Ligia Maura Costa is a full professor at Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo – Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-EAESP).[1] She received her habilitation degree in international law ("livre-docência") from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (FDUSP).[2] She holds a PhD and a LL.M both in international trade law from the Université of Paris-X[3] and a bachelor's degree in Law from FDUSP. She was a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan Law School[4] and was a postdoctoral fellow at Sciences Po, Paris. She is author of several books and articles[5] published in Brazil and abroad, having worked at the WTO in the Legal Affairs Division. Professor Costa was visiting professor at HEC-Paris[6] during the spring 2011 and she is visiting professor at Universität St Gallen since 2007,[7] teaching the course Doing Business in Latin America. She is professor at Sciences Po.[8] Besides, she has taught and lectured in several other foreign countries, including US, Peru, Mexico and Argentina. She is Chair of the Americas Region in PIM (Partnership in International Management)[9]
COSTA, L.M. Battling Corruption Through CSR Codes in Emerging Markets: Oil and Gás Industry. In: RAE Eletrônica. vol. 7, n. 1, Art. 8, jan/jun 2008. available at
COSTA, L.M. Direitos Sociais e os Códigos de Conduta de Responsabilidade Social do Setor do Gás e do Petróleo. In: Lex. 7 de novembro de 2006. Available at
COSTA, L.M. ALCA = OMC + [NAFTA +/- MERCOSUL] Aspectos Jurídicos. In: Revista Saraivajur. 2003; Available at
COSTA, L.M. OMC: Entendimento relativo às Normas e Procedimentos sobre Solução de Controvérsias. In: Revista Saraivajur. pp. 1–13. Available at
COSTA, L.M. Understanding WTO Settlement of Disputes: What it is and How it Really Works. Part II. In: Inter American Trade Report. v. 10, n. 1. pp. 2–4, 2003. Available at