In mathematics, Kostant's convexity theorem, introduced by, can be used to derive Lie-theoretical extensions of the Golden–Thompson inequality and the Schur–Horn theorem for Hermitian matrices.
Konstant's convexity theorem states that the projection of every coadjoint orbit of a connected compact Lie group into the dual of a Cartan subalgebra is a convex set. It is a special case of a more general result for symmetric spaces. Kostant's theorem is a generalization of a result of, and for Hermitian matrices. They proved that the projection onto the diagonal matrices of the space of all n by n complex self-adjoint matrices with given eigenvalues Λ = (λ1, ..., λn) is the convex polytope with vertices all permutations of the coordinates of Λ.
Let K be a connected compact Lie group with maximal torus T and Weyl group W = NK(T)/T. Let their Lie algebras be
Let G be a compact Lie group and σ an involution with K a compact subgroup fixed by σ and containing the identity component of the fixed point subgroup of σ. Thus G/K is a symmetric space of compact type. Let
The case of a compact Lie group is the special case where G = K × K, K is embedded diagonally and σ is the automorphism of G interchanging the two factors.
Kostant's proof for symmetric spaces is given in . There is an elementary proof just for compact Lie groups using similar ideas, due to : it is based on a generalization of the Jacobi eigenvalue algorithm to compact Lie groups.
Let K be a connected compact Lie group with maximal torus T. For each positive root α there is a homomorphism of SU(2) into K. A simple calculation with 2 by 2 matrices shows that if Y is in
\perp(Y | |
\displaystyle{\|P | |
n+1 |
2.} | |
m}\right)\|P | |
n)\| |
Thus P⊥(Yn) tends to 0 and
\perp(Y | |
\|P | |
n)\|.} |
Hence Xn = P(Yn) is a Cauchy sequence, so tends to X in
To prove the opposite inclusion, take X to be a point in the positive Weyl chamber. Then all the other points Y in the convex hull of W(X) can be obtained by a series of paths in that intersection moving along the negative of a simple root. (This matches a familiar picture from representation theory: if by duality X corresponds to a dominant weight λ, the other weights in the Weyl group polytope defined by λ are those appearing in the irreducible representation of K with highest weight λ. An argument with lowering operators shows that each such weight is linked by a chain to λ obtained by successively subtracting simple roots from λ.[1]) Each part of the path from X to Y can be obtained by the process described above for the copies of SU(2) corresponding to simple roots, so the whole convex polytope lies in P(Ad(K)⋅X).
gave another proof of the convexity theorem for compact Lie groups, also presented in . For compact groups, and showed that if M is a symplectic manifold with a Hamiltonian action of a torus T with Lie algebra
\displaystyle{M → ak{t}*}
is a convex polytope with vertices in the image of the fixed point set of T (the image is a finite set). Taking for M a coadjoint orbit of K in
\displaystyle{M → ak{k}* → ak{t}*.}
Using the Ad-invariant inner product to identify
\displaystyle{Ad(K) ⋅ X → ak{t},}
the restriction of the orthogonal projection. Taking X in
showed that a generalization of the convexity properties of the moment map could be used to treat the more general case of symmetric spaces. Let τ be a smooth involution of M which takes the symplectic form ω to −ω and such that t ∘ τ = τ ∘ t−1. Then M and the fixed point set of τ (assumed to be non-empty) have the same image under the moment map. To apply this, let T = exp
\displaystyle{Ad(G) ⋅ X → ak{a}.}
Let τ be the map τ(Y) = − σ(Y). The map above has the same image as that of the fixed point set of τ, i.e. Ad(K)⋅X. Its image is the convex polytope with vertices the image of the fixed point set of T on Ad(G)⋅X, i.e. the points w(X) for w in W = NK(T)/CK(T).
In the convexity theorem is deduced from a more general convexity theorem concerning the projection onto the component A in the Iwasawa decomposition G = KAN of a real semisimple Lie group G. The result discussed above for compact Lie groups K corresponds to the special case when G is the complexification of K: in this case the Lie algebra of A can be identified with