Kheti (vizier) explained

Kheti was an ancient Egyptian vizier of the Twelfth Dynasty under king Amenemhet III, who ruled around 1800 BC.

Kheti is known from a papyrus fragment dated to the 29th year of the reign of that monarch. [1] He is the only vizier who can be specifically dated to the rule of Amenemhat III.

In the Installation of the Vizier, a text referring to the office of the vizier, found in several New Kingdom tombs, there is mentioned a famous vizier named Kheti. About him it is said: "He impoverished his associates for the benefits of others".[2] It seems possible that both sources refer to the same person.[3]


  1. M. Collier/S. Quirke: The UCL Lahun Papyri: Religious, Literary, Legal, Mathematical and Medical, London 2004, 118-119
  2. R.O. Faulkner: The Installation of the Vizier, In: The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 41 (1955), p. 22
  3. W. Grajetzki: Court Officials of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, London 2009, p. 34