Kenneth E. Train Explained

Kenneth E. Train
Birth Date:14 November 1951
Workplaces:University of California, Berkeley
Alma Mater:Harvard University
University of California, Berkeley
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Kenneth E. Train (born November 14, 1951) is an adjunct professor of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley, United States. He is also Vice President of NERA Economic Consulting, Inc. in San Francisco, California. He received a Bachelors in Economics at Harvard and PhD from UC Berkeley. He specializes in econometrics and regulation, with applications in energy, environmental studies, telecommunications and transportation.

Kenneth Train has published three books and more than sixty articles. His most recent book, Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation, deals with Discrete Choice, a new area in econometrics. His software for mixed logit estimation, which is distributed free on his university website, has been used by researchers worldwide, and several commercial statistical packages have recently added mixed logit routines.


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