List of fake news websites explained

Fake news websites are those which intentionally, but not necessarily solely, publish hoaxes and disinformation for purposes other than news satire. Some of these sites use homograph spoofing attacks, typosquatting and other deceptive strategies similar to those used in phishing attacks to resemble genuine news outlets.[1] [2] [3]


Fake news sites deliberately publish hoaxes and disinformation to drive web traffic inflamed by social media. These sites are distinguished from news satire (which is usually intended to be humorous) as they mislead and sometimes profit from readers' gullibility. While most fake news sites are portrayed to be spinoffs of other news sites, some of these websites are examples of website spoofing, structured to make visitors believe they are visiting major news outlets like ABC News or MSNBC. The New York Times pointed out that within a strict definition, "fake news" on the Internet referred to a fictitious article which was fabricated with the deliberate motivation to defraud readers, generally with the goal of profiting through clickbait. PolitiFact described fake news as fabricated content designed to fool readers and subsequently made viral through the Internet to crowds that increase its dissemination.

The New York Times noted in a December 2016 article that fake news had previously maintained a presence on the Internet and within tabloid journalism in the years prior to the 2016 U.S. election. Except for the 2016 Philippine elections,[4] prior to the election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, fake news had not impacted the election process and subsequent events to such a high degree. Subsequent to the 2016 election, the issue of fake news turned into a political weapon, with supporters of left-wing politics saying those on the opposite side of the spectrum spread falsehoods, and supporters of right-wing politics arguing such accusations were merely a way to censor conservative views. Due to these back-and-forth complaints, the definition of fake news as used for such polemics became more vague.


Campaigns by individuals

The following is a list of websites created by individuals (aside from those associated with corporations or political actors) that have been assessed by fact-checkers as fake news websites.

American News LLC

American Newsamericannews.comDefunctPublished a false story claiming actor Denzel Washington endorsed Donald Trump for U.S. president. The fictional headline led to thousands of people sharing it on Facebook, a prominent example of fake news spreading on the social network prior to the 2016 presidential election.[5] [6] [7] [8]
Conservative 101conservative101.comFalsely claimed that the White House fired Kellyanne Conway.
Democratic ReviewDemocraticReview.comDefunctOwned by American Review LLC of Miami, the same company that owns American News (, Conservative 101 and Liberal Society.
Liberal SocietyLiberalSociety.comDefunctPublished a fake direct quote attributed to Obama, Falsely claimed that the White House fired Kellyanne Conway.

Conservative Beaver

Conservative Beaverconservativebeaver.comDefunctPublished false anti-vaccination claims related to Pfizer, leading to Pfizer filing a petition to compel the site host to reveal the site owner's identity.[9]
The Red Panthertheredpanther.comDefunctFormer name of Toronto Today.As of 2024, is now an e-commerce site.
Toronto99.comToronto99.comActiveHad the same Google Adsense code as The Conservative Beaver.
Toronto Todaytorontotoday.netDefunctHad the same Google Adsense code as The Conservative Beaver.
Vancouver Timesvancouvertimes.orgDefunctLikely shares the same site owner as the Conservative Beaver and Toronto Today.[10]

Jestin Coler

Denver the name of the Drudge Report.
United Media reports celebrity appearances and filming locations in random local towns registered by Jestin Coler. The Washington Post submitted a complaint against Coler's registration of the site with GoDaddy under the UDRP, and in 2015, an arbitral panel ruled that Coler's registration of the domain name was a form of bad-faith cybersquatting (specifically, typosquatting), "through a website that competes with Complainant through the use of fake news. ... The fake news content misleads readers and serves as 'click bait' to drive readers to other sites, or to share the fake news content with others on social networking websites, to generate advertising revenue."[12]

Paul Horner

NameDomainStatusNotesSources by Paul Horner. Mimics the URL, design and logo of ABC News (owned by Disney–ABC Television Group).[13] [14] the URL, design and logo of CBS News.[15]
christianfreedommovement.comchristianfreedommovement.comDefunct site of CNN.[16]
My Phoenix of National Geographic.
nationalreview.biznationalreview.bizDefunctSpoof of National Review. NBC.[17] the URL, design and logo of NBC News.[18]
News Examinernewsexaminer.netStarted in 2015 by Paul Horner, the lead writer of the National Report. This website has been known to mix real news along with its fake news.[19]
paulhorner.orgpaulhorner.orgDefunct site of Snopes.
St George Gazettestgeorgegazette.comDefunct[20] [21]

WTOE 5 News

16WMPO16WMPO.comDefunctImpostor site, per PolitiFact.Likely part of the same network as WTOE 5 News.[22] [23]
AlexJones.xyzAlexJones.xyzPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.[24]
alynews.comalynews.comPart of a network that posted a false story that there was a sequel to the movie Step Brothers in the works in 2016.Part of the same network as WTOE 5 News.[25] [26]
channel16news.comchannel16news.comPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
channel17news.comchannel17news.comLikely part of the same network as WTOE 5 News.[27]
Channel 18 NewsChannel18News.comImpostor site, per PolitiFact.Likely part of the same network as WTOE 5 News.[28]
clancyreport.comclancyreport.comPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
Daily News 10DailyNews10.comImpostor site, per PolitiFact.Likely part of the same network as WTOE 5 News.[29]
Daily News 11dailynews11.comPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
Daily News 5DailyNews5.comImpostor site, per PolitiFact.Part of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
FoxBusiness.xyzFoxBusiness.xyzPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
Headline Briefheadlinebrief.comPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
km8news.comkm8news.comPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
KMT 11 Newskmt11.comDefunctFalsely reports celebrity appearances and filming locations in random local towns. Before the website went down, it referred to itself as a "fantasy news website".[30] [31] Likely part of the same network as WTOE 5 News.[32]
knp7.comknp7.comPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
kspm33.comkspm33.comPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
KUPR7kupr7.comLikely part of the same network as WTOE 5 News.[33] [34]
ky6news.comky6news.comPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
KY12News.comKY12News.comImpostor site, per PolitiFact.Likely part of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
KYPO6kypo6.comDefunctPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
Local 31 NewsLocal31News.comImpostor site, per PolitiFact.Likely part of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
localnews33.comlocalnews33.comPart of the same network as
lopezreport.comlopezreport.comPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
maywoodpost.commaywoodpost.comLikely part of the same network as WTOE 5 News.[35]
mbynews.commbynews.comPart of the same network as
McKenzie Postmckenziepost.comPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
NewsDaily12.comNewsDaily12.comImpostor site, per PolitiFact.Likely part of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
newsdaily27.comnewsdaily27.comPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
News Now 11newsnow11.comLikely part of the same network as WTOE 5 News.[36]
oreillypost.comoreillypost.comPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
WBN 12 Newswbn12.comLikely part of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
wcpm3.comwcpm3.comPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
wleb21.comwleb21.comPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
WRPT 16 Newswrpt16.comPart of the same network as WTOE 5 News.
WTOE 5 Newswtoe5news.comDefunctOriginal source of false claim that Pope Francis had endorsed Donald Trump in 2016.[37]

Your News Wire

Neon Nettleneonnettle.comPer and PolitiFact.Stated by Snopes to be "interrelated" with NewsPunch and Your News Wire.[38] [39]
NewspunchNewspunch.comAlternative name for YourNewsWire.
The People's Voice (formerly NewsPunch and Your News Wire)thepeoplesvoice.tvActiveFounded by Sean Adl-Tabatabai and Sinclair Treadway in 2014. It has published fake stories, such as "claims that the Queen had threatened to abdicate if the UK voted against Brexit." Its name was changed to NewsPunch in 2018 and The People's Voice in 2023.[40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47]
Your News Wireyournewswire.comFormer name for The People's Voice.


ABCNews1.usABCNews1.usSame owner as AJUAnews.[48]
African News Updatesafricannewupsdate.comSame owner as News Updates South Africa. Published a false story about election fraud during the 2016 municipal elections in South Africa, which led to the Electoral Commission of South Africa filing a criminal complaint against the site owner.[49] [50]
AJUAnewsAJUAnews.comPlagiarized content from The Last Line of Defense. Reportedly owned by individual based in Pakistan.
ALNewsNetwork.pressALNewsNetwork.pressSame owner as AJUAnews.
America TalksAmericatalks.comPer
America's Freedom FightersAmericasfreedomfighters.comPer
Banned InformationBannedInformation.comPer
Dos Palos Newsdospalosnews.comSame owner as AJUAnews.
FB News CycleFbnewscycle.comPer owner as Banned Information.
HealthFacts.proHealthFacts.proSame owner as AJUAnews.
Hot Global[51]
ILoveQuilting.proILoveQuilting.proSame owner as AJUAnews.
Leading Reporttheleadingreport.comA website and Twitter account that promotes misinformation and conspiracy theories about COVID-19 and United States politics.[52] [53] [54]
National News Bulletinnationalnewsbulletin.comSame Google Analytics ID as News Updates South Africa.
The National Sunthenationalsun.comSame owners as Hot Global News.[55]
net-breaking.comnet-breaking.comAffiliated with Leading Report.
News@Lastnewsatlast.comFake news website in South Africa, per Africa Check, an IFCN signatory.Same owner as News Updates South Africa.
News Updates South Africanewsupdatessa.sitePer Africa Check and News24.[56]
Ohio Press Proohiopress.proSame owner as AJUAnews.
thepedogate.comthepedogate.comPart of same network as America Talks. Spread the false Pizzagate conspiracy theory.
Right Wing TribuneRightwingtribune.comPer owners as America's Freedom Fighters.

Disinformation campaigns

Corporate disinformation campaigns

See main article: page. Examples of disinformation campaigns from companies include Eliminalia, a reputation management firm that created a network of over 600 websites for its clients,[57] [58] and Regency Enterprises, which created sites to promote the movie A Cure for Wellness.[59] [60]

Political disinformation campaigns

See main article: article and List of political disinformation website campaigns. Examples of countries with political actors that have been confirmed or suspected to be involved with fake news website networks include Brazil,[61] India,[62] Iran, Italy,[63] the People's Republic of China,[64] the Philippines,[65] Russia,[66] Ukraine (Luhansk),[67] and the United States.[68]

Fraudulent fact-checking websites

See main article: article. According to the Poynter Institute, there are four categories of false fact-checking websites:

  1. Sites that are satirical in nature
  2. Sites that attempt to subvert serious fact-checking sites
  3. Sites that re-appropriate the term "fact-check" for partisan political causes
  4. Sites with more violent intentions, such as genocide denial.[69]
AosFatos.comAosFatos.comSpoof of Brazilian fact-checking organization Aos Fatos.[70]
Business2Communitybusiness2community.comPlagiarized fact-checks from Lead Stories.[71]
The California Republicancarepublican.comRun by Devin Nunes' political campaign.
Descobrindo As Verdadesdescobrindoasverdades.blogspot.comHas the same Google AdSense and Google Analytics codes as
Duboka Vodadubokavoda.comPartisan false fact-checking site in Croatia, per the Poynter Institute.
Fact Check Armeniafactcheckarmenia.comA website with ties to Turkish government-related organizations that denies the historical facts of the Armenian genocide.[72] [73]
Fact-Checking Turkeyfactcheckingturkey.comOperated by PR company Bosphorus Global and counters criticism of Turkey in foreign media. It treats statements by Turkish government officials as arbiters of the truth.[74] [75]
Faktiskt.euFaktiskt.euSpoof of Swedish fact-checking organization Faktiskt.[76]
India News Networkindianewsnetwork.comActiveSame owner as India Vs Disinformation.
India Vs Disinformationindiavsdisinformation.comOwned by "a Canadian communications firm called Press Monitor"[77] [78]
Jigyasa Onlinejigyasaonline.orgSame owner as India Vs Disinformation.
Middle East Guardiansmeguardians.comPublished false fact-check about Jamal Khashoggi.[79]
Notícias Brasil the same Google AdSense and Google Analytics codes as
O Detetiveodetetive.comHas the same Google AdSense and Google Analytics codes as The website owner was summoned by a regional court in Brazil for publishing a false story about the 2018 attack on Jair Bolsonaro.[80]
OpIndiaopindia.comActiveOpIndia is an Indian website that has been rejected by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). Fact checkers certified by the IFCN have identified 25 fake news stories published by OpIndia between January 2018 and June 2020.[81] [82]
Pensa Brasilpensabrasil.comHas the same Google AdSense and Google Analytics codes as
Plantão Brasilplantaobrasil.netHas the same Google AdSense and Google Analytics codes as
Shayeaatshayeaat.irPartisan false fact-checking site in Iran, per the Poynter Institute.
Vøxvoxnews.infoPartisan false fact-checking site in Italy, per the Poynter Institute. Not to be confused with Vox, the American news site.
War on Fakeswaronfakes.comDefunctA Russian website that promotes Russian propaganda and disinformation about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.Seized by the United States federal government in 2024.[83] [84] [85] [86]

Generative AI

See main article: article and Generative artificial intelligence. As of October 2024, NewsGuard has tracked at least 1,090 news/information websites automatically generated by machine learning models that span 16 languages.[87]

The Americans[89][90]
Biz Breaking Newsbizbreakingnews.comSummarizes The Financial Times and Fortune.[91]
BNN Breakingbnnbreaking.comRedirect[92] [93]
Buckeye State Pressbuckeyestatepress.comCreated by a journalist to demonstrate the ease of building generative AI-based political news sites.[95]
Celeb Jihadcelebjihad.comActiveDescribed by the Daily Beast as a "satirical celebrity gossip website",[96] the site has spread real and fake nude images of celebrities using Photoshop and Generative AI.[97] [98] [99][100]
County Local
Daily Business Post[101]
Daily Time Update
Esspotsesspots.comPart of the same network as SpaceXMania.[102][103]
iBusiness Day[104]
Ireland Top[105]
L'Observatoire de l'Europeobservatoiredeleurope.comAccused of automatically plagiarizing stories from Euronews.[106]
Michigan Sports
NewsGPTnewsgpt.aiActiveAccused by Annie Lab of "factual errors, misleading images, and possible plagiarism" from Reuters, CBS News, and CNN.[107] [108]
News Live 79
News Todaysagenews.sitePart of the same network as SpaceXMania.[109]
News You Can't Usenewsyoucantuse.comDefunct[110]
SpaceXManiaspacexmania.comActiveAccused by Christopher Blair, the owner of The Last Line of Defense, of plagiarizing its stories via a generative AI model. The New York Times also found that many stories from SpaceXMania were produced by generative AI.[112] [113] [114] [115] [116] [117] [118]
Scoop EarthScoopEarth.comActive
topnews67.comtopnews67.comAccused of plagiarizing story from The Last Line of Defense, possibly via ChatGPT.[119]
US Newsperusnewsper.comRegistered in Lithuania, falsely claims to be a news site for the United States. Spread false claim that Joe Biden's withdrawal from the 2024 United States presidential election was a hoax. Accused by NewsGuard of having a network of bots to share its stories on social media.[120]
WestObserver.comWestObserver.comImitates CNN.
Worldtimetodays.comworldtimetodays.comAccused of plagiarizing stories from Distractify and[121]

Hate groups

See main article: article and List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups. The following table lists websites that have been both considered by fact-checkers as distributing false news and are run by organizations that have been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups.

banned.videobanned.videoSister site of InfoWars.Warned by the US Food and Drug Administration for spreading misinformation on COVID-19 for "claims on videos posted on your websites that establish the intended use of your products and misleadingly represent them as safe and/or effective for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19."[122] [123] [124]
Bare Naked[125] [126]
BrighteonBrighteon.comSister site of Natural News.[127]
The Daily StormerDailyStormer.comPer PolitiFact.[128]
Geller ReportGellerreport.comRegistered through Pamela Geller's organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative.
HoggWatchhoggwatch.comSetup by Natural News founders to publish attacks against Parkland high school shooting survivors.[129] [130]
InfoWarsinfowars.comManaged by Alex Jones. Has claimed that millions of people have voted illegally in the 2016 presidential election, that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax, that the Boston Marathon bombing was a false flag attack, and that the Democratic Party was hosting a child sex slave ring out of a pizza restaurant.[131] [132] [133] [134] [135] [136] [137] [138] [139] [140] [141]
National Filenationalfile.comSister site of InfoWars. It has promoted misinformation about COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccines.Leaked texts from Alex Jones's phone indicated that he started National File to promote InfoWars content while obscuring its origin to evade an InfoWars ban on Facebook.[142] [143]
Natural Newsnaturalnews.comFormerly NewsTarget, a website for the sale of various dietary supplements, promotion of alternative medicine, controversial nutrition and health claims, and various conspiracy theories, such as "chemtrails", chemophobic claims (including the purported dangers of fluoride in drinking water, anti-perspirants, laundry detergent, monosodium glutamate, aspartame), and purported health problems caused by allegedly "toxic" ingredients in vaccines, including the now-discredited link to autism.[144] [145] [146] [147]
NewsTargetnewstarget.comSister site of Natural News.
Next News Networknextnewsnetwork.comCombined content from mainstream sites such as the Associated Press with content from sites such as RT and Sputnik.[148] [149] [150] [151]
PrisonPlanetprisonplanet.comSister site of InfoWars.[152]
Red[153] [154]
Return of[155] [156][157] [158]
WorldNetDailywnd.comA far-right website known for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories, including the false claim that Barack Obama was not born in the United States.[159] [160] [161]

Pseudoscience and junk science

The following is a list of websites that have been characterized by journalists and researchers as promoting pseudoscience or junk science.

Children's Health Defensechildrenshealthdefense.orgActiveAccused by NBC of "[misinterpreting] research to stoke fears that vaccines might be dangerous for children and pregnant women".[162] Filed a lawsuit in 2020 against Facebook, PolitiFact, Science Feedback, and the Poynter Institute over advertisements and fact-checked claims. Produced an anti-vaccine film that was marketed towards Black Americans. One of its participants, a medical history professor, felt that she had been "used" as part of "an advocacy piece for anti-vaxxers."[163] Cited by the Center for Countering Digital Hate as one of the "Disinformation Dozen" for frequently sharing anti-vaccine misinformation on social media.[164] Banned by Facebook and Instagram in 2022 for repeatedly spreading medical misinformation.[165] [166] [167] [168] [169]
Collective Evolutioncollective-evolution.comActiveSpread misinformation about vaccines and COVID-19, and shared conspiracy theories about Mark Zuckerberg and airport body scanners.[170] [171] [172] [173][174] [175] [176]
EWAO (Earth. We Are One)ewao.comPublished false claim that images of a mountain formation in Antartica is evidence of an ancient civilization.[177]
Feature Remediesfeatureremedies.comFalsely claimed that ginger is a more effective cancer treatment than chemotherapy.[178] [179]
Food Babefoodbabe.comActivePromoted anti-vaccine misinformation. Criticized for promoting chemophobia and "misinformation and fear-mongering about food ingredients."[180] NPR notes that a revenue stream is based on affiliate marketing partnerships with organic and non-GMO food brands. Alleged collusion between Monsanto and the Food and Drug Administration over cancelling a program to monitor glyphosate in food, which Snopes has deemed as false.[181] [182]
Galactic Connectiongalacticconnection.comPublished an article claiming the existence of aliens was disclosed by Russia after a joke made by then-Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.[183]
Geoengineering Watchgeoengineeringwatch.orgActivePublished video claiming the existence of solar geoengineering and chemtrails, which Climate Feedback deemed as incorrect. The site owner filed a lawsuit against one of the scientist reviewers, claiming that the fact-check limited the video's reach on social media. The lawsuit was dismissed, with plans to appeal as of September 2022.[184] [185] [186]
Goopgoop.comActiveAccused in 2020 by Truth in Advertising of violating a court settlement to stop spreading false medical claims about Goop products. Criticized by Simon Stevens, the then-Chief Executive of NHS England, for promoting products and procedures that he described as monetarily wasteful or "carrying considerable risks to health".[187] Sells many of the same wellness products as Infowars.[188] [189]
GreenMedInfogreenmedinfo.comActiveFounded by Sayer Ji, who has been cited by the Center for Countering Digital Hate as one of the "Disinformation Dozen" for frequently sharing anti-vaccine misinformation on social media. Removed from Pinterest in 2019, which Snopes concluded was likely due to the site’s promotion of health misinformation. Spread false claims about COVID-19 vaccines. Includes a search engine that McGill University describes as "biased toward scientific papers that claim natural food and alternative medicine can prevent and heal diseases."[190] Claims without evidence that marijuana is a cure for cancer.[191] [192] [193] [194] [195]
Health Holistic Livinghealthyholisticliving.comFalsely claimed that ginger is a more effective cancer treatment than chemotherapy, that manuka honey is more effective than antibiotics, and that repeatedly boiling water is harmful. Cites peer-reviewed research to draw conclusions not supported by the works in question, such as citing four studies to claim that magnesium is an effective treatment for ADHD.[196] [197] [198]
Health Impact Newshealthimpactnews.comFalsely linked deaths to flu vaccines and COVID-19 vaccines, and spread unproven cures for COVID-19.[199] [200] [201] [202] [203]
Health Nut Newshealthnutnews.comFounded by Erin Elizabeth, who was cited by the Center for Countering Digital Hate as one of the "Disinformation Dozen" for frequently sharing anti-vaccine misinformation on social media. Removed from Pinterest in 2019, which Snopes concluded was likely due to the site’s promotion of health misinformation. Spread conspiracy theories falsely alleging that the deaths of doctors or alternative health practitioners were connected.[204] [205] [206] [207] [208] [209]
The Institute for Creation
Institute for Responsible Technologyresponsibletechnology.orgFounded by Jeffrey M. Smith.[210]
Medical Kidnapmedicalkidnap.comSpread false or unproven claims about cases involving Child protective services. Falsely framed COVID-19 vaccines as "experimental". Part of the same network as Vaccine Impact and Health Impact News.[211] [212]
Mercola.commercola.comFounded by Joseph Mercola, who was cited by the Center for Countering Digital Hate as one of the "Disinformation Dozen" for frequently sharing anti-vaccine misinformation on social media. Removed from Pinterest in 2019, which Snopes concluded was likely due to the site’s promotion of health misinformation.[213]
Principia Scientific Internationalprincipia-scientific.comRepeatedly published climate change denial and false claims about COVID-19.[214] [215] [216] [217] [218]
RealFarmacyrealfarmacy.comNoted by the Wall Street Journal to promote homeopathy. Spread false claims about COVID-19 origins and unproven treatments. Spread anti-vaccine misinformation and has been noted by NewsGuard to have "promoted ineffective and potentially dangerous cancer treatments."[219] [220] [221] [222] [223] [224] [225]
Riposte laiqueripostelaique.comSpread false claim that the French government approved euthanasia during the COVID-19 pandemic.[226] [227]
Science Vibesciencevibe.comReposted satirical story from World News Daily Report and framed it as genuine news. Reposted hoax on assassination of Marilyn Monroe.[228] [229] [230]
Stop Mandatory Vaccinationstopmandatoryvaccination.comThe founder has been described by NBC News as "a man without medical training who has made a name as a leader of the online anti-vaccination movement."[231] Censured by the Advertising Standards Authority in 2018 for distributing a Facebook ad targeted towards parents with misleading claims about vaccines.Accused by the Guardian of "[using] Facebook’s advertising tools to target their propaganda exclusively at women."[232] Publishes "accounts from parents who claim that a baby's death was the result of a vaccination. Many of those viral articles have been debunked with official, medically supported explanations that include sudden infant death syndrome, pneumonia and accidental asphyxiation."Misinformation from the group has resulted in at least one death: a child whose mother was urged by other group members not to give her son Tamiflu after he had a bout of the flu.Accounts associated with the site and its founder have been suspended from Facebook and Twitter in 2020 for promoting QAnon conspiracy theories. The founder’s YouTube channel was demonetized in 2019 due to "[promoting] anti-vaccination content".[233] Ads to the site were also removed by Facebook in 2019 for violating Facebook’s policies on misinformation about vaccines. The founder’s Twitter account was reinstated in 2023.[234] [235] [236] [237]
Technocracy Newstechnocracy.newsSpread misinformation about face masks with respect to COVID-19 as well as COVID-19 vaccinations. Falsely claimed that carbon dioxide is not a greenhouse gas. The site owner edits a health newsletter for Newsmax.[238] [239] [240] [241]
The Truth About Cancerthetruthaboutcancer.comAccording to NewsGuard, "repeatedly promotes ineffective, unproven, and dangerous treatments for cancer".[242]
TruthKingstruthkings.comPosted false allegations of fraud in the 2008 US presidential election. Spread false information about vaccines. Reportedly owned by Sherri Tenpenny.[243] [244] [245] [246]
Vaccine Impactvaccineimpact.comPart of the same network as Medical Kidnap and Health Impact News.
The Waking Timeswakingtimes.comAccused by the Global Disinformation Index of spreading disinformation on COVID-19 public policies.[247]

Climate change denial

See main article: article and Climate change denial.

Chicks On The Rightchicksonright.comSpread false claim about an upcoming "mini ice age".[248] [249]
Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL)[250] [251]
Energy Talking
Clima et Verité
Global Warming
Climate Exit (CLEXIT)
The Daily Scepticdailysceptic.orgPublishes anti-vaccine and climate change denial misinformation.[252]
The Daily Wiredailywire.comPublished multiple false claims that were debunked by Snopes. Per the Daily Beast, Mike Adams would repeatedly post to the site "to attack and mock... students, staff, and faculty" at University of North Carolina Wilmington.[253] Identified by the Center for Countering Digital Hate as a major distributor of climate change denialism. In 2022, the Global Disinformation Index described the Daily Wire as having a high risk of disinformation due to "bias", "sensational language" and "a high degree of sensational visuals".[254] Alongside Ken Paxton and The Federalist, filed a lawsuit in 2023 against the United States Department of State, partially as a result of this assessment by the GDI, alleging censorship of right-wing media and revenue loss.[255] [256] [257] [258] [259] [260]
De Groene
Ecologia, Clima,
European Climate Realist
La Question
Science, Climat et É
A Grande Farsa do Aquecimento


See main article: article and List of satirical fake news websites.

Numerous websites have been created by companies that contain satirical or news parody content that is intended to be or has been designated by fact-checkers as fake news.

Troll farms

See main article: article and List of fake news troll farms.

See also: Troll farm. Examples of countries with troll farms that have been confirmed or suspected to be involved with fake news website networks include Cambodia,[261] Ghana,[262] North Macedonia,[263] the Republic of Georgia,[264] and Russia.[265]

User-generated fake news

The following table lists websites that have allowed users to generate their own hoaxes that appear in the form of news articles. While the stated purpose is for users to prank their friends, many of the resulting false stories have spread on social media and have led to harassment.

12minutos.com12minutos.comSame owner as React 365.[266]
24aktuelles.com24aktuelles.comSame owner as React 365.
24hnoticias.com24hnoticias.comPart of the same network as React 365.
actualite.coactualite.coSame owner as React 365.
actualites.coactualites.coPart of the same network as React 365.
actualitesdujour.fractualitesdujour.frPart of the same network as React 365.
theasociatedpress.comtheasociatedpress.comSame owner as The Fake News Generator.[267] [268]
thebreakingnews.cothebreakingnews.coSame owner as React 365.
BreakingNews247.netBreakingNews247.netImpostor site, per PolitiFact. Same owner as React 365.
BreakingNews365.netBreakingNews365.netImpostor site, per PolitiFact. Same owner as React 365.
cbs-news.uscbs-news.usSame owner as The Fake News Generator.
cbsnews.uscbsnews.usSame owner as The Fake News Generator.
channel22news.comchannel22news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.[269]
Channel 23 NewsChannel23News.comPrank website for generating false stories.
Channel24news.comChannel24news.comImpostor site, per PolitiFact. Same owner as Channel 23 News.
channel28news.comchannel28news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
channel33news.comchannel33news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
channel34news.comchannel34news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
channel40news.comchannel40news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
channel45news.comchannel45news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
channel46news.comchannel46news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
channel55news.comchannel55news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
channel56news.comchannel56news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
channel59news.comchannel59news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
channel60news.comchannel60news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
channel62news.comchannel62news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
channel63news.comchannel63news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
channel65news.comchannel65news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
channel66news.comchannel66news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
channel68news.comchannel68news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
channel77news.comchannel77news.comSame owner as Channel 23 News.
Clone Zoneclonezone.linkImpersonated The New York Times to spread the false story that Elizabeth Warren had endorsed Bernie Sanders in 2016.[270] [271] [272] [273] [274] [275] [276]
cnoticias.netcnoticias.netSame owner as React 365.
en-bref.fren-bref.frSame owner as React 365.[277]
The Fake News[278][279] [280]
FeedNewzfeednewz.comRenamed to[281]
flashinfo.orgflashinfo.orgPart of the same network as React 365.
Journificjournific.comOften used to spread false claims of businesses about to close.[282] owner as React 365.
nachrichten247.denachrichten247.dePart of the same network as React 365.
nachrichten365.comnachrichten365.comSame owner as React 365.
net-infosnews.comnet-infosnews.comSame owner as React 365.
thenewyorktimes.companythenewyorktimes.companySame owner as The Fake News Generator.
noticias-frescas.comnoticias-frescas.comSame owner as React 365.[284]
notizzia.comnotizzia.comSame owner as React 365.
nsfnews.comnsfnews.comPart of the same network as React 365.
prankyourfriends.comprankyourfriends.comPart of the same network as React 365.[285]
react2424.comreact2424.comPart of the same network as React 365.
React 365React365.comThis user-created fake news generator, supposedly for "pranking your friends", had at least two stories that went viral.
routers.newsrouters.newsSame owner as PunkShare. Spoof of Reuters.[286][287]
toutelinfo.frtoutelinfo.frSame owner as React 365.
trend-news.comtrend-news.comPart of the same network as React 365.
yam.fryam.frPart of the same network as React 365.
youreact247.comyoureact247.comPart of the same network as React 365.

Other networks

Many fake news websites can be assessed as likely being part of the same network campaign if some combination of the following are true:

Action News 3

Action News 3actionnews3.comSpread death hoaxes about various public figures.[292]
Daily Buzz LiveDailyBuzzLive.comPer PolitiFact.Republished a hoax about worldwide blackout, a false claim that had been spreading since 2012.

Hosted on the same webserver as Action News 3.

[293] [294] [295]
News4KTLA.comNews4KTLA.comImpostor site, per PolitiFact.Has the same IP address as Action News 3.

Repurposed an Associated Press article with a false headline.

Cited story from World News Daily Report.

[296] [297] [298] [299]
Now 8 NewsNow8News.comStarted in 2015, this fake news website is also designed to look like a local television outlet. Several of the website's fake stories have successfully spread on social media. Has the same IP address as Action News 3.[300] [301]
TheRacketReport.comTheRacketReport.comPer PolitiFact.Has the same IP address as Action News 3.

Repurposed an Associated Press article with a false headline.
Straight Stonedstraightstoned.comHosted on the same webserver as Action News 3.[302]

Batty Post

abc14news.comabc14news.comSpoof of ABC News.[303] [304]
abcnews-us.comabcnews-us.comSpoof of ABC News.
abcnews5.comabcnews5.comSpoof of ABC News.[305]
Batty Postbattypost.comPublished a false claim about being acquired by East Asia Tribune, a page that has the same Google AdSense ID.[306] [307]
Boston Leaderbostonleader.comPossibly part of same network as Associated Media Coverage, another fake news site.[308]
boston-post.comboston-post.comNot to be confused with the Boston Post.Part of the same network as
cbs15.comcbs15.comSpoof of CBS News. Possibly part of same network as[309] [310]
cbsnews10.comcbsnews10.comSpoof of CBS News. Part of same network as
cbsnews15.comcbsnews15.comSpoof of CBS News.
cbsnews24.comcbsnews24.comSpoof of CBS News.
cgcnews.comcgcnews.comPart of the same network as
cnn-globalnews.comcnn-globalnews.comImpostor site of CNN. Published death hoax on Clint Eastwood.[311]
cnn-internationaledition.comcnn-internationaledition.comImpostor site of CNN.
coindesk-us.comcoindesk-us.comSpoof of CoinDesk.
East Asia Tribuneeastasiatribune.comPublished death hoax about Kim Jong-un.[312]
Florida Sun Postfloridasunpost.comPossibly part of same network as Associated Media Coverage, another fake news site.
foxnews-us.comfoxnews-us.comPart of the same network as
The Jackson
nbc9news.comnbc9news.comSpoof of NBC. Part of same network as
thenyherald.comthenyherald.comPart of the same network as
The Sunday
The Sunday
tmz-us.comtmz-us.comSpoof of TMZ. Part of the same network as
tvtnews.comtvtnews.comPart of the same network as
us-nbcnews.comus-nbcnews.comSpoof of NBC News. Part of the same network as
usatoday-go.comusatoday-go.comHas the same IP address as[313]
vice-en-us.comvice-en-us.comPart of the same network as
yahoonews-us.comyahoonews-us.comPart of the same network as


Celebtricitycelebtricity.comHas falsely claimed that Barack Obama declared a state of emergency in Chicago, Illinois after more than 300 people were shot in one night; that a Wendy's employee put vaginal discharge on a burger as revenge against a partner; and that Bryshere Y. Gray was Jay-Z's son. Contains a "notorious fauxtire and satire entertainment" disclaimer which used to read "the most notorious urban satirical entertainment website in the world".[314] [315] [316]
ViralActions.comViralActions.comCited story from World News Daily Report.[317]


Used a technique called "domain hopping" - repeatedly switching domain names to stay ahead of advertising blacklists on social media.[318] [319]



The following article lists miscellaneous sites that are one-offs or otherwise lack information that would place them into one of the other categories above.

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Watch out for this fake news website masquerading as The New York Times. 12 December 2016. 20 December 2016. live.
  2. Web site: Would you believe the pope endorsed Trump? Five tips for spotting fake news. NBC News. 22 November 2016 . 16 September 2024. . 16 September 2024. live.
  3. Burned After Reading: Endless Mayfly's Ephemeral Disinformation Campaign . Lim . Gabrielle . Maynier . Etienne . 2019-05-14 . University of Toronto . Citizen Lab Research Report No. 118 . Scott-Railton . John . Fittarelli . Alberto . Moran . Ned . Deibert . Ron.
  4. News: Ong . Jonathan Corpus . Trolls for Sale in the World's Social Media Capital . AsiaGlobal Online . August 30, 2018 . February 10, 2019 . . February 12, 2019 . live .
  5. Web site: Iannelli . Jerry . 28 February 2017 . There's Reportedly a Gigantic #FakeNews Operation Run From Miami (and It's Not New Times!) . live . . 6 May 2017 . 28 May 2017 . Miami New Times.
  6. News: Silverman . Craig . February 27, 2017 . This Is How Your Hyperpartisan Political News Gets Made . live . . July 17, 2018 . February 2, 2019 . Buzzfeed News.
  7. News: Bump . Philip . 14 November 2016 . Denzel Washington endorsed Trump, according to AmericaNews, Breitbart, USANewsHome — and Facebook . live . . 21 February 2019 . February 2, 2019 . The Washington Post.
  8. Web site: Silverman . Craig . 2018-07-29 . This Huge Hyperpartisan American Conservative Facebook Page Was Rented Out To Guys In India . . 2018-07-30 . 2024-10-06 . . en.
  9. Web site: 2021-11-24 . Pfizer Petitions Court For Identity of 'Conservative Beaver' Publisher -- Lead Stories May Have Found Him . . 2023-04-06 . 2023-12-21 . Lead Stories.
  10. Web site: 2022-02-23 . Fact Check: Trucker Convoy Leader Was NOT Found Dead In Her Cell Lead Stories . . 2023-06-06 . 2023-12-21 . Lead Stories . en-US.
  11. Web site: Sydell . Laura . 23 November 2016 . We Tracked Down A Fake-News Creator In The Suburbs. Here's What We Learned . live . . 15 May 2019 . 5 April 2018 . All Things Considered . NPR.
  12. Web site: October 26, 2015 . WP Company LLC v. Jestin Coler / DisInfoMedia Inc - Claim Number: FA1509001636671 . live . . November 28, 2016 . November 28, 2016 . National Arbitration Forum.
  13. News: Murtha . Jack . May 26, 2016 . How fake news sites frequently trick big-time journalists . . live . November 25, 2016 . . November 20, 2016.
  14. News: Jacobson . Louis . November 17, 2016 . No, someone wasn't paid $3,500 to protest Donald Trump . . live . November 25, 2016 . . November 19, 2016.
  15. Web site: Funke . Daniel . 2017-11-07 . Weeks after his death, most of Paul Horners fake news sites are down. So whats left? . . 2022-10-07 . 2023-12-18 . Poynter . en-US.
  16. Web site: 2017-09-14 . Fake News King Paul Horner Launches New Website Named My Phoenix Daily . . 2023-12-25 . 2024-10-06 . Lead Stories . en-US.
  17. Web site: Gillin . Joshua . 2018-04-20 . PolitiFact's guide to fake news websites and what they peddle . live . . 2019-08-03 . 2018-06-18 . PolitiFact.
  18. News: Becky Bratu . Erin Calabrese . Kurt Chirbas . Emmanuelle Saliba . Adam Howard . December 15, 2016 . Tall Tale or Satire? Authors of So-Called 'Fake News' Feel Misjudged . NBC News . live . 16 September 2024 . . 16 September 2024.
  19. Web site: LaCapria . Kim . 14 January 2016 . Snopes' Field Guide to Fake News Sites and Hoax Purveyors . live . . 2020-06-28 . 2016-11-24 . snopes.
  20. Web site: Gillin . Joshua . 2017-07-05 . Story about Ryan announcing Trump's resignation comes from infamous fake news writer . live . . 2018-06-20 . 2018-06-19 . PolitiFact.
  21. Web site: Levin . Sam . 2017-05-16 . Facebook promised to tackle fake news. But the evidence shows it's not working. . live . . 2018-06-25 . 2018-06-24 . The Guardian.
  22. Web site: Gillin . Joshua . 2017-01-06 . PolitiFact - No, a celebrity's car didn't break down in your hometown . . 2023-09-08 . 2024-01-27 . . en-US.
  23. Web site: 2017-01-06 . AP FACT CHECK: Alike tales of actors' car trouble are false . . 2024-01-26 . 2024-01-27 . AP News . en.
  24. Web site: Silverman . Craig . Singer-Vine . Jeremy . 2016-12-16 . The True Story Behind The Biggest Fake News Hit Of The Election . . 2023-12-03 . 2023-12-24 . BuzzFeed News . en.
  25. Web site: Silverman . Craig . 2016-12-30 . Here Are 50 Of The Biggest Fake News Hits On Facebook From 2016 . . 2023-05-10 . 2023-12-24 . BuzzFeed News . en.
  26. Web site: Evon . Dan . 2016-03-22 . 'Step Brothers 2' Rumors Are False . . 2023-06-11 . 2023-12-24 . Snopes . en.
  27. Web site: Cain . Patrick . 2016-12-24 . Fake news: No room in the stadium, Brad Pitt moving to Brantford, the War on Christmas and more . . 2022-09-09 . 2024-01-22 . . en-US.
  28. Web site: Emery . David . 2016-07-29 . Celebrity Summoned to Jury Duty in Your Town! . . 2023-06-06 . 2024-01-22 . . en.
  29. Web site: Dietrich . Matt . 2017-04-13 . PolitiFact - Fake news alert: Vin Diesel names Rockford his favorite city . . 2023-10-08 . 2024-01-27 . . en-US.
  30. News: 20 June 2016 . No, a new 'Harry Potter' movie will not be filmed in Arizona . live . . 25 March 2019 . 13 December 2016 .
  31. News: Cataldo . Laurie . 14 June 2016 . 'The Notebook 2' Not Filming in Atlantic City...or Anywhere Else . live . . 25 March 2019 . 13 December 2016 . WJLK.
  32. News: Paulson . Dave . 30 June 2016 . Sorry, Forrest Gump 2 NOT filming in Brentwood . 13 December 2016 . The Tennessean.
  33. Web site: Szaroleta . Tom . 2016-04-07 . Clint Eastwood moving to Jacksonville? . . 2024-01-25 . 2024-01-27 . . en-US.
  34. Web site: Barlette . Kristi Gustafson . 2016-05-11 . Johnny Depp did *not* say Albany has beautiful women . . 2019-02-06 . 2024-01-27 . . en-US.
  35. Web site: 2016-11-14 . Adam Sandler spoof article goes viral . . 2024-01-25 . 2024-01-27 . Kent Online . en.
  36. Web site: 2017-07-20 . This story about Leonardo DiCaprio moving to Galway is going insanely viral - but it's not true . 2024-01-27 . The Daily Edge.
  37. Allcott . Hunt . Gentzkow . Matthew . 2017-05-01 . Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election . Journal of Economic Perspectives . en . 31 . 2 . 211–236 . 10.1257/jep.31.2.211 . 0895-3309 . free.
  38. Web site: 2017-07-06 . Misinformation Directory . . 2023-11-29 . 2023-12-10 .
  39. Web site: Emery . David . 2018-01-19 . Did Macaulay Culkin Say Satanic Hollywood Executives Wear Shoes Made From Dead Children? . . 2023-06-04 . 2024-01-27 . Snopes . en.
  40. Web site: Schaedel . Sydney . 2017-07-06 . Websites that post fake and satirical stories . live . . 2018-05-12 . 2018-06-18 . FactCheck.
  41. News: Baum . Gary . September 21, 2017 . L.A. Alt-Media Agitator (Not Breitbart) Clashes With Google, Snopes . live . . September 24, 2017 . September 23, 2017 . The Hollywood Reporter.
  42. News: Boswell . Josh . January 29, 2017 . Mother churns out stories for master of fake news . live . . July 18, 2017 . May 23, 2017 . . London . The man behind one of America's biggest 'fake news' websites is a former BBC worker from London whose mother writes many of his stories. Sean Adl-Tabatabai, 35, runs, the source of scores of dubious news stories, including claims that the Queen had threatened to abdicate if the UK voted against Brexit..
  43. Web site: February 10, 2017 . Don't get fooled by these fake news sites . live . . March 1, 2019 . February 2, 2019 . CBS News.
  44. News: July 6, 2017 . Misinformation Directory . live . . August 28, 2018 . August 27, 2018 . . en-US.
  45. News: Silverman . Craig . Lytvynenko . Jane . Pham . Scott . December 28, 2017 . These Are 50 Of The Biggest Fake News Hits On Facebook In 2017 . live . . January 5, 2019 . February 2, 2019 . BuzzFeed News . en.
  46. News: Funke . Daniel . July 20, 2018 . Fact-checkers have debunked this fake news site 80 times. It's still publishing on Facebook. . live . . December 10, 2018 . February 2, 2019 . . en.
  47. News: Frier . Sarah . November 4, 2018 . Facebook Tamped Down on Hoax Sites, But Polarization Thrives . live . . November 6, 2018 . November 25, 2018 .
  48. Web site: Funke . Daniel . PolitiFact - How a disinformation network exploited satire to become a popular source of false news on Facebook . . 2023-12-08 . 2023-12-22 . PolitiFact . en-US.
  49. Web site: The former PWC staffer in charge of fake news – #exposed . . 2022-10-04 . 2023-12-23 . . en-US.
  50. Web site: 2016-11-18 . GUIDE: How to stop falling for fake news . . 2023-03-26 . 2023-12-09 . Africa Check . en.
  51. Web site: Silverman . Craig . 2016-08-09 . These Two Teenagers Keep Fooling The Internet With Justin Trudeau Hoaxes . . 2023-12-05 . 2023-12-23 . BuzzFeed . en-ca.
  52. Web site: Teoh . Flora . 31 October 2023 . Who's Behind The (Mis)Leading Report? . 16 September 2024 . . en-GB.
  53. Web site: Shaheen . Mansur . 2024-06-28 . CNN denies rumors of delay in TV broadcast of presidential debate . live . . June 28, 2024 . 2024-09-19 . The Mirror US . en.
  54. Web site: Merlan . Anna . September 17, 2024 . How the debate whistleblower car crash conspiracy went viral . live . . September 18, 2024 . 2024-09-19 . Mother Jones . en-US.
  55. Web site: Silverman . Craig . 2016-08-12 . A Bunch Of Conservative Sites Fell For A Hoax Claiming Obama Will Move To Canada If Trump Wins . . 2023-06-24 . 2023-12-24 . BuzzFeed . en-ca.
  56. Web site: 2019-06-17 . Fake quote has South Africa's agriculture minister blaming white people for cold weather . . 2023-01-30 . 2023-12-23 . Africa Check . en.
  57. News: Boburg . Shawn . Leaked files reveal reputation-management firm's deceptive tactics . . 2023-03-15 . 2023-12-18 . Washington Post . en.
  58. Web site: Part 2 – Analysis of the fake articles . . 2023-02-18 . 2023-12-18 . Qurium Media Foundation . en-GB.
  59. Web site: 2017-02-13 . Fake News Websites Used to Promote Horror Flick A Cure For Wellness Lead Stories . . 2023-03-31 . 2023-12-22 . Lead Stories . en-US.
  60. Web site: Silverman . Craig . Lytvynenko . Jane . 2017-02-13 . A Hollywood Film Is Funding Fake News As Part Of Its Publicity Campaign . . 2023-03-18 . 2023-12-22 . BuzzFeed News . en.
  61. Dourado . Tatiana . Salgado . Susana . 2021-10-02 . Disinformation in the Brazilian pre-election context: probing the content, spread and implications of fake news about Lula da Silva . The Communication Review . en . 24 . 4 . 297–319 . 10.1080/10714421.2021.1981705 . 1071-4421 . free . free . 10451/49827.
  62. News: 2020-12-10 . The dead professor and the vast pro-India disinformation campaign . . 2023-09-26 . 2023-12-27 . . en-GB.
  63. Web site: Nardelli . Alberto . Silverman . Craig . 2016-11-29 . Italy's Most Popular Political Party Is Leading Europe In Fake News And Kremlin Propaganda . . 2023-12-03 . 2024-01-21 . BuzzFeed . en-gb.
  64. Web site: Serabian . Ryan . Kapellmann Zafra . Daniel . Pro-PRC "HaiEnergy" Information Operations Campaign Leverages Infrastructure from Public Relations Firm to Disseminate Content on Inauthentic News Sites . . 2022-08-31 . 2023-12-04 . . en.
  65. News: Bacungan. VJ. CBCP to public: Fight 'fake news'. CNN Philippines. June 23, 2017. June 27, 2017. June 26, 2017. dead.
  66. Web site: Nimmo . Ben . Torrey . Mike . 2022-09-27 . Taking down coordinated inauthentic behavior from Russia and China . . 2022-09-27 . 2023-11-30 . Facebook.
  67. Web site: Nimmo . Ben . Ronzaud . Léa . Eib . C. Shawn . Echoes of Fake News - Facebook Downs Assets Linked to Deceptive Websites Run from Separatist-Held Ukraine, First Reported by Die Welt and Netzpolitik . . 2023-12-26 . 2023-12-30 . Graphika.
  68. Web site: Bengani . Priyanjana . 2021-10-14 . The Metric Media network runs more than 1,200 local news sites. Here are some of the non-profits funding them. . . 2023-07-30 . 2023-12-18 . Columbia Journalism Review . en.
  69. Web site: Funke . Daniel . 2018-10-18 . Khashoggi misinformation highlights a growing number of fake fact-checkers . . 2022-10-25 . 2023-12-23 . Poynter . en-US.
  70. Web site: Funke . Daniel . 2019-02-15 . This website impersonated a fact-checking outlet to publish fake news stories . . 2023-01-07 . 2023-12-23 . Poynter . en-US.
  71. Web site: Silverman . Craig . 2018-06-14 . A Marketing Site Deleted Over 7,000 Articles After It Was Caught Stealing Fact-Checks And Plagiarizing . . 2022-12-24 . 2023-12-18 . BuzzFeed News . en.
  72. Web site: Sözeri . Efe Kerem . 2017-05-31 . These fake 'fact-checkers' are peddling lies about genocide and censorship in Turkey . . 2023-04-17 . 2024-05-06 . . en-US.
  73. Moshirnia . Andrew . 2020 . Who Will Check the Checkers? False Factcheckers and Memetic Misinformation . Utah Law Review . 2020 . 4 . . 2020-09-19.
  74. Web site: 2018-12-21 . Fact-checkers seek out grain of truth in Turkey's fake-news onslaught . . 2020-12-01 . 2024-05-06 . . en-GB.
  75. News: Jackson . Jasper . 2017-02-15 . Fact-checkers are weapons in the post-truth wars, but they're not all on one side . . 2022-02-01 . 2024-05-06 . The Guardian . en-GB . 0261-3077.
  76. Web site: Funke . Daniel . 2018-07-27 . When fact-checkers are the subjects of misinformation . . 2022-12-30 . 2023-12-23 . Poynter . en-US.
  77. News: Fisher . Max . 2021-07-25 . Disinformation for Hire, a Shadow Industry, Is Quietly Booming . . 2023-12-30 . . 2023-11-02.
  78. Web site: 2021-05-27 . Bogus fact-checking site amplified by dozens of Indian embassies on social media . . 2023-03-31 . 2023-12-30 . Digital Forensic Research Lab . en.
  79. Web site: Daro . Ishmael N. . 2018-10-12 . Saudi Media Are Promoting A Ludicrous "Fake Fiancé" Conspiracy Theory About Missing Journalist Jamal Khashoggi . . 2022-10-25 . 2023-12-23 . BuzzFeed News . en.
  80. Web site: 2018-09-12 . Mural Eletrônico . . 2020-07-13 . 2023-12-23 . Superior Electoral Court.
  81. Web site: 2019-03-10 . IFCN Code of Principles . . 2019-03-10 . 2020-03-12.
  82. Web site: Tiwari . Ayush . 18 July 2020 . OpIndia: Hate speech, vanishing advertisers, and an undisclosed BJP connection . live . . 17 December 2021 . 27 June 2020 . Newslaundry.
  83. Web site: Baig . Rachel . 2022-03-09 . How one 'fact-checking' site spreads Russian propaganda . . 2023-11-13 . 2023-12-18 . . en.
  84. Web site: Romero . Luiz . 2022-08-08 . PolitiFact - How 'War on Fakes' uses fact-checking to spread pro-Russia propaganda . . 2023-06-10 . 2023-12-18 . . en-US.
  85. Web site: 2024-09-06 . U.S. Seizes Websites NewsGuard Rated as Russian Disinformation . . 2024-09-07 . 2024-09-07 . . en.
  86. Web site: 2024-09-04 . doppelganger_affidavit_9.4.24.pdf . . 2024-09-07 . 2024-09-07 . United States Department of Justice.
  87. Web site: Tracking AI-enabled Misinformation: 1,090 'Unreliable AI-Generated News' Websites (and Counting), Plus the Top False Narratives Generated by Artificial Intelligence Tools . . 2024-10-08 . 2024-10-19 . . en-US.
  88. Web site: Funding the Next Generation of Content Farms - Misinformation Monitor: June 2023 . . 2023-12-06 . 2023-12-14 . NewsGuard . en-US.
  89. Web site: 2024-07-26 . "Biden is Dead" Hoax Lives On . . 2024-08-02 . 2024-08-02 . . en.
  90. Web site: 2023-05-01 . Rise of the Newsbots: AI-Generated News Websites Proliferating Online . . 2023-12-07 . 2023-12-14 . NewsGuard . en-US.
  91. News: 2023-05-01 . AI Chatbots Have Been Used to Create Dozens of News Content Farms . . 2023-05-01 . 2024-04-17 . . en.
  92. Web site: Regimbal . Alec . October 18, 2023 . 'Fake news' site publishes more false stories about San Francisco Supervisor Dean Preston . March 6, 2024 . SFGate.
  93. News: Hill . Kashmir . Hsu . Tiffany . 2024-06-06 . It Looked Like a Reliable News Site. It Was an A.I. Chop Shop. . . 2024-06-12 . 2024-08-02 . The New York Times . en-US . 0362-4331.
  94. Web site: Exclusive: NewsGuard Uncovers Network of Italian-Language Unreliable AI Generated Sites . . 2023-10-13 . 2023-12-14 . NewsGuard . en-US.
  95. News: Brewster . Jack . 2024-04-12 . How I Built an AI-Powered, Self-Running Propaganda Machine for $105 . . 2024-04-14 . 2024-04-17 . . en-US.
  96. News: Stern . Marlow . 2017-08-24 . Inside the Fake-Islamic Site Posting Hacked Nude Photos of A-List Celebrities . . 2024-02-05 . 2024-04-17 . The Daily Beast . en.
  97. Husain . Taneem . 2018 . Can Islam Be Satirized? Celeb Jihad's "Explosive Celebrity Gossip" and the Divide between Islam and Mainstream American Culture . American Studies . 56 . 3 . 69–82 . 10.1353/ams.2018.0003 . 2153-6856 . . 2022-03-31.
  98. Web site: Smith . Ryan . 2024-01-27 . The violation of Taylor Swift . . 2024-04-06 . 2024-04-17 . . en.
  99. Web site: Ross . Martha . 2018-03-16 . Meghan Markle, the latest female celebrity to deal with real or fake nude photos posted online . . 2022-07-24 . 2024-04-17 . . en-US.
  100. News: Cantor . Matthew . 2023-05-08 . Nearly 50 news websites are 'AI-generated', a study says. Would I be able to tell? . en-GB . The Guardian . 2023-12-14 . . 2023-12-11 . 0261-3077.
  101. Web site: Plagiarism-Bot? How Low-Quality Websites Are Using AI to Deceptively Rewrite Content from Mainstream News Outlets - Misinformation Monitor: August 2023 . . 2023-08-26 . 2023-12-14 . NewsGuard . en-US.
  102. Web site: Abels . Grace . 2024-06-14 . No, Steelers coach did not call Pride Month 'woke crap.' . . 2024-06-14 . 2024-06-19 . . en-US.
  103. Web site: Pink Slime Network Infects 49 States with Fake COVID-19 Death Claims . . 2024-06-07 . 2024-06-08 . . en.
  104. Web site: NewsGuard . Google News Promotes AI-Generated "News" . . 2024-06-24 . 2024-07-08 . . en.
  105. Web site: NewsGuard Now Identifies 125 News and Information Websites Generated by AI, Develops Framework for Defining 'Unreliable AI-Generated News' and Information Sources . . 2023-10-28 . 2023-12-14 . NewsGuard . en-US.
  106. Web site: 2024-03-25 . NewsGuard's Reality Check . . 2024-04-08 . 2024-04-17 . . en.
  107. Web site: Wang . Berry . Xiaoyu . Li . Clarke . Jamie . 2023-06-14 . Analysis: NewsGPT publishes an array of AI-generated falsehood . . 2024-09-01 . 2024-10-06 . . en-US.
  108. Web site: Harrison . Maggie . 2023-03-03 . News Site Launches That's Completely Generated by AI . . 2023-03-30 . 2023-12-18 . Futurism.
  109. Web site: Cercone . Jeff . 2024-06-10 . Chiefs have issued no statements about Pride Month . . 2024-06-13 . 2024-06-19 . . en-US.
  110. Web site: Fong . Joss . 2020-03-04 . The era of fake writing is upon us . . 2020-03-04 . 2023-12-21 . Vox . en.
  111. Web site: Robitzski . Dan . 2020-02-13 . This site uses AI to generate fake news articles . . 2023-06-06 . 2023-12-18 . Futurism.
  112. News: Thompson . Stuart A. . 2024-06-13 . Fake News Still Has a Home on Facebook . . 2024-06-18 . 2024-06-19 . . en-US . 0362-4331.
  113. Web site: Spencer . Saranac Hale . 2023-12-15 . Fake Story About Trans Athlete Spreads Online . . 2024-02-23 . 2024-06-19 . . en-US.
  114. Web site: Liles . Jordan . 2023-12-01 . Did Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk Announce a New Media Empire Collaboration in November 2023? . . 2024-02-28 . 2024-06-19 . . en.
  115. Web site: Fact Check: Taylor Swift has not been banned from attending NFL games . . 2024-06-19 . 2024-06-19 . Reuters.
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  259. Web site: LaCapria . Kim . 2017-05-09 . FACT CHECK: Is Harvard University Segregating Graduation Ceremonies? . . 2022-12-20 . 2024-05-16 . . en.
  260. Web site: MacGuill . Dan . 2020-09-02 . Did California DA Say Looting Is 'Okay' If Suspects 'Need' the Items? . . 2023-10-07 . 2024-05-16 . . en.
  261. Web site: 2022-12-08 . Lead Stories Uncovers Network of Cambodian Websites Pushing Death Hoaxes On Facebook To Spread Malware Lead Stories . . 2023-11-27 . 2023-12-18 . Lead Stories . en-US.
  262. Web site: 2018-04-25 . Global Fake News Network Responsible For Dozens of Death Hoaxes Shuts Down After Ghana Connections Revealed Lead Stories . . 2022-12-06 . 2023-12-18 . . en-US.
  263. Web site: 2019-01-17 . Macedonian Fake News Network Shuts Down Dozens Of Websites After Joint Investigation By Lead Stories & Nieuwscheckers Lead Stories . . 2023-03-29 . 2023-12-21 . Lead Stories . en-US.
  264. News: Higgins . Andrew . Mcintire . Mike . Dance . Gabriel J.x. . 2016-11-25 . Inside a Fake News Sausage Factory: 'This Is All About Income' . live . . 2019-04-07 . 2016-11-26 . The New York Times . 0362-4331.
  265. News: Ackerman . Spencer . Resnick . Gideon . Collins . Ben . 2018-03-02 . Leaked: Secret Documents From Russia's Election Trolls . . 2023-12-16 . 2023-12-25 . The Daily Beast . en.
  266. Web site: 2019-02-04 . Fake News: Gérard Jugnot Did NOT Die This Morning . . 2023-09-24 . 2024-08-01 . Lead Stories . en-US.
  267. Web site: Kim . Sunny . 2018-09-20 . This fake news generator is a head-turning troll machine . . 2020-09-29 . 2024-01-07 . . en-US.
  268. Web site: 2018-09-23 . Reign of "New Fake News King" Already At An End? The Fake News Generator Blocked By Facebook . . 2020-10-01 . 2024-01-07 . Lead Stories . en-US.
  269. Web site: Silverman . Craig . Spary . Sara . 2017-05-29 . Create-Your-Own-Fake-News Sites Are Booming On Facebook And Victims Feel Powerless To Stop Them . . 2022-12-08 . 2023-12-23 . BuzzFeed News . en.
  270. Web site: 2016-03-01 . Fake New York Times Article Claims Elizabeth Warren Endorsed Bernie Sanders . . 2023-07-12 . 2024-04-02 . The New York Times.
  271. Web site: Evans . Claire L. . 2015-04-23 . 'Clone Zone' Is an Easy Tool for Building Fake Websites . . 2020-10-30 . 2024-04-02 . . en.
  272. Reynolds . Emily . 2016-03-02 . 'Clone Zone' website tricks gullible Facebook users . . 2022-12-05 . 2024-04-02 . . en-US . 1059-1028.
  273. Web site: 2015-04-24 . The True Story Behind Those Mysterious Fake Web Pages You've Been Seeing . . 2022-05-22 . 2024-04-02 . . en.
  274. Web site: Thompson . Matt . 2016-04-01 . Clone Zone: Democratizing April Foolery . . 2022-08-14 . 2024-04-02 . The Atlantic . en.
  275. News: 2016-03-02 . This is what happens when someone decides an Internet hoax is 'art' . . 2017-10-15 . 2024-04-02 . The Washington Post.
  276. Web site: 2016-03-03 . Don't fall for this fake website trick . . 2024-03-06 . 2024-04-02 . . en-GB.
  277. Web site: 2014-03-18 . Faking celeb deaths a big business for some websites, expert says . . 2022-09-28 . 2024-04-02 . . en-US.
  278. Web site: 2018-10-05 . Is The Fake News Generator Back In Business? -- It Took a Single Dash and $12 To Evade Filters Lead Stories . . 2023-06-07 . 2023-12-24 . Lead Stories . en-US.
  279. Web site: Evon . Dan . 2015-08-04 . Is Pepsico Discontinuing Mountain Dew? . . 2023-09-27 . 2024-01-07 . Snopes . en.
  280. News: Dewey . Caitlin . 2014-06-16 . Beware fakeShare, the tricky new hoax site sowing lies in your Facebook feed . . 2022-12-06 . 2024-01-07 . Washington Post . en-US . 0190-8286.
  281. Web site: LaCapria . Kim . 2015-09-09 . Doe Rations . . 2022-12-26 . 2024-01-07 . Snopes . en.
  282. Web site: LaCapria . Kim . 2016-05-11 . Big Lots Closing? . . 2023-11-30 . 2024-07-07 . . en.
  283. Web site: Brodeur . Michael Andor . 2014-08-30 . The Internet's fake news problem - The Boston Globe . . 2014-09-05 . 2024-04-02 . . en-US.
  284. Web site: 2015-11-16 . Estado Islámico NO ha emitido amenaza contra Puerto Rico . . 2016-01-23 . 2024-08-01 . Univision.
  285. Web site: Evon . Dan . 2015-09-14 . No Dough? . . 2022-12-25 . 2024-01-07 . Snopes . en.
  286. Web site: LaCapria . Kim . 2016-03-31 . Kohl's Bankrupt, Closing 818 Stores? . . 2023-02-08 . 2024-01-07 . Snopes . en.
  287. Web site: 2014-06-17 . SHRTURL, The Hoax News Generator, Has Shut Down . . 2022-10-03 . 2024-04-02 . . en.
  288. Web site: 2017-11-10 . Entire Network Of Fake News Websites Vanishes In Wake Of Mandalay Bay Hoax . . 2022-02-06 . 2023-12-23 . Lead Stories . en-US.
  289. Web site: Silverman . Craig . 2017-03-30 . More Than 30 Websites Are Churning Out Viral Hoaxes About Crazy Crimes And Hip-Hop Beefs . . 2022-11-28 . 2023-12-23 . BuzzFeed News . en.
  290. News: Alba . Davey . Nicas . Jack . 2020-10-20 . Here Are the Hundreds of Sites in a Pay-to-Play Local News Network . . 2023-03-03 . 2023-12-18 . The New York Times . en-US . 0362-4331.
  291. News: December 30, 2018 . VERA FILES FACT CHECK YEARENDER: Ads reveal links between websites producing fake news . live . . February 12, 2019 . February 10, 2019 . Vera Files.
  292. Web site: Network . . 2022-07-21 . 2024-04-02 . NewsGuard.
  293. Web site: O'Rourke . Ciara . PolitiFact - No, NASA didn't confirm Earth will go dark for six days . . 2023-09-26 . 2024-01-24 . . en-US.
  294. Web site: Mikkelson . David . 2012-08-12 . 6 Days of Darkness in December 2020? . . 2023-09-29 . 2024-01-24 . Snopes . en.
  295. Web site: 2019-06-05 . Fake News: Zika Virus NOT Found In Recent Shipment Of Bananas; CDC NOT Warning Of Safety Concerns Lead Stories . . 2023-09-23 . 2024-01-27 . Lead Stories . en-US.
  296. Web site: 2018-04-29 . Fake News: Comedian Bill Cosby NOT Dead Of Apparent Suicide At Age 80 Lead Stories . . 2023-05-29 . 2023-12-24 . Lead Stories . en-US.
  297. Web site: Gillin . Joshua . PolitiFact - Fake headline muddles real story of man cooked to death in tuna oven . . 2022-08-16 . 2024-01-22 . . en-US.
  298. Web site: LaCapria . Kim . 2016-06-23 . Las Vegas Parents Facing Charges for Modifying 8-Month-Old Baby's Ears . . 2023-02-07 . 2024-01-27 . Snopes . en.
  299. Web site: Gillin . Joshua . 2017-03-06 . PolitiFact - Rats! Rumors of tons of rodent meat passed off as chicken wings in U.S. are fake news . . 2022-08-14 . 2024-02-04 . . en-US.
  300. News: Dewey . Caitlin . 2015-12-04 . What was fake on the Internet this week: bear rapes, 'false flags' and gold testicles . live . . 2017-10-12 . 2017-01-02 . The Washington Post . en-US . 0190-8286.
  301. Joshua Gillin, Fake news story says United flight attendant slapped baby during flight from Chicago, PolitiFact (April 18, 2017).
  302. Web site: LaCapria . Kim . 2016-05-10 . Pro-Lifers Declare Every Sperm Is Sacred . . 2023-01-12 . 2023-12-24 . Snopes . en.
  303. Web site: Silverman . Craig . Pham . Scott . 2018-12-28 . In Spite Of Its Efforts, Facebook Is Still The Home Of Hugely Viral Fake News . . 2023-10-16 . 2023-12-24 . BuzzFeed News . en.
  304. Web site: NewsGuard's Misinformation SWAT Team Issues Red Ratings to Two Networks Publishing Dozens of Hoax Websites . . 2023-11-13 . 2023-12-24 . NewsGuard . en-US.
  305. Web site: 2019-01-01 . Fake News: Woman NOT Charged After Slowly Eating Husband Alive Over Three Years . . 2023-03-22 . 2023-12-24 . Lead Stories . en-US.
  306. Web site: Horgan . Richard . 2016-04-18 . This Fake News Site Really Is Batty . . 2021-02-25 . 2023-12-24 . . en-US.
  307. Web site: Silverman . Craig . 2017-04-17 . How A False Story About A Husband And Wife Being Twins Ended Up On Major News Websites . . 2018-09-27 . 2023-12-24 . BuzzFeed News . en.
  308. Web site: Emery . David . 2017-04-20 . Florida Man, High on Meth, Cuts Off Genitals and Feeds Them to Alligator? . . 2023-02-03 . 2023-12-08 . Snopes . en.
  309. Web site: . . 2020-04-25 . 2023-12-24 . NewsGuard.
  310. Web site: 2018-10-02 . Fake News: Boy NOT Hailed As Hero, Did NOT Shoot Pedophile Home Intruder Dead . . 2023-09-24 . 2024-01-07 . Lead Stories . en-US.
  311. Web site: 2017-08-01 . Fake News: Lexington Man NOT Arrested After He Was Caught Masturbating $35 Million Stud Horse Trying To Steal Its Semen Lead Stories . . 2023-03-31 . 2023-12-14 . . en-US.
  312. Web site: Gamp . Joseph . 2016-06-18 . It's official: Kim Jong-un has NOT been killed by suicide bombers . . 2022-08-12 . 2023-12-24 . . en.
  313. Web site: 2018-10-19 . Fake News: Woman High On Meth Did NOT Die After Pumping Gasoline Into Her Anus . . 2023-09-28 . 2023-12-24 . Lead Stories . en-US.
  314. News: Dewey . Caitlin . 2015-08-28 . What was fake on the Internet this week: Selfie lice, Joey Fatone and James Earl Jones RIPs . en-US . The Washington Post . live . 2017-01-02 . . 2017-04-09 . 0190-8286.
  315. News: Dewey . Caitlin . 2015-11-06 . What was fake on the Internet this week: amazing cows, the KKK and a 'Secret Sister' gift exchange . en-US . The Washington Post . live . 2017-01-02 . . 2015-11-15 . 0190-8286.
  316. News: Dewey . Caitlin . 2015-09-25 . What was fake on the Internet this week: Casey Anthony's death and Chipotle's 9/11 ad . en-US . The Washington Post . live . 2017-01-02 . . 2016-11-12 . 0190-8286.
  317. Web site: Silverman . Craig . 2017-06-05 . An Ad Network That Works With Fake News Sites Just Launched An Anti—Fake News Initiative . . 2023-08-03 . 2024-08-01 . . en.
  318. Web site: 2018-03-18 . Fake News: Melania Trump Did NOT Announce Divorce . . 2023-09-27 . 2024-02-03 . Lead Stories.
  319. Web site: Silverman . Craig . 2018-03-01 . Publishers Are Switching Domain Names To Try To Stay Ahead Of Facebook's Algorithm Changes . . 2023-04-30 . 2024-02-03 . BuzzFeed News . en.
  320. Web site: 2018-02-02 . No Logan Act Charges Against John Kerry . . 2023-06-09 . 2024-02-03 .
  321. Web site: 2018-02-15 . John Kerry not facing Logan Act charges . . 2024-01-28 . 2024-02-03 . . en-US.