Kalman's conjecture or Kalman problem is a disproved conjecture on absolute stability of nonlinear control system with one scalar nonlinearity, which belongs to the sector of linear stability. Kalman's conjecture is a strengthening of Aizerman's conjectureand is a special case of Markus–Yamabe conjecture. This conjecture was proven false but led to the (valid) sufficient criteria on absolute stability.
In 1957 R. E. Kalman in his paper[1] stated the following:
If f(e) in Fig. 1 is replaced by constants K corresponding to all possible values of f'(e), and it is found that the closed-loop system is stable for all such K, then it intuitively clear that the system must be monostable; i.e., all transient solutions will converge to a unique, stable critical point.
Kalman's statement can be reformulated in the following conjecture:[2]
Consider a system with one scalar nonlinearitywhere P is a constant n×n matrix, q, r are constant n-dimensional vectors, ∗ is an operation of transposition, f(e) is scalar function, and f(0) = 0. Suppose, f(e) is a differentiable function and the following condition
dx dt =Px+qf(e), e=r*x x\inRn,
is valid. Then Kalman's conjecture is that the system is stable in the large (i.e. a unique stationary point is a global attractor) if all linear systems with f(e) = ke, k ∈ (k1, k2) are asymptotically stable.k1<f'(e)<k2.
In Aizerman's conjecture in place of the condition on the derivative of nonlinearity it is required that the nonlinearity itself belongs to the linear sector.
Kalman's conjecture is true for n ≤ 3 and for n > 3 there are effective methods for construction of counterexamples:[3] [4] the nonlinearity derivative belongs to the sector of linear stability, and a unique stable equilibrium coexists with a stable periodic solution (hidden oscillation).
In discrete-time, the Kalman conjecture is only true for n=1, counterexamples for n ≥ 2 can be constructed.[5] [6]