After War Gundam X is a 1996 Japanese mecha drama anime series and the seventh incarnation to Sunrise's long-running Gundam franchise. It is directed by Shinji Takamatsu and written by Hiroyuki Kawasaki. It aired on TV Asahi from April 5, to December 28, 1996. From episodes 1–26, the first opening theme is "DREAMS" by Romantic Mode while the ending theme from episodes 1–13 is "HUMAN TOUCH" by Warren Wiebe and the second ending theme from episodes 14–26 is a Japanese version of "HUMAN TOUCH" by re-kiss. From episodes 27–39, the second opening theme is "Resolution" by Romantic Mode while the third ending theme up to episode 38 is by Satomi Nakase. For episode 39, "HUMAN TOUCH" is the ending theme. Episode titles are taken from quotes spoken by characters in the series.