Leandro Cunha Explained

Birth Place:São José dos Campos, São Paulo
Weight Class:66 kg
Worlds Rank:2
Worlds Year:2010
Worlds Weight:Men's 66 kg
Worlds Year2:2011
Worlds Weight2:Men's 66 kg
Regionals Type:AM
Regionals Rank:1
Regionals Year:2004
Regionals Year2:2011
Regionals Year3:2012
Olympics Rank:R32
Olympics Year:2012
Olympics Weight:Men's 66 kg
Updated:17 July 2023

Leandro da Cunha (born 13 October 1980) is a male judoka from Brazil. He won the gold medal in the Half-lightweight division (66 kg) at the 2011 Pan American Games in Guadalajara, Mexico and the silver medal in the World Judo Championships twice (2010 and 2011).
