LGBT rights in Slovakia explained

Location Header:Slovakia
Legal Status:Legal since 1962 as part of Czechoslovakia,
age of consent equalized in 1990
Gender Identity Expression:Legal gender change possible in theory
Recognition Of Relationships Restrictions:Same-sex marriage constitutionally banned
Adoption:Single LGBT person may adopt
Military:Allowed to serve openly
Discrimination Protections:Sexual orientation and gender identity protections since 2002
(see below)

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in Slovakia face significant challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents. The status of LGBT rights in Slovakia are regarded as some of the worst among the European Union countries.

Same-sex sexual activity was made legal in Czechoslovakia in 1962. Despite this, same-sex couples are granted limited legal rights. The country does not recognize same-sex marriage or civil unions. Slovakia is generally seen as having less supportive public opinion for LGBT people compared to its neighbour, the Czech Republic.

On 12 October 2022, two people were killed (plus the perpetrator), and a third person was wounded in a shooting outside of the front enterance of Tepláren, a gay bar in Bratislava, Slovakia,[1] a well-known spot frequented by the local LGBT community.[2] [3]

Opinion polls have shown highly fluctuating trends in support for same-sex marriage and civil unions. In 2019, polls showed either 29% or 57% of Slovaks support civil unions. A poll after the 2022 Bratislava terrorist attack showed only 40% support civil unions.[4] Several civil union bills were proposed in 1997, 2000, 2012, 2018, 2021 and 2022, but all were rejected by the Slovak parliament.

Transgender people in Slovakia experience difficulty in accessing healthcare, and a complete lack of regulation in legal gender change makes the process highly individual and difficult.[5]

On 3 July 2024, the Minister of Culture Martina Šimkovičová made a homophobic and racist statement saying “we heterosexuals are creating the future, because we make babies. Europe is dying out, babies are not being born because of the excessive number of LGBT people. And the strange thing is [that it’s happening] with the white race”.[6]

Notes and References

  1. News: Slovakia: Two dead after shooting outside LGBT bar . 13 October 2022 . BBC . 13 October 2022.
  2. Web site: Filo . Jakub . Útočník z Bratislavy je mŕtvy. Pred útokom zverejnil manifest proti Židom a LGBTI ľuďom . . 13 October 2022 . sk.
  3. Web site: Zdút . Matúš . Osvaldová . Lucia . Útočníka zo Zámockej našli mŕtveho, k streľbe sa prihlásil na Twitteri, pár hodín predtým zverejnil manifest proti židom a LGBTI . Denník N . 13 October 2022 . sk-SK . 13 October 2022.
  4. Web site: 2022-12-05 . Prieskum: Po útoku na Tepláreň narástla podpora pre registrované partnerstvá . 2023-08-10 . Denník N . sk-SK.
  5. Web site: Macko z Inakosti: Neviem si predstaviť, že by nejaký poslanec vyhlásil, že je antisemita. Folentová. Veronika. 2022-11-16. Denník N. 2022-11-18. subscription. Odvtedy sme v situácii, keď neplatí nič, nič nie je možné, matriky odmietajú transrodovým ľuďom meniť doklady, vyhovárajú sa, že čakajú na ministerstvo zdravotníctva, kým vydá nové usmernenie. Lekári nechcú prijímať takýchto ľudí, lebo sa boja žalôb, sú v právnom vákuu, nemajú istotu v ničom, čo postupujú v tejto téme. Je jedna lekárka na celom Slovensku, ktorá ešte prijíma ľudí, ktorí chcú riešiť tranzíciu. Proces je v zásade zastavený..
  6. Web site: State-sponsored Homophobia A world survey of laws criminalising same-sex sexual acts between consenting adults . . 27 June 2013 .
  7. Web site: Sexual Minorities: Their Treatment Across The World . January 10, 2011 . February 28, 2021.
  8. Web site: 40/1964 Zb. - Občiansky zákonník. Slov-lex.
  9. Web site: 301/2005 Z.z. - Trestný poriadok. Slov-lex.
  10. Web site: Iniciatíva Inakosť . . 31 August 2020.
  11. Web site: 7 bodov pre krajšie a zdravšie Slovensko - podpora registrovaných partnerstiev medzi ľuďmi rozdielneho aj rovnakého pohlavia . . 2 February 2016.
  12. Web site: SaS predloží partnerstvá gejov . Denník SME . 2012.
  13. Web site: SaS proposes same-sex registered partnership . Denník SME . 2012.
  14. Web site: Návrh zákona o registrovanom partnerstve.
  15. Web site: NRSR: Vládny Smer-SD registrované partnerstvá homosexuálov nepodporíVytlačiť stránku . September 19, 2012 . February 28, 2021.
  16. Web site: Slovak parliament rejects gay partnership law. Reuters.
  17. Web site: Na Dúhový pochod prišli tisíce ľudí, potlesk zožala najmä ombudsmanka, ktorá sa nezľakla SNS . August 19, 2017. sk . Dennik . February 28, 2021.
  18. Web site: President Kiska calls for discussion on the rights of same-sex couples . December 11, 2017 . The Slovak Spectator . February 28, 2021.
  19. Web site: Tímlíderkou SaS pre osobné slobody sa stala Natália Blahová . sk . December 11, 2017 . teraz . February 28, 2021.
  20. Web site: Nový návrh zákona od SaS: Kompromis pre heterosexuálne aj homosexuálne páry!?. Nový čas. 23 July 2018.
  21. Web site: SaS nepresadila zákon o životných partnerstvách, ktoré by mohli uzatvárať aj páry rovnakého pohlavia . sk . September 18, 2018 . February 28, 2021.
  22. Poslanci neschválili registrované manželstvá.
  23. Web site: KDH chce v Ústave definovať manželstvo ako zväzok muža a ženy . Slovak . January 14, 2014 . SME . March 1, 2021.
  24. Web site: Podľa Maďariča je správne, aby spoločnosť podporovala tradičnú rodinu . February 23, 2014 . Pravdoa 100 . March 1, 2021.
  25. Web site: Návrh skupiny poslancov NR SR na vydanie ústavného zákona, ktorým sa mení a doĺňa zákon č. 460/1992 Zb. Ústava Slovenskej republiky v znení neskorších predpisov . February 24, 2014 . Narodna Rada Slovenskej Republiky . Slovak . March 1, 2021.
  26. Web site: Slovakia mulls constitutional ban on same-sex marriage . February 25, 2014 . Yahoo News . March 1, 2021.
  27. Web site: Hlasovanie podľa klubov . Slovak . Narodna Rada Slovenskej Republiky . March 1, 2021.
  28. Web site: Hrušovský: Ak Ústava prejde, gayovia nedostanú práva ako manželstvo . June 3, 2014 . SME . March 1, 2021.
  29. Web site: Activists protest constitutional amendment on marriage . May 29, 2014 . The Slovak Spectator . March 1, 2021.
  30. Web site: Chrania manzelstvo, menia justiciu. Pozrite si, kto hlasoval za zmenu Ustavy . Slovak . June 4, 2014 . SME . March 1, 2021.
  31. Web site: Ústavný zákon č. 460/1992 Zb.. Zákony pre ľudí. sk.
  32. Web site: Slovakia's Constitution of 1992 with Amendments through 2014. Constitute Project. 27 July 2018.
  33. Web site: Aliancia za rodinu: Manželstvo má byť ideál . December 13, 2013 . SME . March 1, 2021.
  34. Web site: Aktivistom sa veta o manželstve máli Zbierajú podpisy za referendum . Slovak . March 6, 2014 . SME . March 1, 2021.
  35. Web site: Aliancia za rodinu organizuje petíciu na referendum Chce zastaviť devalváciu tradičného manželstva . 22 September 2020 . 7 March 2014 . . dead .
  36. Web site: Traditional family advocates criticise Ikea . January 15, 2014 . The Slovak Spectator . March 1, 2021.
  37. Web site: Anti-gay referendum petitions has signatures . The Slovak Spectator . September 1, 2014 . March 1, 2021.
  38. Web site: Constitutional Court to review referendum on family . September 3, 2014 . The Slovak Spectator . March 1, 2021.
  39. Web site: Cez ustavny sud presli tri otazky referenda o rodine . Slovak . October 28, 2014 . SME . March 1, 2021.
  40. Web site: Slovak conservatives fail to cement gay marriage ban in referendum . The Guardian . 7 February 2015 . March 1, 2021.
  41. Web site: JUDGMENT OF THE COURT (Grand Chamber) . 5 June 2018 . InfoCuria Case-law . March 1, 2021.
  42. Web site: Same-sex married couples have the right to stay in Slovakia . 5 June 2018 . The Slovak Spectator . March 1, 2021.
  43. Web site: Landmark EU marriage ruling hailed as big win for gay rights . Taylor . Lin . 5 June 2018 . Thomson Reuters Foundation News . March 1, 2021 . 11 August 2018 . . dead .
  44. Web site: East European church leaders fret about same-sex marriage ruling . Catholic News Services. June 11, 2018 . The Dialog . March 1, 2021.
  45. Web site: Homophobia and Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the EU Member States . European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) . 23 December 2009 . 15 December 2017 . 27 February 2012 . . dead .
  46. Web site: Zákon o rovnakom zaobchádzaní v niektorých oblastiach a o ochrane pred diskrimináciou a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov (antidiskriminačný zákon). Slov-Lex. sk.
  47. Web site: Law change criminalises homophobia / Slovakia / Country-by-country / Guide to Europe / Home / ilga - ILGA Europe. 30 August 2014. 30 August 2014. 15 December 2017.
  48. Web site: Rainbow Europe . 20 February 2024 .
  49. News: Americká armáda možno skončí diskrimináciu homosexuálov . sk . . 6 September 2020.
  50. News: Vojakom chýba v armáde súkromie . 6 September 2020 . . . 10 February 2005 . sk-SK.
  51. Web site: Sex reassignment recognition rules. Ministerstvo práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Slovenskej republiky .

    sk:Ministerstvo práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Slovenskej republiky

    . Slovensko . 2021-02-18. 2021-12-11. Currently, the transition process is not comprehensively regulated in the Slovak Republic..
  52. Web site: Situácia na Slovensku — Aké sú podmienky pre zmenu dokumentov?. . 2021-12-11. V praxi je však často vyžadované potvrdenie psychiatricko-sexuologickej ambulancie a ako "zmena pohlavia" sa často chápe ako ukončenie reprodukčnej schopnosti.. sk.
  53. Web site: Nechcem podstúpiť všetko, čo sa odo mňa očakáva. Je možné podstúpiť iba niečo z toho?. . 2021-12-11. Taktiež je možné zmeniť označenie rodu v dokumentoch bez kastrácie, ale nebýva to pravidlom.. sk.
  54. Web site: Návrh poslancov Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky Mariana KOTLEBU, Rastislava SCHLOSÁRA, Martina BELUSKÉHO a Magdalény SULANOVEJ na vydanie ústavného zákona, ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa Ústava Slovenskej republiky č. 460/1992 Zb. v znení neskorších predpisov. 2022-11-18. sk. National Council (Slovakia). Kotleba. Marian. Schlosár. Rastislav. Beluský. Martin. Sulanová. Magdaléna. 2021-02-12.
  55. Web site: Koaliční poslanci tvrdia, že nie sú za odoberanie detí gejom a lesbám, podobný návrh vznikol aj v koalícii. subscription. Gehrerová. Ria. Osvaldová. Lucia. Barcíková. Michaela. 2021-03-19. 2022-11-18. Denník N. Návrh strany ĽSNS nechcel oklieštiť len práva homosexuálnych párov, ale aj transrodových ľudí. Navrhol do ústavy zakotviť nemennosť "pohlavnej identity"..
  56. Web site: Návrh poslanca Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky Eduarda KOČIŠA na vydanie zákona, ktorým sa mení zákon Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky č. 300/1993 Z. z. o mene a priezvisku v znení neskorších predpisov a zákon Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky č. 301/1995 Z. z. o rodnom čísle. 2022-11-18. sk. National Council (Slovakia). Kočiš. Eduard. 2021-09-23.
  57. Web site: 2021-03-17 . Návrh poslancov Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky Mariana KOTLEBU, Rastislava SCHLOSÁRA, Martina BELUSKÉHO a Magdalény SULANOVEJ na vydanie ústavného zákona, ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa Ústava Slovenskej republiky č. 460/1992 Zb. v znení neskorších predpisov (tlač 429) - prvé čítanie. Hlasovanie o tom, aby bol návrh zákona prerokovaný v druhom čítaní. . 2022-11-18 . . sk.
  58. Web site: Návrh poslanca Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky Eduarda KOČIŠA na vydanie zákona, ktorým sa mení zákon Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky č. 300/1993 Z. z. o mene a priezvisku v znení neskorších predpisov a zákon Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky č. 301/1995 Z. z. o rodnom čísle (tlač 697) - prvé čítanie. Hlasovanie o tom, aby bol návrh zákona prerokovaný v druhom čítaní.. 2022-11-18. sk. National Council (Slovakia). 2021-10-26.
  59. Web site: Vestník Ministerstva zdravotníctva Slovenskej republiky: Čiastka 18-20, ročník 70. 2022-11-18. sk. . 2022-04-06.
  60. Web site: Vestník Ministerstva zdravotníctva Slovenskej republiky: Čiastka 18-20, ročník 70. 2022-11-18. sk. Lekársky posudok o zmene pohlavia vydáva osobe s diagnostikovaným transsexualizmom ošetrujúci lekár sexuológ alebo psychiater s najmenej päťročnou praxou v špecializačnom odbore ak vykonané diagnostické vyšetrenia podľa štandardného postupu preukázateľne potvrdzujú diagnózu F 64.0, [a] osoba s transsexualizmom podpísala informovaný súhlas a podstúpila chirurgický výkon zmeny pohlavných orgánov alebo sekundárnych pohlavných znakov, alebo hormonálnu liečbu v trvaní najmenej jeden rok a s časovým odstupom najmenej jeden rok od začatia hormonálnej liečby, počas ktorého žila v role opačného pohlavia, písomne vyjadrila ošetrujúcemu lekárovi skutočnosť, že počas tohto obdobia nadobudla presvedčenie, že trvalá, celoživotná a nezvratná zmena jej právnej identity, mena a priezviska je pre ňu jediným možným riešením; hormonálna liečba najmenej jeden rok sa nevyžaduje, ak je u osoby s transsexualizmom kontraindikovaná.. . 2022-04-06.
  61. Web site: Odborné usmernenie o transrodových ľuďoch rozhádalo politikov. Záborská tvrdí, že jej Heger sľúbil jeho zrušenie. 2022-11-18. sk. Denník N. 2022-04-27. subscription. Gehrerová. Ria.
  62. Web site: Vestník Ministerstva zdravotníctva Slovenskej republiky: Čiastka 28-29, ročník 70. 2022-11-18. sk. . 2022-05-18. Pozastavuje sa platnosť aúčinnosť Odborného usmernenia Ministerstva zdravotníctva Slovenskej republiky na zjednotenie postupov poskytovania zdravotnej starostlivosti ku zmene pohlavia pred vydaním lekárskeho posudku o zmene pohlavia osoby administratívne evidovaného v matrike, uverejneného vo Vestníku Ministerstva zdravotníctva Slovenskej republiky, ročník 70, zo 6. apríla 2022, čiastka 18 - 20..
  63. Web site: Macko z Inakosti: Neviem si predstaviť, že by nejaký poslanec vyhlásil, že je antisemita. Folentová. Veronika. 2022-11-16. Denník N. 2022-11-18. subscription. Mali sa vypracovať štandardy, už v júni bol text finálny, prešli všetky odborné recenzie, rovnako sa k tomu vyjadrili lekárske spoločnosti a podporili to. Od júna to až dodnes blokujú opäť poslanci OĽaNO, ktorí sú v rozpore so štatútmi odborných komisií do nich nominovaní a odďaľujú prijatie štandardov. Naposledy bolo stretnutie odbornej komisie na konci októbra. [...] Bola pri tom poslankyňa OĽaNO aj so svojou asistentkou. / Ktorá? / Pani poslankyňa Lucia Drábiková. Zablokovali prijatie štandardov a opäť to bolo odložené..
  64. Web site: Rozhodnutie: Krajský súd v Banskej Bystrici musí opätovne rozhodnúť vo veci, ktorá sa týka zmeny pohlavia. . 2022-11-14. [...] kasačný súd v rámci svojho rozhodovania v tejto veci dospel k záveru, že všeobecne záväzná právna úprava Slovenskej republiky v rozhodnom čase neurčovala, akými dokladmi sa u žiadateľa preukazuje zmena pohlavia pre účely realizácie zmien v matrike, resp. čo takéto potvrdenie o zmene pohlavia má obsahovať, kto ho vydáva, ako ani to, že dôkazom o zmene pohlavia má byť výlučne chirurgický zákrok a pod.. sk.
  65. Web site: Macko z Inakosti: Neviem si predstaviť, že by nejaký poslanec vyhlásil, že je antisemita. Folentová. Veronika. 2022-11-16. Denník N. 2022-11-18. subscription. Odvtedy sme v situácii, keď neplatí nič, nič nie je možné, matriky odmietajú transrodovým ľuďom meniť doklady, vyhovárajú sa, že čakajú na ministerstvo zdravotníctva, kým vydá nové usmernenie. Lekári nechcú prijímať takýchto ľudí, lebo sa boja žalôb, sú v právnom vákuu, nemajú istotu v ničom, čo postupujú v tejto téme. Je jedna lekárka na celom Slovensku, ktorá ešte prijíma ľudí, ktorí chcú riešiť tranzíciu. Proces je v zásade zastavený..
  66. Web site: Návrh poslancov Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky Rastislava SCHLOSÁRA a Martina BELUSKÉHO na vydanie zákona, ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa zákon č. 300/2005 Z. z. Trestný zákon v znení neskorších predpisov a ktorým sa menia niektoré zákony. 2023-03-25. sk. National Council (Slovakia). Schlosár. Rastislav. Beluský. Martin. 2023-01-13.
  67. Web site: Návrh poslancov Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky Rastislava SCHLOSÁRA a Martina BELUSKÉHO na vydanie zákona, ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa zákon č. 300/2005 Z. z. Trestný zákon v znení neskorších predpisov a ktorým sa menia niektoré zákony (tlač 1375) - prvé čítanie. Hlasovanie o tom, aby bol návrh zákona prerokovaný v druhom čítaní.. 2023-03-25. sk. National Council (Slovakia). 2023-03-21.
  68. Web site: Lukáč . Jozef . Andrejuvová . Anna . Anna Andrejuvová . Hudecová . Eva . Záborská . Anna . 2023-02-24 . Návrh poslancov Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky Jozefa LUKÁČA, Anny ANDREJUVOVEJ, Evy HUDECOVEJ a Anny ZÁBORSKEJ na vydanie zákona, ktorým sa dopĺňa zákon Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky č. 301/1995 Z. z. o rodnom čísle v znení neskorších predpisov . 2023-03-25 . . sk.
  69. Web site: Lengvarský schválil štandard pre transrodových ľudí a umožnil zapísať zmenu pohlavia aj bez chirurgického zákroku. Zdút. Matúš. 2023-03-03. Denník N. 2023-03-03. subscription. Ani platné usmernenia a štandardy však transrodovým ľuďom nepomôžu, ak prejde zákon, ktorý nedávno do parlamentu predložili Anna Záborská (KÚ, klub OĽaNO), Anna Andrejuvová (Nova, klub OĽaNO), Eva Hudecová a Jozef Lukáč (obaja Sme rodina). Návrh zákona o rodných číslach by prakticky znemožnil tranzíciu. Zákon je totiž nadradený usmerneniam ministerstva zdravotníctva. Ak by návrh prešiel, zmena rodného čísla by bola možná len vtedy, ak pri jeho určení došlo k chybe. „V zákone sa ponecháva možnosť administratívnej zmeny rodného čísla nesprávne určeného pohlavia," píšu v návrhu. Podmienkou takejto zmeny by bol lekársky posudok, ktorý preukazuje na základe genetických testov, že v minulosti došlo k nesprávnemu určeniu pohlavia. „V prípade požadovania zmeny rodného čísla z iného dôvodu zmeny pohlavia neviaže štát povinnosť zabezpečenia a evidencie administratívnej zmeny," píšu poslanci. To by znamenalo, že by štát nemusel akceptovať rozhodnutie transrodovej osoby podstúpiť zmenu pohlavia..
  70. Web site: Návrh poslancov Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky Jozefa LUKÁČA, Anny ANDREJUVOVEJ, Evy HUDECOVEJ a Anny ZÁBORSKEJ na vydanie zákona, ktorým sa dopĺňa zákon Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky č. 301/1995 Z. z. o rodnom čísle v znení neskorších predpisov (tlač 1486) - prvé čítanie. Hlasovanie o tom, aby bol návrh zákona prerokovaný v druhom čítaní.. 2023-03-25. sk. National Council (Slovakia). 2023-03-21.
  71. Web site: Podľa vzoru Orbána: 87 poslancov podporilo Záborskej zákon, ktorý znemožní úradnú zmenu pohlavia transrodovým ľuďom. Mikušovič. Dušan. Zdút. Matúš. 2023-03-21. Denník N. 2023-03-25. subscription.
  72. Web site: Konzervatívcom sa v parlamente darí, zákaz nedeľného predaja má na budúci týždeň šancu. Kern. Miro. 2023-03-24. Denník N. 2023-03-25. subscription. Znamená to tiež, že ktokoľvek, kto uvidí ich rodné číslo, jednoducho zistí, či prešli tranzíciou. Pri rodných číslach totiž platí, že ak sa na tretej pozícii v nich nachádzajú číslice 0 alebo 1, ide o osobu, ktorá sa narodila ako muž, a ak je tam číslo 5 alebo 6, narodila sa ako žena. Hoci tento návrh podporilo až 87 poslancov parlamentu vrátane väčšiny OĽaNO, Smeru aj Sme rodina, definitívne vyhrané nemá, keďže sa o ňom ako o celku bude hlasovať na májovej schôdzi. Veľké množstvo hlasov, ktoré dostal, však naznačuje, že má veľké šance dostať sa do našej legislatívy..
  73. Web site: Zdút . Matúš . 2023-03-03 . Lengvarský schválil štandard pre transrodových ľudí a umožnil zapísať zmenu pohlavia aj bez chirurgického zákroku . subscription . 2023-03-03 . Denník N.
  74. Web site: Štátny tajomník Palkovič: Zatiaľ som optimista, že Rázsochy budú. Folentová. Veronika. 2023-03-21. Denník N. 2023-03-25. subscription. Preverovali ste aj štandard pre transrodových ľudí, ktorý umožňuje zapísať do dokladov zmenu pohlavia aj bez chirurgického zákroku. V akom štádiu to je? / Momentálne tam robíme analýzu procesov. Je tam problém s realizovateľnosťou. Pán premiér si vyžiadal podklady a bude sa hľadať právny spôsob, ako by mohla byť vyhláška účinná. / Tak, ako je dnes napísaná, sa nedá realizovať? / Realizovateľnosť je právnický problém. / Prečo? / Nemáme právny rámec, na podklade ktorého by bola záväzná. A je problém vo vykonateľnosti medzi inými rezortmi, najmä na ministerstve vnútra. Matriky majú teraz šesť ľudí, ktorí majú zmenené pohlavie a sú v procese tranzície. Ak by došlo k vynechaniu liečby, museli by riešiť, ako to u toho človeka zmeniť naspäť. To je legislatívny problém. Oslovili sme aj iné rezorty, aby sme sa zorientovali. Na základe toho pán premiér zadá úlohy, ktoré máme splniť, aby sme agendu posunuli ďalej..
  75. Web site: Otajovicova . Sona . January 12, 2024 . Slovakia: Surgery once again a condition for gender change . 2024-01-12 . . en.
  76. Web site: Dotazník pre darcov krvi, plazmy a krvných buniek. 2016-05-01. 2017-09-24. 2017-09-24.
  77. Web site: Dúhový pochod stopli extrémisti. 15 December 2017.
  78. Web site: Veľvyslanci podporujú Dúhový Pride. 15 December 2017.
  79. Web site: Gay - Slovakia. 29 September 2006. 29 September 2006. 15 December 2017.
  80. Iniciatíva Inakosť
  81. Public opinion 2012
  82. Alternatívu k manželstvu podporuje väčšina spoločnosti
  83. Web site: DISCRIMINATION IN THE EU IN 2015, p. 50 . 22 September 2020 . 22 January 2016 . . dead .
  84. Slováci sú naďalej jasne proti registrovaným partnerstvám
  85. Eastern and Western Europeans Differ on Importance of Religion, Views of Minorities, and Key Social Issues
  86. Eurobarometer 493 - Discrimination in the EU (including LGBTI)
  87. News: Exkluzívny prieskum agentúry AKO pre TV JOJ 24: Mala by vláda uzákoniť registrované partnerstvá?. TV JOJ. 30 August 2023. 30 August 2023.
  88. Web site: Chapter 3. Views of Religion and Morality | Pew Research Center . . 4 October 2007 . 2017-03-12.
  89. Je spoločnosť na RP pripravená
  90. Web site: Eight EU Countries Back Same-Sex Marriage: Angus Reid Global Monitor. 5 September 2008. 5 September 2008. 15 December 2017.
  91. Web site: DISCRIMINATION IN THE EU IN 2015 . 22 September 2020 . 22 January 2016 . . dead .
  92. Web site: Alternatívu k manželstvu podporuje väčšina spoločnosti. 15 December 2017.
  93. Web site: Gay Happiness Monitor . 67.
  94. Web site: The biggest survey showed the lives of LGBT people. Petit Press. a.s. 17 May 2018.
  95. Web site: Most Slovaks support partnerships for everyone. The Slovak Spectator. 12 September 2019.
  96. Web site: Focus: Dve tretiny Slovákov nechcú registrované partnerstvá. 26 September 2019.
  97. Web site: 22 December 2023 . Discrimination in the EU_sp535_volumeA.xlsx [QB15_2] and [QB15_3] ]. 29 December 2023 . . xls.
  98. Web site: sexual activity was legalized in 1962, when Slovakia was part of Czechoslovakia], after scientific research from Kurt Freund led to changes in public opinion (see history of penile plethysmographs).

    In 1990, still as part of Czechoslovakia, the age of consent was equalized to 15, as it had previously been 18 for same-sex activity, different to heterosexual activity.[6] [7]

    Recognition of same-sex relationships

    See main article: Recognition of same-sex unions in Slovakia.

    Unregistered cohabitation

    Since 1964, Slovak law recognizes a close person, defined as a sibling or a spouse. A family member or a person in a relationship shall be considered under law a close person if an injury suffered by one of them is "reasonably felt by the other person as an injury suffered by him or her." Limited rights are granted, namely in the area of inheritance.[8] [9]

    Civil unions

    There is no legal recognition of civil unions in Slovakia. Several bills for the creation of civil unions were introduced in 1997, 2000, 2012, 2018, 2021 and 2022, but all were rejected by the Slovak parliament.

    In 2008 and 2009, the LGBT rights group Iniciatíva Inakosť (Otherness Initiative) launched a public awareness campaign for the recognition of registered life partnerships (Slovak: životné partnerstvo) between same-sex couples. In January 2008, LGBT rights activists met with the Deputy Prime Minister, Dušan Čaplovič, to discuss this proposal. Throughout 2008, Iniciatíva Inakosť also held a number of public discussions about registered partnerships.[10] The Slovak Green Party supports registered partnerships for same-sex and opposite-sex couples.[11] In March 2012, the liberal Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party announced that it would submit a draft law on registered partnerships.[12] On 23 August, the registered partnership bill was submitted to Parliament, which would have given same-sex couples similar rights and obligations as married couples, including alimony, inheritance, access to medical documentation and the right to a widow's/widower's pension, but excluding adoption rights.[13] [14] On 19 September, the ruling party, Direction - Social Democracy (Smer) announced that it would vote against the bill,[15] which was then rejected by 94 lawmakers, with only 14 in support.[16]

    In August 2017, Deputy Speaker of the National Council Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová of SaS promised to re-submit draft legislation on registered partnerships to Parliament.[17] On 11 December 2017, following a meeting with Iniciatíva Inakosť representatives, President Andrej Kiska called for a public debate about the rights of same-sex couples.[18] On the same day, SaS reiterated its intention to introduce a registered partnership bill.[19] SaS introduced its registered partnership bill to the National Council in July 2018. Under the proposed bill, partnerships would have been open to both same-sex and opposite-sex couples and would have granted couples several rights and benefits enjoyed by married couples, namely in the area of inheritance and healthcare, among others.[20] The bill was rejected in September 2018, with only 31 out of 150 lawmakers in support.[21]

    In 2021, the Progressive Slovakia party introduced another civil union bill. It was rejected with 7 lawmakers in support and 67 against.[22]

    Same-sex marriage

    , there is no domestic legal recognition of same-sex marriages in Slovakia, although same-sex marriages established abroad are recognized in Slovak law, and are allowed to settle and live in Slovakia . In January 2014, the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) announced that it would submit a draft law to prohibit same-sex marriage in the Slovak Constitution.[23] In February 2014, Minister of Culture Marek Maďarič said there were enough SMER-SD MPs in favour of the constitutional ban for it to pass.[24] 40 opposition MPs introduced a draft law to the National Council to ban same-sex marriage in the Slovak Constitution.[25] Prime Minister Robert Fico stated that the governing SMER-SD would be willing to support the amendment in exchange for the opposition's support for an amendment introducing changes in the judicial system.[26] The bill passed its first reading in a 103–5 vote in March 2014.[27] The amendment could cause any future laws recognising same-sex couples to be unconstitutional.[28] [29] In June 2014, it was passed and signed into law by President Ivan Gašparovič, with 102 MPs voting for and 18 against.[30] Article 41 reads as follows:[31] [32]

    In December 2013, a conservative civil initiative group named Aliancia za rodinu (Alliance for the Family) announced that it would demand a constitutional definition of marriage as "a union solely between a man and a woman".[33] The Alliance intended to initiate referendums on several issues, and demanded a ban on same-sex adoption and the prohibition of sex education in schools. They also demanded that other types of cohabitation should never be held equal to a marriage between a man and a woman.[34] [35] Activists from the Alliance also criticised Swedish company Ikea for its corporate magazine, which featured two lesbians raising a son.[36]

    In August 2014, Aliancia za rodinu collected more than 400,000 signatures for a petition to hold a referendum on four questions:[37]

    1. Do you agree that no other cohabitation of persons other than a bond between one man and one woman can be called marriage?
    2. Do you agree that same-sex couples or groups shouldn't be allowed to adopt children and subsequently raise them?
    3. Do you agree that no other cohabitation of persons other than marriage should be granted particular protection, rights and duties that the legislative norms as of 1 March 2014 only grant to marriage and to spouses (mainly acknowledgement, registration, or recording as a life community in front of a public authority, the possibility to adopt a child by the spouse of a parent)?
    4. Do you agree that schools cannot require children to participate in education pertaining to sexual behaviour or euthanasia if their parents or the children themselves do not agree with the content of the education?

    President Andrej Kiska asked the Constitutional Court to consider the proposed questions.[38] In October 2014, the Constitutional Court ruled that the third question was unconstitutional.[39]

    A referendum on the other three questions was held on 7 February 2015. All three proposals were approved, but the referendum was declared invalid due to insufficient turnout (21.07%). The referendum required a 50% turnout to be valid.[40] Opponents, including LGBT activists, advised voters to boycott the referendum.

    On 5 June 2018, in Coman and Others v General Inspectorate for Immigration and Ministry of the Interior, the European Court of Justice ruled in favour of a Romanian-American same-sex couple who sought to have their marriage recognized in Romania, so that the American partner could reside in the country. The Court ruled that EU member states may choose whether or not to allow same-sex marriage, but they cannot obstruct the freedom of residence of an EU citizen and their spouse. Furthermore, the Court ruled that the term "spouse" is gender-neutral, and that it does not necessarily imply a person of the opposite sex. Same-sex couples resident in Slovakia who have married in member states that have legalized same-sex marriage, and where one partner is an EU citizen, enjoy full residency rights as a result of the ruling.[41] The Slovak Interior Ministry quickly announced immediate compliance with the ruling.[42] The European Court of Justice's landmark ruling was praised by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) and other human rights groups, while the Slovak Catholic Church condemned it.[43] [44]

    Adoption and parenting

    Any person is allowed to adopt. However, persons who are not married to each other may not adopt the same child. In practice, this means only one partner of the two may adopt a child.

    Discrimination protections

    The Anti-Discrimination Act (Slovak: Antidiskriminačný zákon) was adopted in 2004, to comply with the European Union's requirements on anti-discrimination law in its member states. The act, broadened in 2008, made it illegal to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in a wide variety of areas, including employment, education, housing, social care and the provision of goods and services.[45] Article 2 of the law reads as follows:[46]

    In May 2013, the Criminal Code was amended to include sexual orientation as a ground for hate crimes, allowing harsher penalties for crimes motivated by homophobia.[47] Additionally, hate speech on the basis of sexual orientation was outlawed.[48]

    Military service

    LGBT people are allowed to serve openly in the Slovak Armed Forces. As the Anti-Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, it also applies to the military.[49]

    In 2005, Pravda reported that "the military has a very homophobic environment that is hostile and intolerant of any manifestations and indications of homosexuality."[50]

    Transgender rights

    Transgender people in Slovakia have been allowed to change legal gender since 1995.

    Slovak law does not state any requirements to do so,[51] but in practice, it is usually required to undergo surgical sterilization.[52] There have been exceptional cases where change of legal gender was possible even without castration.[53] Because there is no recognition of same-sex marriage, any existing marriage will be invalidated.

    Attempts at legal amendments

    In 2021, far-right neo-fascist parties introduced two bills that would ban change of legal gender in Slovakia. One bill was introduced by ĽSNS on 12 February 2021.[54] [55] A second bill was introduced by Republic on 23 September 2021.[56] Both attempts were unsuccessful, with the majority of votes being absentee or abstaining.[57] [58]

    On 6 April 2022, the published standards of care for transgender people[59] that also regulated medical transition and the conditions of granting the ability to change the legal gender by appointed experts, where an appointed expert is any doctor in the field of psychiatry or sexology with at least five years of professional experience, and the person requesting documentation necessary for the legal gender change must be either surgically castrated or undergo the real-life experience test in combination with hormone replacement therapy for at least a year, unless it is contraindicated.[60]

    However, after pressure by the Conference of Slovak Bishops and members of the National Council, including the then-premier Eduard Heger,[61] the standards of care were revoked on 18 May 2022. As such, there are no valid standards for legal gender change in Slovakia.[62] It was claimed the attempts of approving the standards of care had been blocked by members of the then-government Ordinary People party.[63]

    On 19 October 2022, the Supreme Court overturned a decision of the, which ruled that undergoing surgical sterilization is required in order to change the legal gender, and confirmed Slovak law does not specify any requirements in order to change legal gender.[64]

    As of November 18, 2022, because of lack of regulation and standards, healthcare providers in Slovakia are refusing to provide transgender care, which forces trans people living in Slovakia to seek healthcare abroad, and some civil registry offices are refusing to process any applications to change legal gender, citing lack of regulation and telling them to wait for approval of the new standards of care by the Ministry of Health, meaning change of legal gender is close to impossible to achieve.[65]

    On 13 January 2023, members of ĽSNS introduced another bill that would ban legal gender change, as well as outlaw medical transition with the punishment of a prison sentence of at least 4 years.[66] The bill failed, with the majority abstaining.[67]

    On 24 February 2023, members of the then-government Christian Union party introduced a bill that would restrict legal gender change to those "whose sex was wrongly assigned at birth," which could only be proven by a karyotype test.[68] [69] On 21 March 2023, the bill passed its first reading with 87 votes for.[70] [71] [72]

    On 3 March 2023, the once suspended standards of care for transgender people were once again signed into force and republished by the then-minister of health Vladimír Lengvarský immediately before resigning. However, the impact of the standards in regards to access to the care and acceptance by the civil registries remains to be seen.[73] On 21 March 2023, in an interview for Denník N, the secretary of state Michal Palkovič said the new standards of care have "some implementation issues in terms of law."[74]

    The guidelines on transition allowed people who hadn't had gender-affirming surgery to change their gender on their legal documents. On November 21, 2023, Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova told the media that "the stability of the government coalition" was at stake, and that was why the guideline was being revoked.[75]

    Blood donation

    Gay and bisexual people are prohibited from donating blood if they have had unprotected sexual intercourse within one year.[76]

    Living conditions

    Slovakia's first gay pride event took place on 22 May 2010 in Bratislava. A crowd of about a thousand were confronted by anti-gay right-wing groups. While the National and Bratislava's municipal police forces kept the two sides apart, several anti-gay protesters were able to infiltrate the event and throw stones at speakers and disperse tear gas into the crowd. Pride demonstrators had to cancel their march through the city centre, but were able to cross the Danube under police protection. Twenty-nine persons were arrested.[77] The event has since improved its security measures and it has been supported by many foreign embassies.[78] LGBT rights supports of some slovak celebrities like actress Zdena Studenková, Zuzana Fialová, gay actor Richard Stanke, singer Katarzia, but not many more.

    There is a small gay scene in Slovakia with a few bars and clubs in Bratislava.[79]

    Public opinion and demographics

    Support for the rights of same-sex couples2008[80] 20092012[81] 2015[82] [83] 2016[84] 2017[85] 2019[86] 2023[87]
    YES [%]NO [%]YES [%]NO [%]YES [%]NO [%]YES [%]NO [%]YES [%]NO [%]YES [%]NO [%]YES [%]NO [%]YES [%]NO [%]
    "Same-sex registered partnership"42454541473850354055--574339.854.1
    "Mutual maintenance duty among partners"473251295031----------
    "Right for tax benefits"414343394538----------
    "Right for spousal pension for deceased partner"453745374836----------
    "Access to information about medical condition of partner"642172167515----------
    "Right to day-off if partner requires accompaniment to doctor"54-57-58-----------
    "Right to bereavement leave"69-71-73-----------
    "Right to mutual inheritance"58-56-60-----------
    "Possibility to establish undivided co-ownership"55-56-57-----------
    "Right to nursing benefit during care for sick partner"58-61-61-----------
    "Same-sex marriage"------2469276947472070--
    "Adoption of children"--------2075--1583--

    Public opinion has been fluctuating in Slovakia in the past few decades, initially becoming more favourable to granting rights to same-sex couples, then began stagnating by the end of the 2010s as a result of a coordinated homophobic campaign by conservative politicians. A 2007 Pew Global Attitudes Project survey recorded that 66% of Slovaks believed that homosexuality should be accepted by society.[88] According to a poll conducted in 2009, 45% of respondents supported same-sex registered partnerships, 41% were opposed, and 14% were unsure.[89] Support for specific rights was higher, with 56% supporting the right of same-sex couples to jointly own property, 72% to access medical information about their partner and 71% supporting the right to bereavement leave.

    Support for same-sex marriage remains low compared to other European Union member states. A 2006 European Union poll showed that 19% of Slovaks supported same-sex marriage,[90] and the 2015 Eurobarometer found that 24% of Slovaks supported same-sex marriage, the fourth lowest among EU member states alongside Lithuania. EU-wide support was 61%.[91] However, a 2015 survey by AKO found that more than 50.4% of Slovaks would vote in favor of same-sex registered partnerships.[92] A 2016 opinion poll conducted by FOCUS found that more than 27% of Slovaks supported same-sex marriage, an increase of 3% since 2015.

    An LGBT social network called PlanetRomeo released its first Gay Happiness Index in May 2015. Gay men from more than 120 nations were surveyed to learn how they felt about society's perception of homosexuality, how they felt about how others treated them, and how content they were with their life. Slovakia was ranked 47th, far behind neighboring Czechia – 18th and Austria, 17th.[93]

    In 2017, Iniciatíva Inakosť conducted a survey enquiring into the lives of Slovak LGBT people. The survey found that 52% were irreligious, while 33% were Roman Catholics, 6% were Evangelicals and 2% were Greek Orthodox. However, 56.5% considered religion "important" in their lives. When divided by political ideology, 58.5% considered themselves either "very liberal" or "liberal". Only 2.5% considered themselves "conservative", and 18% said they were "centrist". Progressive Slovakia and Freedom and Solidarity were the most popular political parties among LGBT people. With regards to coming out, most respondents said it had been "positive". 71% and 52% of sisters and brothers respectively were accepting of their disclosure of lesbian, gay, and bisexual orientation. 54% of mothers, 42% of fathers and 49.5% of grandparents responded the same, and a significant number, including 28.5% of fathers and 29% of grandparents, were indifferent. Furthermore, 78% of respondents considered their relationship with their partner as "serious", but less than half were willing to hold their hand in public. Many respondents reported low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, alcohol abuse and suicidal feelings as a result of homophobic persecution, and nearly 40% of the respondents have experienced active discrimination because of their LGBT identity, with 15.2% of LGBT people experiencing it in the last year.[94]

    According to a 2017 Pew Research Center poll, 47% of Slovaks supported same-sex marriage, while another 47% were opposed and 6% were undecided. This was the highest level of support ever recorded, and the second highest among Eastern European countries, behind the Czech Republic at 65%. Among 18-34-year-olds, opposition to same-sex marriage was 42%. A 2019 survey conducted by the AKO polling agency found that 57% of Slovaks were in favour of registered partnerships for everyone, in contrast to a poll made by the FOCUS agency, which has found support for registered partnerships at 29%, a figure that was criticized by commentators and LGBT rights activists as an unusually low number, and they have questioned the strength and credibility of the poll's methodology.[95] [96] An AKO poll from August 2023 found support for same-sex registered partnership to be at 39.8 %.

    The 2023 Eurobarometer found that 37% of Slovaks people thought same-sex marriage should be allowed throughout Europe, and 47% agreed that "there is nothing wrong in a sexual relationship between two persons of the same sex".[97]

    See also

    Further reading

    • Guasti . Petra . Bustikova . Lenka . In Europe's Closet: the rights of sexual minorities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia . East European Politics . 2020 . 36 . 2 . 226–246 . 10.1080/21599165.2019.1705282. 214500453 . free .

