Kenchū Mikkan Explained

Kenchū Mikkan (顕註密勘) is a commentary on the Kokin Wakashū, a 10th-century waka anthology, attributed to the poet-monk Kenshō but compiled and appended after Kenshō's death by the poet and scholar Fujiwara no Teika.


Kenchū Mikkan includes a note by its compiler, the Kamakura-period waka poet Fujiwara no Teika, that it was completed on the 28th day of the third month of Jōkyū 3 (1221). It is a commentary on the Kokin Wakashū, in three kan (books or scrolls). It is a compilation of comments made by the poet-monk Kenshō (ja), who died around 1210.)


The work is normally known by the title Kenchū Mikkan, but it has a large number of alternate titles, including:

Its title is also abbreviated to Kenchū (顕註), Mikkan (密勘), or simply Kan (勘).

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