Lanzhou Prison Explained

36.0838°N 103.8399°W

Lanzhou Prison is a high-security prison in Lanzhou. The prison grounds include several workshops where prisoners work.

Prison regime

It is claimed by activists that since 1999, over 2000 Falun Gong practitioners have been detained at the prison. These prisoners have been tortured, and some have been executed without giving notice to their family members.[1] [2] In another controversial case, activists claimed a Tibetan monk was imprisoned at Lanzhou Prison for exposing police brutality.[3] A journalist reported that he had endured humiliating torture methods after being detained for criticizing the justice system. According to his experiences, prisoners were deprived of food and medical care, and prisoners who did not finish their forced labour tasks were tortured. [4]


Notes and References

  1. Web site: 王有江遗体在去世当天火化 兰州监狱在掩盖什么.
  2. Web site: 追查甘肃省兰州监狱迫害法轮功学员的责任人杨万成等的通告. 5 April 2011.
  3. Web site: 西藏高级僧人因揭露中共折磨真相而被监禁五年后出狱. 30 October 2016.
  4. Web site: 马萧:政治犯监狱生活采访. 11 November 2014.