Iroijlaplap Explained

Iroijlaplap (Marshallese: Marshallese: iroojļapļap ; feminine: Leroijlaplap, Marshallese: leroojļapļap) are the traditional paramount chiefs in the Marshall Islands. Ordinary chiefs bear the title of Iroij (feminine: Leroij); -Marshallese: ļapļap is a superlative suffix.

Legal basis

Article III of the Constitution of the Marshall Islands recognises the title, and establishes a Council of Iroij, composed of holders of the title of Iroijlaplap, or other analogous traditional titles, chosen from holders of the chieftainship among the several constituent islands.

The council is empowered to "consider any matter of concern to the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and it may express its opinion thereon to the Cabinet". The council is also entitled to formally request the reconsideration of any bill in the Nitijela (the country's Legislature), that affects customary law, traditional practices, or land tenure.[1]

Reigning Iroijlaplap

There are several Iroijlaplap,[2] here listing two:


  1. Constitution of the Marshall Islands
  2. Web site: Cahoon, B.. Marshall Islands Traditional Polities. 2024-07-19.
  3. News: Marshall Islands celebrate first 'Iroojlaplap' chief coronation in 50 years. France 24. Majuro, Marshall Islands. 22 July 2022. 8 March 2023.