Leo Maslíah Explained

Leo Maslíah
Birth Date:26 July 1954
Birth Place:Montevideo, Uruguay
Occupation:musician, humorist and writer
Website:Leo Maslíah

Leo Maslíah (born 1954) is a Uruguayan musician, humorist and writer.

Born in 1954 in Montevideo, he started writing and composing in 1978, usually with a touch of humour.

After a considerable success in the Uruguayan underground movement, he successfully disembarked in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1982. He slowly gained popularity, had concerts in Chile, Peru, Cuba, Brazil, Paraguay and Spain among others.

His music resists classification. It results from an original mix of personal experiments, popular music, classical composition - including electroacoustic materials - and jazz. He often bases his pieces on the minimalistic repetition of short elements. His lyrics include frequent puns. Overall, his production adopts a tone both ironic and critical, always intelligent and witty, sometimes nihilistic. He recorded more than 40 albums, most of them released in Uruguay and Argentina. In 2003 his opera "Maldoror" was performed in the Teatro Colón.

He also wrote over 40 books with novels, short stories and plays. 10 of his plays were taken to theater. The Konex Foundation of Argentina awarded him "Merit for humour in literature" in 1994.

Artistic activity

He was born on July 26, 1954, in Montevideo. He studied piano with Bertha Chadicov and Wilser Rossi, harmony with Nydia Pereyra Lisaso, organ with Manuel Salsamendi, and composition with Coriún Aharonián and Graciela Paraskevaídis. He appeared for the first time in public in 1974 as an organ soloist performing a Haendel concerto. As of 1978 he develops an intense activity as author and performer of popular music, having performed in many countries of South America and Europe.

In 1981 his electroacoustic composition "Llanto" was included in the programming of the annual festival of the International Society of Contemporary Music (SIMC) held in Brussels, Belgium. Uruguayan orchestras perform several of his symphonic works. His chamber works are part of the repertoire of some national and foreign performers. In 1994 he was distinguished by the Konex Foundation of Argentina among the hundred best figures of Argentine letters of the decade 1984–1994.

In June 2003, his opera Maldoror, based on the book Los cantos de Maldoror by the Count of Lautréamont (the famous French poet Isidore Ducasse born in Uruguay), was premiered (and several performances were performed) at the Teatro Colón in the city of Buenos Aires. In 1998 he received the Morosoli Award in recognition of his career in popular music, and in 2012 the Uruguayan Ministry of Education and Culture's annual music award in the jazz/fusion/Latin category for his composition "Algo Ritmo" .

As a composer and performer of music of the so-called "cult" genre, he participated in concerts and recordings of contemporary music from Uruguay, Argentina and other countries. He also edited, as a soloist, more than 40 record works. Trees won in 2008, in Argentina, the Gardel Award for the best instrumental album and Leo Maslíah plays Bach in 2020 the award for the best classical music album. Leo Maslíah also published nearly 40 books, including novels, collections of short stories and plays. In 2019 he was the winner of the National Literature Awards with his work Literature with fences.

Several of his plays were premiered in Montevideo and/or Buenos Aires with staging by the author or other directors. His works Telecomedia and El mouse were awarded the prize of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay, in the "comedy" category, in 2000 and 2013.


In Uruguay

In Argentina

In other countries




Published books

1983Hospital especialImagoMontevideo poemas y letras de canciones
1984Un detective privado ante algunos problemas no del todo ajenos a la llamada "música popular"cuadernos del TAMP Rosario, Argentina relato
1985Historia transversal de Floreal MenéndezEdiciones de la FlorArgentina 2.ª edición: 1992 novela
1987El show de José FinEdiciones de la FlorArgentina; 2.ª edición: 1992 novela
1987Teléfonos públicosMonte SextoMontevideo cuentos
Tres obras de teatroEdiciones de UnoYoea, Montevideo teatro
1989El lado oscuro de la pelvis950-515-035-0Ediciones de la FlorArgentina, 2.ª edición: 1992 novela
1990La tortugaEdiciones de la FlorArgentina; 2.ª edición: 1992 cuentos
1991Tarjeta roja950-515-122-5Ediciones de la FlorArgentina novela
1991Zanahorias9974-32-001-1Ediciones TrilceMontevideo novela
1991Pastor de cabras perfectasSendaBahía Blanca, Argentina poesía
1992La mujer loba ataca de nuevo9789871489169YoeaMontevideorelatos
1992El animal que todos llevamos dentro950-515-126-8Ediciones de la FlorArgentina cuentos
1993El triple salto mortal950-515-130-6Ediciones de la FlorArgentina cuentos
1993Mentirillas9505155743ArcaMontevideo novela
1994El gentilhombreYoeaMontevideo relatos
1994La miopía de Rodríguez950-515-138-1Ediciones de la FlorArgentina cuentos
1994La extraordinaria aventura de Arthur Gordon PamYoeaMontevideo relatos
1995La décima pista950-515-145-4Ediciones de la FlorArgentina novela
1996La buena noticia950-515-153-5Ediciones de la FlorArgentina cuentos
1997Ositos950-515-159-4Ediciones de la FlorArgentina novela
1997SignosAymaraMontevideo novela
1998No juegues con fuego porque lo podés apagar9505155638Ediciones de la FlorArgentina
1999Líneas9505151721Ediciones de la FlorArgentina novela
2000Carta a un escritor latinoamericano y otros insultos950-515-178-0Ediciones de la FlorArgentina cuentos
2001Telecomedia y otras teatreces9505151845Ediciones de la FlorArgentina
2002Servicio de Habitación9505155700Ediciones de la FlorArgentina novela
2002Estatutos9974766095Cauce EditorialMontevideo novela
2003Horóscopos y otras sentencias9505151888Ediciones de la FlorArgentina cuentos
2004Libretos950-515-193-4Ediciones de la FlorArgentina novela
2005Mentirillas seguido de El Lado Oscuro de la Pelvis950-515-574-3Ediciones de la FlorArgentina novelas
2005No juegues con fuego porque lo podés apagar950-515-563-8Ediciones de la FlorArgentina reedición
2005El oráculo9974-7805-3-5Perro andaluz edicionesCoescrito con Sanopi. Uruguay cuentos ilustrados.
2006Tres idiotas en busca de una imbécil y otras piezas9505154380Ediciones de la FlorArgentina teatro
2008Cuentos impensados978-9974-96-476-1MenosataUruguay cuentos
2010La mujer loba ataca de nuevo9789871489169Ediciones GodotArgentina cuentos
2010El crucero Yarará9789871489190Ediciones GodotArgentina novela
2011Cuentos de Pompeyo978-987-1489-26-8Ediciones GodotArgentina cuentos
2012Fábulas, parábolas y paradojas978-9974-8313-7-7Criatura EditoraUruguay cuentos
2013Así las cosas978-9974-99-038-8MenosataUruguay poesía
2013Diccionario privado978-9974-8360-7-5Criatura editoraUruguay diccionario
2014Sagrado Colegio978-9974-8452-7-5Criatura EditoraUruguay novela
2014Crucigramas978-9974-8361-2-9Perro andaluz edicionesCoescrito con Sanopi. Uruguay cuentos ilustrados.
2014El último dictador y la primera dama / El ratón978-9974-8419-7-0Criatura editoraUruguay teatro
2015El bobo del pueblo y otras incorrecciones978-9974-8503-9-2Criatura editoraUruguay cuentos
2017Literatura con vallasCriatura EditorialUruguay cuentos

External links