List of 1924 Summer Olympics medal winners explained

The 1924 Summer Olympics were held in Paris, France, from 5 to 27 July 1924.


See also: Athletics at the 1924 Summer Olympics.


100 metres
200 metres
400 metres
800 metres
1500 metres
5000 metres
10,000 metres
110 metres hurdles
400 metres hurdles
3000 metres steeplechase
4 × 100 metres relay

Loren Murchison
Louis Clarke
Frank Hussey
Alfred LeConey

Harold Abrahams
Walter Rangeley
Wilfred Nichol
Lancelot Royle

Jan de Vries
Jacob Boot
Harry Broos
Marinus van den Berge
4 × 400 metres relay

Commodore Cochran
Alan Helffrich
Oliver MacDonald
William Stevenson

Artur Svensson
Erik Byléhn
Gustaf Wejnarth
Nils Engdahl

Edward Toms
George Renwick
Richard Ripley
Guy Butler
3000 metres team race

Paavo Nurmi
Ville Ritola
Elias Katz

Bertram Macdonald
Herbert Johnston
George Webber

Edward Kirby
William Cox
Willard Tibbetts
10 kilometres walk
Individual cross country
Team cross country

Paavo Nurmi
Ville Ritola
Heikki Liimatainen

Earl Johnson
Arthur Studenroth
August Fager

Henri Lauvaux
Gaston Heuet
Maurice Norland
High jump
Pole vault
Long jump
Triple jump
Shot put
Discus throw
Hammer throw
Javelin throw


See also: Boxing at the 1924 Summer Olympics.


(−50.8 kg / 112 lb)
(−53.5 kg / 118 lb)
(−57.2 kg / 126 lb)
(−61.2 kg / 135 lb)
(−66.7 kg / 147 lb)
(−72.6 kg / 160 lb)
Light heavyweight
(−79.4 kg / 175 lb)
(over 79.4 kg/175 lb)


See also: Cycling at the 1924 Summer Olympics.

Road cycling

Individual time trial
Team time trial

Armand Blanchonnet
René Hamel
André Leducq
Georges Wambst

Henri Hoevenaers
Auguste Parfondry
Jean Van Den Bosch
Fernand Saivé

Gunnar Sköld
Erik Bohlin
Ragnar Malm
Erik Bjurberg

Track cycling

50 km

Lucien Choury
Jean Cugnot

Edmund Hansen
Willy Hansen

Gerard Bosch van Drakestein
Maurice Peeters
Team pursuit

Francesco Zucchetti
Angelo De Martini
Alfredo Dinale
Aurelio Menegazzi

Tomasz Stankiewicz
Franciszek Szymczyk
Józef Lange
Jan Lazarski

Jean Van Den Bosch
Léonard Daghelinckx
Henri Hoevenaers
Fernand Saive


See also: Diving at the 1924 Summer Olympics.

Men's events

3 m springboard
10 m platform
Plain high diving

Women's events

3 m springboard
10 m platform

Equestrian events

See also: Equestrian events at the 1924 Summer Olympics.


Individual dressage
Individual eventing
Team eventing

Adolph van der Voort van Zijp
and Silver Piece
Charles Pahud de Mortanges
and Johnny Walker
Gerard de Kruijff
and Addio
Antonius Colenbrander
and King of Hearts

Claës König
and Bojar
Torsten Sylvan
and Anita
Gustaf Hagelin
and Varius
Carl Gustaf Lewenhaupt
and Canter

Alberto Lombardi
and Pimplo
Alessandro Alvisi
and Capiligio
Emanuele Beraudo di Pralormo
and Mount Félix
Tommaso Lequio di Assaba
and Torena
Individual jumping
Team jumping

Åke Thelning
and Loke
Axel Ståhle
and Cecil
Åge Lundström
and Anvers

Alphonse Gemuseus
and Lucette
Werner Stuber
and Girandole
Hans Bühler
and Sailor Boy

António Borges
and Reginald
Hélder de Souza
and Avro
José Mouzinho
and Hetrugo


See also: Fencing at the 1924 Summer Olympics.

Men's events

Individual épée
Team épée
Paul Anspach
Joseph De Craecker
Charles Delporte
Fernand de Montigny
Ernest Gevers
Léon Tom
Giulio Basletta
Marcello Bertinetti
Giovanni Canova
Vincenzo Cuccia
Virgilio Mantegazza
Oreste Moricca
Individual foil
Team foil

Lucien Gaudin
Philippe Cattiau
Jacques Coutrot
Roger Ducret
Henri Jobier
André Labattut
Guy de Luget
Joseph Peroteaux
Désiré Beurain
Charles Crahay
Fernand de Montigny
Maurice Van Damme
Marcel Berre
Albert De Roocker
László Berti
Sándor Pósta
Zoltán Schenker
Ödön Tersztyanszky
István Lichteneckert
Individual sabre
Team sabre

Renato Anselmi
Guido Balzarini
Marcello Bertinetti
Bino Bini
Vincenzo Cuccia
Oreste Moricca
Oreste Puliti
Giulio Sarrocchi

László Berty
János Garay
Sándor Pósta
József Rády
Zoltán Schenker
László Széchy
Ödön Tersztyánszky
Jenő Uhlyárik
Adrianus De Jong
Jetze Doorman
Hendrik Scherpenhuyzen
Jan Van Der Wiel
Maarten Hendrik Van Dulm
Henri Jacob Wynoldy-Daniels

Women's event

Individual foil


See also: Football at the 1924 Summer Olympics.


José Leandro Andrade
Pedro Arispe
Pedro Casella
Pedro Cea
Luis Chiappara
Pedro Etchegoyen
Alfredo Ghierra
Andrés Mazali
José Nasazzi
José Naya
Pedro Petrone
Ángel Romano
Zoilo Saldombide
Héctor Scarone
Pascual Somma
Humberto Tomasina
Antonio Urdinarán
Santos Urdinarán
Fermín Uriarte
José Vidal
Alfredo Zibechi
Pedro Zingone

Max Abegglen
Félix Bédouret
Charles Bouvier
Walter Dietrich
Karl Ehrenbolger
Paul Fässler
Gustav Gottenkieny
Jean Haag
Marcel Katz
Edmond Kramer
Adolphe Mengotti
August Oberhauser
Robert Pache
Aron Pollitz
Hans Pulver
Rudolf Ramseyer
Adolphe Reymond
Louis Richard
Teo Schär
Paul Schmiedlin
Paul Sturzenegger
Walter Weiler

Axel Alfredsson
Charles Brommesson
Gustaf Carlsson
Albin Dahl
Sven Friberg
Karl Gustafsson
Fritjof Hillén
Konrad Hirsch
Gunnar Holmberg
Per Kaufeldt
Tore Keller
Rudolf Kock
Sigfrid Lindberg
Vigor Lindberg
Sven Lindqvist
Evert Lundqvist
Sten Mellgren
Gunnar Olsson
Sven Rydell
Harry Sundberg
Thorsten Svensson
Robert Zander


See also: Gymnastics at the 1924 Summer Olympics.


Individual all-around
Team all-around

Luigi Cambiaso
Mario Lertora
Vittorio Lucchetti
Luigi Maiocco
Ferdinando Mandrini
Francesco Martino
Giuseppe Paris
Giorgio Zampori

Eugène Cordonnier
Léon Delsarte
François Gangloff
Jean Gounot
Arthur Hermann
André Higelin
Joseph Huber
Albert Séguin

Hans Grieder
August Güttinger
Jean Gutweninger
Georges Miez
Otto Pfister
Antoine Rebetez
Carl Widmer
Josef Wilhelm
Horizontal bar
Parallel bars
Pommel horse
Rope climbing
Sidehorse vault
none awarded
(as there was a tie for silver)

Modern pentathlon

See also: Modern pentathlon at the 1924 Summer Olympics.




See also: Polo at the 1924 Summer Olympics.


Arturo Kenny
Juan Miles
Guillermo Naylor
Juan Nelson
Enrique Padilla

Elmer Boeseke
Tommy Hitchcock, Jr.
Fred Roe
Rodman Wanamaker

Frederick W. Barrett
Dennis Bingham
Fred Guest
Kinnear Wise


See also: Rowing at the 1924 Summer Olympics.


Single sculls
Double sculls

Paul Costello
John B. Kelly Sr.

Marc Detton
Jean-Pierre Stock

Rudolf Bosshard
Heini Thoma
Coxless pair

Teun Beijnen
Willy Rösingh

Maurice Monney-Bouton
Georges Piot
none awarded[1]
Coxed pair

Édouard Candeveau
Alfred Felber
Émile Lachapelle

Ercole Olgeni
Giovanni Scatturin
Gino Sopracordevole

Leon Butler
Harold Wilson
Edward Jennings
Coxless four

Maxwell Eley
James MacNabb
Robert Morrison
Terence Sanders

Archibald Black
George MacKay
Colin Finlayson[2]
William Wood

Émile Albrecht
Alfred Probst
Eugen Sigg
Hans Walter
Coxed four

Émile Albrecht
Alfred Probst
Eugen Sigg
Hans Walter
Walter Lossli

Eugène Constant
Louis Gressier
Georges Lecointe
Raymond Talleux
Marcel Lepan

Bob Gerhardt
Sid Jelinek
Ed Mitchell
Henry Welsford
John Kennedy

Leonard Carpenter
Howard Kingsbury
Alfred Lindley
John Miller
James Rockefeller
Frederick Sheffield
Benjamin Spock
Alfred Wilson
Laurence Stoddard

Arthur Bell
Robert Hunter
William Langford
Harold Little
John Smith
Warren Snyder
Norman Taylor
William Wallace
Ivor Campbell

Antonio Cattalinich
Francesco Cattalinich
Simeone Cattalinich
Giuseppe Crivelli
Latino Galasso
Pietro Ivanov
Bruno Sorich
Carlo Toniatti
Vittorio Gliubich

Rugby union

See also: Rugby union at the 1924 Summer Olympics.


R. Brown
John Cashel
Philip Clark
Norman Cleaveland
Hugh Cunningham
Dudley DeGroot
Robert Devereux
George Dixon
Charles Doe
Linn Farrish
Edward Graff
Charles Grondona
Joseph Hunter
Richard Hyland
Caesar Mannelli
Charles Mehan
John Muldoon
William Muldoon
John O'Neil
John Patrick
William Rogers
Rudolph Scholz
Colby Slater
Norman Slater
Charles Lee Tilden, Jr.
Edward Turkington
Alan Valentine
Alan Williams

Fernande Abraham
René Araou
Jean Bayard
Louis Béguet
André Béhotéguy
Marcel Besson
Alexandre Bioussa
Étienne Bonnes
François Borde
Adolphe Bousquet
Aimé Cassayet-Armagnac
Etienne Cayrol
François Clauzel
Clément Dupont
Albert Dupouy
Jean Etcheberry
Ernest Frayssinet
Henri Galau
Gilbert Gérintès
Charles-Antoine Gonnet
Raoul Got
Adolphe Jauréguy
René Lasserre
Louis Lepatey
Marcel-Frédéric Lubin-Lebrère
Camille Montade
Roger Piteu
Étienne Piquiral
Eugène Ribère
Jean Vaysse

Nicolae Anastasiade
Dumitru Armăşel
Gheorghe Benția
Ion Cociociaho
Constantin Cratunescu
Teodor Florian
Petre Ghiţulescu
Ion Gîrleşteanu
Octav Luchide
Jean Henry Manu
Nicolae Mărăscu
Teodor Marian
Sorin Mihăilescu
Paul Nedelcovici
Iosif Nemes
Eugen Sfetescu
Mircea Sfetescu
Soare Sterian
Mircea Stroescu
Atanasie Tănăsescu
Mihai Vardală
Paul Vidraşcu
Dumitru Volvoreanu


See also: Sailing at the 1924 Summer Olympics.


6 metre

Anders Lundgren
Christopher Dahl
Eugen Lunde

Vilhelm Vett
Knud Degn
Christian Nielsen

Johan Carp
Anthonij Guépin
Jan Vreede
8 metre

Carl Ringvold
Rick Bockelie
Harald Hagen
Ingar Nielsen
Carl Ringvold Jr.

Ernest Roney
Harold Fowler
Edwin Jacob
Thomas Riggs
Walter Riggs

Louis Breguet
Pierre Gauthier
Robert Girardet
André Guerrier
Georges Mollard


See also: Shooting at the 1924 Summer Olympics.


25 m rapid fire pistol
50 m rifle standing
600 m free rifle
Team free rifle

Raymond Coulter
Joseph Crockett
Morris Fisher
Sidney Hinds
Walter Stokes

Paul Colas
Albert Courquin
Pierre Hardy
Georges Roes
Émile Rumeau

Ludovic Augustin
Destin Destine
Eloi Metullus
Astrel Rolland
Ludovic Valborge
100 m running deer,
single shots
100 m running deer,
double shots
Team running deer,
single shots

Einar Liberg
Ole Lilloe-Olsen
Harald Natvig
Otto Olsen

Otto Hultberg
Mauritz Johansson
Fredric Landelius
Alfred Swahn

John Boles
Raymond Coulter
Dennis Fenton
Walter Stokes
Team running deer,
double shots

Cyril Mackworth-Praed
Philip Neame
Herbert Perry
Allen Whitty

Einar Liberg
Ole Lilloe-Olsen
Harald Natvig
Otto Olsen

Axel Ekblom
Mauritz Johansson
Fredric Landelius
Alfred Swahn
Team trap

Frederick Etchen
Frank Hughes
Samuel Sharman
William Silkworth
John Noel
Clarence Platt

George Beattie
John Black
Robert Montgomery
Samuel Vance
William Barnes
Samuel Newton

Werner Ekman
Konrad Huber
Robert Huber
Toivo Tikkanen
Georg Nordblad
Magnus Wegelius


See also: Swimming at the 1924 Summer Olympics.

Men's events

100 m freestyle
400 m freestyle
1500 m freestyle
100 m backstroke
200 m breaststroke
4 × 200 m freestyle relay

Ralph Breyer
Harry Glancy
Dick Howell
Wally O'Connor
Johnny Weissmuller
Frank Beaurepaire
Boy Charlton
Moss Christie
Ernest Henry
Ivan Stedman

Åke Borg
Arne Borg
Thor Henning
Gösta Persson
Orvar Trolle
Georg Werner

Women's events

100 m freestyle
400 m freestyle
100 m backstroke
200 m breaststroke
4 × 100 m freestyle relay

Euphrasia Donnelly
Gertrude Ederle
Ethel Lackie
Mariechen Wehselau

Florence Barker
Constance Jeans
Grace McKenzie
Iris Tanner
Aina Berg
Gurli Ewerlund
Wivan Pettersson
Hjördis Töpel


See also: Tennis at the 1924 Summer Olympics.


Men's singles
Men's doubles

Vincent Richards
Francis Hunter

Jacques Brugnon
Henri Cochet

Jean Borotra
René Lacoste
Women's singles
Women's doubles

Hazel Wightman
Helen Wills

Phyllis Covell
Kathleen McKane

Evelyn Colyer
Dorothy Shepherd-Barron
Mixed doubles

Hazel Wightman
R. Norris Williams

Marion Jessup
Vincent Richards

Kea Bouman
Hendrik Timmer

Water polo

See also: Water polo at the 1924 Summer Olympics.


Albert Delborgies
Noël Delberghe
Robert Desmettre
Paul Dujardin
Albert Mayaud
Henri Padou
Georges Rigal
R. Bertrand
A. Fasani
Jean Lasquin
L. Perol

Gérard Blitz
Maurice Blitz
Joseph Cludts
Joseph de Combe
Pierre Dewin
Albert Durant
Georges Fleurix
Paul Gailly
Joseph Pletinckx
Jules Thiry
Jean-Pierre Vermetten

Arthur Austin
Oliver Horn
Fred Lauer
George Mitchell
John Norton
Wally O'Connor
George Schroth
Herb Vollmer
Johnny Weissmuller
Elmer Collett
Jam Handy

Note: The players above the line played at least one game in this tournament, the players below the line were reserve players and did not compete in this tournament. Nevertheless the International Olympic Committee medal database exclusively credits them all as medalists. However the official report did not even count them as competitors.


See also: Weightlifting at the 1924 Summer Olympics.


60 kg
67.5 kg
75 kg
82.5 kg
+82.5 kg


See also: Wrestling at the 1924 Summer Olympics.


Light Heavyweight


Light Heavyweight

Notes and References

  1. The official report shows a team from Great Britain (C. Killig and C. Southgate) ranked third, but they did not start in the final race with the other two pairs and the IOC medal database does not credit the pair with a bronze medal.
  2. The IOC medal database credits this medal to A. Mariacher. Also the official report shows Mariacher as competitor instead of Finlayson. However the National Olympic Committee of Canada shows only Finlayson as competitor, but not Mariacher.