Fetească regală explained

Fetească regală
Species:Vitis vinifera
Also Called:See list of synonyms
Pedigree0:Grasă × Fetească albă
Pedigree2:Fetească Albă
Institute:National Institute for Grape and Wine of Romania
Flowers Sex:Hermaphrodite

Fetească regală (pronounced as /ro/) is a white grape variety, was identified around 1920 in Daneș, in Mureș County, Romania.[1] [2] It is a natural crossing of Grasă and Fetească albă.[3]

This variety is cultivated mainly in Romania (Transylvania, Western Moldavia), as well as in Moldova, Slovakia,[4] Hungary and Austria.

The quality of wines ranges between table wine and high-quality ones. The wines are dry and fresh and have acidity and specific flavour.


Fetească Regală is also known under the synonyms Danasana, Danesana, Danosi, Danosi Leányka, Dunesdorfer Königsast, Dunesdörfer Königsast, Dunnesdiorfer, Erdei Sárga, Feteasca Corolevscaia, Feteasca de Danes, Feteasca Korolevskaia, Feteasca Muscatnaia, Feteasca Muskatnaia, Feteasca Regola, Galbena de Ardeal, Galbena di Ardeal, Kenigrast, Kiraileanka, Királyleányka, Königliche Mädchentraube, Königsast, Königstochter, Konigsast, Kralovska Leanka, Pesecka Leanka.[1]

See also


  1. http://www.vivc.de/datasheet/dataResult.php?data=4121 Feteasca Regala
  2. http://www.premiumromania.com/grapes/fr.html Feteasca Regala
  3. http://www.winetaste.ro/vinul-si-omul/14-soiuri-de-vita-de-vie-autohtone-pentru-vinuri.html Fetească regală
  4. Web site: Feteasca Regala Wine Information.