Leif Stenberg Explained

Era:Modern era
Leif Erik Stenberg
Main Interests:Islam & Science; Contemporary Sufism
Notable Works:The Islamization of Science

Leif Stenberg has been the Dean of the Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations at the Aga Khan University (International) in London since April 2017.

Media Appearances

Stenberg provided commentary during the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy.[1] [2] He also appeared on live television to comment on the roots and developments of the Arab Spring.[3] [4]

List of Publications

Notes and References

  1. Stenberg, L. (2011) ”Risken är liten att Egypten utvecklas till en islamisk stat” Dagens Nyheter - link
  2. Stenberg, L. and Jansson, T. (2006) "Bildförbudet utan stöd i Koranen" Svenska Dagbladet - link
  3. Läget i Egypten, Gomorron Sverige, SVT1, aired February 2, 2011 at 07:15 link
  4. Den nordafrikanska revolten, Gomorron Sverige, SVT1, aired January 28, 2011 at 06.43 link