Worldwide LaRouche Youth Movement explained

The Worldwide LaRouche Youth Movement (WLYM or LYM) and the LaRouche Political Action Committee (LaRouche PAC or LPAC) are part of the political organization of controversial American political figure Lyndon LaRouche.[1] The LYM's "war room" is in Leesburg, Virginia, also the headquarters of LPAC.[2] The LaRouche Youth Movement describes itself as an international political movement of young adults, led by Lyndon LaRouche, who promote the revival of classical humanist thought, organize politically to establish a new world economic system based on the power of human creativity to increase the power of the human individual in relation to the universe, and fight for a physical economy which can promote the general welfare of humanity, to develop and move towards better living conditions.[3]

On February 24, 2021, Helga Zepp-LaRouche denounced the LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) and its treasurer, Barbara Boyd, for going "in a direction which I consider contrary to the central policies that my husband stood for. ... [S]ince he passed away in February 2019, Mrs. Boyd and her associates ... have embarked on a path that I believe misrepresents both my and Mr. LaRouche's positions", and has stated that LPAC and Boyd do not represent the LaRouche movement. She has taken legal action against LPAC to “immediately cease and desist, both now and in the future" from "using Mr. LaRouche’s name, likeness, and potentially other confusingly similar terms."[4]

LaRouche Youth Movement


Barbara Boyd, spokesperson for the LYM and treasurer of LPAC, says that LYM was founded in 2000.[5] [6] According to Harley Schlanger, a LaRouche spokesperson, LYM's first major campaign was during the 2003 recall of California Governor Gray Davis, when it distributed over a million leaflets across the country, opposing the recall and depicting Arnold Schwarzenegger alongside Adolf Hitler. They also distributed tens of thousands of other pamphlets in California.[7]

In a 2004 article in the University of California, Berkeley independent student newspaper, The Daily Californian, reporter David Cohn described the local chapter of the LYM as "30 college-aged youths" who spent several hours each day undergoing instruction provided by the LaRouche organization. One member, 23-year-old Jason Ross, told Cohn that he had dropped out of Stanford University in his junior year to join the movement. "We are in a complete breakdown of the financial system and we know that. We can use our time in a more appropriate manner than going to school," he said. Cohn also talked to three other members who had all quit school to join the movement. The Daily Californian reported the movement's numbers as "about 100 young people from Los Angeles to Oakland" who "travel to dozens of college campuses aggressively recruiting members and not hesitating to ask newcomers to quit school".[8] As a result of the Internet, there are active chapters in nations like Japan where LaRouche has no official organization. The LYM has also expanded its activity into the African nations of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique.[2]

Democratic Party involvement

LYM members have been active in the Democratic Party at the state and local levels. In 2006, LaRouche Youth Movement activist and Los Angeles County Democratic Central Committee member Cody Jones was honored as "Democrat of the Year" for the 43rd Assembly District of California, by the Los Angeles County Democratic Party.[9] At the April 2007, California State Democratic Convention, LYM activist Quincy O'Neal was elected vice-chairman of the California State Democratic Black Caucus,[10] [11] and Wynneal Innocentes was elected corresponding secretary of the Filipino Caucus.[12] [13] O'Neal is also president of the LYM's Democratic Party Club, the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Legacy Club, which is affiliated with the California Democratic Council.[14] [15] In March 2010, LaRouche Youth leader Kesha Rogers won the Democratic congressional primary in Houston, Texas' 22nd District.[16] [17]

Pedagogy and campaigns

LaRouche is highly critical of contemporary college curricula, and has designed his own pedagogy for members of his youth movement, which he describes as "the reliving of the crucial discoveries of universal physical-scientific principle by, successively, the ancient Pythagoreans and Plato and the modern science of Johannes Kepler," combined with the performance of classical vocal music, particularly Johann Sebastian Bach's Jesu, meine Freude.[18] They spend time in what are called "Monge brigades," which emphasize readings of Vladimir Vernadsky, Alexander Hamilton, Carl Gauss and Bernhard Riemann.[19] The LaRouche Youth have been assisted around the U.S. in performance workshops on classical music, as well as African-American spirituals, by well known musicians William Warfield and Sylvia Olden Lee,[20] and in drama performance by actor Robert Beltran.[21]

The LYM has disrupted university lectures to distribute their material.[22] On October 23, 2006, a group of LaRouche Youth Movement members twice disrupted a Connecticut U.S. Senate debate between Alan Schlesinger, Ned Lamont, and Joseph Lieberman. According to The Day, as Joe Lieberman spoke, the hecklers "sang a harmonized ode targeting Vice President Dick Cheney, which, according to the group's website, is unofficially titled 'The Fat-Ass Nazi Song'."[23]

During the election campaign of 2006, the LYM came into conflict with organizations including the Ayn Rand Institute, which the LYM accused of promoting genocide in speeches by its representatives at various campuses. LYM members confronted Institute executive director Yaron Brook at various universities across the US, heckling him and calling his policies "fascist".[24] In one case, at the University of California, Irvine, 15 LYM members, some of whom violently resisted,[25] were arrested.[26]

LYM members frequently combine political activity with choral music performance.[27] They sang outside the Democratic Party Convention in Boston in 2004, and in 2007 they performed choral music with lyrics about impeaching Dick Cheney in classrooms at Harvard and Boston University.[28] [29]

During 2007, LYM members have been seen in on the streets, campuses and conferences emphasizing two issues in particular: a call by LaRouche for the impeachment of Dick Cheney, and the assertion that the theory of human-caused global warming is a fraud motivated by Malthusianism. On this latter issue, LYM have confronted Al Gore on several occasions at his public events. In the Philippines, LYM members debated a variety of spokespersons for the Global Warming theory.[30] In Argentina, LYM leader Betiana Gonzalez disrupted Gore's speech at a Biofuels conference.[31] A similar incident took place earlier in the year in Montreal, Canada.[32]

In November 2007, the LYM launched a campaign against social networking websites such as MySpace and Facebook, with the mass distribution of the pamphlet "The Noosphere vs. The Blogosphere: Is the Devil in Your Laptop?"[33] The pamphlet says that Rupert Murdoch, owner of MySpace, and Microsoft, owner of Facebook (Microsoft owns only 2.5% of Facebook), are involved in social engineering to destroy the cognitive powers and potential for political leadership among young people.[34]

TIME magazine's coverage of Kesha Rogers' campaign says that "The LYM espouses LaRouche opposition to free trade and 'globalism' (the UN, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund) and it also calls for a return to a humanist classical education, emphasizing the works of Plato and Leibniz."[35]

Criticism and accusations

Journalists, former members and law enforcement officials have made a wide variety of accusations of the LaRouche organizations, including a Scotland Yard report that called them a political cult.[36] In 2006, college officials in Boston told a reporter that the LYM was one of the two leading high-pressure groups on area campuses, and that it engaged in strong-arm tactics to induce students to leave college and help recruit new members.[5] Boyd called the charges "gossip" and said the movement was working "for ideas and real policies" and was a "youth movement in the Democratic Party".[5] Investigative journalist and LaRouche biographer Dennis King has described the founding of the WLYM by LaRouche as a way of maintaining his legacy after his death by "[going] back to his roots, the roots of his movement in the radical campus movement in the late 1960s."[37] Avi Klein of the Washington Monthly describes this as an element of a campaign LaRouche created to blame the "first generation" of his own movement for fundraising failures, and to appeal to young members by channeling "the rage new acolytes felt toward their parents at a nearby, internal enemy".[36]

Jeremiah Duggan

See main article: Jeremiah Duggan. After spending six days at a Schiller Institute conference and LYM cadre school in Germany, 22-year-old Jeremiah Duggan, a Jewish student from London who was studying in Paris, was believed to have run onto a busy road in what the British coroner called a "state of terror," and was killed. The German police investigation concluded that it was a suicide. A private forensic consultant said that he had found evidence of serious assault with a blunt instrument, but no public authorities have given credence to this claim.[38] A LaRouche spokesman has said the young man killed himself because he was disturbed. In October 2004, a British inquest into Duggan's death heard allegations from his mother that LYM and the Schiller Institute may have used brainwashing techniques on her son to persuade him to join the movement.[39] [40]

Michael Winsted

An ex-member of the LaRouche youth movement has asserted that the LaRouche Youth Movement calls parents "brainwashed baby boomers."[39] Ex-member Michael Winsted says that although members are convinced that they are involved in important political work, the job of most members is only to collect money and recruit more members.[39] He says that group leaders "were constantly asking us if we would die for these ideas" and that members that become critical or disillusioned by the movement often become the focus of brutal psychological attacks by the other members, including accusations of having "mother issues," of homosexuality, sexual deviance, and allegiance to anti-LaRouche conspiracies.[39] They are often encouraged and even led by the group's managers. Winsted recounts:

I'm caught off-guard, like, what the hell just happened?...The yelling goes on for maybe five or 10 minutes while I'm furiously backpedaling...They call it making somebody a self-conscious organizer...It is about getting somebody to break down and cry, just to have an emotional collapse. Once you do that, then people are malleable.[39]

Jeffrey Steinberg, a top security aide in the LaRouche movement,[41] responded by portraying Michael Winsted as an agent of the Washington Post who "briefly infiltrated the Baltimore chapter of the LYM".[42]

LaRouche PAC

The Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee was previously registered with the Federal Election Commission as "FDR PAC" and by "Spannaus in '96".[43] In 2000, LaRouche's FDR PAC made news when, forbidden from soliciting on U.S. Post Office property, it demanded that the Salvation Army be treated the same way.[44] As of 2002, Nancy Spannaus was the executive director of the PAC.[45]

LPAC and LYM members targeted Senator Joe Lieberman's reelection campaign in 2006. At one campaign appearance three members sang loudly "If you want a third world war, vote for Joe, Bill Buckley's whore".[46]

In 2007, two associates of LPAC, Robert Lucero and Tony DeFranco, were escorted off Post Office property in Naperville, Illinois, by police. The two were carrying signs calling President George W. Bush "dumb" and calling for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney.[47]

During his 2007 campaign for the New Jersey General Assembly, Gordon M. Johnson's contributions to LPAC became a subject of criticism. Johnson reportedly made seven contributions in 2005 and 2006 totalling $1,850. He apologized repeatedly, saying he regretted that he was not "aware of the LaRouche record of anti-Semitism" and was asking for the contributions to be refunded.[48]

LPAC members promoted LaRouche's "Homeowners and Bank Protection Act" in 2009. One report says the act "would establish a federal agency that would place federal- and state-chartered banks under protection, freeze all existing home mortgages for a period of time, adjust mortgage values to fair prices, restructure existing mortgages at appropriate interest rates, and write off speculative debt obligations of mortgage-backed securities".[49] According to one opponent, Congressman Paul E. Kanjorski, on closer inspection the act "calls for seizure by the government" of all U.S banks.[50] In 2009 LPAC members were noted for their posters which depicted Barack Obama with a Hitler-style toothbrush mustache. They asked pedestrians "Do you want to stop Obama from killing people?" and "Want to fire our Nazi president?"[51] The posters led to violent reactions from passersby, including one man who had lost family members in World War II.[52] LPAC spokesperson Nancy Spannaus said that the posters were an "honest emblem of what the administration policy represents".[52] A 2009 report says that the LPAC website,, appeared to have deliberately copied the look of the website, though the contents were entirely different.[53] The LPAC website reportedly contained satires of Democratic Party leaders and an attack of wind power.[53]

Following complaints from customers, Kroger, a national grocery store chain, received an injunction in 2009 barring LPAC activists from soliciting donations or distributing literature on their Ralphs and Food 4 Less properties in Southern California.[54] Another grocery chain, Trader Joe's, also sought an injunction after customers allegedly complained that the LPAC members had called them "bitches" and "Hitler lovers".[55] Stater Brothers also sought an injunction to bar LPAC members from soliciting in front of their stores.[56] Lyndon LaRouche, LPAC, and its treasurer Barbara Boyd were sued in 2009 by the widow of Kenneth Kronberg, who alleges that they had defamed her in an LPAC article.[57] Kronberg and his wife had been longtime members of LaRouche movement before his suicide.[57]

By 2010, LPAC members were calling for Obama's impeachment.[58] Members of the Tea Party movement distanced themselves from the LPAC members, who often appeared at Tea Party rallies.[59] One Tea Party official complained that the "Obama as Hitler" posters "trivializes the travesties that occurred under the Fascist regime of Nazi Germany".[60] In 2010, LPAC members said the PAC staffed from 80 to 100 tables across the country every day.[61]

Several confrontations between supporters of LPAC candidates and local residents were reported in April 2011 in Healdsburg, California. The police were called repeatedly, but no one was cited.[62] Other LPAC workers report receiving a positive reception in San Francisco in March 2011.[63]

The LaRouche PAC on November 16 2022, gave its Endorsement to the Donald Trump 2024 presidential campaign.[64]

Funding and locations

LPAC received about $6 million during the 2009-2010 election cycle, according to public records and Out of the Storm News, a publication of The Heartland Institute. Donations came from nearly 5000 individuals, a large percentage of them from employees of the PAC or its affiliates. The largest donation, $12,425, came from Kathy Magraw, listed as a supervisor at LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review. Magraw is also the largest individual recipient of funds from the PAC, receiving $129,705 during the cycle.

LYM received $3,142,142 from LPAC in the 2009-2010 election cycle.[65] The Center for Public Integrity reports that almost $6 million of the $13 million raised by LPAC since 2007 went to LaRouche Youth, to pay for "grassroots lobbying and advocacy".[66] The LaRouche Political Action Committee paid the group $462,850 in 2006,[67] $2,732,851 during the 2008 election cycle,[68] and $4,186,068 in the 2010 cycle.[69]

According to Boyd, the payments to LaRouche Youth LLC are for web content, field organizing, canvassing, and public advocacy, all of which are categorized as "grassroots lobbying and advocacy".[66] Boyd said the nearly $500,000 in uncategorized "petty cash" payments went to political organizing activities across the country, mostly vehicle operating expenses.[66] In 2006, LPAC paid $7000 in fines to the FEC for failing to file mandatory disclosure forms.[66]

LPAC gave $11,000 in contributions to three candidates in the 2009-2010 election cycle: $4000 each to "Kesha Rogers For Congress" and "Summer Shields for Congress", and $3000 to "Rachel Brown For Congress".[70]

The LYM website lists 21 offices in the U.S. and Canada.[71] The LPAC website lists 12 offices in the U.S.[72]


LPAC produces pamphlets which carry suggested donation requests. Publications include:

Videos and animations

The "Basement team" is variously described as belonging to the LYM[73] or to LPAC.[74] According to Boyd, LPAC pays LYM to produce videos.[66] Most of the videos on Kesha Roger's campaign website were created by LPAC.[75]

From 2006 to 2007, members of the team[76] produced a set of computer animations described as a pedagogical tour through Johannes Kepler's New Astronomy[77] and Harmony of the World,[78] plus another set on the discovery of the orbit of Ceres titled The Mind of Gauss.[79] After another website,, appeared that discussed the same works by Kepler, team members asserted that it was a plagiarized and inferior copy of their own work.[80] In August 2008, the team released an hour-long video, The Harvard Yard, in which they elaborate their claim of plagiarism and charge that the "Kepler's Discovery" site was the work of Harvard University.[81] In 2008 they issued Firewallin Defense of the Nation State.[82] This was followed by the release on July 3 of the feature-length sequel 1932, narrated by Robert Beltran,[83] and a December production on scientific method, The Matter of Mind.[84] They are also producing regular short videos on topical issues.

External links

Notes and References

  1. On the Necessity of the LaRouche Youth Movement
  2. LaRouche Youth Movement in Africa: Reconstruct the World Economy! (abridged transcript). August 25, 2007 . September 7, 2007 . THE LAROUCHE SHOW . . June 9, 2011.
  3. Rodriguez, Martin, Iluminados y malditos, Noticias Urbanas, December 5, 2008
  5. News: 0743-1791. B.1. Silva. Cristina. COLLEGES CONSIDER STRESSING DANGER OF PRESSURE GROUPS. Boston Globe. April 14, 2006.
  6. News: Hecklers At Event For Lieberman Remain In Jail. William . Hathaway. Knight Ridder Tribune Business News. Washington. November 5, 2006.
  7. News: Hitler on Steroids: Nietzschean Roots of the 'Governator'. April 3, 2012. dead. January 10, 2008. Harley . Schlanger.
  8. News: Drop-Outs Ask Students to Join LaRouche Cause. David . Cohn. February 11, 2004. The Daily Californian. April 19, 2011. dead.
  9. EIR Volume 33, Number 27
  10. California Democratic Convention: LaRouche Youth Bring Reality, Provide Leadership to Party
  11. The LaRouche Show: The LYM Report On Their Victory in California
  12. California's Future Democratic Leaders Engage in Dialogue With State Chairman
  13. Web site: Officers 2009 - 2011. April 26, 2011. dead. Filipino American Democratic Caucus of The California Democratic Party.
  14. Web site: California Democratic Council: Club List > Los Angeles. 5 May 2017.
  15. Franklin Roosevelt Legacy Democratic Club: Contact Us
  16. News: District 22 Dems go for Rogers. Galveston County Daily News. March 3, 2010. July 11, 2011. dead. . Karn . Dhingra.
  17. Web site: Front Page - Kesha Rogers for Congress. 5 May 2017. 29 May 2014. dead.
  18. News: LaRouche. Lyndon. How not to play chess. Executive Intelligence Review. October 20, 2006. December 17, 2010. live.
  19. News: Anna . Shavin . Ali . Sharaf. LYM Cadre School: Making a Renaissance. Executive Intelligence Review. May 12, 2006.
  20. Web site: Sylvia Olden Lee: A Fierce, Happy Partisan of Immortality. June 9, 2011. live.
  21. Web site: LYM Brings 'Julius Caesar' to Life. Paul . Gallagher. Schiller Institute. 2005. April 27, 2011. live.
  22. News: LaRouchies Burst Into Classroomsdate=September 11, 2002. Corsair Online. April 24, 2011. dead. Manuel . Fuentes . Stephen . Hoffman.
  23. News: Candidates interrupted twice during NL faceoff. September 10, 2011. live. October 24, 2006.
  24. Web site: Is Joseph Goebbels On Your Campus? John Train and the Bankers' Secret Government. 5 May 2017.
  25. News: Ayn Rand Institute Director Yaron Brook Speaks to Divided Audience. Julian . Camillieri. November 13, 2006 . June 6, 2010. live. New University.
  26. News: Fifteen Arrested at Ayn Rand Club Event. Paul . Backus. November 13, 2006 . March 9, 2012. live. New University.
  27. Web site: Fascists Cower as LaRouche Youth Sing. 5 May 2017.
  28. News: Noah S. . Bloom. Singing LaRouchians Interrupt Class. The Harvard Crimson. February 2, 2007. June 4, 2011. live .
  29. News: Christa . Majoras. Activist group trespasses on BU property. The Daily Free Press. January 31, 2007. July 24, 2011. live .
  30. Web site: LaRouche, FDR, and Nuclear Power in Southeast Asia. 5 May 2017.
  31. Web site: LYM Delivers One-Two Punch to Al Gordo in Argentina. LaRouche PAC . . PDF. July 26, 2011. dead .
  32. EIR 30 March, Pavel Penev: "The Youth of Today Declare:‘We Will Not BeGorified!"
  33. Web site: Stop the New Violence!. 5 May 2017.
  34. Web site: Is The Devil in Your Laptop?. Lyndon LaRouche PAC. 5 May 2017.
  35. Texas Dems Grapple With Their Own Alvin Greene .,8599,1998076,00.html . dead . June 21, 2010 . Time . Hilary . Hylton. June 20, 2010.
  36. News: Avi . Klein. Publish and Perish: The mysterious death of Lyndon LaRouche's printer. Washington Monthly. July 11, 2007. June 5, 2011. dead .
  37. News: Lyndon Who?. Philip . Goldstein. October 4, 2006. The Daily Free Press. July 24, 2011. live.
  38. News: Townsend. Mark . Doward. Jamie. New evidence shows 'suicide' student was beaten to death. The Observer. March 25, 2007. September 3, 2010. live.
  39. News: Witt. April. No Joke. The Washington Post. October 24, 2004. May 13, 2011. live.
  40. Samuels, Tim. "Jeremiah Duggan and Lyndon LaRouche," part 1, Newsnight, BBC, February 2004, at 3:49; part 2 and part 3.
  41. News: EX-LAROUCHE AIDE KEY FIGURE IN TRIAL; ONE-TIME KLAN LEADER ASSISTING US IN CASE AGAINST ACTIVIST'S; FUND-RAISERS. Christopher . Callahan. Associated Press. Boston Globe . December 22, 1986. 54.
  42. News: A Concise Timeline of the Symons-Duggan Affair. Executive Intelligence Review. June 25, 2004. May 14, 2011. live. Jeffrey . Steinberg.
  43. Web site: REPORTS IMAGE INDEX FOR COMMITTEE ID C00309567. March 3, 2016. dead.
  44. News: Charity bell ringers must leave their posts POLITICS: A PAC's complaint forces the U.S. Postal Service to ban Salvation Army solicitors from outside Fullerton offices. BARBARA . GIASONE. Orange County Register. Santa Ana, Calif.. December 16, 2000.
  45. News: Jacob G. Hornberger Jr. (I) Ag .... The Washington Post. October 31, 2002. T.04.
  46. News: Last Call's Early For Joe As Hecklers Crash Party. Elizabeth . Hamilton. Knight Ridder Tribune Business News. Washington . November 3, 2006.
  47. News: Protesters forced off property . Jake . Griffin. Daily Herald. Arlington Heights, Ill.. August 7, 2007. 4.
  48. News: Lyndon LaRouche found a friend in Englewood. ALFRED P. . DOBLIN. The Record. Bergen County, N.J.. October 29, 2007. L.09.
  49. News: Hazleton council to push state for homeowner relief. MIA . LIGHT. Standard - Speaker. Hazleton, Pa.. November 8, 2008. A.19.
  50. News: Washington People. Steven . Sloan. Joe . Adler. Cheyenne . Hopkins. American Banker. New York, N.Y.. February 11, 2008. 173. 28. 3.
  51. News: Group says President Obama has Nazi-like policies. Nate . Hulings. McClatchy - Tribune Business News. Washington. June 17, 2009.
  52. News: Obama-as-Hitler poster provokes incident. Lynn . Thompson. McClatchy - Tribune News Service. Washington. September 17, 2009.
  53. News: Amid protests from the right, seniors in Virginia try to be heard on health care. J.H. . Freeman. August 26, 2009. Medill Reports. April 16, 2011. dead.
  54. News: LaRouche PAC Enjoined From Politicking Outside Calif. Grocery Stores. Amanda . Bronstad. The National Law Journal. August 26, 2009. May 25, 2024. live.
  55. News: September 4, 2009. Trader Joe's Wants LaRouche PAC Barred. ELIZABETH . BANICKI . Courthouse News Service. March 19, 2012. live.
  56. News: December 7, 2009 . LaRouche PAC Is a Nuisance, Store Says. ELIZABETH . BANICKI . March 19, 2012. live .
  57. News: After suicide, Leesburg widow sues LaRouche. Jana . Wagoner. August 26, 2009. Loudoun Times-Mirror. October 12, 2012. live.
  58. News: Committee Sets Up Table In Haven. Amanda Leigh . Brozana. Republican & Herald. Pottsville, Pa.. August 10, 2010.
  59. News: Their cup of tea: Movement is groundswell of discontent here, too. Frank . Schultz. McClatchy - Tribune Business News. Washington. May 1, 2010.
  60. News: LaRouche group protests in Leominster. Marisa . Donelan. Sentinel & Enterprise. Fitchburg, Mass.. August 17, 2010.
  61. News: LaRouche backers push to impeach. Susan . Misur. New Haven Register. July 1, 2010. B.4.
  62. News: Healdsburg residents confront LaRouche supporters: Healdsburg police called to post office table at least three times Wednesday; assault charges pending for incident. Keri . Brenner . April 7, 2011. Healdsburg Patch. May 29, 2011. dead.
  63. News: Lyndon LaRouche Volunteers Display Obama as Hitler Signs. Did San Francisco Notice?. Jake . Swearingen. March 29, 2011 . April 10, 2011. live. SF Weekly.
  64. Web site: November 16, 2022 . LaRouchePAC Endorsement for President Trump's 2024 Election to the Presidency of the U.S.A. . 2022-12-01 . LaRouchePAC . en.
  65. News: FOIA Request Of The Week – Where Does LaRouche's PAC Money Come From, Go To?. Arin . Greenwood. August 18, 2010 . Out of the Storm News. July 10, 2019. live.
  66. News: Political Inaction Committees: How Political Action Committees are Spending Your Donations. Josh . Israel . Aaron . Mehta . Gabriel . Debenedetti . October 5, 2010. Center for Public Integrity. December 23, 2010. dead.
  67. News: Scott . McLemee. The LaRouche Youth Movement. Inside Higher Ed. July 11, 2007. April 17, 2011. live .
  68. Web site: Lyndon LaRouche PAC Expenditures: 2008 election cycle. October 21, 2012. live. Open Secrets.
  69. Web site: Lyndon LaRouche PAC Expenditures: 2010 election cycle. October 21, 2012. live. Open Secrets.
  70. Web site: Lyndon LaRouche PAC Expenditures. October 21, 2012. dead.
  71. Web site: July 3, 2011. dead. Contact Us.
  72. Web site: April 22, 2011. live. LAROUCHEPAC Contact.
  73. Web site: May 27, 2011. live. The LaRouche Show. Schiller Institute.
  74. Web site: Interactive NAWAPA Map. April 21, 2011. dead. LaRouche PAC.
  75. Web site: Oddball of the Week: Kesha Rogers. June 10, 2010. Austin F. . Cassidy. Uncovered Politics . December 22, 2010. dead.
  76. Web site: Contact Us. June 3, 2011. dead .
  77. Web site: Johannes Kepler's New Astronomy. 2007 . L.Y.M.. April 29, 2011. dead .
  78. Web site: The Harmony of the World. 2006 . LaRouche Youth L.L.P.. April 29, 2011. dead.
  79. Web site: Menu. 5 May 2017.
  80. Web site: Kepler's Discovery, or the Hoofprint of Incompetence?. 5 May 2017.
  81. Web site: The Harvard Yard. Lyndon LaRouche PAC. 5 May 2017.
  82. Web site: Firewall: In Defense of the Nation State. Lyndon LaRouche PAC. 5 May 2017.
  83. Web site: 1932: Speak Not of Parties But of Universal Principles. Lyndon LaRouche PAC. 5 May 2017.
  84. Web site: The Matter of Mind. Lyndon LaRouche PAC. 5 May 2017.