List of Hypericum sect. Adenosepalum species explained

The section Adenosepalum of genus Hypericum contains thirty species and two hybrids, as well as five recognized subspecies, in four subsections. The section was described by French botanist Édouard Spach and its type species is Hypericum montanum. Species in Adenosepalum are found in Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, and Morocco. They are shrubs, shrublets, and herbs that grow to be 2.5 meters in height with glabrous or simple hairs, black glands on their leaves, which are placed opposite or are 3-whorled.


Subsection or hybridBinomial and common nameAuthorTypeHabitatDistributionMapImage
AdenosepalumH. annulatumMoris1827Perennial herbBalkans, Saudi Arabia, East Africa
H. annulatum subsp. afromontanum(Bullock) N.RobsonPerennial herbEthiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
H. annulatum subsp. annulatumPerennial herbBosnia & Herzegovina, Italy, Balkans, Switzerland
H. annulatum subsp. intermedium(Steud. ex A.Rich.) N.RobsonPerennial herbNortheast Africa, Arabian Peninsula
H. athoumBoiss. & Orph.1867Perennial herbRock crevices, rocky places in shadeGreece
H. atomariumBoiss.1827Perennial herbStony places near streams, damp shadeGreece, Turkey, Portugal (Naturalized)
H. cuisiniiBarbey1885Perennial herbNear springs, calcareous rock fissuresGreece, Turkey
H. delphicumBoiss. & Heldr.1854Perennial herbDamp & shady areas around rocksGreece
H. lanuginosum (Downy St. John's Wort)Lam.1797Perennial herbDamp & shady areas around rocksMiddle East, Turkey, Cyprus
H. montanum (Pale St. John's Wort)L.1755Perennial herbWoods, thickets, gravelly soilsEurasia, Morocco
H. reflexumL.f.1782ShrubDamp cliffs & walls, around springs & rocky streamsCanary Islands
AethiopicaH. abilianumN.Robson1980SubshrubAmong grass and low shrubsAngola
H. aethiopicumThunb.1800Perennial herbOpen grasslands, seasonal swamps, bare areasSouthern Africa
H. aethiopicum subsp. aethiopicum
H. aethiopicum subsp. sonderi(Bredell) N.Robson
H. afrumLam.1797Perennial herbMarshes, streamsides, damp moorsTunisia, Algeria
H. conjungensN.Robson1958Shrub/subshrubCentral Africa
H. glandulosum (Malfurada del Monte)Aiton1789ShrubCanary Islands, Madeira
H. kiboënseOliv.1887Shrub/SubshrubUganda, Kenya, Tanzania
CaprifoliaH. caprifoliumBoiss.1838Perennial herbWestern Spain
H. coadunatumChr. Sm.1825Subshrub/Perennial herbCanary Islands
H. collenetteaeN.Robson1993Subshrub/Perennial herbSaudi Arabia
H. naudinianumCoss. & Durieu1855Perennial herbNear streamsides & waterfallsMorocco, Algeria
H. psilophytum(Diels) Maire1935Perennial herbMorocco, Algeria
H. pubescensBoiss.1838Perennial herbSouthern Iberia, North Africa
H. scrugliiBacch., Brullo & Salmeri2010Perennial herbSardinia
H. sinaicumHochst. ex Boiss.1867Perennial herbEgypt, Arabian Peninsula
H. somalienseN.Robson1958Perennial herbSomalia
H. tomentosumL.1753Perennial herbWestern Mediterranean
Huber-MorathiiH. decaisneanumCoss. & Daveau1889Perennial herbWestern Libya
H. formosissimumTakht.1940Perennial herbAmong limestone rocksArmenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey
H. huber-morathiiN.Robson1967Perennial herbAmong limestone rocksSouthwest Turkey
H. minutumP.H.Davis & Poulter1954Perennial herbSouthwest Turkey
H. sechmeniiOcak & O.Koyuncu2009Perennial herbAmong limestone rocksCentral Turkey
HybridH. × joerstadii (H. glandulosum × H. reflexum)Lid1968Intermediate ShrubCanary Islands[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
H. pubescens × tomentosumMorocco, Western Spain[6] [7] [8]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Hypericum Tourn. ex L.. Plants of the World Online. 2018-02-05.
  2. Web site: BioLib: Biological library. Zicha. Ondrej. cs. 2018-01-25.
  3. Book: Bulletin of the Natural History Museum. 2002. Botany Series.
  4. Web site: Hypericum L. 2018-03-25. GBIF. Global Biodiversity Information Facility. 2018-04-22.
  5. Book: Nurk, Nicolai. Phylogenetic analyses in St. John's wort (Hypericum): Inferring character evolution and historical biogeography. 2011. Berlin. 32, 110. Dissertation. 2018-04-22.
  6. Web site: Nomenclature Hypericum online. en. 2018-01-25.
  7. Robson. Norman. 1996. Studies in the genus Hypericum L. (Guttiferae) 6. Sections 20. Myriandra to 28. Elodes. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot.. 26. 75–271. Hypericum MySpecies.
  8. Web site: The International Plant Names Index – home page. Barker. Christine. 2018-09-16.