Las Mañanitas Explained

"Las Mañanitas" pronounced as /es/ is a traditional Mexican[1] birthday song written by Mexican composer Alfonso Esparza Oteo. It is popular in Mexico, usually sung early in the morning to awaken the birthday person, and especially as part of the custom of serenading women. A famous rendition of "Las Mañanitas" is sung by Pedro Infante to "Chachita" in the movie Nosotros los pobres. It is also sung in English in The Leopard Man (1943).


Often when sung instead of played from a recording, “mi bien” (“my dear”) is replaced with the name of the person being greeted, e.g. “Despierta, Jacob, despierta, mira que ya amaneció”. Monosyllabic names are stretched across the two original notes, while longer or compound names are often elided to fit the music, such as Guadalupe or José Alberto would be sung "Josealberto", creating a diphthong in the second syllable.

In some regions, the second line of the first stanza is replaced with “...a las muchachas bonitas se las cantamos aquí” (“ the pretty girls we sing them here”). Years ago, it was custom to name a child after a patron saint whose feast fell on the day they was born (see Calendar of saints).. Another secular alternative is, “hoy por ser tu cumpleaños” (“for today is your birthday”).

The song is usually set in the key of A major at a time signature at the first 2 stanzas with tempos between 90-100 beats per minute, then shifts to a time signature for the rest of the song.


Every year, on the eve of 12 December, mañanitas are sung to honor Our Lady of Guadalupe by Mexico's most famous and popular artists in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

United States

New Mexico

In the US State of New Mexico, Las Mañanitas is sometimes sung as an honorary song during birthday celebrations, for both men and women. One such example was during a live performance for Al Hurricane's 75th birthday. During the concert setlist, it was recorded by Al Hurricane Jr. and Christian Sanchez as a rendition alongside the English-language Happy Birthday to You. The concert was later released as an album mastered by Lorenzo Antonio.

Puerto Rico

See main article: Las Mañanitas (celebration). Las Mañanitas are also an annual event held in Ponce, Puerto Rico, dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe. It consists of a pre-dawn festival parade, a Catholic Mass, and then a popular breakfast.[3] The celebration started in 1964,[4] but its precise origin is uncertain. Some say it was began with immigrant Mexican engineers, while others point to Spaniards from Extremadura. The early morning, pre-dawn celebration is attended by over 10,000 people,[5] including mayors and other prominent figures. The civic government of Ponce offers free breakfasts to those present at the historic Ponce City Hall after the Mass.[6]

Further reading

See also


  1. Las Mananitas for Guadalupe.
  2. Las Mañanitas: Traditional Spanish Song Lyrics with English Translation. Archived from the Original. Spanish lyrics, sound clip and English translation provided by La Familia Peña-Govea. Using Music to Promote Learning. Chandler, Arizona: Songs for Teaching. 2016. Accessed 19 November 2018.
  3. Vuelven a Ponce las Fiestas Patronales.
  4. Latente la Tradicion: Multitud Madruga para Venerar en Ponce la Virgen de Guadalupe. Coral Negron Almodovar. La Perla del Sur. Year 35, Issue 1724. (14 to 20 December 2016) Ponce, Puerto Rico. p.4.
  5. Miles le cantan las Mañanitas a la Virgen de Guadalupe en Ponce.
  6. Vivo el fervor por la Guadalupana.


Sociedad de Autores y Compositores de México.

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