- Chronopappus DC.
- Chrysactinia A.Gray
- Chrysactinium Wedd.
- Chrysanthellum Rich.
- Chrysanthemum L.
- Chrysanthoglossum B.H.Wilcox, K.Bremer & Humphries
- Chryselium Urtubey & S.E.Freire
- Chrysocephalum Walp.
- Chrysocoma L.
- Chrysogonum L.
- Chrysolaena H.Rob.
- Chrysoma Nutt.
- Chrysophthalmum Sch.Bip. ex Walp.
- Chrysopsis (Nutt.) Elliott – goldenaster
- Chrysothamnus Nutt. – rabbitbrush
- Chthonocephalus Steetz
- Chucoa Cabrera
- Chuquiraga Juss.
- Cicerbita Wallr.
- Ciceronia Urb.
- Cichorium L. – chicory
- Cineraria L.
- Cirsium Mill. – thistle
- Cissampelopsis Miq.
- Cladanthus Cass.
- Cladochaeta DC.
- Clappia A.Gray – clapdaisy
- Clibadium L.
- Cloiselia S.Moore
- Cnicothamnus Griseb.
- Coleocoma F.Muell.
- Coleostephus Cass.
- Colobanthera Humbert
- Cololobus H.Rob.
- Columbiadoria G.L.Nesom
- Comaclinium Scheidw. & Planch.
- Commidendrum Burch. ex DC.
- Condylidium R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Condylopodium R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Conocliniopsis R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Conoclinium DC.
- Constancea B.G.Baldwin
- Cordiofontis G.L.Nesom
- Coreocarpus Benth.
- Coreopsis L. – tickseed
- Corethamnium R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Corethrogyne DC. – sandaster
- Coronidium Paul G.Wilson
- Corymbium Gronov.
- Cosmos Cav.
- Cota J.Gay
- × Cotanthemis
- Cotula L. – waterbuttons
- Coulterella Vasey & Rose
- Cousinia Cass.
- Cousiniopsis Nevski
- Craspedia G.Forst.
- Crassocephalum Moench – ragleaf
- Crassothonna B.Nord.
- Cratystylis S.Moore
- Cremanthodium Benth.
- Cremnothamnus Puttock
- × Crepi-hieracium P.Fourn.
- Crepidiastrum Nakai
- Crepis L. – hawksbeard
- Criscia Katinas
- Criscianthus Grossi & J.N.Nakaj.
- Critonia P.Browne – thoroughwort
- Critoniadelphus R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Critoniella R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Critoniopsis Sch.Bip.
- Crocidium Hook. – spring-gold
- Crocodilium Hill
- Cronquistianthus R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Croptilon Raf. – scratchdaisy
- Crossostephium Less.
- Crossothamnus R.M.King & H.Rob.
- Crupina (Pers.) DC.
- Crystallopollen Steetz
- Cuatrecasanthus H.Rob.
- Cuatrecasasiella H.Rob.
- Cuchumatanea Seid. & Beaman
- Culcitium Bonpl.
- Cullumia R.Br.
- Cuniculotinus Urbatsch, R.P.Roberts & Neubig
- Curio P.V.Heath
- Cuspidia Gaertn.
- Cyanthillium Blume
- Cyathocline Cass.
- Cyathomone S.F.Blake
- Cyclachaena Fresen.
- Cyclolepis Gillies ex D.Don
- Cylindrocline Cass.
- Cymbonotus Cass.
- Cymbopappus B.Nord.
- Cymophora B.L.Rob.
- Cynara L. – artichoke
- Cyrtocymura H.Rob.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited. Common names are cited individually.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited. Common names are cited individually.
List of genera is from Plants of the World Online unless otherwise cited.
- 21. 2006. Hartman . R.L. . Ronald Lee Hartman. en. 18 January 2023.
- 20. 2006. Nesom . G.L. . Guy L. Nesom. en. 18 January 2023.
- POWO. 2023. 319342-2. Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl. 30 June 2024.
External links
Notes and References
- Hind . N. . Langhorne . J. . 2024 . dated 2023 . 1076. Vernonia missurica Raf. . Curtis's Botanical Magazine . 40 . 4 . 397–415 . 10.1111/curt.12531 . amp . free .