Leucanthemopsis Explained

Leucanthemopsis is a genus of flowering plants in the daisy family.[1] [2] [3]


Notes and References

  1. Heywood, Vernon Hilton. 1975. Anales del Instituto Botánico A. J. Cavanilles 32: 181
  2. http://www.tropicos.org/Name/40005653 Tropicos, Leucanthemopsis (Giroux) Heywood
  3. http://luirig.altervista.org/flora/taxa/floraspecie.php?genere=Leucanthemopsis Altervista Flora Italiana genere Leucanthemopsis
  4. http://www.eu-nomen.eu/portal/taxon.php?GUID=D82BEBC2-CBA3-4A11-8D2F-9DEF4115FADF EU-Nomen, Pan-European species directories infrastructure, Chrysanthoglossum trifurcatum (Desf.) B. H. Wilcox & al.