Latin Extended-B Explained

Alphabets:Africa alphabet
1 0 0:113
1 1:35
3 0:30
3 2:1
4 0:4
4 1:11
5 0:14
Note:Block range was extended by 80 code points in Unicode 1.1 during the unification with ISO 10646.[1] [2]

Latin Extended-B is the fourth block (0180-024F) of the Unicode Standard. It has been included since version 1.0, where it was only allocated to the code points 0180-01FF and contained 113 characters. During unification with ISO 10646 for version 1.1, the block range was extended by 80 code points and another 35 characters were assigned. In version 3.0 and later, the last 60 available code points in the block were assigned. Its block name in Unicode 1.0 was Extended Latin.[3]

Character table

Non-European and historic Latin
U+0180ƀLatin Small Letter B with Stroke
U+0181ƁLatin Capital Letter B with Hook
U+0182ƂLatin Capital Letter B with Top Bar
U+0183ƃLatin Small Letter B with Top Bar
U+0184ƄLatin Capital Letter Tone Six
U+0185ƅLatin Small Letter Tone Six
U+0186ƆLatin Capital Letter Open O
U+0187ƇLatin Capital Letter C with Hook
U+0188ƈLatin Small Letter C with Hook
U+0189ƉLatin Capital Letter African D
U+018AƊLatin Capital Letter D with Hook
U+018BƋLatin Capital Letter D with Top Bar
U+018CƌLatin Small Letter D with Top Bar
U+018DƍLatin Small Letter Turned Delta
U+018EƎLatin Capital Letter Reversed E
U+018FƏLatin Capital Letter Schwa
U+0190ƐLatin Capital Letter Open E (= Latin Capital Letter Epsilon)
U+0191ƑLatin Capital Letter F with Hook
U+0192ƒLatin Small Letter F with Hook
U+0193ƓLatin Capital Letter G with Hook
U+0194ƔLatin Capital Letter Gamma
U+0195ƕLatin Small Letter HV
U+0196ƖLatin Capital Letter Iota
U+0197ƗLatin Capital Letter I with Stroke
U+0198ƘLatin Capital Letter K with Hook
U+0199ƙLatin Small Letter K with Hook
U+019AƚLatin Small Letter L with Bar
U+019BƛLatin Small Letter Lambda with Stroke
U+019CƜLatin Capital Letter Turned M
U+019DƝLatin Capital Letter N with Left Hook
U+019EƞLatin Small Letter N with Long Right Leg
U+019FƟLatin Capital Letter O with Middle Tilde
U+01A0ƠLatin Capital Letter O with Horn
U+01A1ơLatin Small Letter O with Horn
U+01A2ƢLatin Capital Letter OI (= Latin Capital Letter Gha)
U+01A3ƣLatin Small Letter OI (= Latin Small Letter Gha)
U+01A4ƤLatin Capital Letter P with Hook
U+01A5ƥLatin Small Letter P with Hook
U+01A6ƦLatin Letter YR
U+01A7ƧLatin Capital Letter Tone Two
U+01A8ƨLatin Small Letter Tone Two
U+01A9ƩLatin Capital Letter Esh
U+01AAƪLatin Letter Reversed Esh Loop
U+01ABƫLatin Small Letter T with Palatal Hook
U+01ACƬLatin Capital Letter T with Hook
U+01ADƭLatin Small Letter T with Hook
U+01AEƮLatin Capital Letter T with Retroflex Hook
U+01AFƯLatin Capital Letter U with Horn
U+01B0ưLatin Small Letter U with Horn
U+01B1ƱLatin Capital Letter Upsilon
U+01B2ƲLatin Capital Letter V with Hook
U+01B3ƳLatin Capital Letter Y with Hook
U+01B4ƴLatin Small Letter Y with Hook
U+01B5ƵLatin Capital Letter Z with Stroke
U+01B6ƶLatin Small Letter Z with Stroke
U+01B7ƷLatin Capital Letter Ezh
U+01B8ƸLatin Capital Letter Ezh Reversed
U+01B9ƹLatin Small Letter Ezh Reversed
U+01BAƺLatin Small Letter Ezh with Tail
U+01BBƻLatin Letter Two with Stroke
U+01BCƼLatin Capital Letter Tone Five
U+01BDƽLatin Small Letter Tone Five
U+01BEƾLatin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop with Stroke
U+01BFƿLatin Letter Wynn
African letters for clicks
U+01C0ǀLatin Letter Dental Click
U+01C1ǁLatin Letter Lateral Click
U+01C2ǂLatin Letter Alveolar Click
U+01C3ǃLatin Letter Retroflex Click
Croatian digraphs matching Serbian Cyrillic letters
U+01C4DŽLatin Capital Letter DZ with Caron
U+01C5DžLatin Capital Letter D with Small Letter Z with Caron
U+01C6džLatin Small Letter DZ with Caron
U+01C7LJLatin Capital Letter LJ
U+01C8LjLatin Capital Letter L with Small Letter J
U+01C9ljLatin Small Letter LJ
U+01CANJLatin Capital Letter NJ
U+01CBNjLatin Capital Letter N with Small Letter J
U+01CCnjLatin Small Letter NJ
Pinyin diacritic-vowel combinations
U+01CDǍLatin Capital Letter A with Caron
U+01CEǎLatin Small Letter A with Caron
U+01CFǏLatin Capital Letter I with Caron
U+01D0ǐLatin Small Letter I with Caron
U+01D1ǑLatin Capital Letter O with Caron
U+01D2ǒLatin Small Letter O with Caron
U+01D3ǓLatin Capital Letter U with Caron
U+01D4ǔLatin Small Letter U with Caron
U+01D5ǕLatin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis and Macron
U+01D6ǖLatin Small Letter U with Diaeresis and Macron
U+01D7ǗLatin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis and Acute
U+01D8ǘLatin Small Letter U with Diaeresis and Acute
U+01D9ǙLatin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis and Caron
U+01DAǚLatin Small Letter U with Diaeresis and Caron
U+01DBǛLatin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis and Grave
U+01DCǜLatin Small Letter U with Diaeresis and Grave
Phonetic and historic letters
U+01DDǝLatin Small Letter Turned E
U+01DEǞLatin Capital Letter A with Diaeresis and Macron
U+01DFǟLatin Small Letter A with Diaeresis and Macron
U+01E0ǠLatin Capital Letter A with Dot Above and Macron
U+01E1ǡLatin Small Letter A with Dot Above and Macron
U+01E2ǢLatin Capital Letter AE with Macron
U+01E3ǣLatin Small Letter AE with Macron
U+01E4ǤLatin Capital Letter G with Stroke
U+01E5ǥLatin Small Letter G with Stroke
U+01E6ǦLatin Capital Letter G with Caron
U+01E7ǧLatin Small Letter G with Caron
U+01E8ǨLatin Capital Letter K with Caron
U+01E9ǩLatin Small Letter K with Caron
U+01EAǪLatin Capital Letter O with Ogonek
U+01EBǫLatin Small Letter O with Ogonek
U+01ECǬLatin Capital Letter O with Ogonek and Macron (=Latin Capital Letter O with Macron and Ogonek)
U+01EDǭLatin Small Letter O with Ogonek and Macron (=Latin Small Letter O with Macron and Ogonek)
U+01EEǮLatin Capital Letter Ezh with Caron
U+01EFǯLatin Small Letter Ezh with Caron
U+01F0ǰLatin Small Letter J with Caron
U+01F1DZLatin Capital Letter DZ
U+01F2DzLatin Capital Letter D with Small Letter Z
U+01F3dzLatin Small Letter DZ
U+01F4ǴLatin Capital Letter G with Acute
U+01F5ǵLatin Small Letter G with Acute
U+01F6ǶLatin Capital Letter Hwair
U+01F7ǷLatin Capital Letter Wynn
U+01F8ǸLatin Capital Letter N with Grave
U+01F9ǹLatin Small Letter N with Grave
U+01FAǺLatin Capital Letter A with Ring Above and Acute
U+01FBǻLatin Small Letter A with Ring Above and Acute
U+01FCǼLatin Capital Letter AE with Acute
U+01FDǽLatin Small Letter AE with Acute
U+01FEǾLatin Capital Letter O with Stroke and Acute
U+01FFǿLatin Small Letter O with Stroke and Acute
Additions for Slovenian and Croatian
U+0200ȀLatin Capital Letter A with Double Grave
U+0201ȁLatin Small Letter A with Double Grave
U+0202ȂLatin Capital Letter A with Inverted Breve
U+0203ȃLatin Small Letter A with Inverted Breve
U+0204ȄLatin Capital Letter E with Double Grave
U+0205ȅLatin Small Letter E with Double Grave
U+0206ȆLatin Capital Letter E with Inverted Breve
U+0207ȇLatin Small Letter E with Inverted Breve
U+0208ȈLatin Capital Letter I with Double Grave
U+0209ȉLatin Small Letter I with Double Grave
U+020AȊLatin Capital Letter I with Inverted Breve
U+020BȋLatin Small Letter I with Inverted Breve
U+020CȌLatin Capital Letter O with Double Grave
U+020DȍLatin Small Letter O with Double Grave
U+020EȎLatin Capital Letter O with Inverted Breve
U+020FȏLatin Small Letter O with Inverted Breve
U+0210ȐLatin Capital Letter R with Double Grave
U+0211ȑLatin Small Letter R with Double Grave
U+0212ȒLatin Capital Letter R with Inverted Breve
U+0213ȓLatin Small Letter R with Inverted Breve
U+0214ȔLatin Capital Letter U with Double Grave
U+0215ȕLatin Small Letter U with Double Grave
U+0216ȖLatin Capital Letter U with Inverted Breve
U+0217ȗLatin Small Letter U with Inverted Breve
Additions for Romanian
U+0218ȘLatin Capital Letter S with Comma Below
U+0219șLatin Small Letter S with Comma Below
U+021AȚLatin Capital Letter T with Comma Below
U+021BțLatin Small Letter T with Comma Below
Miscellaneous additions
U+021CȜLatin Capital Letter Yogh
U+021DȝLatin Small Letter Yogh
U+021EȞLatin Capital Letter H with Caron
U+021FȟLatin Small Letter H with Caron
U+0220ȠLatin Capital Letter N with Long Right Leg
U+0221ȡLatin Small Letter D with Curl
U+0222ȢLatin Capital Letter OU
U+0223ȣLatin Small Letter OU
U+0224ȤLatin Capital Letter Z with Hook
U+0225ȥLatin Small Letter Z with Hook
U+0226ȦLatin Capital Letter A with Dot Above
U+0227ȧLatin Small Letter A with Dot Above
U+0228ȨLatin Capital Letter E with Cedilla
U+0229ȩLatin Small Letter E with Cedilla
Additions for Livonian
U+022AȪLatin Capital Letter O with Diaeresis and Macron
U+022BȫLatin Small Letter O with Diaeresis and Macron
U+022CȬLatin Capital Letter O with Tilde and Macron
U+022DȭLatin Small Letter O with Tilde and Macron
U+022EȮLatin Capital Letter O with Dot Above
U+022FȯLatin Small Letter O with Dot Above
U+0230ȰLatin Capital Letter O with Dot Above and Macron
U+0231ȱLatin Small Letter O with Dot Above and Macron
U+0232ȲLatin Capital Letter Y with Macron
U+0233ȳLatin Small Letter Y with Macron
Additions for Sinology
U+0234ȴLatin Small Letter L with Curl
U+0235ȵLatin Small Letter N with Curl
U+0236ȶLatin Small Letter T with Curl
Miscellaneous addition
U+0237ȷLatin Small Letter Dotless J
Additions for Africanist linguistics
U+0238ȸLatin Small Letter DB Digraph
U+0239ȹLatin Small Letter QP Digraph
Additions for Sencoten
U+023AȺLatin Capital Letter A with Stroke
U+023BȻLatin Capital Letter C with Stroke
U+023CȼLatin Small Letter C with Stroke
U+023DȽLatin Capital Letter L with Bar
U+023EȾLatin Capital Letter T with Diagonal Stroke
Additions for Africanist linguistics
U+023FȿLatin Small Letter S with Swash Tail
U+0240ɀLatin Small Letter Z with Swash Tail
Miscellaneous additions
U+0241ɁLatin Capital Letter Glottal Stop
U+0242ɂLatin Small Letter Glottal Stop
U+0243ɃLatin Capital Letter B with Stroke
U+0244ɄLatin Capital Letter U Bar
U+0245ɅLatin Capital Letter Turned V
U+0246ɆLatin Capital Letter E with Stroke
U+0247ɇLatin Small Letter E with Stroke
U+0248ɈLatin Capital Letter J with Stroke
U+0249ɉLatin Small Letter J with Stroke
U+024AɊLatin Capital Letter Q with Hook Tail
U+024BɋLatin Small Letter Q with Hook Tail
U+024CɌLatin Capital Letter R with Stroke
U+024DɍLatin Small Letter R with Stroke
U+024EɎLatin Capital Letter Y with Stroke
U+024FɏLatin Small Letter Y with Stroke


The Latin Extended-B block contains ten subheadings for groups of characters: Non-European and historic Latin, African letters for clicks, Croatian digraphs matching Serbian Cyrillic letters, Pinyin diacritic-vowel combinations, Phonetic and historic letters, Additions for Slovenian and Croatian, Additions for Romanian, Miscellaneous additions, Additions for Livonian, and Additions for Sinology. The Non-European and historic, African clicks, Croatian digraphs, Pinyin, and the first part of the Phonetic and historic letters were present in Unicode 1.0; additional Phonetic and historic letters were added for version 3.0; and other Phonetic and historic, as well as the rest of the sub-blocks were the characters added for version 1.1.

Non-European and historic Latin

The Non-European and historic Latin subheading contains the first 64 characters of the block, and includes various variant letters for use in Zhuang, Americanist phonetic transcription, African languages, and other Latin script alphabets. It does not contain any standard letters with diacritics.

African letters for clicks

The four African letters for clicks are used in Khoisan orthography.

Croatian digraphs matching Serbian Cyrillic letters

The Croatian digraphs matching Serbian Cyrillic letters are three sets of three case mappings (lower case, upper case, and title case) of Latin digraphs used for compatibility with Cyrillic texts, Serbo-Croatian being a digraphic language.

Pinyin diacritic-vowel combinations

The 16 Pinyin diacritic-vowel combinations are used to represent the standard Mandarin Chinese vowel sounds with tone marks.

Phonetic and historic letters

The 35 Phonetic and historic letters are largely various standard and variant Latin letters with diacritic marks.

Additions for Slovenian and Croatian

The 24 Additions for Slovenian and Croatian are all standard Latin letters with unusual diacritics, like the double grave and inverted breve.

Additions for Romanian

The Additions for Romanian are 4 characters that were erroneously unified as having a cedilla, when they have a comma below. The conflation of S and T with cedilla vs. comma below continues to plague Romanian language implementation up to the present.[4]

Miscellaneous additions

The Miscellaneous additions subheading contains 39 characters of various description and origin.

Additions for Livonian

The Additions for Livonian are 10 letters with diacritics for writing the Livonian language.

Additions for Sinology

The Additions for Sinology are three lowercase letters with curls used in the study of classical Chinese language.

Additions for Africanist linguistics

The Additions for Africanist linguistics are two lowercase letter with swash tails used in Africanist linguistics.

Additions for Sencoten

The Additions for Sencoten are 5 letters with strokes for writing Saanich.

Number of letters

The following table shows the number of letters in the Latin Extended-B block.

Type of subheadingNumber of symbolsRange of characters
Non-European and historic Latin64 various letters for use in Zhuang, Americanist phonetic transcription, African languages, and other Latin script alphabets.U+0180 to U+01BF
African letters for clicksFour African letters for clicks are used in Khoisan orthography.U+01C0 to U+01C3
Croatian digraphs matching Serbian Cyrillic lettersThree sets of three case mappings (lower case, upper case, and title case) of Latin digraphs used for compatibility with Cyrillic texts.U+01C4 to U+01CC
Pinyin diacritic-vowel combinationsSixteen diacritic-vowel combinations which are used to represent the standard Mandarin Chinese vowel sounds with tone marks.U+01CD to U+01DC
Phonetic and historic letters 35 Phonetic and historic letters which are largely various standard and variant Latin letters with diacritic marks.U+01DD to U+01FF
Additions for Slovenian and Croatian 24 Additions for Slovenian and Croatian are all standard Latin letters with unusual diacritics, like the double grave and inverted breve.U+0200 to U+0217
Additions for Romanian 4 characters that were erroneously unified as having a cedilla, when they have a comma below.U+0218 to U+021B
Miscellaneous additions 14 characters of various description and origin.U+021C to U+0229
Additions for Livonian 10 letters with diacritics for writing the Livonian language.U+022A to U+0233
Additions for Sinology Three lowercase letters with curls used in the study of classical Chinese language.U+0234 to U+0236

Compact table


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Latin Extended-B block:

See also


Notes and References

  1. Web site: Unicode character database. The Unicode Standard. 2023-07-26.
  2. Web site: Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard. The Unicode Standard. 2023-07-26.
  3. Web site: 3.8: Block-by-Block Charts . The Unicode Standard . version 1.0 . Unicode Consortium.
  4. Web site: Kaplan. Michael. The history of messing up Romanian on computers. Sorting it all out.