List of Another World characters explained

This is a list of some of the major characters that have appeared in the soap opera Another World, which originally aired from May 4, 1964, to June 25, 1999.


Joyce Abernathy
  • Played by Rena Sofer, 1987
    Dave Adama
  • Played by John Mattey, 1996–1999
  • Police officer.
    Wayne Addison
  • Played by Edmund Hashim, 1969; Robert Milli, 1969–1970
    Tom Albini
  • Played by Pierrino Mascorino, 1970–1971; Peter Brandon, 1979
    Mark Allen
  • Played by Bill Shanks, 1991; Nick Gregory. 1991
    Ms. Margaret Allen
  • Played by Christopher Norris, 1998
    Kevin Anderson
  • Played by Jamie Goodwin, 1991–1993
    Dean Andrews
  • Played by James Sutorius, 1982
    Frank Andrews
  • Played by Peter Brandon, 1964–1965
    Willie Armstrong
  • Played by Giancarlo Esposito, 1982


    Blair Baker
  • Played by Kathy Carrier, 1995–1996; Bridget White, 1996
    Rusty Bakersfield
  • Played by Jon Curry, 1997
    Tito Banacek
  • Played by Tony Templeton, 1998; Troy Hall, 1998–1999
    Brian Bancroft
  • Played by Paul Stevens, 1977–1985
    Ted Bancroft
  • Played by Eric Roberts, 1977; Richard Backus, 1979; Luke Reilly, 1983–1984
    Brenda Barlowe
  • Played by Betty White, 1988
    Greg Barnard
  • Played by Ned Schmidtke, 1977–1978
    Ken Baxter
  • Played by William Prince, 1964–1965
    Laura Baxter
  • Played by Augusta Dabney, 1964–1965
    Tom Baxter
  • Played by Nicholas Pryor, 1964
    Reena Bellman Cook
  • Played by Carla Borelli, 1979–1980
    Striker Bellman
  • Played by Clifton James, 1980
    Lord Peter Belton
  • Played by Michael Tylo, 1980
    Taylor Benson
  • Played by Christine Andreas, 1990–1991
  • Doctor.
    Ed Berns
  • Played by Eugene Smith, 1986
    Roy Bingham
  • Played by Morgan Freeman, 1982–1984
  • Doctor.
    Ellen Bishop Grant
  • Played by Georgann Johnson, 1970
    Mitch Blake
  • Played by William Gray Espy, 1979–1982, 1986–1990
    Russell Boyd
  • Played by Jay Bontatibus, 1996
    Hunter Bradshaw
  • Played by Robert Sedgwick, 1984–1985
    Pamela Blair
  • Played by Bonnie Broderick (1994)
    Cindy Brooke
  • Played by Kim Rhodes, 1996–1999
    Leonard Brooks
  • Played by Joseph Maher, 1975–1978; John Horton, 1978; John Tillinger, 1978–1980, 1981–1982
    Antoinette "Toni" Burrell
  • Played by Rhonda Ross Kendrick, 1997–1999
  • A police officer. Engaged to Chris Madison. Daughter of Etta Mae Burrell and her late husband, Harold. Has three other siblings: Judy, Edmund and K.C.
    Etta Mae Burrell
  • Played by Elain R. Graham, 1996–1999
  • Owner of the Lucky Lady. Was married to Harold Burrell. Mother of five children: Judy, Edmund, Toni and K.C. Burrell.
    Judy Burrell
  • Played by Darlene Love, 1993; Saundra McClain, 1993–1995; Kim Sykes, 1995–1996
    Kineisha "K.C." Burrell
  • Played by Persia White, 1999
  • Reporter. Attending Harvard University in the fall of 1999. Youngest child of Etta Mae Burrell and her late husband, Harold Burrell. She has three older siblings: Judy, Edmund and Toni.


    Karen Campbell
  • Played by Laurie Bartram, 1978–79
    Joe Carlino
  • Played by Joseph Barbara, 1995–99
    Paulina Cory Carlino
  • Played by Cali Timmins, 1990–91; Judi Evans, 1991–99
    Sofia Carlino
  • Played by Dahlia Salem, 1995–98
    Tony Carlino
  • Played by Jason Culp, 1997
    Tony Carlisle
  • Played by John H Brennan, 1986–87;
    Czaja Carnek
  • Played by Ving Rhames, 1986
    Elliott Carrington
  • Played by James Douglas, 1972–74
    Iris Carrington
  • Played by Beverlee McKinsey, 1972–80; Carmen Duncan, 1988–94
    Christy Carson
  • Played by Patti D'Arbanville, 1992–93
    Dustin Carter
  • Played by Vince Williams, 1996–97
    Rafe Carter
  • Played by Philip Sterling, 1970–71
    Lucas Castigliano
  • Played by John Aprea, 1989–92
    Chris Chapin
  • Played by Don Scardino, 1985–86
    Ted Clark
  • Played by Stephen Bolster, 1971–73
    Emily Cole
  • Played by Joanna Merlin, 1981–82
  • Doctor.
    Bridget Connell
  • Played by Barbara Berjer, 1985–98
    Kevin Cooke
  • Played by Lee Patterson, 1979–80
    Billy Cooper
  • Played by Ruben Santiago-Hudson, 1990–93
    Adam Cory
  • Played by Ed Fry, 1986–89
    Blaine Ewing Cory
  • Played by Laura Malone, 1978–84; Judy Dewey, 1984–85
    Jasmine Cory
  • Played by Alexandra, Jacqueline, and Sydney Lademan, 1999
    Mac Cory
  • Played by Robert Emhardt, 1973–74; Douglass Watson, 1974–89
    Maggie Cory
  • Played by Robyn Griggs, 1993–95; Jodi Lyn O'Keefe, 1995; Lisa Brenner, 1995–96, Julie Nathanson 1996
    Matthew Cory
  • Played by Matthew Maienczyk, 1980–1982; Daniel Dale, 1986–87; Matt Crane, 1988–97, 1998–99; Brian Krause, 1997–98; Jeff Phillips, 1998
    Neal Cory
  • Played by Robert Lupone, 1985–86
    Rachel Cory Hutchins
  • Played by Robin Strasser, 1967–71, 1972; Maggie Impert 1971–72; Victoria Wyndham, 1972–99
    Sandy Cory
  • Played by Christopher Rich, 1981–85; Stephen Bogardus, 1993
    Wally Curtin Jr.
  • Played by Scott Firestone, 1971–72; Jason Gladstone, 1972–74; Dennis McKiernan, 1974–75
    Walter Curtin, Sr.
  • Played by Val Dufour, 1967–72


    Derek Dane
  • Played by Kevin Carrigan, 1989–1990
    Henry Davenport
  • Played by Theodore Bikel, 1982–83
    Pamela "Pammy" Davis
  • Played by Pamela Toll, 1970
    Lenore Curtin Delaney
  • Played by Judith Barcroft, 1966–1971; Susan Sullivan, 1971–1975
    Robert Delaney
  • Played by Nicolas Coster, 1970, 1972–1976, 1980, 1989
    Cecile DePoulignac
  • Played by Susan Keith, 1979–1981; Nancy Frangione, 1981–1984, 1986, 1989, 1993, 1995–1996
    Elena DePoulignac
  • Played by Christina Pickles, 1977–1979; Maeve McGuire, 1982–1983
  • Countess.
    Lorna Devon
  • Played by Alicia Coppola, 1991–1994; Robin Christopher, 1994–1997
    Ernie Downs
  • Played by Harry Bellaver, 1968–1971
    Mitchell Dru
  • Played by Geoffrey Lumb, 1964–1971
    Jason Dunlap
  • Played by Warren Burton, 1980–1982
    Martha Dunlay
  • Played by Carol Lynley, 1989
  • Judge.
    Royal Dunning
  • Played by Mike Minor, 1983–1984
  • Doctor.
    Meredith Dunston
  • Played by Joan Rivers, 1997
    Justine Duvalier
  • Played by Victoria Wyndham, 1995


    Bunny Eberhart
  • Played by Marcia McCabe, 1995
    Al Edwards
  • Played by Arthur French, 1986–1990
    Julie Ann Edwards
  • Played by Tara Wilson,[1] [2] 1986–1989
    Zack Edwards
  • Played by James Pickens Jr., 1986–1990
    Sam Egan
  • Played by Drew Snyder, 1982
    Curtis Eldon
  • Played by William Bogert, 1981–1982
    Carla Elliott
  • Played by Cynthia Leigh Young, 1994–1999
  • Police officer.
    Courtney Evans
  • Played by Bellamy Young, 1995; Stina Nielsen, 1995–1996
  • Doctor.
    Dee Evans
  • Played by Katie Rich, 1985–1986
    Catlin Ewing
  • Played by Thomas Ian Griffith, 1984–1987
    Clarice Ewing
  • Played by Gail Brown, 1975–1986
    Cory Ewing
  • Played by Carmine Rizzo, 1977–1985
    Jeanne Ewing
  • Played by Betty Miller, 1983
    Larry Ewing
  • Played by Richard J. Porter, 1978–1986


    Danny Fargo
  • Played by Antony Ponzini, 1966–1967
    Gil Fenton
  • Played by Tom Wiggin, 1983–1984
    Marie Fenton
  • Played by Lenka Peterson, 1983
    Vera Finley
  • Played by Carol Mayo Jenkins, 1977
    Frank Fisk
  • Played by William H. Macy, 1982
    Alexandra "Alli" Fowler
  • Played by Lindsay Lohan, 1996–1997; Alicia Leigh Willis, 1998–1999
    Loretta Fowler
  • Played by Rosemary Murphy, 1988
    Sam Fowler
  • Played by Robert Kelker-Kelly, 1987–1990; Thomas Gibson, 1990; Danny Markel, 1990–1991; Brian Lane Green, 1991–1993
    Alice Frame
  • Played by Jacqueline Courtney, 1964–1975, 1984–1985, 1989; Susan Harney, 1975–1979; Wesley Ann Pfenning, 1979; Vana Tribbey, 1981; Linda Borgeson 1981–1982
    Dean Frame
  • Played by Ricky Paull Goldin, 1990–1993, 1994–1995, 1998
    Emma Frame Ordway
  • Played by Beverlee McKinsey, 1972; Tresa Hughes, 1975–76; Elizabeth Ashley, 1990
    Evan Frame
  • Played by Charles Grant, 1988–1990; Eric Scott Woods, 1994–1995
    Frankie Frame
  • Played by Alice Barrett, 1989–1996, 1999
    Gwen Frame
  • Played by Dorothy Lyman, 1976–1980, 1989
    Jamie Frame
  • Played by Seth Holzlein, 1970; Aiden McNulty, 1972–1973; Tyler Mead, 1973; Brad Bedford, 1973; Robert Doran, 1973–1978; Tim Holcomb, 1978–1979; Richard Bekins, 1979–1983; Stephen Yates, 1983–1985; Laurence Lau, 1986–1990; Russell Todd, 1990–1993
  • Doctor.
    Janice Frame
  • Played by Victoria Thompson, 1972–1974; Christine Jones, 1978–1980, 1989
    Jason Frame
  • Played by Chris Robinson, 1987–1989
    Sally Frame
  • Played by Cathy Greene, 1975–1978; Julie Philips, 1979–1980; Jennifer Runyon, 1981–1983; Dawn Benz, 1983; Mary Page Keller, 1983–1985; Taylor Miller, 1985–1986
    Sharlene Frame
  • Played by Laurie Heineman, 1975–1977; Anna Kathryn Holbrook, 1988–1991, 1993–1997, 1999
    Steve Frame
  • Played by George Reinholt, 1968–1975, 1989; David Canary, 1981–1983
    Steven Frame
  • Played by John Nash, 1989–1994; Christopher Conroy, 1994–1995; Spencer Treat Clark, 1995–1997, 1998–1999; Michael Angarano, 1998; Jimmy McQuaid, 1998
    Vince Frame
  • Played by Jay Morran, 1978–1979
    Willis Frame
  • Played by John Fitzpatrick, 1975–1976; Leon Russom, 1976–1980
    Ilsa Fredericks
  • Played by Gwyda Donhowe, 1981–1982


    Felicia Gallant
  • Played by Linda Dano, 1983–1999
    Brett Gardener
  • Played by Colleen Dion, 1992–1994
    Edward Gerard
  • Played by John Saxon, 1985–1986
    Amy Gifford
  • Played by Christine Jones, 1977
    David Gilchrist
  • Played by David Ackroyd, 1974–1977
  • Doctor.
    Alan Glaser
  • Played by David O'Brien, 1986–1987
  • Doctor.
    Louise Goddard
  • Played by Anne Meacham, 1972–1980, 1981–1982
    Beatrice Gordon
  • Played by Jacqueline Brookes, 1975–1976
    Ray Gordon
  • Played by Ted Shackelford, 1975–1976; Gary Carpenter, 1977
    Lisa Grady
  • Played by Joanna Going, 1987–1989
    Bert Gregory
  • Played by House Jameson, 1964
  • Doctor.
    Jerry Grove
  • Played by Michael Garfield, 1979–1989; Kevin Conway, 1980; Paul Tinder, 1981
    Scott Guthrie
  • Played by Bronson Picket, 1998


    David Halliday
  • Played by David Andrew MacDonald, 1999
    Rick Halloway
  • Played by Tony Cummings, 1980–1982
    Taylor Halloway
  • Played by Ron Harper, 1980
    Ed Harding
  • Played by Howard Rollins, 1982
    Quinn Harding
  • Played by Petronia Paley, 1981–1987
    Herb Harris
  • Played by David Schramm, 1984
    Grant Harrison
  • Played by Dack Rambo, 1990–1991; Mark Pinter, 1991–1999
    Kelsey Harrison
  • Played by Kaitlin Hopkins, 1992–1994
    Kirkland Harrison
  • Played by Austin and Evan Tennenbaum, 1994–1995; Kyle and Ryan Pepi, 1995; Connor Rademaker, 1995–1996; Sean Rademaker, 1996–1999
    Ruth Harrison
  • Played by Cynthia Harris, 1992; Tanny McDonald, 1993
    Ryan Harrison
  • Played by Paul Michael Valley, 1990–1997
    Spencer Harrison
  • Played by David Hedison, 1991–1995
    Vic Hastings
  • Played by John Considine, 1974–1976
    Eric Hilker
  • Played by Michael Ingram, 1964–1965
  • Doctor
    Ada Hobson
  • Played by Constance Ford, 1967–1992
    Charlie Hobson
  • Played by Fred J. Scollay, 1977–1980
    Denny Hobson
  • Played by James Horan, 1981–1982
    Leigh Hobson
  • Played by Christopher Knight, 1980–1981
    Greg Houston
  • Played by Christopher Cousins, 1986–1987
    Clara Hudson
  • Played by Scotty Bloch, 1987 (two episodes); Kate Wilkinson, 1987–1989; Peg Small, 1995
    Gregory Hudson
  • Played by Jude Sullivan, 1991; Alex Bowen, 1996; Morgan Hodgen, 1996 Chris Marquette, 1996–1997
    John Hudson
  • Played by David Forsyth, 1987–1997
    Marley Hudson
  • Played by Ellen Wheeler, 1984–1986, 1998–1999; Anne Heche, 1987–1991; Jensen Buchanan, 1991–1994, 1997–1998
    Michael Hudson
  • Played by Kale Browne, 1986–1992, 1995–1998
    Nick Hudson
  • Played by Justin Chambers, 1995; Kevin McClatchy, 1995–1996; Mark Mortimer, 1996–1999
    Carl Hutchins
  • Played by Charles Keating, 1983–1986, 1991–1999
    Perry Hutchins
  • Played by David Oliver, 1983–1985


    Neil Johansson
  • Played by James Hyde, 1997
    Caroline Johnson
  • Played by Rue McClanahan, 1970–1971
    Neil Johnson
  • Played by John Getz, 1974–1975
    Sam Johnson
  • Played by Rawleigh Moreland, 1989
  • Sheriff.
    Shelby Johnson
  • Played by Tanya Clarke, 1998–1999
    David Jordan
  • Played by Don Stephenson, 1993–1995
    Ken Jordan
  • Played by Lewis Arlt, 1990–1991


    Hank Kent
  • Played by Steve Fletcher, 1992–1994
    Susan Kerry
  • Played by Jewel Turner, 1991
    Patricia Kirkland
  • Played by Janine Turner, 1986–1987
    Sylvie Kosloff
  • Played by Leora Dana, 1978–1979
    Dana Kramer
  • Played by Michelle Hurd, 1991–1997; Cassandra Creech, 1994; Kim Hawthorne, 1997, PaSean Wilson, 1997
    Marshall Lincoln Kramer III
  • Played by Randy Brooks, 1994–1995; André De Shields, 1995–1996
    Nina Kreiter
  • Alice Liu, 1998


    Theresa Lamonte
  • Played by Nancy Marchand, 1976
    Theo Lane
  • Played by Norman Parker, 1982
    Scott LaSalle
  • Played by Hank Cheyne, 1986–1988
    Jesse Lawrence
  • Played by Dondre Whitfield, 1989–1990
    Reuben Lawrence
  • Played by Clayton Prince, 1988–1990
    Veronica "Ronnie" Lawrence
  • Played by B.J. Jefferson, 1989–1990, 1991 Rhonda Jensen, 1986–1987
    Peggy Lazarus
  • Played by Rebecca Hollen, 1986–1987
    Cindy Lee
  • Played by Dee Ann Sexton, 1980
    Fingers Leroy
  • Played by Ray Xifo, 1986
    Helga Lindeman
  • Played by Helen Stenborg, 1977–1978
    Zane Lindquist
  • Played by Patrick Tovatt, 1985–1986
    Rose Livingston
  • Played by Ann Flood, 1987
    Donna Love
  • Played by Anna Stuart, 1983–1986, 1989–1999; Philece Sampler, 1987–1989; Sofia Landon Geier, 1991, 1993
    Nicole Love
  • Played by Kim Morgan Greene, 1983–1984; Laurie Landry, 1986–1987; Anne Marie Howard, 1987–1989
    Peter Love
  • Played by John Hutton, 1982–1984, Christopher Holder, 1985; Marcus Smythe, 1985–1987
    Reginald Love
  • Played by John Considine, 1986–1988
    Lahoma Lucas
  • Played by Ann Wedgeworth, 1967–1970
    Sam Lucas
  • Played by Jordan Charney, 1967–1970, 1973–1974
    Philip Lyons
  • Played by Robert Gentry, 1979–1981


    Chris Madison
  • Played by Eric Morgan Stuart, 1996–1999
    Rick Madison
  • Played by Gerald Anthony, 1991–1992
    Abel Marsh
  • Played by Joe Morton, 1983–1984
  • Doctor.
    Drew Marsten
  • Played by Denny Albee, 1988
    Lily Mason
  • Played by Jackée Harry, 1983–1986
    Bill Matthews
  • Played by Joseph Gallison, 1964–1969
    Grandma Matthews
  • Played by Vera Allen, 1964
    Janet Matthews
  • Played by Liza Chapman, 1964–1966
    Jim Matthews
  • Played by John Beal, 1964; Leon Janney, 1964; Shepperd Strudwick, 1964–1969; Hugh Marlowe, 1969–1982
    Liz Matthews
  • Played by Sarah Cunningham, 1964; Audra Lindley, 1964–1969; Nancy Wickwire, 1969–1971; Irene Dailey, 1974–1986, 1987–1994
    Mary Matthews
  • Played by Virginia Dwyer, 1964–1975
    Melissa Matthews
  • Played by Carol Roux, 1964–1970
    Olivia Matthews
  • Played by Allison Hossack, 1989–1992
    Russ Matthews
  • Played by Joey Trent, 1964, 1965; Sam Groom, 1966–1971; Robert Hover, 1971–1972; David Bailey, 1973–1978; 1979–1981; 1989; 1992
  • Doctor.
    Ed McClain
  • Frank Runyeon (1994)
    Burt McGowan
  • Played by William Russ, 1977–1978
    Gil McGowan
  • Played by Charles Durning, 1972; Dolph Sweet, 1972–1977
  • Police Chief.
    Nancy McGowan
  • Played by Jane Cameron, 1984–1987, 1989, 1993
    Tim McGowan
  • Played by Christopher Allport, 1973–1974
    Ben McKinnon
  • Played by Richard Steen, 1984–1985
    Cheryl McKinnon
  • Played by Kristen Marie, 1986–1988
    Jake McKinnon
  • Played by Tom Eplin, 1985–1986, 1988–1999; Ian Boyd, 1998
    Kathleen McKinnon
  • Played by Julie Osburn, 1984–1986, 1989, 1991
    M.J. McKinnon
  • Played by Kathleen Layman, 1984–1986; Sally Spencer, 1986–1987
    Mary McKinnon
  • Played by Denise Alexander, 1986–1989
    Vicky McKinnon
  • Played by Ellen Wheeler, 1985–1986; Rhonda Lewin, 1986–1987; Anne Heche, 1987–1991; Jensen Buchanan, 1991–1999
    Vince McKinnon
  • Played by Jack Ryland, 1984–1985; Duke Stroud, 1986; Robert Hogan, 1987–1989, 1991
    Gabe McNamara
  • Played by John Bolger, 1995–1997
    Gloria Metcalf
  • Played by Rosetta LeNoire, 1972
    Linda Metcalf
  • Played by Vera Moore, 1972–1981
    Laurie Michaels
  • Played by Kaili Vernoff, 1995
    Sharon Miller
  • Played by Alberta Grant, 1975
    Sara Montaigne
  • Played by Missy Hughes, 1986–1987
    Tyrone Montgomery
  • Played by Henry Simmons, 1997–1999
    Hannah Moore
  • Played by Jennifer Lien, 1991–1992
    Helen Moore
  • Played by Muriel Williams, 1965–1968, 1970–1976
    Lenore Moore
  • Played by Judith Barcroft, 1966–1971
    Reuben Moreno
  • Played by José Ferrer, 1983
    Adrienne Morrow
  • Played by Roxann Dawson, 1985
    Madge Murray
  • Played by Doris Belack, 1966–1968


    Melissa Needham
  • Played by Taro Meyer, 1981–1982
    Tom Nelson
  • Played by Steven Culp, 1982
    Ron Nettles
  • Played by Ted King, 1993
    Fairfax Newman
  • Played by Nick Gregory, 1996
    Alexander Nikos
  • Played by John Aprea, 1997
    Dick Nolan
  • Played by Lou Sutton, 1968
  • Lieutenant.
    Frederick Nolan
  • Played by Phillip Clark, 1998
  • Doctor.
    Max Nolan
  • Played by Andy Davoli, 1996–1999
    Peggy Nolan
  • Played by Micki Grant, 1965–1972
    Jenna Norris
  • Played by Alla Korot, 1990–1993


    Anne O'Donnell
  • Played by Alice Barrett, 1999
    Dave O'Horgan
  • Played by Dan Desmond, 1982
    Ian O'Leary
  • Played by Jim Cronin, 1996–1997
  • Police officer.
    Rocky Olsen
  • Played by John Braden, 1975–1977
    Bert Ordway
  • Played by Roberts Blossom, 1976–1978
    Jane Overstreet
  • Played by Frances Sternhagen, 1971


    Ken Palmer
  • Played by Will Lyman, 1976–1977
    Angie Perrini
  • Played by Toni Kalem, 1975–1977; Maeve Kinkead, 1977–1980
    Joey Perrini
  • Played by Ray Liotta, 1978–1981
    Rose Perrini
  • Played by Kathleen Widdoes, 1978–1980
    Deke Peters
  • Played by Sean O'Connor, 1982
    Brittany Peterson
  • Played by Sharon Gabet, 1985–1987
    Ben Petroni
  • Played by Kelly Fitzpatrick, 1980–1981
    Stuart Philbin
  • Played by Charles Siebert, 1971
  • Doctor.
    Byron Pierce
  • Played by Mitch Longley, 1991–1992
    Frank Prescott
  • Played by Mason Adams, 1976–1977
  • Doctor.


    Sergei Radzinsky
  • Played by Jonathan Sharp, 1999
    Ian Rain
  • Played by Julian McMahon, 1993–1995
    John Randolph
  • Played by Michael M. Ryan, 1964–1979
    Lee Randolph
  • Played by Gaye Huston, 1964–1967; Barbara Rodell, 1967–1969
    Marianne Randolph
  • Played by Jeanne Beirne, 1970; Lora McDonald, 1971; Tracey Brown, 1971; Christopher Corwin, 1971; Loriann Ruger, 1972–1973; Tiberia Mitri, 1974–1975; Ariana Chase, 1975–1976; Ariane Muenker 1976–1977; Adrienne Wallace, 1977–1979; Beth Collins, 1980–1982
    Michael Randolph
  • Played by Dennis Sullivan, 1970; John Sullivan, 1971; Christopher Corwin, 1971; Tim Nissen, 1972; Tom Ruger, 1972–1973; Tom Sabota Jr., 1974; Glen Zachar, 1974; Christopher J. Brown, 1974–1975; Lionel Johnston, 1975–1979
    Olive Randolph
  • Played by Jennifer Leak, 1976–1979
    Pat Matthews Randolph
  • Played by Susan Trustman, 1964–1967; Beverly Penberthy, 1967–1982, 1989
    Kathryn Reeve
  • Played by Elaine Princi, 1997
  • Judge.
    Rod Reynolds
  • Played by Geoffrey Horne, 1983
    Tomas Rivera
  • Played by Diego Serrano, 1994–1997
    Lila Roberts
  • Played by Lisa Peluso, 1997–1999
    Shane Roberts
  • Played by Robert Kelker-Kelly, 1996–1998
    Victor Rodriguez
  • Played by Carlos Sanz, 1993–1994
    Chad Rollo
  • Played by Richard Burgi, 1986–1988
    Dawn Rollo
  • Played by Barbara Tyson, 1987–1988
    Alma Rudder
  • Played by Elizabeth Franz, 1982–1983


    Ed Sadowski
  • Played by Steven Ryan, 1981
    Pilara Sanchez
  • Played by Marie Barrientos, 1988–1989
    Harry Shea
  • Played by Edward Power, 1981–1982
    Pete Shea
  • Played by Christopher Marcantel, 1981–1982
    Dan Shearer
  • Played by John Cunningham, 1970–1971; Brian Murray, 1978–1979
    Julia Shearer
  • Played by Kyra Sedgwick, 1982–1983; Jonna Lee, 1983; Faith Ford, 1983–1984
    Susan Shearer
  • Played by Fran Sharon, 1964; Lynn Milgrim, 1978–1979, 1982
    Eileen Simpson
  • Played by Vicky Dawson, 1977–1979
    Amanda Sinclair
  • Played by Nicole Catalanotto, 1978–81; Dana Klaboe, 1981–86; Sandra Ferguson, 1987–1993, 1998–1999; Christine Tucci, 1993–1995; Laura Moss, 1996–1998
    Cameron Sincair
  • Played by Michael Rodrick, 1998–1999
    Gary Sinclair
  • Played by Timothy Gibbs, 1995–1998; John Littlefield, 1998–1999
    Josie Sinclair
  • Played by Alexandra Wilson, 1988–1991; Amy Carlson, 1993–1998; Nadine Stenovitch, 1998–1999
    Mark Singleton
  • Played by Robin Thomas, 1983–1985
    Louis St. George
  • Played by Jack Betts, 1982–1983
    Caroline Stafford
  • Played by Joy Bell, 1988–1991
    Jordan Stark
  • Played by David Andrew Macdonald, 1999
    Rich Stevens
  • Played by himself, 1987–1989
    Harriet Sullivan
  • Played by Jane Alice Brandon, 1972
  • Registered Nurse.


    Cliff Tanner
  • Played by Tom Rolfing, 1977–1978
    Joanne Taylor
  • Played by Melissa Dye, 1997
    David Thatcher
  • Played by Lewis Arlt, 1983–1984
    Kevin Thatcher
  • Played by Trevor Richard, 1983–1986
    Michael Thayer
  • Played by Gary Sandy, 1969
    Charles Thompson
  • Played by Eriq La Salle, 1987
    David Thornton
  • Played by Konrad Matthaei, 1969; Joseph Ponazecki, 1971
  • Doctor.
    Carter Todd
  • Played by Russell Curry, 1984–1986
    Grant Todd
  • Played by John Dewey Carter, 1984–1985
    Glenda Toland
  • Played by Maia Danziger, 1974–1975
    Lily Tran
  • Played by Alexandra Bokyun Chun, 1992
    Beverly Tucker
  • Played by Christine Baranski, 1983
    Hannah Tuttle
  • Played by Helen Gallagher, 1989
    Oliver Twist
  • Played by Dick Cavett, 1988
  • Hypnotist.


    Buffy Van Buren
  • Played by Gloria Hoye, 1982
    Lahoma Van Lucas
  • Played by Ann Wedgeworth, 1967–1970
    Alison Van Rohan
  • Played by Marin Hinkle, 1995
    Mike Venable
  • Played by Andrew Jarkowsky, 1972–1973


    Dick Wagner
  • Played by J.J. Johnston, 1982
    Courtney Walker
  • Played by Valarie Pettiford, 1988–1990
  • Detective.
  • Played by Brent Collins, 1984–1988
    Louis Washburn
  • Played by Hansford Rowe, 1981
    Maisie Watkins
  • Played by Patricia Hodges, 1982–1987
    Barbara Weaver
  • Played by Roberta Maxwell, 1975; Kathryn Walker, 1976
    Evan Webster
  • Played by Barry Jenner, 1976–1977
    Dennis Wheeler
  • Played by Mike Hammett, 1972–1978; Jim Poyner, 1978–1980; Chris Bruno, 1991–1993
    Iris Wheeler
  • Played by Beverlee McKinsey, 1972–1980; Carole Shelley, 1980; Carmen Duncan, 1988–1994
    Dean Whitney
  • Played by Christopher Noth, 1988
    Cass Winthrop
  • Played by Stephen Schnetzer, 1982–1986, 1987–1999
    Charlie Winthrop
  • Played by Lindsay Fabes, 1994–1995; Kellyann Murphy, 1997
    Morgan Winthrop
  • Played by Grayson McCouch, 1993–1996
    Stacey Winthrop
  • Played by Terry Davis, 1982–1984; Hilary Edson, 1989–1991
    Rain Wolfe
  • Played by Sarah Hyland, 1997–1998
    Kathy Wolikowski
  • Played by Priscilla Garita, 1993
    Lisa Woo
  • Played by Linda Wang, 1998–1999
    Remy Woods
  • Played by Taylor Stanley, 1998–1999
    Chris Wylie
  • Played by Tracy Brooks Swope, 1982


    Cal Zimmerman
  • Played by Jason Ingram, 1977–1978

    Who's Who in Another World references link


    1. Web site: Tara M. Wilson - About This Person - Movies & TV . . dead . 2014-04-22 . Movies & TV Dept. . . 2014 . 2014-04-16.
    2. Web site: Tara Wilson. IMDb.