Klaus Hulek Explained

Klaus Hulek (born 19 August 1952 in Hindelang) is a German mathematician, known for his work in algebraic geometry and in particular, his work on moduli spaces.


Klaus Hulek studied Mathematics from 1971 at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich graduating in 1976 with his Diplom. In 1974/75 he studied at Brasenose College of the University of Oxford, where he obtained a master's degree.

He obtained his doctorate under the supervision of Wolf Barth at the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg in 1979. His thesis was "Stable rank 2 vector bundles on


with odd first Chern class". In 1982/83 he held a post-doctorate position at Brown University and after that he returned to Erlangen as a research scientist, where he completed his habilitation in 1984, gaining the title Privatdozent.

From 1985, Hulek was a professor at the University of Bayreuth, and in 1990 he moved to Leibniz University Hannover, where he was also vice-president for research from 2005 to January 2015.

Hulek is an editor of the journal Mathematische Nachrichten. Since 2016 he has been editor in chief of zbMATH (formerly Zentralblatt für Mathematik). Hulek was vice president of the German Mathematical Society (DMV) from January 2019 to May 2020.

His former doctoral students include Andreas Gathmann and Matthias Schütt.

List of works

External links