Lambert Schlechter Explained

Lambert Schlechter (born 1941) is a Luxembourg author who has published some 40 books written in French, most of them published in France and two written in German published in Luxembourg. His work includes poetry, novels, short stories and essays. A great number of contributions to newspapers, magazines and anthologies in different countries. Since 2006 he is working on a greater prose project under the general title "Le Murmure du monde": a collection of literary, philosophical and autobiographical fragments; so far nine volumes have been published (see below: Works), X, XI and XII are in preparation.[1]


Born on 4 December 1941 in Luxembourg City, Schlechter studied philosophy and literature in Paris and Nancy before teaching philosophy, French language and literature at the Lycée Classique in Echternach. His first works, Das große Rasenstück (1981), a collection of poems, and Buntspecht im Hirn (1982), in prose, were followed by articles, short stories (Partances, 2003) and novels (Le silence inutile, 1991) in French. He was vice-president of the Luxembourg section of Amnesty International, Luxembourg, representative in the International Service for Human Rights in Geneva, member of the Société des écrivains luxembourgeois de langue française (SELF), president of the Conseil national du livre.

He has been invited to more than hundred Literature & Poetry Festivals all over the world. (see details in the special section in the French version of Wikipedia). Some of his books were translated in Armenia, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Mexico and Bosnia.

In April 2015 his house in Eschweiler (Luxembourg) was destroyed by a huge blast, thousands of books and nearly all his manuscripts were annihilated.A photographic documentation on the destruction of the library was published in the on-line newspaper Luxembourg Times.[2]


Une mite sous la semelle du Titien, proseries, (Le Murmure du monde / 7), éditions Tinbad, 2018, (ISBN 979-10-96415-12-0) (recensions41,42 /43,44,45)

Agonie Patagonie, 99 neuvains, Ve série, éditions phi, coll. graphiti, 2018, (ISBN 978-99959-37-58-4) (recension46)

Les Parasols de Jaurès, proseries, (Le Murmure du monde / 8), avec toutes les pages du carnet manuscrit en fac-similé, éditions Guy Binsfeld, 2018, (ISBN 978-99959-42-47-2)

Je n'irai plus jamais à Feodossia, 198 proseries, (Le Murmure du monde / 9, éditions Tinbad, 2019, (ISBN 979-10-96415-26-7)

Mais le merle n'a aucun message, 99 neuvains, VIe série, avec 50 dessins de Lysiane Schlechter, éditions phi, 2020, (ISBN 978-2-919791-43-9)

Wendelin et les autres, 16 nouvelles illustrées par Lysiane Schlechter, éditions L'Herbe qui tremble, 2022, (ISBN 978-2491462321)

Danubiennement, 24 proseries, Le Murmure du monde / 10, éditions l'Arbre à paroles, 2022, (ISBN 9782874067266)Le Murmure du monde, vol. 10

40 ans d'écriture, anthologie personnelle, 650 pages, éditions phi, 2022, (ISBN 978-2-919791-89-7)

Perles de pacotille sur le chapelet du silence, neuvains, éditions Apic, collection Poèmes du Monde, preface Jean Portante, Alger, 2023, (ISBN 9789931468974)

Fragments du journal intime de Dieu, with illustrations by Patricia Lippert and Pascale Behrens, éditions L'Herbe qui tremble, 2023

Prizes and distinctions

Since 2001 Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres, France


Books in translation


Armenian :

Italian :

Bulgarian :

Spanish and Bosnian in preparation

A certain number of single poems translated (in anthologies and magazines) into Russian, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Spanish, German, Rumanian

Contributions in anthologies and magazines


External links

Notes and References

  1. "Schlechter, Lambert", Luxemburger Lexikon, Editions Guy Binsfeld, Luxembourg, 2006.
  2. News: Close to 30,000 books and documents lost in fire. Luxembourg Times.
  3. Web site: Batty-Weber-Preis 2014 geht an Lambert Schlechter. de. 1 April 2014. 22 April 2014.