Type: | town |
Lade Vale | |
State: | nsw |
Coordinates: | -34.8469°N 149.1514°W |
Pushpin Label Position: | right |
Pushpin Map Caption: | Location in New South Wales |
Lga: | Upper Lachlan Shire |
County: | King |
Parish: | Bunton |
Region: | Southern Tablelands |
Postcode: | 2581 |
Pop: | 128 |
Elevation: | 632 |
Stategov: | Goulburn |
Fedgov: | Hume |
Dist1: | 35 |
Dir1: | E |
Location1: | Yass |
Dist2: | 67 |
Dir2: | W |
Location2: | Goulburn |
Dist3: | 261 |
Dir3: | SW |
Location3: | Sydney |
Near-N: | Jerrawa |
Near-Ne: | Oolong |
Near-E: | Gunning |
Near-Se: | Yass River |
Near-S: | Yass River |
Near-Sw: | Manton |
Near-W: | Manton |
Near-Nw: | Jerrawa |
Lade Vale is a locality in the Upper Lachlan Shire, New South Wales, Australia. It lies on the south side of the Hume Highway about 30 km to the east of Yass. At the, it had a population of 128.