Kangfuxin Ye Explained

Kangfuxin Ye (Chinese: 康复新液), also known as Rehabilitation New Liquid, is an extract and formula used in Traditional Chinese medicine, derived from the desiccated bodies of American cockroaches.[1]


The cockroach was originally documented in the Shennong Bencaojing (Chinese: 《神医本草经》) within the annals of Chinese traditional medicine, subsequently appearing in Mingyi Bielu (Chinese: 《名医别录》) the late Han Dynasty, as well as in the Ming Dynasty's esteemed Yi medicine dictionary, Qi Su Shu (Chinese: 齐苏书), along with numerous other herbal remedies.[2] [3]

In 1968, (Chinese: 李树楠), a Chinese pharmacist, identified the therapeutic properties of cockroaches through the traditional remedies of the Bai people.[4] [5] Since 1978, Professor Li and his team have utilized the American cockroach as a foundational subject, examining its medicinal effects through evidence-based medicine, alongside pharmacological and metabolomic methodologies.[6] They advanced the pivotal technology for American cockroach medication, resolved the sophisticated process of "one charcoal and three chemical methods" targeting pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and allergens associated with American cockroaches, and developed specialized equipment.[7] [8] Furthermore, they addressed critical challenges related to medication and the industrialization of American cockroaches, while establishing the production model for an American cockroach GAP factory, thereby alleviating numerous production difficulties from laboratory settings to industrial-scale implementation.[9] In 1985, they successfully created "Kangfuxin Ye." [10] They won the third Prize of Yunnan Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress.[11]

Numerous pharmaceutical businesses in China today manufactures such traditional Chinese medicine. The Good Doctor Group's GAP growing base for American cockroaches is situated in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, marking it as China's inaugural GAP farming facility for animal therapeutic herbs.[12] [13]


Kangfuxin is derived from the desiccated extract of the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana), [14] available in powder form (Kangfuxin Fen, Rehabilitation New Powder) or liquid form (Kangfuxin Ye, Rehabilitation New Liquid). It is often made in liquid form, exhibiting a light brown hue, a subtle odor, and a sweet texture.[15] [16]

The oothecae are produced asexually, without fertilization.[17] [18] [19] Furthermore, the medicine may be utilized topically by applying medical gauze saturated with the liquid to the affected region.[20] [21] [22]

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 康复新液:从小小昆虫到创面修复领域大有作为药物的华丽转身-四川经济网-经济门户 . 四川经济网-经济门户 . 2023-04-24 . zh . 2024-11-22.
  2. Book: 中国博物别名大辞典 . 北京出版社 . 2000 . 978-7-200-02767-9 . zh . 2024-11-22 . 184.
  3. Book: 中药别名速查大辞典 . 学苑出版社 . 1997 . 978-7-5077-1023-6 . zh . 2024-11-22 . 2034.
  4. Book: 中华全国总工会办公厅 . 中华群英录 . 中国大百科全书出版社 . 1991 . 978-7-5000-5028-5 . zh . 2024-11-22 . 596.
  5. Book: 《中国普通高等学校教授人名录》编写组 . 中国普通高等学校教授人名录 . 高等教育出版社 . 1988 . 978-7-04-000616-2 . zh . 2024-11-22 . 281.
  6. Web site: 媒体关注李胜团队蟑螂研究成果可用于生物医药 . 华南师大新闻网 . 2018-03-20 . zh . 2024-11-22.
  7. Web site: 发现与创制——从美洲大蠊到系列新药——"创新芯语,星光灿烂"(之三)_云南省科技厅 . 云南省科技厅 . 2019-05-22 . 2024-11-22.
  8. Book: 云南省人民代表大会. 常务委员会 . 河南省人大. 常委会 . 人大代表风采录: 云南卷 . 中国经济出版社 . 中华人物丛书 . 2000 . 978-7-5017-3720-8 . zh . 2024-11-22 . 385.
  9. Web site: 康复新液:严标准成就高质量 . 生物谷 . 2021-10-29 . zh . 2024-11-22.
  10. Book: 云南省地方志编篡委员会 . 云南省地方志编纂委员会 . 云南省志: 科学技术志. 卷七 . 云南人民出版社 . 中华人民共和国地方志丛书 . 1998 . 978-7-222-02496-0 . zh . 2024-11-22 . 126.
  11. Book: 《云南教育改革志》编纂委员会 . 云南教育改革志 . 云南人民出版社 . 2004 . 978-7-222-04060-1 . zh . 2024-11-22 . 335.
  12. Web site: 慎入!探秘全球最大"蟑螂工厂"-上游新闻 汇聚向上的力量 . 精选-上游新闻 . 2018-06-23 . zh . 2024-11-22.
  13. Web site: 四川凉山"蟑螂工厂" 60亿只美洲大蠊住"豪宅"吃"大餐"-中新网 . 中国新闻网_梳理天下新闻 . 2022-01-10 . zh . 2024-11-22.
  14. Web site: 蟑螂入药目前仅有一款 . paper.people.com.cn . 2013-07-17 . 2024-11-22.
  15. Book: 实用家庭用药 . 陕西科学技术出版社 . 实用家庭医学丛书 . 2001 . 978-7-5369-3395-8 . zh . 2024-11-22 . 1-PA432.
  16. Book: 国家基本医疗保险药品简明手册 . 陕西科学技术出版社 . 2001 . 978-7-5369-3227-2 . zh . 2024-11-22 . 1-PA413.
  17. 28331632 . 2017 . Katoh . K. . Iwasaki . M. . Hosono . S. . Yoritsune . A. . Ochiai . M. . Mizunami . M. . Nishino . H. . Group-housed females promote production of asexual ootheca in American cockroaches . Zoological Letters . 3 . 3 . 10.1186/s40851-017-0063-x . 5348754 . free .
  18. Zou . JB . Zhang . XF . Shi . YJ . Tai . J . Wang . Y . Liang . YL . Wang . F . Cheng . JX . Wang . J . Guo . DY . Therapeutic Efficacy of Kangfuxin Liquid Combined with PPIs in Gastric Ulcer. . Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : ECAM . 2019 . 2019 . 1324969 . 10.1155/2019/1324969 . free . 31662770. 6791226 .
  19. Book: 四川省 . 四川年鉴 . 四川年鉴编辑委员会 . 2001 . zh . 2024-11-22 . 576.
  20. Web site: 这届狠人,已经开始喝蟑螂汁了_澎湃号·湃客_澎湃新闻-The Paper . thepaper.cn . 2021-02-07 . zh . 2024-11-22.
  21. Web site: 好医生康复新就位!精准守护"苏胃不破防"-消费日报网 . www.xfrb.com.cn . 2024-11-22.
  22. Luo . Y . Feng . M . Fan . Z . Zhu . X . Jin . F . Li . R . Wu . J . Yang . X . Jiang . Q . Bai . H . Huang . Y . Lang . J . Effect of Kangfuxin Solution on Chemo/Radiotherapy-Induced Mucositis in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients: A Multicenter, Prospective Randomized Phase III Clinical Study. . Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : ECAM . 2016 . 2016 . 8692343 . 10.1155/2016/8692343 . free . 27375766. 4914730 .