Khay (village) explained
Khay is a non-residential rural locality (a selo) in Achkhoy-Martanovsky District of the Republic of Chechnya, Russia (Until September 26, 2018, it was in the Sunzhensky District of Ingushetia).
Khay is located on the banks of the upper reaches of the Fortanga river, at the northern foot of mountains Khakhalga and Tsorey-Lama.[2] The nearest settlements in the south – the village of Tsori, in the north-west – the village of Alkun, in the north-east – the village of Dattykh, in the east of Gazuni.
In the second half of the 18th century (1770s), the German researcher J. A. Güldenstädt indicated the village of Khay among the total number of Ingush villages proper. Khay among the villages of the Ingush in 1823 was also mentioned by S. M. Bronevskiy. In 1832, Baron Rosen carried out a major military expedition to the mountainous part of Ingushetia. In reports to the Minister of War A. I. Chernyshev dated July 15, 21 and 29, 1832, Rosen reported that the actions of his detachment were directed against the Galgaï, including the Khay (Gai) gorge, near the village of Tsori.
According to the Regulations on the management of the Terek Oblast in 1862, the Ingushskiy Okrug was established as part of the Western Department. It included societies of Nazranians, Karabulaks, Galgai, Kistins, Akkins and Tsorins (also Meredzhin society and some Galanchozh and Yalkharoy auls). The village of Khai was part of the Galgai society of the Gorsky section of the Ingush district.
In 1870, administrative transformations were carried out in the Terek region. The Ingush and Ossetian Okrugs were merged into one Vladikavkazsky Okrug and, according to 1874, the village of Khay was part of the 3rd section, and its population was made up of the Galgai. In 1883, 1890 and 1914 censuses, the population of Khay was also entirely Ingush.
As a result of the collapse of the Mountain ASSR on July 7, 1924, the Ingush Autonomous Oblast was formed. The village of Khay was part of the Assinovskiy Okrug of the Ingush Autonomous Oblast, with a common village council in the village of Tsori.
The village was abandoned by the inhabitants during the deportation of 1944. After the return of the Chechens and Ingush to the Caucasus, the village was not populated. Mainly, the land of the village was used for apiary farming.
According to the 1926 census the majority of the village were ethnic Chechens (23 people) while Ingush were a minority (12 people).[3]
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Notes and References
- Web site: Таблица 5. Численность населения России, федеральных округов, субъектов Российской Федерации, городских округов, муниципальных районов, муниципальных округов, городских и сельских поселений, городских населенных пунктов, сельских населенных пунктов с населением 3000 человек и более. Всероссийской переписи населения 2020 года
- Web site: Подробная карта мира – v.1.
- Web site: Поселенные итоги переписи 1926 года по Северо-Кавказскому краю – Донская Государственная Публичная Библиотека – Vivaldi .