Katamdevera kote explained

Katamdevara Kote is a small village in Challakere Taluk, Chitradurga District of India. It is Located at border of Karnataka and Andhra pradesh. The distance from nearset town is 33 kilometers away from Challakere town towards Kalyanadurga town. 32 Kilometers from Kalyanadurga Town, 31 Kilometers from Rayadurgam Town.

Its population is around 2000. The village contains a Government Higher Primary School, a Primary Health CenterAnganawadi Center and a private school Sarvodaya Lower/Higher Primary school.

The main crops are jowar, onion, banana, and groundnut.

Here is many Hindu Temples with the famous Anjineya temple, Siva Temple, Basavanna Temple, Palanayaka Temple, Kadaramma Temple, and few temples is under construction.

This village have pond with 1sqkm and shiva temple located above the pond re-taining wall.

Famous hotels and shops = jagappa daba,thathppa shop,