Laura Tremosa Explained

Laura Tremosa Bonavia (born 1937, Espolla, Catalonia) is a Spanish industrial engineer and feminist. She studied mechanical engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona, and earned her doctorate in the same field at the UPC in 1964. She was the first Catalan woman, and the second Spanish woman who qualified in industrial engineering.[1] [2] [3] [4]

Selected works

Notes and References

  1. News: Las mujeres de mi época veían la carrera muy larga. 11 March 2015. El Periodico. 9 June 2012. Spanish.
  2. News: GARCÍA GARCÍA. SONIA. Laura Tremosa: "Em pregunto si les dones hem sigut colonitzades pels homes". El Periodico. 16 February 2010. Catalan. 11 March 2015. 1 February 2014. dead.
  3. Book: Segura, Antoni. Ensenyament, cultura, justícia. 2000. Edicions Universitat Barcelona. 978-84-8338-296-7. 159.
  4. Book: Arnal. Salvador López. López. López Arnal. Fuente. Pere de la. Acerca de Manuel Sacristán Luzón. 1 March 1996. Destino. 978-84-233-2566-5. 748.