Kirk/Spock Explained

Kirk/Spock, commonly abbreviated as K/S or Spirk[1] and referring to James T. Kirk and Spock from Star Trek, is a popular pair in slash fiction, possibly the first slash pairing, according to Henry Jenkins, an early slash fiction scholar.[2] Early in the history of Star Trek fan fiction, a few fan writers started writing about a romantic and sexual relationship between Kirk and Spock, highlighting a romantic or sexual element to the friendship between the men.[3] As of 1998, most academic studies on slash fiction focused on Kirk/Spock, as Star Trek was by that point one of the longest-lived and most prosperous subjects of slash fiction, while its mainstream popularity made it one of the most accessible titles for academics and their audience.[4] As the first slash pairing, K/S was created and developed largely independently from the influence of other slash fiction, with most of the conventions of the slash genre seeing their debut first in K/S slash.[5] [6]

Origins and creators' responses

Many homosocial scenes between Kirk and Spock have been interpreted by some fans as having significant homoerotic undertones. For example, in , Spock realizes that emotions "play an important part in the richness of life". In a particular scene from the film, Spock, lying down in sickbay, clasps Kirk's hand and says that he understands "this simple feeling". Woledge points out that both the gesture and the words are "ambiguous", and can be interpreted as homoerotic. Eye contact and gestures throughout the series have also been cited as being part of a homoerotic subtext in their relationship.[7]

In the novelization of Star Trek: The Motion Picture written by Gene Roddenberry, he introduces the Vulcan term t'hy'la to describe Kirk and Spock's relationship, translating it as friend, brother or lover. Regarding this, a footnote was added where Kirk addresses the rumor that he and Spock were lovers:

In an interview, after revealing that he had cast Shatner as Kirk partly on the basis of his performance as Alexander, Roddenberry talked about fans seeing a possible parallel between Alexander and Hephaestion and Kirk/Spock:

In a similar interview,[8] Roddenberry states:

Another key scene which can be interpreted as homoerotic is in , when Spock dies, and tells Kirk, "I have been and always shall be your friend."[9] In 1985, Roddenberry recalled from publication Killing Time, a novel that suggested the existence of such a relationship between Kirk and Spock.[10] It has also been noted that although Kirk has had many female companions throughout the series, he always leaves them behind, citing his duties to the Enterprise, but he frequently risks the Enterprise and defies his stated duties in order to keep Spock safe.[2] During the production of "Shore Leave", writer Theodore Sturgeon suggested, when criticising a scene with McCoy and two women, that "the whimsical friction between Bones and Spock" should be addressed in a future episode with a prostate massage. "Shore Leave" also contained a back massage scene where Kirk believes that he is being massaged by Spock.[11]

The first known Kirk/Spock fan fiction story was "A Fragment Out of Time" by Diane Marchant, published in the fanzine Grup #3 (September 1974). It consisted of a sex scene but was written to not identify its participants nor make both of their sexes clear; Marchant stated in the next issue, however, that they were Kirk and Spock.[12] [13] [14] [15] Although many early Star Trek fans were fans of science fiction in general, as the show's popularity increased, it acquired fans who were not general science fiction fans but rather found the show appealed to them as a "buddy" show, or as a heroic/romantic saga, in which Kirk and Spock were the focus. This led to a quantity of fan fiction about the show focusing on the relationships between characters on the show, with less of an emphasis on science-fictional elements. Many of these fans found that Kirk and Spock's deep friendship was the most interesting topic for writing about Star Trek fan fiction.

Such "relationship" stories (K&S) were distinct from homoerotic ones (K/S), but both often removed Kirk and Spock from the Enterprise to avoid science fiction "distractions" like the starship and the Federation. In June 1976, the first Kirk/Spock dedicated fanzine appeared,[13] but as the number of non-science fiction fans grew, within several years "relationship" stories became the dominant form of Star Trek fan fiction outside the K/S genre. By 1987, 30 K/S fanzines existed to 47 non-K/S.

Among Star Trek fans, the pairing was euphemistically referred to as "the premise", and mentioning it as such was a verbal shibboleth or "secret handshake" used to identify like-minded fans.[16]

Other responses

Susan Sackett, Gene Roddenberry's personal assistant for 17 years, sometimes commented on the slash phenomenon. In September 1978, a fan mentioned a letter Sackett sent to a UK fan club president, commenting on the debate about the acceptability of including K/S fiction in zines: "Susan Sackett, assistant to Gene Roddenberry, stated in a letter to Janet dated February 27th - 'Gene and the executives at Paramount feel that this is harmful to the STAR TREK concept, since this was never the intention in creating the series."[17]

Star Trek: The Original Series writer David Gerrold, has also spoken about K/S slash sometimes. In 1985, Gerrold commented:

When asked about whether there was intentional homoerotic content between K/S in the show, and in particular in the episode "Amok Time", Star Trek's writer D.C. Fontana replied, "In answer to your question, NO — there were no homosexual double-entendres in the script — at least none that were deliberate. If some viewers chose to read that into the dialogue, etc., that's their point of view, but certainly not ours. Writer Theodore Sturgeon was trying to reveal Spock's inner human in a struggle with what his culture, his upbringing and his half-human/half-Vulcan heritage had instilled in him about emotion and controlling it in an out-of-control situation. It also was a peek into the Vulcan culture that no one had seen before. That's ALL we were doing. I've heard this nonsense (especially about Kirk/Spock) for years. There is no basis to it. I hope this answer is helpful to you."[18]

Slash subculture

Academic interest

As one of the earliest "fandom" subcultures to emerge, Star Trek and K/S have attracted the attention of academics, particularly those of slash fiction. Henry Jenkins argued that "fandom" subculture, including fan writing, allows underrepresented groups to express their own interests and anxieties via a dominant cultural phenomenon. In this process, fan writings rewrite the original media by expanding on, emphasizing, and filtering the content to various extents. Jenkins claims that the way K/S reappropriates the Star Trek narrative and characters to the fan’s own interpretation is thus done by all fan writings, not just K/S.[19]

Many academics have suggested that K/S slash fiction is not about homosexuality or sex at all. Joanna Russ argued that the women who wrote K/S slash fiction were exploring a want for an idealized relationship where both partners were truly equal, unbound by gender norms. This kind of relationship was difficult to imagine in a heterosexual relationship, and thus K/S was born.[20] Lamb and Veith similarly claimed that an equal relationship was challenging to write into a heterosexual model, and K/S united masculine and feminine traits of both characters to create an “androgynous” combination. Then K/S slash fiction is about transcending gendered norms and relationships.[21] Falzone has suggested that K/S “queers” the original Star Trek narrative, which serves to liberate one from traditional beliefs and, specifically with regards to Star Trek, better imagine the prejudice-free utopia that was envisioned in . It also enables fans to push back against corporate media’s control of accepted narratives in the Star Trek universe.[22]

On the other hand, some academics have argued for other reasons why K/S slash fiction is written. Camille Bacon-Smith speculates that K/S is a way for women to "openly discuss sexuality in a non-judgmental manner."[23] Kirk and Spock's depiction in K/S zines has been described as "two equal individuals who complement each other", and a key theme has been that they can continue working and still be a couple, their relationship enhancing their ability to perform competently in their jobs.[24] A fan has said of the pairing: "K/S has it all: friendship, relationship drama that gets resolved, enormous expressions of devotion through sacrifice, trust and commitment over a period of decades. It's really hard to find another fictional couple that did all that and did it as well." Bacon-Smith also speculated that as Kirk and Spock portray stereotypically feminine traits in K/S slash fiction, this allowed the predominantly female writers and readers of slash fiction to explore their own sexual fantasies.[25] Constance Penley argued the women who write K/S slash fiction become “popular scientists” by taking figures from mass media (Kirk and Spock) to create their own productions from a marginalized position relative to patriarchal society and corporate media norms.[26] Reasons why heterosexual women may write male homosexual slash fiction include: identifying oneself with the hero due to the original’s focus on a hero rather than a heroine, giving men emotional responsibility by rewriting male characters, or to reorder typical sexual norms, through which the female writer could reconceive their own sexual role.[27]

K/S could also serve as a kind of “Mary Sue” that implied the writers’ wish to include homosexuality where it had been neglected in the source material. Although there is no consensus on how homosexuality is depicted in Star Trek, Woledge suggests that as K/S stories draw on many particular events from the canon of Star Trek, the text itself is homoerotic.

Star Trek and K/S are also important to the study of vidding. In 1975, Kandy Fong presented a slideshow at the Equicon/Filmcon convention composed of Star Trek cut scenes, still images, audio snippets, and music. This presentation is often regarded as the first fan vid that began vidding subculture. With Gene Roddenberry’s support, Fong produced several hours’ worth of shows, some of which were filmed and had cleaner audio added to them in an early example of vidding. Fong had been inspired to make these presentations based on promotional videos by the Beatles. Vidding has been used in K/S subculture by using clips from the episodes overlaid with other spoken or sung audio.[28] Henry Jenkins has noted that particular scenes are singled out by vidders and used in multiple fanvids. An early example is Fong’s “Both Sides Now” from 1980, which explores the contrast and ambiguity between Spock's inner and outer voices to suggest Spock may be bisexual.

Common plot devices

Placing Kirk and Spock in the Star Trek setting can be both beneficial and limiting for K/S authors. Setting the characters there provides familiarity for the audience and minimizes worldbuilding for the author. However, a potential difficulty is providing an explanation for why the story does not focus on the mission, in order to focus on the relationship between the two men.

Pon farr, a physiological response introduced in "Amok Time" that impelled Vulcans to "have sex or die", is a device used in some stories such as "The Ring of Soshern", a pre-1976 fan fiction where Kirk and Spock are marooned on an uncharted planet.[29] However, other writers suggest that it is biologically impossible for a male to consummate pon farr with another male. Furthermore, in the Original Series, it is clearly stated that Vulcans are legally bound to their mate in childhood. They may neglect the relationship in future years but pon farr compels them to consummate the marriage at the appropriate time. Vulcans must mate or die trying. However, in "Amok Time", Spock engages in the kal-if-fee, a Vulcan ritual battle, and finds that a substitute to giving in to pon farr is to kill another, and thus Spock's pon farr imperative ends after he kills.[30] Similar common plot elements include the plak tow ("blood fever") which precedes the onset of pon farr; the fact that Kirk, because of his empathic bond with Spock, can sense when Spock is about to go into pon farr, which even causes Kirk to suffer some of its symptoms himself; and "lingering death", the fate of a Vulcan male in pon farr who is unable to claim a mate.[31]

Another key element in "first time" stories and in established relationship stories is the mind meld, either as a way to break the barriers between the men, or as a plot device.[32] Shore leave is also a common setting as the plot can focus on the characters themselves rather than their responsibilities aboard a starship. “Hurt/comfort” is also a common trope, wherein one character is hurt in some manner and the other character tends to them. This trope tends to be paired with “first time” plots and often functions to make the characters realize their feelings towards each other.


In general, fans have often been shamed and attacked by writers from both the media and academia. This would isolate those fans and their interpretations, often nonconforming to traditional perspectives, of their media of interest.[33] In England, slash was an arrestable offence that violated obscenity laws. As a result, participants of K/S subculture were often outcast from the mainstream fan community.[34] Female participants of slash fiction subculture were especially mocked due to gender stereotypes and discrimination. Fans of K/S were further rejected due to stigmas against homosexuality at the time.[35]

After the 2009 film reboot

In the 2009 feature film Star Trek, Spock and Nyota Uhura are depicted as a romantic couple. This resulted in some Kirk/Spock slash fans to dislike Uhura, including Henry Jenkins who expressed the opinion that in the 2009 film, Uhura's character is largely there to be the "love object" in "some kind of still to be explored romantic triangle" between Kirk and Spock, and to explicitly "discourage" slashers.[36] Margaret A. Weitekamp and Christine Scodari expressed the opinion that the portrayal of Uhura's character in the reboot is a step forward in terms of the representation of women of color.[37] [38]

On August 24, 2013, at the Fan Expo Canada, actor Zachary Quinto (who plays Spock in the rebooted Star Trek, and who is himself gay) replied to a fan asking him about whether his fictional character (and him and Chris Pine, the actor who plays Jim Kirk in the reboot) are lovers:


External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 2020-08-03 . In Case You Were Wondering, William Shatner Knows Exactly What 'Star Trek' Slash Fiction Is . 2023-01-28 . en-US.
  2. Web site: How to Watch a Fan-Vid . . 2006-09-18 . 2013-06-20 . 2013-05-25 . . live .
  3. Web site: Star Trek: Spock, Kirk and Slash Fiction. Newsweek. May 4, 2009. May 31, 2021. January 26, 2021. live.
  4. Henry Jenkins, with Cynthia Jenkins and Shoshanna Green,"'The Normal Female Interest in Men Bonking': Selections from Terra Nostra Underground and Strange Bedfellows,"in Cheryl Harris and Alison Alexander (eds.) Theorizing Fandom: Fans, Subculture, and Identity (Hampton Press, 1998).
  5. Web site: Greenlaw. Lisa. Slash brings familiar and unexpected pairings to life in the ultimate fanfiction play. SYFY. 23 January 2019 . May 31, 2021. June 20, 2020. live.
  6. Web site: Kraiser. Vrai. The Simple Feeling and Beyond: Kirk and Spock's Place in Queer History. The Mary Sue. July 7, 2015. May 31, 2021. February 6, 2021. live.
  7. Woledge, Elizabeth (August 2005) "Decoding Desire: From Kirk and Spock to K/S1" Social Semiotics, Volume 15, Issue 2 August 2005, pages 235–250
  8. Book: Lichtenberg . Jacqueline . Star Trek Lives! Personal Notes and Anecdotes . Marshak . Sondra . Bantam Books . 1975 . 9780553021516 . 152.
  9. Web site: Kirk and Spock: Tip of the bromance iceberg . . 31 July 2009 . 2013-06-20 . 2014-02-22 . . live .
  10. Book: Ayers. Jeff. Star Trek: Voyages of Imagination: The Star Trek Fiction Companion. 2006. Simon and Schuster. New York. 9781416525486. 59.
  11. Hageman. Andrew. A generic correspondence: Sturgeon–Roddenberry letters on sf, sex, sales and Star Trek. Science Fiction Film & Television. 2016. 9. 3. 473–478. 10.3828/sfftv.2016.9.15. 193714832 .
  12. Book: Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy, vol. 1 . ABC-CLIO . Reid, Robin Anne . 2009 . 91,280–281 . 978-0-313-33591-4 . 2016-10-30 . 2014-01-01 . . live .
  13. Web site: Boyd. Kelly. 2001. 'One index finger on the mouse scroll bar and the other on my clit': slash writers' views on pornography, censorship, feminism and risk. Simon Fraser University. 2008-07-22. 2020-06-09. live.
  14. Web site: Jenna . Sinclair . Short History of Kirk/Spock Slash . dead . . July 7, 2011 . October 20, 2012 .
  15. Book: Verba, Joan Marie . Boldly Writing: A Trekker Fan & Zine History, 1967-1987 . March 2003 . FTL Publications . 2nd . 978-0-9653575-4-8 . 2017-04-03 . . 2016-09-10 . dead .
  16. News: Smith . Alissa . 2018-08-07 . Beam me up, Grandma: A 50-year Trekkie bestows Star Trek history upon the next generation: How fandom and fanfiction sparked the galaxy's most controversial romance . Colorado Springs Indy . 2023-01-28 . . 2021-02-06.
  17. News: Susan. Sackett. [No title]. Letter . September 1978. published in STAG #30.
  18. News: D. C. . Fontana. Personal correspondence with Bluejay Young. E-mail. May 10, 2016.
  19. Jenkins . Henry . 1988 . Star Trek: Rerun, Reread, Rewritten: Fan Writing as Textual Poaching . Critical Studies in Mass Communication . 5 . 2 . 85–107 . 10.1080/15295038809366691 . 0739-3180.
  20. Book: Russ, Joanna . Magic Mommas, Trembling Sisters, Puritans and Perverts . Crossing Press . April 1985 . 978-0895941633 . 79–99.
  21. Book: Lamb . Patricia Frazer . Erotic Universe: Sexuality and Fantastic Literature . Veith . Diana L. . Greenwood Press . 1986 . 0-313-24101-5 . Westport, Connecticut . 235–255.
  22. Falzone . P. J. . 2005 . The Final Frontier Is Queer: Aberrancy, Archetype and Audience Generated Folklore in K/S Slashfiction . Western Folklore . 64 . 3/4 . 243–261 . 25474751 . 0043-373X.
  23. Book: Bacon-Smith, Camille . Enterprising Women . University of Pennsylvania Press . 1992 . 0-8122-1379-3 . 2016-10-30 . . 2014-01-01 . live.
  24. Suzuki, Kazuko. 1999. "Pornography or Therapy? Japanese Girls Creating the Yaoi Phenomenon". In Sherrie Inness, ed., Millennium Girls: Today's Girls Around the World. London: Rowman & Littlefield, pp.261-263, .
  25. Book: Bacon-Smith, Camille . Enterprising Women: Television Fandom and the Creation of Popular Myth . 1992 . University of Pennsylvania Press . 1259170375.
  26. Book: Penley, Constance . NASA/TREK: Popular Science and Sex in America . Verso Books . June 17, 1997 . 978-0860916178 . New York City.
  27. Chander . Anupam . Sunder . Madhavi . 2007 . Everyone's a Superhero: A Cultural Theory of "Mary Sue" Fan Fiction as Fair Use . California Law Review . 95 . 2 . 597–626 . 20439103 . 0008-1221.
  28. Coppa . Francesca . Women, Star Trek, and the Early Development of Fannish Vidding. . 1. Transformative Works and Cultures .
  29. Book: Norman Bryson . Visual Culture: Images and Interpretations . Michael Ann Holly . Keith P. F. Moxey . Wesleyan University Press . 1994 . 0-8195-6267-X . 311–312 . Feminism, Psychoanalysis, and Popular Culture.
  30. "Amok Time"
  31. Book: Constance Penley . NASA/Trek: Popular Science and Sex in America . Verso . 1997 . 0-86091-617-0 . 130.
  32. Falzone . P. J. . 2005 . The Final Frontier Is Queer: Aberrancy, Archetype and Audience Generated Folklore in K/S Slashfiction . Western Folklore . 64 . 3/4 . 243–261 . 25474751 . 0043-373X.
  33. Jenkins . Henry . 1988 . Star Trek: Rerun, Reread, Rewritten: Fan Writing as Textual Poaching . Critical Studies in Mass Communication . 5 . 2 . 85–107 . 10.1080/15295038809366691 . 0739-3180.
  34. Falzone . P. J. . 2005 . The Final Frontier Is Queer: Aberrancy, Archetype and Audience Generated Folklore in K/S Slashfiction . Western Folklore . 64 . 3/4 . 243–261 . 25474751 . 0043-373X.
  35. Book: Behling, Katie . "Put a Finger Down, Fanfic Edition!": Fanfiction Participants on TikTok and Anonymity Collapse . Muhlenberg College.
  36. Web site: Five Ways to Start a Conversation About the New Star Trek Film . . 2009-05-12 . 2013-06-20 . 2013-05-01 . . live .
  37. Book: Weitekamp. Margaret A.. Reagin. Nancy. Star Trek and history. 2013. Wiley. New York. 9781118226346. 22. 4 December 2015. More than 'Just Uhura': Understanding Star Treks Lt. Uhura, Civil Rights and Space History. 6 February 2022. live.
  38. Scodari. Christine. 'Nyota Uhura is Not a White Girl': Gender, intersectionality, and Star Trek 2009's alternate romantic universes. Feminist Media Studies. September 2012. 12. 3. 335–351. 10.1080/14680777.2011.615605. 146328288.