Leonard D. White Award Explained

The Leonard D. White prize, supported by the University of Chicago is awarded yearly for the best dissertation in the field of public administration. It is named after historian Leonard D. White


YearAuthor (Institution) Dissertation
2024Sarah Rozenblum
Cornell University
Why Do Governments Ignore Their Own Experts? The Role of Scientific Advice in Covid-19 Vaccine Policy in France and the United States
2023Kaylyn Jackson Schiff
Emory University
The Digital Citizen: The Impact of Technology on Public Participation and Government Responsiveness
2022Sarah James
Harvard University
When is Hindsight 20/20? The Politics of Acknowledging and Revising Failed Policies
2021Anthony DeMattee
Emory University
Domesticating Civil Society: How and Why Governments Use Laws to Regulate CSOs
2020Angela Young-Shin Park
University of Kansas
Beyond Adoption: The Influence of Local Institutional Arrangements on Sustainability Policy Implementation and Management
2019Chad Levinson
University of Chicago
Moral Subsidy: The Origins of Influential Extra-Governmental Organizations in US National Security Politics
2018Jennifer Mei Jun Yim
University of Utah
Delinquency's Treatment: Why Interactions Produce Policy and Identity in Secure Juvenile Facilities
2017Alan Zarychta
University of Colorado at Boulder
It Takes More Than a Village: Governance and Public Services in Developing Countries
2016Bruce Jones
University of Texas, Dallas
An fMRI Study of the Reward Preferences of Government and Business Leaders
2015Katharine Bradley
University of Michigan
Who Lobbies the Lobbyists? Bureaucratic Influence on State Medicaid Legislation
2014Viridiana Rios
Harvard University
How Government Structure Encourages Criminal Violence: The causes of Mexico's Drug War
2011Amanda M. Girth
American University
Accountability and Discretion in the Age of Contracting: When and Why Do Public Managers Implement Sanctions for Unsatisfactory Contract Performance?
2010Mikhail Pryadilnikov
Harvard University
The State and Markets in Russia: Understanding the Development of Bureaucratic Implementation Capacities through the Study of Regulatory Reform, 2001–2008
2009Zachary Oberfield
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Becoming the Man: How Street-Level Bureaucrats Develop Their Workplace Identities and Views
2008Matthew Dull
University of Wisconsin
The Politics of Results: Comprehensive Reform and Institutional Choice
2007Daniel W. Gingerich
Harvard University
Corruption in General Equilibrium: Political Institutions and Bureaucratic Performance in South America
2006David Pitts
University of Georgia
Diversity, Representation and Performance: Evidence about Ethnicity in Public Organizations
2005Sergio Fernandez
University of Georgia
Explaining Contracting Effectiveness: An Empirical Analysis of Contracting for Services among Local Governments
2004Neal D. Woods (University of Kentucky)
and Young Han Chun (University of Georgia)
Rethinking Regulation: Institutions and Interests in State Regulatory Enforcement
Goal Ambiguity in Public Organizations: Dimensions, Antecedents, and Comparisons
2003No Award GivenNot Applicable
2002Gregory Huber
Princeton University
Interests & Influence: Explaining Patterns of Enforcement in Government Regulation of Occupational Safety
2001Jered Carr
Florida State University
The Political Economy of Local Government Boundary Change: State Laws, Local Actors and Collective Action
2000William W. Newmann
University of Pittsburgh
The Pattern of Foreign Policy Decision Making: Developing an Evolutionary Model
1999Mark Cassell
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Public Agencies in a Private World: A Comparison of the Federal Republic of Germany's Treuhandanstalt and the United States' Resolution Trust Corporation
1998Craig W. Thomas
University of California, Berkeley
Bureaucratic Landscapes: Interagency Cooperation and the Preservation of Biodiversity
1997Amy Zegart
Stanford University
In Whose Interest? The Making of American National Security Agencies
1996Sally Coleman Selden
University of Georgia
Representative Bureaucracy: Examining the Potential for Administrative Responsiveness
1995Robert C. Lieberman
Harvard University
Race and the Development of the American Welfare State from the New Deal to the Great Society
1994Marissa Martino Golden
University of California, Berkeley
Bureaucratic Behavior in a Political Setting: Reactions to the Reagan Administration in Four Federal Agencies
1993James Anthony Falk
University of Georgia
Explaining Infant Mortality: An Assessment of County Governments in Georgia
1992Bartholomew H. Sparrow
University of Chicago
From the Outside In: The Effects of World War II on the American State
1991Alan Abramson
Yale University
Responsive Budgeting: The Accommodation of Federal Budgeting to Different Programs and Spending Regimes
1990Shui Yan Tang
Indiana University
Institutions and Collective Action in Irrigation Systems
1989Roy T. Meyers
University of Michigan
Microbudgetary Strategies and Outcomes
1988Chris C. Demchak
University of California, Berkeley
War, Technological Complexity, and the U.S. Army
1987John DiIulio, Jr.
Harvard University
Governing Prisons: A Comparative Study of Correctional Management
1986Elisabeth Hollister Sims
University of California, Berkeley
Rural Development and Public Policy: Agricultural Institutions and Technological Change in the Indian and Pakistani Punjab
1985Donald W. Chisholm
University of California, Berkeley
Informal Organization and the Problem of Coordination
1984Rondal B. Hoskins
University of Georgia
Within-Year Appropriations Changes in Georgia State Government: The Implications for Budget Theory
1983John Swain
Northern Illinois University
An Evaluation of the Public Choice Approach to Structuring Local Government in Metropolitan Areas
1982Judith Gruber
Yale University
Democracy versus Bureaucracy: The Problem of Democratic Control
1981J. Serge Taylor
University of California, Berkeley
Environmentalists in the Bureaucracy: Environmental Impact Analysis in the Forest Service and the Army Corps of Engineers
1980John Edward Chubb
University of Minnesota
Interest Groups and the Bureaucracy: The Politics of Energy
1979Daniel S. Metlay
University of California, Berkeley
Error Correction in Bureaucracy
1978Frederic Allan Bergerson
Vanderbilt University
The Army Gets an Air Force: The Tactics and Process of Insurgent Bureaucratic Politics
1977George Woodrow Downs, Jr.
University of Michigan
Bureaucracy, Innovation and Public Policy
1976Robert Rich
University of Chicago
An Investigation of Information Gathering and Handling in Seven Federal Bureaucracies: A Case Study of the Continuous National Survey
1975Arnold Kanter
Yale University and Harry Kranz
American University
The Organizational Politics of National Security Policy: A Budgetary Perspective and A More Representative Bureaucracy: The Adequacy and Disability of Minority and Female Population Parity in Public Employment
1974James Norris Danziger
Stanford University
Budget-Making and Expenditure Variations in English County Boroughs
1973Douglas T. Yates, Jr.
Yale University
Neighborhood Democracy: The Politics and Impacts of Decentralization
1972Ezra N. Suleiman
Columbia University and Jessica Wolf
Yale University
Administration, Politics and the Higher Civil Service in France and Toward a Model of Inter-organizational Behavior: Two Case Studies in France
1971Larry B. Hill
Tulane University
The International Transfer of Political Institutions: A Behavioral Analysis of the New Zealand Ombudsman
1970Gary W. Wynia
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Policy and Bureaucracy in Center America: A Comparative Study
1969Russell Murphy
Yale University
Policy Innovation and Political Strategy in an American City: The Formative Years of New Haven, Connecticut's Anti-Poverty Project
1968Clyde D. McKee, Jr.
University of Connecticut
The Politics of Council-Manager Forms Having and Not Having the Partisan Election
1967John Patrick Crecine
Carnegie Institute of Technology
A Computer Simulation Model of Municipal Resource Allocation
1966No award givenNot applicable
1965No award givenNot applicable
1964No award givenNot applicable
1963Karl A. Hochschwender
Yale University
The Politics of Civil Service Reform in West Germany
1962Simon D. Perry
Michigan State University
The Conflict of Expectations and Roles in Policy Science Behavior
1961Laurin L. Henry
University of Chicago
Presidential Transitions
1960Daniel J. Elazar
University of Chicago
Intergovernmental Relations in Nineteenth Century American Federalism
1959Dean E. Mann
University of California, Berkeley
The Administration of Water Resources in the State of Arizona

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