Lebns Fragn (Life questions, Yiddish: לעבנס־פֿראַגן) was a Yiddish, Bundist-orientated magazine, published bimonthly in Israel. The first issue appeared in May 1951, under the editorship of Isachar Artuski.[1] The responsibility for editing was shared by Ben-Zion ("Bentsl") Tsalevitsh (1883–1967). Tsalevitsh had come to Palestine in 1922, after having been active for many years in the Bund in Białystok,[2] and Artuski, a member of the Warsaw Bund since 1935, arrived in Palestine during the Second World War.[3]
After Artuski's death in November 1971, Yitzkhok Luden became editor.[4] [5] The last issue was published in April, 2014.