Les Suchanek Explained

Les Suchanek was an Australian soccer player.


Suchanek began playing in his native Hungary, emigrating to Australia in the early 1950s.[1]

Suchanek played one match for Australia against New Zealand in Melbourne in 1954.[2] The News and The Advertiser in Adelaide reported that he was the first New Australian to play for the national team.[3] [4]

Notes and References

  1. News: Soccer spot . The News. Adelaide. 62 . 9,553 . 24 March 1954 . 14 March 2022 . 34 . National Library of Australia.
  2. Book: The Australian National Men’s Football Team: Caps And Captains. Football Federation Australia.
  3. News: Made history . The News. Adelaide . 63 . 9,674 . 13 August 1954 . 14 March 2022 . 40 . National Library of Australia.
  4. News: New Australian Makes History . . 97. 29,900 . Adelaide . 13 August 1954 . 14 March 2022 . 11 . National Library of Australia.