Koh Yasuda Explained

Koh Yasuda
Birth Date:1907
Birth Place:Wakayama Prefecture, Japan
Death Date:1943
Known For:Appointed the first director of a leper hospital, now Amami Wakoen Sanatorium, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan and he was drafted and died in war before starting the sanatorium
Occupation:Physician (Ophthalmologist)

or Kō Yasuda was a Japanese ophthalmologist who became the first director of Amami Wakoen Sanatorium, a leprosy sanatorium in Amami Ōshima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. He was drafted into military service and died in China in 1943.


He was born in 1907 in Wakayama Prefecture and graduated from Osaka University and qualified as a physician in 1932. He worked at Sotojima Hoyoen and Oku-Komyo-En Sanatorium. In April 1943, he was appointed to be a doctor soldier with the first director of Amami Wakoen Sanatorium. In August 1943, he was drafted and died on September 7, 1943, in China during war.


On the draft

Yasuda was drafted before the completion of Amami Wakoen Sanatorium. It was recorded that the Ministry of Army forgot the previous agreement by the Ministries of Army and Welfare that the first director of the sanatorium should not be drafted into military service.[1]



  1. Records of Sotojima Hoyoen, (26-27) p29. Sakurai H. Kaede. 1969.