As Told by Ginger is an American animated series that ran from October 25, 2000, to November 14, 2006. The series ended production in 2004, and by 2005 the series had fully aired on international versions of Nickelodeon in other countries, while in the United States the series was taken off Nickelodeon's schedule in 2004 during the third season. Two previously unaired episodes from the third season premiered on Nickelodeon's sister channel, Nicktoons, in November 2004 and November 2006.
Six episodes from the third season remained unaired in the United States as of late 2006. After a decade, four of the unaired episodes made their television debut in the United States on TeenNick's NickRewind block, "The Splat", in late October 2016.[1] Two episodes from the third season remained unaired in the United States after late 2016 (although the series finale, The Wedding Frame, was previously released direct-to-DVD in region 1 in November 2004) – both of these episodes were released on CBS All Access in January 2021.[2]